32 research outputs found


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    For knowledge management to be successful, the corporate culture needs to be adapted to encourage the creation, sharing, and distribution of knowledge within the organization. There exist different historical and theoretical approaches to and theories about organizing knowledge, which are related to different views of knowledge, cognition, language, and social organization. Each of these approaches tends to answer the question: “What is knowledge organization?” differently. Grid computing enables organizations (real and virtual) to take advantage of various computing resources in ways not previously possible. They can take advantage of under utilized resources to meet business requirements while minimizing additional costs. The nature of a computing grid allows organizations to take advantage of parallel processing, making many applications financially feasible as well as allowing them to complete sooner. Grid computing makes more resources available to more people and organizations while allowing those responsible for the IT infrastructure to enhance resource balancing, reliability, and manageability. When you deploy a grid, it will be to meet a set of business requirements. To better match grid computing capabilities to those requirements, it is useful to keep in mind some common motivations for using grid computing.Knowledge organizations, grid, cognition

    Funding, Turnover, Sustainability and Digital Technologies: A Multicriteria Research Model for SMEs Facing a Challenging Context

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    none7sìAbstract: The pandemic crisis has meant a challenge for SMEs and a factor that can change the way of doing business. The current paper analyses the correlations between financial resources, turnover, sustainability, and digital technologies and how these components can be adapted to changes in the economy triggered by the pandemic crisis in the structure of activities carried out by SMEs. Resting on the importance of integrating the innovative, digital component to the activities of SMEs, in close connection with the financial resources component, a multicriteria research model for business has been developed, assessing the correlations between key variables and their influence on European SMEs. In order to fully define the concepts envisaged and to emphasise these correlations, multiple linear regression, clustering techniques, and correlation analysis were used. In the end, the proposed solution provided a common language through which companies can evaluate traditional processes and bring together the research components into business activities.Received: 26 February 2022 Accepted: 24 March 2022 Published: 27 March 2022openDel Baldo, M.; Sitnikov, C.; Vasilescu, L.; Mandache, L.; Ogarc˘a, R.; B˘andoi, A.; Ganea, E.Del Baldo, M.; Sitnikov, C.; Vasilescu, L.; Mandache, L.; Ogarc˘a, R.; B˘andoi, A.; Ganea, E

    Prospective Observational Study on acute Appendicitis Worldwide (POSAW)

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    Background: Acute appendicitis (AA) is the most common surgical disease, and appendectomy is the treatment of choice in the majority of cases. A correct diagnosis is key for decreasing the negative appendectomy rate. The management can become difficult in case of complicated appendicitis. The aim of this study is to describe the worldwide clinical and diagnostic work-up and management of AA in surgical departments.Methods: This prospective multicenter observational study was performed in 116 worldwide surgical departments from 44 countries over a 6-month period (April 1, 2016-September 30, 2016). All consecutive patients admitted to surgical departments with a clinical diagnosis of AA were included in the study.Results: A total of 4282 patients were enrolled in the POSAW study, 1928 (45%) women and 2354 (55%) men, with a median age of 29 years. Nine hundred and seven (21.2%) patients underwent an abdominal CT scan, 1856 (43.3%) patients an US, and 285 (6.7%) patients both CT scan and US. A total of 4097 (95.7%) patients underwent surgery; 1809 (42.2%) underwent open appendectomy and 2215 (51.7%) had laparoscopic appendectomy. One hundred eighty-five (4.3%) patients were managed conservatively. Major complications occurred in 199 patients (4.6%). The overall mortality rate was 0.28%.Conclusions: The results of the present study confirm the clinical value of imaging techniques and prognostic scores. Appendectomy remains the most effective treatment of acute appendicitis. Mortality rate is low.</p

    Prospective Observational Study on acute Appendicitis Worldwide (POSAW)

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    Acute appendicitis (AA) is the most common surgical disease, and appendectomy is the treatment of choice in the majority of cases. A correct diagnosis is key for decreasing the negative appendectomy rate. The management can become difficult in case of complicated appendicitis. The aim of this study is to describe the worldwide clinical and diagnostic work-up and management of AA in surgical departments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Matrix Model for Choosing Green Marketing Sustainable Strategic Alternatives

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    Green marketing examines the symbiotic role played by marketing in ensuring sustainable business, exploring issues concerning the environment and the way strategic decisions can influence it. At present, the environmental issues concern more and more the competitive approach any organization can implement. Based on this approach, organizations can gain competitive advantage by managing environmental variables and by developing and implementing green marketing strategies. Considering the importance and impact of green marketing, by using theoretical concepts and defining a set of research directions, the paper and the research conducted were focused on creating a matrix model for choosing the optimal green marketing strategy, oriented towards competitive advantage. The model is based on the correlation that can be established among the generic strategies of competitive advantage, the variables of extended marketing mix (7Ps) and the green marketing strategy matrix. There are also analyzed the implications that may be generated within a company by the adoption of a green marketing strategy and its role in promoting the environmental benefits of products

    Bucureºti) ♦ 60♦ Nr

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    Experiments regarding the electro deposition and the characterization of polyaniline (PANI) films o

    Ruinele unui proiect modernist: cercetări arheologice în fosta colonie de muncă forţată din perioada comunistă de la Galeşu/Nazarcea, canalul Dunăre – Marea Neagră / The ruins of a modernist project: archaeological surveys in the communist‐era former forced labour colony at Galeșu/Nazarcea, the Danube – Black Sea Canal

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    Galeşu (currently Nazarcea village, Poarta Albă commune, Constanţa County) is one of the forced labour camps established in the early 1950s during the construction works for the Danube – Black Sea Canal, probably the most ambitious project in the history of modern Romania. Although the colony is mentioned in memoirs and the specialised literature dedicated to the political repression in communist Romania, its ruins have been long forgotten. The archaeology as a discipline in Romania relies on an epistemology according to which the recent or contemporary past is not the object of analysis, but falls within the scope of other disciplines, such as history and anthropology. Against this background, the ruins of the former forced labour camp at Galeşu have been ignored both by archaeological research and by heritage policies. The present paper (The ruins of a modernist project : archaeological surveys in the communist‐ era former forced labour colony at Galeșu/ Nazarcea, the Danube – Black Sea Canal) presents a synthesis of the results of the archaeological research at Galeşu/ Nazarcea performed during 2012, 2014, and 2015 on the site where the forced labour camp was located according to information provided by former political prisoners and by local people. The basic premise of this research is that the ruins of the former labour camp represent the material memory (cf. Olivier 2008) of the communist concentration camps system and of later periods. The archaeological investigation of this colony, in connection with other forms of memory (historical sources, memoirs), may contribute to a more nuanced understanding of a segment of Romania’s recent past. The main goal of our archaeological approach is to reveal the memories contained in the site and its environment. Moreover, these investigations were done in anticipation of the possible restoration of these material memories for the public. The surveys, carried out both within the confines of the former colony and in the surrounding area, have documented 30 certain and four uncertain features (see Appendices 1 and 2) as well as various material traces from the period following the abandonment of the forced labour colony – industrial ruins, dams, basins and huge earth deposits. Two of the features were excavated : C20 in 2014 and C9 in 2015 ; three more test pits were excavated in order to reveal the nature of feature C19/ CN3, whether a building or a simple cone of slumped earth ; the excavations indicated that C19/ CN3 is a destroyed building (for details see Appendix 2). These data were complemented by information gathered from locals, including a witness of the period during which the forced labour camp was operational. Contrasting with the dominant research philosophy in Romania, the archaeological research at Galeşu has revealed a different image of the former forced labour colony, not only from that created by official documents, but also from that described in memoirs. At the same time, the contextual analysis of the biography of the ruins has revealed issues that were ignored by the historical discourses and heritage policies, thus contributing to a different understanding of the Danube – Black Sea Canal.Galeşu (actualmente Nazarcea, com. Poarta Albă, jud. Constanţa) este una dintre coloniile de muncă forțată înființate la începutul anilor 1950 cu ocazia lucrărilor de excavare a traseului Canalului Dunăre – Marea Neagră, probabil cel mai ambiţios proiect din istoria României moderne. Deşi numele coloniei este adesea menţionat în lucrările de memorialistică şi în literatura de specialitate dedicate represiunii politice din România comunistă, ruinele sale au fost date uitării. În contextul în care arheologia din România are ca fundament dominant o epistemologie potrivit căreia trecutul recent sau contemporan nu este obiectul de analiză al arheologiei, ci al altor discipline, precum istoria sau antropologia, ruinele fostei colonii de muncă forțată de la Galeșu au fost ignorate atât de cercetarea arheologică, cât și de politicile de patrimoniu. Articolul de față prezintă o sinteză a rezultatelor cercetărilor arheologice desfăşurate în 2012, 2014 şi 2015 la Galeșu/ Nazarcea, în spaţiul în care, potrivit informaţiilor oferite de câţiva foşti deţinuţi politici, dar şi de localnici, a funcţionat colonia de muncă forţată. Demersul a pornit de la premisa că ruinele fostei colonii constituie memoria materială a sistemului concentraţionar comunist şi a perioadei ulterioare, a cărei analiză arheologică, în relaţie cu alte forme de memorie (surse istorice, memorii etc.), poate contribui la o înţelegere mai nuanţată a unui segment din trecutul recent al României. Scopul principal al demersului nostru arheologic este acela de a scoate la iveală memoriile conţinute de sit şi de peisajul înconjurător. De asemenea, s‐ a avut în vedere un studiu preliminar privind valorificarea pentru public a acestei memorii materiale. Cercetările de suprafață, efectuate atât în perimetrul fostei colonii, cât și în zona înconjurătoare, au documentat 30 de structuri certe, patru structuri incerte, precum și diverse urme materiale din perioada ulterioară funcționării coloniei de muncă forțată – ruine industriale, diguri, bazine, halde imense de pământ etc. Două dintre construcții au fost investigate prin săpături arheologice : C20 în 2014 și C9 în 2015 ; alte trei sondaje au fost efectuate cu scopul de a verifica dacă structura C19/ CN3 este o clădire sau un simplu con format din pământ scurs ; săpăturile au indicat faptul că C19/ CN3 este o clădire distrusă. Pentru completarea datelor au fost culese informaţii de la oamenii locului, inclusiv un martor al perioadei de funcţionare a coloniei. În opoziție cu filosofia de cercetare dominantă în România, cercetările arheologice de la Galeșu au scos la lumină o imagine a fostei colonii de muncă forțată diferită nu doar de cea oferită de documentele oficiale, ci și de cea descrisă în lucrările memorialistice. Totodată, analiza contextuală a biografiei ruinelor a dus la evidențierea unor aspecte ignorate de discursurile istorice și de politicile memoriei, contribuind la o altfel de înțelegere a Canalului Dunăre – Marea Neagră.Dragoman Radu-Alexandru, Oanţă-Marghitu Sorin, Vasilescu Tiberiu, Florea Mihai-Ştefan, Nicolae Cătălin. Ruinele unui proiect modernist: cercetări arheologice în fosta colonie de muncă forţată din perioada comunistă de la Galeşu/Nazarcea, canalul Dunăre – Marea Neagră / The ruins of a modernist project: archaeological surveys in the communist‐era former forced labour colony at Galeșu/Nazarcea, the Danube – Black Sea Canal. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°14 2018. pp. 265-286