286 research outputs found

    Breed and maturity effects on Churra Galega Bragançana and Suffolk lamb carcass characteristics: killing-out proportion and composition

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    The aim of this work was to study the carcass killing-out proportions and carcass composition of Churra Galega Bragançana (CGB)and Suffolk sheep at 20%, 25%, 30% and 35% of maturity. Forty-eight male lambs were used, 24 CGB and 24 Suffolks from the Bragança School of Agriculture sheep flock. Suffolk lambs had greater proportions of leg, shoulder and breast joints, but lower proportions of rib, anterior rib and neck joints. Increasing maturity caused a significant decrease in leg and shoulder proportions and an increase in chump proportion. Suffolk lambs had significantly greater muscle and significantly less subcutaneous fat and kidney and pelvic fat percentages than CGB lambs. With the increase of maturity, a significant increase in intermuscular fat and a significant decrease in bone proportion were observed. It was concluded that, under the management conditions of this work, Suffolks were preferred for meat production, since at a comparable stage of maturity they had greater proportions of expensive cuts and greater carcass lean percentage

    Sports management research: analysis of scientific development in Portugal (2008-2017)

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    ABSTRACT: Scientific research in the field of sports management and its respective academic improvement has been pointed out and recognised by several authors as the path to follow for a better understanding of its importance in the global development of sport, as well as in the improvement of academic curricula and skills of sports managers. This study aims to analyse the scientific and academic production of three Portuguese public universities, being this the main source and origin of the knowledge generated over the last decades. Methodologically, we analysed 193 master dissertations successfully completed between 2008 and 2017 available in institutional scientific repositories, as well as in the national library. The results point to a growth of scientific knowledge in Portugal, validated by the considerable evolution in the number of completed works in distinct areas in sports management, mainly in the scope of planning and strategy, human resources and sociological aspects, which helps to reinforce its multidisciplinary and differentiating character. The data obtained allow us to expose a considerable part of the knowledge produced in Portugal, thus contributing to the strengthening of some areas and future research in sports management, given that it is crucial to aggregate the existing knowledge by enhancing new paths and future opportunities. We conclude that research in Portugal reflects the global growth of scientific knowledge and the increasing interest in sports management, both at qualitative and quantitative levels, while also following international concerns and trends. RESUMO: A investigação científica no campo da gestão do desporto e a respetiva valorização académica, tem sido apontada e reconhecida por diversos autores como o caminho a percorrer para uma melhor compreensão da sua importância no desenvolvimento global do desporto, assim como na melhoria dos curricula académicos e respetivas competências dos gestores desportivos. Este estudo tem como objetivo a análise da produção científica e académica de três universidades públicas portuguesas, sendo esta a principal fonte e origem do conhecimento gerado ao longo das últimas décadas. Metodologicamente, analisámos 193 dissertações de mestrado concluídas com sucesso entre 2008 e 2017 e disponíveis nos repositórios científicos institucionais, assim como na Biblioteca Nacional. Os resultados apontam para um crescimento do conhecimento científico em Portugal, validado pela evolução considerável do número de trabalhos finalizados em diversas linhas de investigação da gestão do desporto, principalmente no âmbito do planeamento e estratégia, recursos humanos e aspetos sociológicos, pelo que ajudam a reforçar o seu carácter multidisciplinar e diferenciador. Os dados obtidos permitem explanar parte considerável do conhecimento produzido em Portugal, contribuindo assim para o reforço de algumas áreas e futuras investigações em gestão do desporto, sendo de vital importância agregar o conhecimento existente, potenciando novos caminhos e oportunidades futuras. Concluímos que a investigação em Portugal reflete o crescimento global do conhecimento científico e o interesse cada vez maior na gestão do desporto, quer em níveis qualitativos quer quantitativos, ao mesmo tempo que segue as preocupações e tendências internacionais

    Synthesis of formation control for an aquatic swarm robotics system

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    Formations are the spatial organization of objects or entities according to some predefined pattern. They can be found in nature, in social animals such as fish schools, and insect colonies, where the spontaneous organization into emergent structures takes place. Formations have a multitude of applications such as in military and law enforcement scenarios, where they are used to increase operational performance. The concept is even present in collective sports modalities such as football, which use formations as a strategy to increase teams efficiency. Swarm robotics is an approach for the study of multi-robot systems composed of a large number of simple units, inspired in self-organization in animal societies. These have the potential to conduct tasks too demanding for a single robot operating alone. When applied to the coordination of such type of systems, formations allow for a coordinated motion and enable SRS to increase their sensing efficiency as a whole. In this dissertation, we present a virtual structure formation control synthesis for a multi-robot system. Control is synthesized through the use of evolutionary robotics, from where the desired collective behavior emerges, while displaying key-features such as fault tolerance and robustness. Initial experiments on formation control synthesis were conducted in simulation environment. We later developed an inexpensive aquatic robotic platform in order to conduct experiments in real world conditions. Our results demonstrated that it is possible to synthesize formation control for a multi-robot system making use of evolutionary robotics. The developed robotic platform was used in several scientific studies.As formações consistem na organização de objetos ou entidades de acordo com um padrão pré-definido. Elas podem ser encontradas na natureza, em animais sociais tais como peixes ou colónias de insetos, onde a organização espontânea em estruturas se verifica. As formações aplicam-se em diversos contextos, tais como cenários militares ou de aplicação da lei, onde são utilizadas para aumentar a performance operacional. O conceito está também presente em desportos coletivos tais como o futebol, onde as formações são utilizadas como estratégia para aumentar a eficiência das equipas. Os enxames de robots são uma abordagem para o estudo de sistemas multi-robô compostos de um grande número de unidades simples, inspirado na organização de sociedades animais. Estes têm um elevado potencial na resolução de tarefas demasiado complexas para um único robot. Quando aplicadas na coordenação deste tipo de sistemas, as formações permitem o movimento coordenado e o aumento da sensibilidade do enxame como um todo. Nesta dissertação apresentamos a síntese de controlo de formação para um sistema multi-robô. O controlo é sintetizado através do uso de robótica evolucionária, de onde o comportamento coletivo emerge, demonstrando ainda funcionalidadeschave tais como tolerância a falhas e robustez. As experiências iniciais na síntese de controlo foram realizadas em simulação. Mais tarde foi desenvolvida uma plataforma robótica para a condução de experiências no mundo real. Os nossos resultados demonstram que é possível sintetizar controlo de formação para um sistema multi-robô, utilizando técnicas de robótica evolucionária. A plataforma desenvolvida foi ainda utilizada em diversos estudos científicos

    Precision de diferentes medidas de ultrasonidos junto con el peso de la canal caliente para la estimación del peso de las piezas de carniceria en corderos de raza Churra Galega Bragançana

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    La evaluación de canales de corderos. para satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor, debe basarse en dos parámetros igualmente importantes: (1) de calidad, como la terneza, tamaño de las piezas, cobertura de grasa, marmoreado, color de la carne y de la grasa; y (2) de composición, como carne vendible, o proporción de grasa, músculo y hueso {HARRINGTON y KEMPSTER, 19891. No obstante, lo más f recuente es que se base en criterios de una elevada subjetividad, como la utilización de patrones fotográficos. En este sentido, la reciente creación y puesta en marcha de productos cárnicos ovinos con Denominación de Origen o Indicación Geográfica Protegida es un incentivo a la producción de productos de calidad, cuyas características correspondan a las expectativas de los consumidores, para lo cual deberemos contar con el desarrollo de un sistema de clasificación de canales ovinas, basado en una tecnología que permita conocer la composición del producto final de una manera objetiva. Así pues, el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la precisión de diferentes medidas de ultrasonidos junto con el peso de la canal caliente, como predictores del peso de las piezas de carnicería procedentes de corderos de raza Churra Gallega Bragançana

    Precision de los ultrasonidos (sondas de 5 y 7,5 MHz) en la determinación del espesor de la grasa subcutanea y de la profundidad del M. Longissimus dorsi in vivo y en la canal

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    Los ultrasonidos presentan un elevado potencial de aplicación para la estimación de la composición corporal, además al tratarse de un método no invasivo (TOPEL y KAUFFMAN, 1998). permite la obtención de imágenes en el animal vivo, así como en la canal caliente (JONES, 1995). Varios trabajos han demostrado la elevada precisión de los ultrasonidos en la predicción del espesor de grasa subcutánea (DELFA et al. 1991; 1995 ; 1996; 1997 ) y de la profundidad del M. longissimus dorsi (DELFA et al. 1995; 1996; 1997) in vivo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo, evaluar la precisión de dos sondas 15 y. 7,5 MHz) para la determinación del espesor de grasa subcutánea a nivel de las regiones corporales lumbar, torácica y esternal, así como, la profundidad del M. longissimus dorsi, in vivo y en la canal caliente

    Carcass conformation and joints composition of Churra Galega Bragançana and crossbred lambs by Suffolk and Merino Precoce sire breeds

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    Carcasses of Churro Galego Bragançano purebred and Suffolk and Merino Precoce crossbred lambs reared under three different conventional production system of northeast of Portugal were evaluated. Carcasses of male lambs had larger muscle longissimus width (P < 0.05) and smaller subcutaneous fat thickness (P < 0.05) than the female lambs. Carcasses of crossbred lambs had higher (P < 0.05) compactness indices and leg and shoulder proportion than Bragançano purebred. Suffolk crossed had lower KKCF proportion (P < 0.05) than Bragançano and Merino crossbred lambs. Male lambs had higher (P < 0.05) muscle proportion in almost all carcass joints than the female lambs. It was concluded that Suffolk can be used as sire breed in Bragançano ewes to produce lambs with leaner and more compact carcasses and better fat distribution, which allows slaughtering at higher slaughter weight, specially in more intensive production systems. Female lambs should be slaughtered at lower carcass weight than male lambs in order to produce carcasses with the same fattening degree

    Residual stress measurement in PVD optical coatings by microtopography

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    Residual stress in optical plasma vapor deposited coatings must be carefully measured. The topographic inspection of the coatings’ surface at microlevel allows the assessment of its residual stress. In the present work we will report on the optical non-destructive and non-invasive microtopographic inspection of WO3 PVD thin films for residual stress evaluation. The MICROTOP.06.MFC system, an active optical triangulation sensor developed at the Universidade do Minho, was employed. It allows depth resolutions down to 2 nm and lateral resolutions down to 1 μm. The three dimensional coordinate set obtained on the inspection allow the calculation of the stress distribution over the film

    Prediction of carcass composition in vivo by slaughter weight and ultrasound measurements in Churro Galego Bragançano local breed lambs

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    Forty Churro Galego Bragançano local breed lambs (20 females and 20 males) with an mean live weight of 19.3 kg ( 10 to 28.5 kg) were scanned by ultrasound to M. Longissimus dorsi depth (MLDD), subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) between the 12th-1 3th dorsal vertebra (D 12), l st-2nd (Ll ) and 3rd-4th (L3) lumbar vertebra and breast bone tissue thickness (BET) at 2nd (S2), 3rd (S3) and 4th sternebra. Lambs were slaughtered after 24-h fast ing. Carcasses were cooled at 4 °C for 24 h. and halved carefully. The left side was divided into eight standardized commercial joints: leg, chump, loin. Ribs, anterior ribs, shoulder, breast and neck. Each joint was then dissected into muscle, subcutaneous fat. intermuscular fat and bone. The in vivo ultrasound measurements plus slaughter weight were fitted to predict carcass tissue composition by stepwise regression analysis. All the developed models were highly significant (P<0.001) and explained 60, 76,64 and 74% of the muscle, subcutaneous fat, intermuscular fat and bone variation, respectively. The models residual standard deviations were lower than 20 g kg-

    The influence of sex and carcass weight on carcass composition of Serrana kids

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    This work aims to evaluate sex and carcass weight effects on carcass composition of kids. Sixty Serrana kids (31 male and 29 female), a Portuguese breed, were used. Kids were slaughtered after 24 h fasting. Carcasses were cooled at 4°C for 24 h, halved and left side was dissected into muscle, subcutaneous fat, intermuscular fat, bone and remainder (major blob vessels, ligaments, tendons, thick connective tissue sheets). Kidney, knob and channel fat (KKCF) was considered as a carcass component since in Portugal kid's carcasses are commercialised with KKCF included. Female kids presented higher (P < 0.05) intermuscular fat proportion, muscle/bone ratio and KKCF than males, however, male kids had higher (P < 0.05) bone proportion and muscle/fat ratio. All fat depots increased and bone proportion decreased (P < 0.05) with carcass weight increasing. Carcass weight increasing induced muscle/bone ratio increasing (P < 0.05) and muscle/fat ratio decreasing (P < 0.05). Female kids should be slaughtered at lower live weight in order to minimize the carcass fatness development. In spite of the differences in tissue proportions induced by carcass weight, heavier kids (8 kg) weren't excessively fattened, indicating that they can be slaughtered at higher live weights without compromise carcass quality

    Lamb meat quality of two breeds with protected origin designation. Influence of breed, sex and live weight

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    Lamb meat quality of two Portuguese products was examined. The influences of slaughter weight, sex and breed on eating quality were evaluated. Data were obtained from 72 lambs of two different breeds with protected designation origin. In accord with the normal slaughter weight in the region three classes were considered: A: 9–14 kg live weight; B: 14–19 kg live weight and C: 19– 24 kg live weight. pH of M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle (MTL) was measured 1 h and 24 h after slaughter. Meat colour was estimated in the M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle (MTL) muscle on the 12th rib using the L*a*b* system. Shear force was evaluated 72 h after slaughter. Sensorial analysis was assessed by a trained taste panel of 12 members. The pH values found could be considered within the normal pH range, between 5.5 and 5.9. When the pH measurement was made 24 h after slaughter, the heavy lambs had significant higher value than the light lambs. In relation to colour variables, live weight, sex and breed had no effect on the red index (a*). Lightness (L) decreased with increasing live weight and the light lambs had higher yellow index (b*) than the heavier lambs. Shear force increased with live weight and the Braganc¸ano breed had a greater mean shear force than the Mirandesa (7.8 vs. 6.8 kg/cm2). The heavy carcasses had more flavour intensity than the light ones. Mirandesa lambs had significantly lower values for toughness, stringy and odour intensity than Braganc¸ana lambs