125 research outputs found

    Extending the geographic and altitudinal range of Popilius gibbosus (Burmeister, 1847) (Coleoptera: Passalidae) with taxonomical comments

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    Popilius gibbosus (Burmeister, 1847) was known only from localities in the Cordillera Oriental of the northern Andes in Colombia and Venezuela and the southern section in Colombia between 1,350-3,000 m. Herein, we provide the first record for Bolivia at low elevations (< 1,000 m), thus extending the geographic and altitudinal range of this species. Information about characters not yet used and the first description of the aedeagus are provided, accompanied with figures of those characters that facilitate the identification of the species. An identification key for Popilius species in Bolivia and a P. gibbosus distribution map are also provided

    Two new species of Passalus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from the western Brazilian Amazon with comments on the taxonomic limits of the subgenera

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    Passalus Fabricius, 1792 is the largest genus of Passalidae and presents great diversity in South America, mainly in the Amazon region. Currently this complex and heterogeneous genus is subdivided into three subgenera: P. (Pertinax) Kaup, 1869, P. (Mitrorhinus) Kaup, 1871, and P. (Passalus). Herein, two new species of Passalus from the western region of the Brazilian Amazon, a diverse but poorly studied area, are described and illustrated. The new species Passalus (Pertinax) deuterocerus sp. nov. and Passalus (Passalus) cleidecostae sp. nov. are compared with similar species occurring in nearby regions. Also, the diagnostic characters used to define the subgenera and sections of Passalus are summarized

    A new Paxillus MacLeay, 1819 (Coleoptera: Passalidae: Passalinae) from Brazilian Amazon

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    Paxillus MacLeay, 1819 is a genus widely distributed throughout the Americas and currently holds sixteen species. Seven species are known in the Amazon. Herein Paxillus elatus n. sp. is described and illustrated based on eight males and four females collected in the Brazilian Amazonian states Acre, Amazonas and Rondônia.Paxillus MacLeay, 1819 es un género distribuido en toda América y actualmente tiene dieciséis especies. Siete especies son conocidas para la Amazonia. En el presente trabajo Paxillus elatus n. sp., es descrita e ilustrada basándose en ocho machos y cuatro hembras colectados en los estados brasileños Amazónicos: Acre, Amazonas y Rondônia

    Ovários anômalos em Passalus convexus Dalman, 1817 (Coleoptera: Passalidae)

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    The ovariole number seems to be an important factor in the understanding of evolutionary and behavioral problems. In Passalidae, 2-2 ovarioles appear to be invariable for whole family. Anomalies were rarely found, but included two specimens of Passalus convexus Dalman, which had 2-3 and 2-4 ovarioles respectively.O número de ovaríolos parece ser um importante subsidio para a compreensão de questões relativas à evolução e ao comportamento dos insetos. Em Passalidae, o número de 2-2 ovaríolos tem se mostrado constante para toda família. Anomalias não freqüentes foram encontradas e aqui registradas, em dois exemplares de Passalus convexus Dalm., que apresentaram 2-3 e 2-4 ovaríolos

    Contribuição ao conhecimento da bionomia de Passalus convexus Dalman, 1817 e Passalus latifrons Percheron, 1841 (Coleoptera: Passalidae)

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    Beetles of the family Passalidae, with pantropical distribution, appear partially to contribute in the cycle of the forest nutrients favouring humidity penetration and microrganisms action, in the trunks, by its galleries.Bionomics os Passalus convexus Dalm. and P. latifronsPerch., was studied during a sazonal cycle; identification of attacked trunks, related fauna and decomposition stages, which determinate colonization was observed.Coleópteros da família Passalidae, com distribuição pantropical, parecem contribuir, pelo menos em parte, para a reciclagem dos nutrientes nas florestas, facilitando a penetração de umidade e de microorganismos decompositores no interior dos troncos mortos, pela abertuda de galerias. Aspectos da bionomia de Passalus convexus Dalm. e Passalus latifrons Perch. Foram estudados durante um ciclo sazonal completo, com levantament dos tipos de troncos atacadio, fauna acompanhante e os estágios de decomposição mais propícios à colonização

    Nueva especie de passalus (MITRORHINUS) kaup, 1871 (coleoptera: scarabaeoidea: passalidae) del extremo oeste de la amazonia brasileña

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    ABSTRACT. Passalus (Mitrorhinus) nodifer sp. nov., from the extreme west of the Brazilian Amazon in the state of Acre is described and illustrated. The new species can be recognized by the head with conspicuous and strong single secondary tubercle; frontal ridges straight and well-marked; mandibles with two apical teeth; aedeagus with parameres reduced with large and rounded apical margin and basal piece with a deep V-shaped notched in the medial region.  Passalus (Mitrorhinus) nodifer sp. nov., del extremo occidental de la Amazonía brasileña en el estado de Acre se describe e ilustra. La nueva especie puede ser reconocida por la cabeza con el único tubérculo secundario conspicuo y fuerte; quillas frontales rectas y bien marcadas; mandíbulas con dos dientes apicales; edeago con parameros reducidos con margen apical grande y redondeada y pieza basal con una muesca profunda en forma de V en la región medial.

    Assessment of the energy cooperative service: the case of electricity distribution cooperatives in Brazil

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    The creation of energy cooperatives has been frequently justified by the need to supply energy to remote regions which were not economically attractive to large companies. These cooperatives emerge in different energy sectors, including generation and distribution and more recently with a focuses on renewable energy. Brazil followed also this cooperative approach for the electricity distribution sector which could be easily justified by the dimension of the country and population dispersion. The interest of the cooperative models has been challenged recently based on the argued lower performance comparatively to larger companies. This paper proposes a framework for the assessment of the cooperative customer's satisfaction which was applied to the case of five electricity distribution cooperatives located in Northeast of Brazil. The case demonstrated the suitability of the proposed framework to deal with the required specificities of the target population and showed the higher performance of the cooperative for several criteria and in particular to aspects related to consumers' relationship.- This work has been supported by FCT -Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019

    Dynastinae beetle (coleoptera, scarabaeoidea, melolonthidae) of an upland rainforest area in Central Amazonia, Brazil

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    Monthly collections were done between July/1990 and June/1991 during the new moon at the Fazenda Aruanã an area of upland rainforest located alongside the Torquato Tapajós road, AM-010, at Km 215, city of Itacoatiara, Amazonas State, Brazil. A mixed 250 W mercury vapor lamp was used for atraction on a white sheet. 251 specimens of 9 genera and 18 species of Dynastinae were collected and there was predominance of Cyclocephala (three species were more numerous) and Ligyrus (only one abundant).Foram efetuadas coletas mensais de julho/1990 a junho/1991, durante a lua nova, na Fazenda Aruanã, uma área de terra-firme às margens da rodovia Torquato Tapajós, AM-010, Km 215, Município de Itacoatiara, Estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Utilizou-se para as coletas luz mista de mercúrio de 250 W, sobre um lençol branco. Foram coletados 251 indivíduos de 9 gêneros e 18 espécies de dinastíneos e dentre estes houve predominância de Cyclocephala Latreille (3 espécies abundantes) e Ligyrus Burmeister (única espécie abundante)

    Oryctini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) of the invertebrate collection of the National Institute of Research of Amazonia (INPA), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

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    The Invertebrate Collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, has 554 specimens of Oryctini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae), belonging to seven genera, 16 species and two subspecies. Information about geographical distribution are provided, of which 97% of the material examined was collected from several places in the Brazilian Amazon.A Coleção de Invertebrados do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) possui 554 espécimes de Oryctini (ColeopteraScarabaeidaeDynastinae), pertencentes a 7 gêneros, 16 espécies e 2 subespécies. As distribuições geográficas das espécies são fornecidas, sendo que 97% do material examinado procedem de coletas feitas em diferentes locais da Amazônia brasileira

    Description of two new Amazonian species of Pselaphinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of Brazilian Central Amazonia

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    Two brasilian central amazonian species of Pselaphinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) are descriptioned and illustrationed: Metopiosoma carinata sp. n. and Rhytus amazonicum sp. n.Duas espécies novas de Pselaphinae (ColeopteraStaphylinidae) da Amazônia Central Brasileira são descritas e ilustradasMetopiosoma carinata sp. n. e Rhytus amazonicum sp. n