179 research outputs found

    Corn Stalk Nitrate Concentration Profile

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    The end-of-season nitrate test provides a method of assessing the N available to the corn (Zea mays L.) crop during the latter part of the season. This study was conducted to determine how stalk nitrate test results and interpretations are affected by sample composition. Stalks were collected from three filed sites and separated into phytomers (node plus internode above), which were subdivided into three or five segments after length was measured. Nitrate-N concentration of phytomers decreased linearly from the soil to the ear. Within a phytomer, segments also decreased acropetally (from base to apex). Node tissue NO3-N concentration did not differ from that of the internode segment immediately above the node. Weighted means were used to compute NO3-N concentration of stalk samples collected 5 cm higher (from 20 to 40 cm above the soil) or lower (from 10 to 30 cm above the soil). Although the three samples (10-30, 15-35, and 20-40 cm) differed in NO3-N concentration, the difference was only about 15% compared with the 25% difference in sampling position (± 5 cm of 20-cm sample length). The phytomer nearest the soil had 35 to 40% greater NO3-N concentrations than the section of stalk 15 to 35 cm above the soil. Critical values delineating yield-limiting adequate, and excessive N availability should be modified if stalk sections other than the standard 15 to 35 cm section are used. However, the qualitative nature of the stalk nitrate test and the range of NO3-N concentrations observed with reasonable corn cultural practices (1000x) make this test quite robust and precise definition of sample composition and critical values less necessary

    Size Distribution of Sediment as Affected by Surface Residue and Slope Length

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    Runoff samples for determination of size distribution of sediment were collected under simulated rainfall conditions at selected downslope distances on plots covered with sorghum and soybean residue at rates ranging from 0.00 to 6.73 t/ha . The effects of surface residue and slope length on size distribution of sediment were evaluated. Substantial movement of sediment in the form of aggregates was found for each of the residue treatments. Significant differences in size distribution of sediment occurred between residue treatments. For a given residue rate, differences in sediment size distribution were found between sorghum and soybean residue. Size distribution of sediment was also determined to be significantly different at selected downslope distances

    Runoff and Erosion as Affected by Sorghum and Soybean Residue

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    A rainfall simulator was used to measure the effects of varying rates of sorghum and soybean residue on runoff and erosion. In general, increased surface cover caused reduced runoff, sediment concentration and soil loss. Substantial reductions in erosion resulted from the use of small amounts of crop residue. Regression equations were obtained which related surface cover to residue mass. Equations describing relative runoff, sediment concentration and soil loss as a function of surface cover were also developed. Runoff, sediment concentration and soil loss were all found to be highly correlated to surface cover

    N fertilizer and harvest impacts on bioenergy crop contributions to SOC

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    Below ground root biomass is infrequently measured and simply represented in models that predict landscape level changes to soil carbon stocks and greenhouse gas balances. Yet, crop-specific responses to N fertilizer and harvest treatments are known to impact both plant allocation and tissue chemistry, potentially altering decomposition rates and the direction and magnitude of soil C stock changes and greenhouse gas fluxes. We examined switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and corn (Zea mays L.,) yields, below ground root biomass, C, N and soil particulate organic matter-C (POM-C) in a 9-year rain fed study of N fertilizer rate (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N ha-1) and harvest management near Mead, NE, USA. Switchgrass was harvested with one pass in either August or postfrost, and for no-till (NT) corn, either 50% or no stover was removed. Switchgrass had greater below ground root biomass C and N (6.39, 0.10 Mg ha-1) throughout the soil profile compared to NT-corn (1.30, 0.06 Mg ha-1) and a higher below ground root biomass C:N ratio, indicating greater recalcitrant below ground root biomass C input beneath switchgrass. There was little difference between the two crops in soil POM-C indicating substantially slower decomposition and incorporation into SOC under switchgrass, despite much greater root C. The highest N rate decreased POM-C under both NT-corn and switchgrass, indicating faster decomposition rates with added fertilizer. Residue removal reduced corn below ground root biomass C by 37% and N by 48% and subsequently reduced POM-C by 22% compared to no-residue removal. Developing productive bioenergy systems that also conserve the soil resource will require balancing fertilization that maximizes above ground productivity but potentially reduces SOC sequestration by reducing below ground root biomass and increasing root and soil C decomposition

    N fertilizer and harvest impacts on bioenergy crop contributions to SOC

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    Below ground root biomass is infrequently measured and simply represented in models that predict landscape level changes to soil carbon stocks and greenhouse gas balances. Yet, crop-specific responses to N fertilizer and harvest treatments are known to impact both plant allocation and tissue chemistry, potentially altering decomposition rates and the direction and magnitude of soil C stock changes and greenhouse gas fluxes. We examined switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and corn (Zea mays L.,) yields, below ground root biomass, C, N and soil particulate organic matter-C (POM-C) in a 9-year rain fed study of N fertilizer rate (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N ha-1) and harvest management near Mead, NE, USA. Switchgrass was harvested with one pass in either August or postfrost, and for no-till (NT) corn, either 50% or no stover was removed. Switchgrass had greater below ground root biomass C and N (6.39, 0.10 Mg ha-1) throughout the soil profile compared to NT-corn (1.30, 0.06 Mg ha-1) and a higher below ground root biomass C:N ratio, indicating greater recalcitrant below ground root biomass C input beneath switchgrass. There was little difference between the two crops in soil POM-C indicating substantially slower decomposition and incorporation into SOC under switchgrass, despite much greater root C. The highest N rate decreased POM-C under both NT-corn and switchgrass, indicating faster decomposition rates with added fertilizer. Residue removal reduced corn below ground root biomass C by 37% and N by 48% and subsequently reduced POM-C by 22% compared to no-residue removal. Developing productive bioenergy systems that also conserve the soil resource will require balancing fertilization that maximizes above ground productivity but potentially reduces SOC sequestration by reducing below ground root biomass and increasing root and soil C decomposition

    Cropping system effects on soil quality in the Great Plains: Synthesis from a regional project

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    Soils perform a number of essential functions affecting management goals. Soil functions were assessed by measuring physical, chemical, and biological properties in a regional assessment of conventional (CON) and alternative (ALT) management practices at eight sites within the Great Plains. The results, reported in accompanying papers, provide excellent data for assessing how management practices collectively affect agronomic and environmental soil functions that benefit both farmers and society. Our objective was to use the regional data as an input for two new assessment tools to evaluate their potential and sensitivity for detecting differences (aggradation or degradation) in management systems. The soil management assessment framework (SMAF) and the agro-ecosystem performance assessment tool (AEPAT) were used to score individual soil properties at each location relative to expected conditions based on inherent soil-forming factors and to compute index values that provide an overall assessment of the agronomic and environmental impact of the CON and ALT practices. SMAF index values were positively correlated with grain yield (an agronomic function) and total organic matter (an agronomic and environmental function). They were negatively correlated with soil nitrate concentration at harvest (an indicator of environmental function). There was general agreement between the two assessment tools when used to compare management practices. Users can measure a small number of soil properties and use one of these tools to easily assess the effectiveness of soil management practices. A higher score in either tool identifies more environmentally and agronomically sustainable management. Temporal variability in measured indicators makes dynamic assessments of management practices essential. Water-filled pore space, aggregate stability, particulate organic matter, and microbial biomass were sensitive to management and should be included in studies aimed at improving soil management. Reductions in both tillage and fallow combined with crop rotation has resulted in improved soil function (e.g., nutrient cycling, organic C content, and productivity) throughout the Great Plains

    Comportamento de dois genótipos de milho cultivados em sistema de aléias preestabelecido com diferentes leguminosas arbóreas.

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    O cultivo em aléias tem sido recomendado como alternativa para a substituição da agricultura de corte e queima, no trópico úmido, devido à grande capacidade de produção de matéria orgânica e de reciclagem de nutrientes, mas algumas dúvidas quanto à sustentabilidade e à competição interespecífica são persistentes. O objetivo no trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade da cultura do milho em um sistema de cultivo em aléias de leguminosas arbóreas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualisados, com quatro repetições dos tratamentos: aléias de sombreiro (Clitoria fairchildiana), ingá (Inga edulis), guandu (Cajanus cajan) e leucena (Leucaena leucocephala) e uma testemunha sem aléias. Foram avaliadas a remobilização de carbono e nitrogênio, massa de grãos, massa de mil grãos e competição interespecífica entre as cultivares de milho e as leguminosas. A produção de grãos foi maior nas parcelas com C. fairchildiana e L. leucocephala. A produtividade do híbrido de milho foi superior à da variedade em todos os tratamentos. A produtividade e a massa de mil grãos de milho não são negativamente afetadas pela distância da linha da leguminosa arbórea. Esse estudo conclui que o sistema de aléias com leguminosas arbóreas é uma alternativa importante ao manejo sustentável dos agroecossistemas no tropico úmido. Além disso, nessa região a produtividade em grãos na cultura do milho é favorecida no sistema de aléias preeestabelecidas com as leguminosas arbóreas sombreiro, ingá e leucena e pela utilização de genótipos eficientes no aproveitamento do nitrogênio, cujo sincronismo entre a liberação e a absorção do N aplicado por meio das leguminosas deve ser aprimorado

    Glutamine Acts as a Neuroprotectant against DNA Damage, Beta-Amyloid and H2O2-Induced Stress

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    Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the human blood stream and is ‘conditionally essential’ to cells. Its intracellular levels are regulated both by the uptake of extracellular glutamine via specific transport systems and by its intracellular synthesis by glutamine synthetase (GS). Adding to the regulatory complexity, when extracellular glutamine is reduced GS protein levels rise. Unfortunately, this excess GS can be maladaptive. GS overexpression is neurotoxic especially if the cells are in a low-glutamine medium. Similarly, in low glutamine, the levels of multiple stress response proteins are reduced rendering cells hypersensitive to H2O2, zinc salts and DNA damage. These altered responses may have particular relevance to neurodegenerative diseases of aging. GS activity and glutamine levels are lower in the Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain, and a fraction of AD hippocampal neurons have dramatically increased GS levels compared with control subjects. We validated the importance of these observations by showing that raising glutamine levels in the medium protects cultured neuronal cells against the amyloid peptide, Aβ. Further, a 10-day course of dietary glutamine supplementation reduced inflammation-induced neuronal cell cycle activation, tau phosphorylation and ATM-activation in two different mouse models of familial AD while raising the levels of two synaptic proteins, VAMP2 and synaptophysin. Together, our observations suggest that healthy neuronal cells require both intracellular and extracellular glutamine, and that the neuroprotective effects of glutamine supplementation may prove beneficial in the treatment of AD
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