434 research outputs found

    Towards a classificatory organology of the viola and the violão in nineteenth-century Rio de Janeiro

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    This article investigates the organology of the viola and the violão in nineteenth century Rio de Janeiro discussing the difficulties of tracing a history of those instruments and uncertainties in their terminology, morphology and number of strings. It shows how the (cross-cultural) Hornbostel-Sachs (1914) system of classification of musical instruments translated into Portuguese creates problems for the study of plucked chordophones in the Luso-Brazilian context. Yet this work questions canonical histories of the guitar in Europe showing that despite some lines of descent having been traced previously to explain the creation of the modern instrument, the very characteristics of guitar-like instruments make it difficult for historians to categorise those chordophones. The author concludes the paper by proposing that a continuum can be drawn between the viola and the violão which he suggests can encapsulate the various reference points of organological difference among the multitudes of chordophones in Rio de Janeiro

    Technologies of Musical Knowledge in 19th Century Rio de Janeiro: The Viola Case

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    This article discusses methodological strategies for dealing with historical sources in (ethno)musicology research. I name this approach “technologies of musical knowledge” and besides a review of the importance of technologies for the development of (ethno)musicology, I support my perspective through visual examples from my own investigation about the violas in nineteenth century Rio de Janeiro. I argue that despite the myriad of sources available, including iconographic representation (drawings and paintings), travelogues, chronicle and fictional literature, musical scores and tutors; their ethnographic information can only emerge out of a process of interpretation that involves a full assessment of the representational medium in which the data is presented. In other words, I defend that a thorough analysis and interpretation of musical documents depends on the awareness of the technological enablements and constraints in which the historical representations are inscribed.Este artigo discute estratégias metodológicas para lidar com fontes históricas em pesquisas (etno)musicológicas. Denomino essa abordagem de “tecnologias do saber musical” e, além de uma revisão da importância das tecnologias para o desenvolvimento da área de (etno)musicologia, apoio minha perspectiva através de exemplos iconográficos sobre as violas no Rio de Janeiro do século XIX. Argumento que, apesar da miríade de fontes disponíveis –incluindo a representação iconográfica (desenhos e pinturas), narrativas de viagens, crônicas e literatura ficcional, partituras e métodos do instrumento– a sua informação etnográfica emergirá somente em um processo de interpretação que envolva uma avaliação completa do meio representacional no qual os dados são apresentados. Em outras palavras, defendo que uma análise e interpretação meticulosa dos documentos musicais dependem da consciência das potencialidades e restrições tecnológicas nas quais as representações históricas estão inscritas.Este artículo analiza estrategias metodológicas para abordar fuentes históricas en la investigación (etno)musicológica. Denomino este enfoque como “tecnologías del saber musical” y, junto con una revisión de la importancia de las tecnologías para el desarrollo de la (etno)musicología, apoyo mi perspectiva en ejemplos visuales de mi investigación sobre las violas en el siglo XIX en Río de Janeiro. Sostengo que a pesar de la gran cantidad de fuentes disponibles, que incluyen representaciones iconográficas (dibujos y pinturas), relatos de viajes, literatura de crónicas y ficción, partituras musicales y métodos del instrumento; su información etnográfica solo puede surgir de un proceso de interpretación que implique una evaluación completa del medio de representación en el que se presentan los datos. En otras palabras, defiendo que el análisis y la interpretación exhaustivos de los documentos musicales depende de la conciencia de las potencialidades y limitaciones tecnológicas en las que están inscritas las representaciones históricas

    Amides and formamidines with antinociceptive activity: note II

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    Forty amides, formamidines and trifluoromethylsulfonylamides bearing on the nitrogen a cyclohexyl residue, eventually 2-substituted, were prepared and tested for analgesic activity against a chemical stimulus. Good activity was exhibited by amides 9, 11 and 28, by formamidine 34, as well as by triflyamide 40. Eleven additional compounds exhibited a moderate activity

    A responsabilidade civil por acidentes causados por embriaguez de terceiros condutores de veículos segurados

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    A tecnologia e a evolução nas relações de consumo aumentaram a importância prática dos contratos de seguro. Para que estes funcionem bem, é necessária a atividade das entidades seguradoras, que devem administrar o capital depositado pelos segurados, os quais devem agir de acordo com os princípios da mutualidade, da solidariedade e da boa-fé objetiva. Nesse sentido, o Código Civil, que regulamenta os contratos de seguro no Brasil, define que o comportamento do segurado que aumentar consideravelmente a chance da ocorrência do sinistro caracteriza o agravamento do risco e a consequente exclusão da responsabilidade da seguradora de arcar com a indenização pactuada. Contudo, doutrina e jurisprudência divergem em reconhecer se o instituto do agravamento do risco deve ser interpretado de forma restritiva ou não. É sabido que dirigir embriagado aumenta consideravelmente as chances de ocorrer um acidente, contudo nem sempre os motoristas que dirigem embriagados perdem o direito à indenização, considerando que setores da doutrina e da jurisprudência entendem que apenas o nexo causal da embriaguez com o acidente caracteriza o agravamento do risco, especialmente nos casos em que o condutor alcoolizado não for o segurado.Technology and evolution in consumer relations have increased the practical importance of insurance contracts. In order of these to work well, it is necessary for the insurers, who must manage the capital deposited by the insured, who must act in accordance with the principles of mutuality, solidarity and objective good faith. In this sense, the Civil Code, which regulates insurance contracts in Brazil, defines that the behavior of the insured that considerably increases the chances of accident characterizes the risk worsening and the consequent exclusion of the responsibility of the insurer to pay the indemnity agreed upon. However, doctrine and case-law differ in recognizing whether the institution of increased risk should be interpreted restrictively. It is well known that drunk driving considerably increases the chances of an accident occurring, however, not always drunken drivers lose the right to compensation, considering that sectors of doctrine and jurisprudence understand that only the causal nexus of drunkenness with the accident characterizes the aggravation particularly in cases where the alcoholic driver is not the insured

    Analytical Challenges in Diabetes Management: Towards Glycated Albumin Point-of-Care Detection

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    Diabetes mellitus is a worldwide-spread chronic metabolic disease that occurs when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin levels or when the body fails to effectively use the secreted pancreatic insulin, eventually resulting in hyperglycemia. Systematic glycemic control is the only procedure at our disposal to prevent diabetes long-term complications such as cardiovascular disorders, kidney diseases, nephropathy, neuropathy, and retinopathy. Glycated albumin (GA) has recently gained more and more attention as a control biomarker thanks to its shorter lifespan and wider reliability compared to glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), currently the “gold standard” for diabetes screening and monitoring in clinics. Various techniques such as ion exchange, liquid or affinity-based chromatography and immunoassay can be employed to accurately measure GA levels in serum samples; nevertheless, due to the cost of the lab equipment and complexity of the procedures, these methods are not commonly available at clinical sites and are not suitable to home monitoring. The present review describes the most up-to-date advances in the field of glycemic control biomarkers, exploring in particular the GA with a special focus on the recent experimental analysis techniques, using enzymatic and affinity methods. Finally, analysis steps and fundamental reading technologies are integrated into a processing pipeline, paving the way for future point-of-care testing (POCT). In this view, we highlight how this setup might be employed outside a laboratory environment to reduce the time from measurement to clinical decision, and to provide diabetic patients with a brand-new set of tools for glycemic self-monitoring

    Nanomedicine, an emerging therapeutic strategy for oral cancer therapy

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    Oral cavity and oropharyngeal carcinomas (oral cancer) represents a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Despite efforts in improving early diagnosis and treatment, the 5-year survival rate of advanced stage of the disease is less than 63%. The field of nanomedicine has offered promising diagnostic and therapeutic advances in cancer. Indeed, several platforms have been clinically approved for cancer therapy, while other promising systems are undergoing exploration in clinical trials. With its ability to deliver drugs, nucleic acids, and MRI contrast agents with high efficiency, nanomedicine platforms offer the potential to improve drug efficacy and tolerability. The aim of the present mini-review is to summarize the current preclinical status of nanotechnology systems for oral cancer therapy. The nanoplatforms for delivery of chemopreventive agents presented herein resulted in significantly higher anti-tumor activity than free forms of the drug, even against a chemo-resistant cell line. Impressive results have also been obtained using nanoparticles to deliver chemotherapeutics, resulting in reduced toxicity both in vitro and in vivo. Nanoparticles have also led to improvements in efficacy of photodynamic therapies through the development of targeted magnetic nanoparticles. Finally, gene therapy using nanoparticles demonstrated promising results specifically with regards to inhibition of gene expression. Of the few in vivo studies that have been reported, many of these used animal models with several limitations, which will be discussed herein. Lastly, we will discuss several future perspectives in oral cancer nanoparticle-based therapy and the development of appropriate animal models, distinguishing between oral cavity and oropharyngeal carcinoma

    Evaluasi kebijakan refocusing anggaran belanja pada satuan kerja deputi bidang kewirausahaan Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM

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    Penyesuaian (Refocusing) anggaran telah menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan anggaran karena situasi keuangan pemerintah yang tidak stabil dan melemahnya sumber daya akibat pandemi Covid-19. Perubahan anggaran di Deputi Bidang Kewirausahaan dilaksanakan berdasarkan Rencana Kerja (RENJA) perubahan Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM. Refocusing anggaran belanja ini berdampak pada berbagai sektor di deputi Kewirausahaan Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM, terutama capaian target tahun 2021. Program-program Deputi Bidang Kewirausahaan Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM saat ini masih terus berjalan meskipun ada banyak diantaranya yang harus direvisi dan diminimalisir dan ada beberapa penundaan akibat pemotongan anggaran program atau target yang tidak tercapai. Kebijakan Refocusing sangat berpeluang terhadap tindak pidana pada saat bencana alam terjadi. Dalam hal ini evaluasi terhadap kebijakan pemerintah saat ini tentunya akan memberikan penilaian yang objektif dan cepat sehingga diperlukan penanganan yang tepat dan memadai terhadap isu-isu utama pengolahan dan percepatan penyusunan kebijakan dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19 dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui evaluasi kebijakan refocusing anggaran belanja di deputi kewirausahaan. Penelitian ini mengacu kepada teori menurut William N Dunn mengenai evaluasi kebijakan. Menurut Dunn (2000:610), terdapat enam kriteria dalam evaluasi yaitu efektivitas, efisiensi, kecukupan, perataan, responsivitas dan ketepatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun lokasi penelitian ini adalah di Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM, Jakarta Selatan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa evaluasi kebijakan refocusing anggaran belanja pada satuan kerja deputi kewirausahaan dalam prinsip efektivitas dan prinsip efisiensi sudah cukup efektif dan efesien. prinsip kecukupan sudah berjalan dengan baik, dari segi pemerataan belum merata secara keseluruhan karena diterapkan dengan pembagian yang proporsional, dari prinsip responsivitas belum maksimal karena berkurangnya program pendampingan wirausaha untuk masyarakat, dan prinsip ketepatan tergolong namun belum optimal dalam pelaksanaannya seperti masih ada kekurangan dari revisi program terlalu rendah

    Diseño de bloques de concreto adicionando cenizas de hojas de plátano para uso en muros de albañilería aplicando norma E-070

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es evaluar la adición de cenizas de hojas de plátano en las propiedades físicas y mecánica del bloque de concreto. Por ello, la investigación es aplicada de diseño experimental. La muestra fueron 60 bloques de medidas '10x20x10', se ensayaron 12 unidades por absorción a 28 días, 12 unidades por variación dimensional a 28 días y 36 unidades por resistencia a compresión en 7, 14 y 28 días, donde se adicionó 1%, 3% y 5% de cenizas de hojas de plátano respecto al cemento. Los resultados revelaron que la adición de estas cenizas en porcentajes de 1%, 3% y 5% en 28 días obtuvieron absorción de 0.85%; 0.83% y 0.70%. En variación dimensional consiguieron en 1%; largo 1.32, ancho 3.77, altura 0.68; en 3%; largo 1.80, ancho 3.93, altura 0.14 y en 5%; largo 1.30, ancho 3.31, altura 0.85. Igualmente, la resistencia a compresión en adiciones 1%, 3% y 5% a 28 días obtuvieron resistencias de 135.33 kg/cm², 149.00 kg/cm² y 95.33 kg/cm². Finalmente, los bloques de concreto fabricado adicionando cenizas de hojas de plátano cumplen el RNE E-070, asimismo, la adición óptima es 3%, porque incrementó la resistencia en un 49% respecto al bloque patrón

    Geographic Tongue

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