97 research outputs found

    Slow-growing broilers are healthier and express more behavioural indicators of positive welfare

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    Broiler chicken welfare is under increasing scrutiny due to welfare concerns regarding growth rate and stocking density. This farm-based study explored broiler welfare in four conditions representing commercial systems varying in breed and planned maximum stocking density: (1) Breed A, 30 kg/m2; (2) Breed B, 30 kg/m2; (3) Breed B, 34 kg/m2; (4) Breed C, 34 kg/m2. Breeds A and B were ‘slow-growing’ breeds (< 50 g/day), and Breed C was a widely used ‘fast-growing’ breed. Indicators of negative welfare, behavioural indicators of positive welfare and environmental outcomes were assessed. Clear differences between conditions were detected. Birds in Condition 4 experienced the poorest health (highest mortality and post-mortem inspection rejections, poorest walking ability, most hock burn and pododermatitis) and litter quality. These birds also displayed lower levels of behaviours indicative of positive welfare (enrichment bale occupation, qualitative ‘happy/active’ scores, play, ground-scratching) than birds in Conditions 1–3. These findings provide farm-based evidence that significant welfare improvement can be achieved by utilising slow-growing breeds. There are suggested welfare benefits of a slightly lower planned maximum stocking density for Breed B and further health benefits of the slowest-growing breed, although these interventions do not offer the same magnitude of welfare improvement as moving away from fast-growing broilers

    New species and host association records for the Hungarian avian louse fauna (Insecta: Phthiraptera)

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    AbstractA recently published checklist of Hungarian louse fauna (Insecta: Phthiraptera) listed 279 species and subspecies which have been recorded in Hungary. According to that checklist several louse species still await detection in Hungary, and many of the previously reported louse species have not been found on all expected host species yet. Our faunistical survey on avian lice started in 2005 at Ócsa Bird Ringing Station, resulting hundreds of ectoparasite samples collected from over 70 bird species. Additionally, our louse collection has grown by collecting samples in other research projects focusing on various bird species, and by sampling cadavers before taxidermy in the Bird Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. As the results of a preliminary exploration of this collection, we list 20 louse species which are new to the Hungarian fauna, as well as the first Hungarian records of 17 host-parasite associations. We also found 3 louse-bird association records new for the World fauna.</jats:p

    Terápiás megfontolások IgA-nephropathiában a legutolsó vizsgálatok (STOP-IgAN, TESTING, NEFIGAN) eredményei alapján | Considerations on the treatment of IgA nephropathy on the basis of the results of the latest studies (STOP-IgAN, TESTING, NEFIGAN)

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    Absztrakt: Az IgA-nephropathia immunológiai eredetű krónikus glomerulonephritis, amelyet a klinikai kép és a kimenetel nagy változatossága jellemez. A betegség végstádiumú veseelégtelenségig progrediálhat a betegek 25%-ában. Ezért fontos, hogy a progresszióra hajlamos betegeket korán felismerjük. A legfontosabb progressziós rizikófaktorok a perzisztáló proteinuria, hypertonia, csökkent vesefunkció és bizonyos szövettani elváltozások. A jelenleg ajánlott kezelést a 2012-es KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline foglalja össze. A meglevő rizikófaktorok alapján minden betegnek speciális vesevédő terápiát javasolnak (elsősorban renin-angiotenzin rendszert blokkolókat). A guideline-ban a szteroid/immunszuppresszív kezelés javaslata alacsony szintű evidenciákra alapozott. Újabban három vizsgálatot szerveztek a speciális vesevédő kezelésekkel együtt adott szteroid/immunszuppresszív kezelés előnyével és rizikójával kapcsolatban. A STOP-IgAN vizsgálatban a szisztémás szteroid/immunszuppresszív kezelés szignifikánsan csökkentette a proteinuriát, de nem állította meg az IgA-nephropathia progresszióját. A TESTING vizsgálatban a szisztémás szteroidterápia szignifikánsan csökkentette a proteinuriát és a progressziót is. Azonban a vizsgálatot idő előtt le kellett állítani a számos súlyos mellékhatás miatt. A budesonidkezelést a NEFIGAN vizsgálatban a bélnyálkahártya immunrendszerének az IgA-nephropathia patogenezisében felvetett szerepe sugallta. A budesonid elsősorban a distalis vékonybélben és a colonban felszabaduló szteroid, amely csökkentette a proteinurát, miközben a vesefunkció változatlan maradt. A számos mellékhatás miatt esetenként leállított kezelés a budesonid szisztémás hatását is felveti. További vizsgálatok szükségesek arra vonatkozóan, hogy mely betegeket kezeljünk szteroid/immunszuppresszív szerekkel a specifikus vesevédő kezelés után és mellett. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(49): 1946–1952. | Abstract: IgA nephropathy is an immune-mediated chronic glomerulonephritis with a great variability in clinical presentation and outcome. The disease can progress to end-stage renal failure in 25% of patients. For this reason we should identify patients with potential to progress. Most important risk factors for progression are persistent proteinuria, hypertension, decreased renal function and some histological lesions. The actually suggested treatment is summarized in KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline from 2012. They suggest to give firstly non-specific supportive treatment (especially renin-angiotensin system blocking agents). Recommendation about steroid/immunosuppression treatment is based on low level of evidence. Recently three studies were organised concerning benefits and risk of steroid/immunosuppressive treatment added together with specific supportive treatment. In the STOP-IgAN study, systemic steroid/immunosuppressive treatment significantly decreased proteinuria but did not stop progression. In the TESTING study, systemic steroid treatment significantly decreased proteinuria and progression. However, the study was recently discontinued due to several severe side effects of steroid treatment. Involvement of intestinal mucosal immunity in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy suggested the NEFIGAN study with budesonide treatment. Budesonide releases corticosteroid in distal small intestine and colon. Proteinuria was significantly decreased and renal function remained stabile. High number of withdrawals owing to adverse effects is a major concern implying a substantial systemic effect of budesonide. We need further information on the characteristics of patients who most likely benefit from steroid/immunosuppressive treatment given after or together with specific supportive treatment. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(49): 1946–1952

    Oxytocin levels and self-reported anxiety during interactions between humans and cows

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    Introduction: Positive social interactions with farm animals may have therapeutic benefits on humans by increasing brain oxytocin secretion, as inferred from circulating oxytocin levels. The aim of this observational study was to investigate acute changes in human plasma oxytocin levels and state anxiety associated with interactions with dairy cows. Methods: Data were collected from 18 healthy female nursing students who performed stroking and brushing of an unfamiliar cow for 15 min. Blood samples were drawn before entering the cowshed (T1, baseline), and after 5 (T2) and 15 (T3) min of interaction with a cow. At T1 and T3, the students filled out the Norwegian version of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State Subscale (STAI-SS). Results: Across participants, no significant changes in average plasma oxytocin concentration were detected between time points (p>0.05). There was, however, a modest decline in the STAI-SS scores between T1 and T3 (p=0.015) and a positive correlation between the change in individual level of state anxiety between T1 and T3 and the change in OT concentration of the same individual between T2 and T3 (p = 0.045). Discussion: The results suggest that friendly social interactions with cows are beneficial in lowering state anxiety, but any relationship with release of OT into the circulation was complex and variable across individuals. The acute reduction in state anxiety lends support to the value of interacting with farm animals in the context of Green Care for people with mental health challenges

    A fenntartható fejlődés, a klímaváltozás és a földhasználat változása társadalmi-gazdasági tényezőinek összefüggése = Sustainable development of agriculture: relationship between climate change and socio-economic factors of land use

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    A kutatás alapvető célja volt, hogy hozzájáruljon a címben jelölt összefüggések vizsgálata módszertanának fejlesztéséhez, és az adatbázis előállításának korlátain belül bemutassa az európai földhasználat változásának következményeit, különös tekintettel az új tagállamok helyzetére. Ennek megfelelően javaslatot tettünk egy indikátor sorra, amellyel lehetőség nyílik a múltbeli adatok alapján a jövőbeni trendek felvázolására. Vizsgáltuk a köztük lévő korrelációt, és aggregálási lehetőségüket egyetlen index formájában. A fenntarthatóság kulcskérdéseként tanulmányoztuk a társadalmi (ökológiai és ökonómiai) hatékonyság mérésének, és Malmquist index segítségével a hatékonysági tartalékok feltárásának lehetőségeit. A fenntarthatóság legnagyobb kihívása a klímaváltozás. Módszertani javaslatot tettünk az érzékenység és adaptációs képesség mérésére, a klíma és a társadalmi, gazdasági folyamatok mezőgazdasági földhasználatra gyakorolt hatásának integrált elemzésére szcenárió elemzés keretében. Megállapítottuk, hogy a földhasználat mind a mitigációs, mind az adaptációs politikában kiemelt szerepet kell, hogy kapjon. Az adaptáció elősegítéséhez egy célirányosabb támogatás-politikára van szükség. Azonosítottuk a jövőbeni földhasználat hajtóerőit. Összehasonlítást végeztünk az új és régi tagállamok között a hajtóerők vonatkozásában. Irodalmi összefoglalót készítettünk a társadalmi, gazdasági aspektusokat is magukban foglaló földhasználati modellekről. Adaptáltuk a SWFM modellt. | The aim of the research was to develop a methodology which can be used for examining the interrelationship in sustainable development of agriculture, pattern of land use and climate change. We examined these issues in the European Union, showing the differences of the new members. We have also given a series of indicators based on our data for showing the new trends. We have examined their correlations and possibilities for aggregations in the form of a single index. We have also analysed the possibilities of measuring the social factor productivity and its reserves by using the Malmquist index. The biggest challenge of sustainability is climatic change. A measurement suggestion was given by us, which can be used for measuring for sensibility, vulnerability and adaptation capability and furthermore for integrated analysing of the impacts of economic processes used in land use. Vulnerability assessment in combination with scenario analyses allows the project results to contribute towards policy formulation. According to us the land use should get central attention both in mitigation and adaptation policy. For successful adaptation to climate it is necessary to have more targeted subsidy policy. We have identified the future drives of land use change. A comparison of drives was also done between the old and new member states. A literature review of land use models has been made. The SWFM (Silsoe Whole Farm model) was also adapted by us

    Search Behavior in Goat (Capra hircus) Kids From Mothers Kept at Different Animal Densities Throughout Pregnancy

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    Individual differences in cognitive performance are often reported but factors related to variation within species are rarely addressed. Goats (Capra hircus) have been subjects of many cognitive studies recently but without focus on individual variation. Among others, factors such as prenatal stress and sex of the individual have been proposed as possible explanations for individual variation in cognitive skills. We aimed to study whether prenatal environment, prenatal stress, litter size, sex, and birth weight influences search behavior skills of goat kids. Pregnant Norwegian dairy goats were exposed to different spatial allowance (namely 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 m2 per animal) within the commercially applied range during pregnancy and their serum cortisol levels were measured six times within this period. Twenty-six of the kids born entered a three-stage searching task with increasing difficulty when they were 6 weeks old. The tasks included finding a bucket of milk: while moving (stage 1), after moving and disappearing behind a curtain (stage 2), and moving behind a displacement device and the device moving behind a curtain while hiding the bucket (stage 3). We found that prenatal animal density had no effect on the search skills of the offspring, while kids with higher prenatal maternal cortisol levels performed better at the highest stage tested: finding an object after single invisible displacement. At this stage, singleton kids and males performed better than twins and females. Birth weight had no effect at this stage. The findings suggest that maternal cortisol in the observed range had a facilitating effect on cognitive development of goat kids

    Konspecifikus és heterospecifikus szociális információszerzés lehetőségei és korlátai kutyák esetében = Possibilities and constrains of conspecific and heterospecific acquisition of social information in dogs

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    Jelen kutatás fő célja az volt, hogy kibővítsük ismeretünket a kutyák szociális tanulási képességeit illetőleg. Számos különböző helyzetben vizsgáltuk, hogy vajon a kutyák tanulnak-e fajtárstól illetve embertől megfigyelés révén. Az ún. „két-akciós”teszt alkalmazásával kimutattuk, hogy a fajspecifikus preferenciák ellenére a kutyák preferenciát mutatnak a demonstrátor által mutatott akcióra. Először végeztünk olyan kísérletsorozatot, amelyben a kutyákat három eltérő szociális tanuláson alapuló tesztben vizsgáltuk. Kiderült, hogy egyes egyedek konzekvensen jobban teljesítenek az ilyen feladatokban, ugyanakkor az eredményeik nem függnek össze a kommunikációs valamint egyéni tanulási helyzetben mutatott viselkedéssel. Egy új kísérletsorozat révén általánosítottuk korábbi eredményeinket, azaz kimutattuk, hogy a kutyák általában rendelkeznek a funkcionális imitációhoz minimálisan szükséges képességekkel. A megfelelően tréningezett kutyák képesek kételemű akciósorozat ismétlésére, rövid ideig emlékeznek a demonstrált akcióra. Más kutatókkal együtt kidolgoztuk és összehasonlító kísérletekben vizsgáltok, hogy miképp lehet az ún. pedagógiai modellt alkalmazni a kutya esetében. Az eredmények itt is felvetik a viselkedés szintű funkcionális analógia lehetőségét kutya és ember (10-12 hónapos csecsemő) között. Összefoglalva, jelen pályázat keretében nagyon fontos felismeréseket tettünk a kutyák szociális tanulási képességeit illetően, így ma jobban tudjuk értelmezni, hogy milyen jellegű szociális információ segíti a kutyák beilleszkedését az emberi csoportokba. | The main aim of the present studies was to extend our knowledge on dogs' ability to learn socially. We have investigated in several experimental situations whether dogs can learn from humans or conspecifics. In the so called ""two action tests"" we have shown that despite species-specific preferences dogs show preferences for the action which was shown by the demonstrator. We were the first to use such a series of social learning tests in which we investigated the dogs in all three tasks in parallel. We have revealed that certain individual dogs are more inclined to perform well is social learning tasks, but at the same times this seems not to be associated with their ability to read human communicative cues, and their performance in spatial learning tasks. In a novel series of experiments we have generalised our previous findings that dogs have the minimal skills to show functional imitative behaviour. Dogs trained to imitate human actions are able to copy two-action sequences, memorize the demonstration for a short time. Together with other researchers we have worked out and tested in comparative how to so called pedagogical hypothesis can be tested in dogs. Our results showed that this phenomenon in dogs could be also a case for functional analogy between humans (10-12 months old children) and dogs. In summary, we have made important new insights on social learning skills in dogs, so today we can understand much better what sort of social information is gathered by dogs, and how this helps them to get integrated into human groups

    Current Updates in Bleomycin-Based Electrochemotherapy for Deep-Seated Soft-Tissue Tumors

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    Electrochemotherapy (ECT) has evolved significantly during the last decade, expanding treatment indications from superficial skin lesions to advanced-stage, deep-seated tumors in hard-to-reach areas. Electrodes have also shown steady technological improvement throughout the years. Besides standard and VEG (variable geometry electrode) electrodes, the introduction of laparoscopic electrodes has brought on a new era in ECT treatment, making the minimally invasive approach a reality. The exact role of ECT in the oncological dashboard is yet to be determined; however, increased tumor response, pain relief, and a low number of adverse events may yield the way for more widespread application of the technique with possible further inclusion of ECT in international oncological guidelines. The aim of this review is to give an overview on the current status of ECT in deep-seated tumor treatment and shed light on its emerging role in local anticancer therapy