678 research outputs found

    A model study for causal relationships between voltage and calcium dynamics

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    From Twentieth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2011 Stockholm, Sweden. 23-28 July 2011This work was supported by grants MICINN BFU2009-08473 and TIN 2010-19607

    Laughter and smiling facial expression modelling for the generation of virtual affective behavior

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    Laughter and smiling are significant facial expressions used in human to human communication. We present a computational model for the generation of facial expressions associated with laughter and smiling in order to facilitate the synthesis of such facial expressions in virtual characters. In addition, a new method to reproduce these types of laughter is proposed and validated using databases of generic and specific facial smile expressions. In particular, a proprietary database of laugh and smile expressions is also presented. This database lists the different types of classified and generated laughs presented in this work. The generated expressions are validated through a user study with 71 subjects, which concluded that the virtual character expressions built using the presented model are perceptually acceptable in quality and facial expression fidelity. Finally, for generalization purposes, an additional analysis shows that the results are independent of the type of virtual character’s appearance. © 2021 Mascaró et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    MEMS-based Micro-scale Wind Turbines as Energy Harvesters of the Convective Airflows in Microelectronic Circuits

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    As an alternative to conventional batteries and other energy scavenging techniques, this paper introduces the idea of using micro-turbines to extract energy from wind forces at the microscale level and to supply power to battery-less microsystems. Fundamental research efforts on the design, fabrication, and test of micro-turbines with blade lengths of just 160 μm are presented in this paper along with analytical models and preliminary experimental results. The proof-of-concept prototypes presented herein were fabricated using a standard polysilicon surface micro-machining silicon technology (PolyMUMPs) and could effectively transform the kinetic energy of the available wind into a torque that might drive an electric generator or directly power supply a micro-mechanical system. Since conventional batteries do not scale-down well to the microscale, wind micro-turbines have the potential for becoming a practical alternative power source for microsystems, as well as for extending the operating range of devices running on batteries

    Genomic analysis of dominance effects on milk production and conformation traits in Fleckvieh cattle

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    Background Estimates of dominance variance in dairy cattle based on pedigree data vary considerably across traits and amount to up to 50% of the total genetic variance for conformation traits and up to 43% for milk production traits. Using bovine SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) genotypes, dominance variance can be estimated both at the marker level and at the animal level using genomic dominance effect relationship matrices. Yield deviations of high-density genotyped Fleckvieh cows were used to assess cross-validation accuracy of genomic predictions with additive and dominance models. The potential use of dominance variance in planned matings was also investigated. Results Variance components of nine milk production and conformation traits were estimated with additive and dominance models using yield deviations of 1996 Fleckvieh cows and ranged from 3.3% to 50.5% of the total genetic variance. REML and Gibbs sampling estimates showed good concordance. Although standard errors of estimates of dominance variance were rather large, estimates of dominance variance for milk, fat and protein yields, somatic cell score and milkability were significantly different from 0. Cross-validation accuracy of predicted breeding values was higher with genomic models than with the pedigree model. Inclusion of dominance effects did not increase the accuracy of the predicted breeding and total genetic values. Additive and dominance SNP effects for milk yield and protein yield were estimated with a BLUP (best linear unbiased prediction) model and used to calculate expectations of breeding values and total genetic values for putative offspring. Selection on total genetic value instead of breeding value would result in a larger expected total genetic superiority in progeny, i.e. 14.8% for milk yield and 27.8% for protein yield and reduce the expected additive genetic gain only by 4.5% for milk yield and 2.6% for protein yield. Conclusions Estimated dominance variance was substantial for most of the analyzed traits. Due to small dominance effect relationships between cows, predictions of individual dominance deviations were very inaccurate and including dominance in the model did not improve prediction accuracy in the cross-validation study. Exploitation of dominance variance in assortative matings was promising and did not appear to severely compromise additive genetic gain

    Carcass conformation and fat cover scores in beef cattle: A comparison of threshold linear models vs grouped data models

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    Background: Beef carcass conformation and fat cover scores are measured by subjective grading performed by trained technicians. The discrete nature of these scores is taken into account in genetic evaluations using a threshold model, which assumes an underlying continuous distribution called liability that can be modelled by different methods. Methods: Five threshold models were compared in this study: three threshold linear models, one including slaughterhouse and sex effects, along with other systematic effects, with homogeneous thresholds and two extensions with heterogeneous thresholds that vary across slaughterhouses and across slaughterhouse and sex and a generalised linear model with reverse extreme value errors. For this last model, the underlying variable followed a Weibull distribution and was both a log-linear model and a grouped data model. The fifth model was an extension of grouped data models with score-dependent effects in order to allow for heterogeneous thresholds that vary across slaughterhouse and sex. Goodness-of-fit of these models was tested using the bootstrap methodology. Field data included 2,539 carcasses of the Bruna dels Pirineus beef cattle breed. Results: Differences in carcass conformation and fat cover scores among slaughterhouses could not be totally captured by a systematic slaughterhouse effect, as fitted in the threshold linear model with homogeneous thresholds, and different thresholds per slaughterhouse were estimated using a slaughterhouse-specific threshold model. This model fixed most of the deficiencies when stratification by slaughterhouse was done, but it still failed to correctly fit frequencies stratified by sex, especially for fat cover, as 5 of the 8 current percentages were not included within the bootstrap interval. This indicates that scoring varied with sex and a specific sex per slaughterhouse threshold linear model should be used in order to guarantee the goodness-of-fit of the genetic evaluation model. This was also observed in grouped data models that avoided fitting deficiencies when slaughterhouse and sex effects were score-dependent. Conclusions: Both threshold linear models and grouped data models can guarantee the goodness-of-fit of the genetic evaluation for carcass conformation and fat cover, but our results highlight the need for specific thresholds by sex and slaughterhouse in order to avoid fitting deficiencies

    Prokaryotic picoplankton distribution within the oxygen minimum zone of the central Mexican Pacific across environmental gradients

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    O picophytoplankton marinho tornou-se uma questão importante para compreender a ecologia global das formas fototróficas, devido à sua ampla distribuição e contribuição para a biomassa e a produtividade. Estudamos os pigmentos de abundância, distribuição e assinatura do picofitoplâncton procarionte Prochlorococcus e Synechococcus durante um cruzeiro oceanográfico no Pacífico central mexicano, uma zona mínima de oxigênio relativamente poco conhecida (OMZ) e o efeito de três gradientes ambientais. As abundâncias de Prochlorococcus e Synechococcus foram comparáveis às encontradas em outras áreas tropicais (0.17 to 30.37 X 104 células mL1, e 0.9 to 30.97 X 104 células mL-1, respectivamente). As abundâncias de Prochlorococcus atingiram o maior número em águas mais profundas, coincidindo frequentemente com a segunda intensidade de fluorescência in situ profunda (e clorofila a), em estações oceânicas, abaixo da nitratoclina, enquanto as abundâncias de Synechococcus foram maiores nas águas de subsuperficie e sua concentração máxima geralmente coincidiu com os máximos de subsuperficie de fluorescência in situ, com abundâncias ligeiramente mais altas nas estações costeiras. As análises estatísticas suportam significativamente esses resultados. A distribuição da divinil-clorofila a foi errática ao longo da coluna de água e coincidiu ocasionalmente com os máximos de fluorescência in situ profundos, enquanto que a distribuição da zeaxantina seguiu geralmente a da clorofila a e as abundâncias de Synechococcus e atingiu o pico. Estes resultados são semelhantes aos encontrados anteriormente na área de estudo e em zonas mais temperadas, e também à tendência geral na OMZ, mas confirmam que a clorofila profunda a maxima é atribuída a altas densidades de Prochlorococcus. Além disso, encontramos a abundância e distribuição de Prochlorococcus e Synechococcus fortemente conduzida pelos gradientes ambientais observados.Marine picophytoplankton has become an important issue to understand the global ecology of phototrophic forms, due to its wide distribution and contribution to biomass and productivity. We studied the abundance, distribution and signature pigments of the prokaryote picophytoplankters Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus during an oceanographic cruise (26 April to 7 May, 2011) in the central Mexican Pacific, a relatively poorlyknown oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), and the effect of three environmental gradients. Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus abundances were comparable with those found in other tropical areas (0.17 to 30.37 X 104 cells mL-1, and 0.9 to 30.97 X 104 cells mL-1, respectively). Prochlorococcus abundances reached highest numbers in deeper waters, often coinciding with the second deep in situ fluorescence (and chlorophyll α) maxima, at oceanic stations, below the nitratecline, whereas Synechococcus abundances were higher at subsurface waters and its concentration maxima usually coincided with the subsurface in situ fluorescence maxima, with slightly higher abundances in coastal stations. Statistical analyses support significantly these results. Distribution of divinyl-chlorophyll α was erratic along the water column and occasionally coincided with the deep in situ fluorescence maxima, whereas the distribution of zeaxanthin usually followed that of chlorophyll α and the abundances of Synechococcus, and peaked together. These results are similar to those previously found in the study area and in more temperate zones, and also to the general trend in OMZ, but confirm that the second deep chlorophyll α maxima are attributed to high Prochlorococcus densities. We additionally found the abundance and distribution of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus strongly driven by the environmental gradients observed

    Censored Bayesian models for genetic evaluation of age at first calving in Brazilian Brahman cattle

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    We compared different Bayesian models to handle censored data for genetic parameters estimation of age at first calving (AFC) in Brazilian Brahman cattle. Data from females with AFC above 1825 days of age were assumed to have failed to calve and were considered as censored records. Data including information of 53, 703 cows were analyzed through the following methods: conventional linear model method (LM), which consider only uncensored records; simulation method (SM), in which the data were augmented by drawing random samples from positive truncated normal distributions; penalty method (PM), in which a constant of 21 days was added to censored records; and the bivariate threshold-linear method (TLcens). The LM was the most suited for genetic evaluation of AFC in Brazilian Brahman cattle based on the predictive ability evaluation through cross-validation analysis. The similar results for LM and PM regarding Spearman correlations, and the higher percentages of selected animals in common, indicated that there was not relevant reranking of animals when censored records were used. In summary, the heritability estimates for AFC ranged from 0.09 (TLcens) to 0.20 (LM). Given its poor predictive performance, the SM is not recommended for handling censored records for genetic evaluation of AFC

    Gene expression profiling of mesenteric lymph nodes from sheep with natural scrapie

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    Background: Prion diseases are characterized by the accumulation of the pathogenic PrPSc protein, mainly in the brain and the lymphoreticular system. Although prions multiply/accumulate in the lymph nodes without any detectable pathology, transcriptional changes in this tissue may reflect biological processes that contribute to the molecular pathogenesis of prion diseases. Little is known about the molecular processes that occur in the lymphoreticular system in early and late stages of prion disease. We performed a microarray-based study to identify genes that are differentially expressed at different disease stages in the mesenteric lymph node of sheep naturally infected with scrapie. Oligo DNA microarrays were used to identify gene-expression profiles in the early/middle (preclinical) and late (clinical) stages of the disease. Results: In the clinical stage of the disease, we detected 105 genes that were differentially expressed (=2-fold change in expression). Of these, 43 were upregulated and 62 downregulated as compared with age-matched negative controls. Fewer genes (50) were differentially expressed in the preclinical stage of the disease. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis revealed that the differentially expressed genes were largely associated with the following terms: glycoprotein, extracellular region, disulfide bond, cell cycle and extracellular matrix. Moreover, some of the annotated genes could be grouped into 3 specific signaling pathways: focal adhesion, PPAR signaling and ECM-receptor interaction. We discuss the relationship between the observed gene expression profiles and PrPSc deposition and the potential involvement in the pathogenesis of scrapie of 7 specific differentially expressed genes whose expression levels were confirmed by real time-PCR. Conclusions: The present findings identify new genes that may be involved in the pathogenesis of natural scrapie infection in the lymphoreticular system, and confirm previous reports describing scrapie-induced alterations in the expression of genes involved in protein misfolding, angiogenesis and the oxidative stress response. Further studies will be necessary to determine the role of these genes in prion replication, dissemination and in the response of the organism to this disease