476 research outputs found

    O programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida e a configuração do território: o caso dos municípios de Carazinho, Marau e Passo Fundo - Brasil

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    O presente artigo busca apresentar e discutir alguns dos processos da política pública de habitação no Brasil, especificamente da aplicação do Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida, nos municípios de Passo Fundo, Carazinho e Marau, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil. Através de uma análise multiescalar, busca compreender a estrutura do Programa e seus impactos territoriais nos municípios que compõe a área em estudo, verificando a aplicação dos recursos para habitação por faixa de renda e como estes se espacializam. Por fim, procura refletir sobre o modelo consolidado no Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida e seus resultados em relação às políticas de habitação e a configuração espacial do território nos municípios em análise.This article aims to present and discuss some of the public policy processes of housing in Brazil, specifically the Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida, in the cities of Passo Fundo, Carazinho and Marau, State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. Through an analysis multiscale seeks to understand the program structure and its territorial impacts in the municipalities that make up the study area, to verify the application of resources for housing by income level and how they spacialize. Finally, discuss how the consolidated model in the Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida, the results for the housing policies, and the spatial configuration of the territory in the municipalities in question

    Como estruturar a função tecnológica na empresa

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    Ambiguidade e divisão da autoridade na estrutura matricial

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    Brazilian research institutes are known as matrix structure. This paper analyses the problem of authqrity distribution in 211 researchers of Brazilian research institutes operating in a matrix mode. The study shows that the project manager authority is higher than the functional manager when equipment purchasing and project deadlines are concerned. The functional manager has higher authority when promotion and personnel allocation are concerned. A high level of ambiguity was observed and it was higher in public companies compared to government administration. The study showed that the existence multidisciplinary project depends upon finantial resources coming from contracts with the environment that complement the institute budget

    The Adoption of New Technology: Conceptual Model and Application

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    The decision to adopt a new technology or not depends on the benefits to be gained by incorporating new technical, functional or esthetic solutions, in order to attain the company’s competitive positioning; this decision also depends on the costs and risks involved. In general terms, businesses lack the resources, whether financial, human, or structural, to innovate or even to adapt new technologies. The objectives of this study are to test an innovation adoption model on a real case and show the importance of international cooperation for new technology implementation processes, based on a decision-making case about whether or not to adopt a new technology that occurred in eletronic company in Brazil (called “A”). The new technology might help to solve certain challenges the company faced in its printer plant, by increasing efficiency and cutting costs

    Como avaliar projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento tecnológico?

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    Este artigo apresenta o resultado de um estudo sobre a avaliação de projetos tecnológicos, baseado em dados coletados junto a 341 respondentes de 27 institutos de pesquisa governamentais em Centros de P&D de empresas. Os critêrios de avaliação ex-post quo deveriam ser usados são comparados com aqueles que são efetivamente usados pela Instituição. Comparações entre respondentes do setor governamental e privado sao feitas, assim como comparações entre subgrupos de respondentes de acordo com o cargo ocupado por eles. Uma análise da avaliação ex-post de projetos tecnológicos como instrumento para integrar P&D e a estratégia da organização é realizada

    De Adorno a Marx: política e fetichismo

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    O objetivo deste artigo é comparar aspectos das interpretações de Karl Marx em 18 brumário de Luís Bonaparte e no ensaio Teoria freudiana e o padrão da propaganda fascista de Theodor Adorno, a respeito do caráter fetichista que se incorpora a instituições e fenômenos políticos no mundo burguês – tanto em sua aurora, quanto em seu desenlace tardio. Em ambas as interpretações há uma curiosa reincidência de personagens e certos procedimentos que estimulariam o povo a agir como massa. Se é possível sublinhar, nas análises de Marx sobre a ascensão de Luís Bonaparte, consequências para a centralização e racionalização do aparato estatal, ressalta-se, por outro lado, o aspecto mitológico e fantasmagórico que organizaria o interior da esfera política. Ao perscrutar o fenômeno do nazifascismo e do antissemitismo moderno, Adorno desenvolve uma interpretação a respeito das bases objetivas e dos mecanismos subjetivos envolvidos na dinâmica da relação entre o líder fascista e a massa de seus seguidores. Também aqui se verifica a atuação de fenômenos fetichizados.From Adorno to Marx: politics and fetishism Abstract This article aims to compare aspects from Karl Marx's The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte and from Theodor Adorno's essay Freudian theory and the pattern of fascist propaganda, seeking to emphasize elements that would underline a fetishistic character integrated to institutions and political phenomena in the bourgeois world – both at its dawn and in its late outcome. In both interpretations, there is a curious recurrence of characters and schemes that would encourage people to act as a mass. If, on the one hand, it is possible to emphasize in Marx's analysis of the rise of Louis Bonaparte consequences of the centralization and rationalization of the state apparatus, on the other hand, it is possible to emphasize the mythological and phantasmagorical aspect that seem to organize the inside political sphere. By scrutinizing the phenomenon of Nazism and modern anti-Semitism, Theodor Adorno develops an interpretation about the objective bases and the subjective mechanisms involved in the dynamics of the relationship between the fascist leader and the mass comprised by his followers. Here, too, eminently fetishized phenomena are observed.Keywords: Karl Marx, Theodor Adorno, politics, fetishism, mass society.

    Barreiras e facilitadores para o sucesso da pesquisa universitária no setor de informática

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    Barriers and Facilitators of Collaborative Management in Technological Innovation Projects

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    Discussions about innovation tend to a more systemic and cooperative approach in which those networks focused on scientific and technological development are considered. This article aims to identify the barriers and facilitators in the collaborative management process of technological innovation projects and a study has been carried out by the cooperation action for innovation with 17 industries in Brazil. The primary evidence refers to the crucial role of project managers when leading the structural demands, and clarity on the relevance of the communication of strategic guidelines among the organizations involved for the achievement of the results in the industries

    Estrutura das Organizações Tradicional, Inovadora, Matricial

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    Services offshoring and its strategic effects on value chains

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    This article's main objective is to examine some known management theories under the offshoring point of view. It detaches some factors in existing theories and how they can be at risk in an increasing offshoring of services processes. In the absence of more systematic studies about the effects of offshoring over value chain and core competencies imprecise borders and definitions, we try to interpret them in a holistic manner and stimulate discussions in a new area of study rather than to provide definitive general conclusions. The methodological aspects mainly concerning the offshoring bibliography are very impressive, especially since 2000. There seems to be a new trend appearing, like a wedge between strategy and international business theories, or that at least complements these theories. The analysis presented in this paper is offered as an aid to systematic investigation involving value chains, core competencies, innovations and the accelerated process of offshore outsourcing of services. Some preliminary evidence showed countries and companies in good conditions to improve their participation in the international market. The internationalization of these new firms from emerging countries and their learning process may need extension to existing theories, at least from the perspective of emerging and in the developing world