604 research outputs found

    Origin of coherent structures in a discrete chaotic medium

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    Using as an example a large lattice of locally interacting Hindmarsh-Rose chaotic neurons, we disclose the origin of ordered structures in a discrete nonequilibrium medium with fast and slow chaotic oscillations. The origin of the ordering mechanism is related to the appearance of a periodic average dynamics in the group of chaotic neurons whose individual slow activity is significantly synchronized by the group mean field. Introducing the concept of a "coarse grain" as a cluster of neuron elements with periodic averaged behavior allows consideration of the dynamics of a medium composed of these clusters. A study of this medium reveals spatially ordered patterns in the periodic and slow dynamics of the coarse grains that are controlled by the average intensity of the fast chaotic pulsation

    O-GlcNAcylation mediates the control of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity via Pgc1a

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    PGC1a is a coactivator of many transcription factors and cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK1) is a key enzyme for gluconeogenesis. PGC1a interacts with the transcription factor PPAR¿ to stimulate PCK1 expression and thus de novo glucose synthesis. These proteins are not only important for central energy metabolism but also for supplying intermediates for other metabolic pathways, including lipidogenesis and protein synthesis and might therefore be important factors in the ethiopathogenesis of metabolic disorders like diabetes but also in other pathologies like cancer. Since polymorphisms in these proteins have been related to some phenotypic traits in animals like pigs and PGC1a G482S polymorphism increases fat deposition in humans, we have investigated the molecular basis of such effects focusing on a commonly studied polymorphism in pig Pgc1a, which changes a cysteine at position 430 (WT) of the protein to a serine (C430S). Biochemical analyses show that Pgc1a WT stimulates higher expression of human PCK1 in HEK293T and HepG2 cells. Paradoxically, Pgc1a WT is less stable than Pgc1a p.C430S in HEK293T cells. However, the study of different post-translational modifications shows a higher O-GlcNAcylation level of Pgc1a p.C430S. This higher O-GlcNAcylation level significantly decreases the interaction between Pgc1a and PPAR¿ demonstrating the importance of post-translational glycosylation of PGC1a in the regulation of PCK1 activity. This, furthermore, could explain at least in part the observed epistatic effects between PGC1a and PCK1 in pigs

    A note on mate allocation for dominance handling in genomic selection

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    Estimation of non-additive genetic effects in animal breeding is important because it increases the accuracy of breeding value prediction and the value of mate allocation procedures. With the advent of genomic selection these ideas should be revisited. The objective of this study was to quantify the efficiency of including dominance effects and practising mating allocation under a whole-genome evaluation scenario. Four strategies of selection, carried out during five generations, were compared by simulation techniques. In the first scenario (MS), individuals were selected based on their own phenotypic information. In the second (GSA), they were selected based on the prediction generated by the Bayes A method of whole-genome evaluation under an additive model. In the third (GSD), the model was expanded to include dominance effects. These three scenarios used random mating to construct future generations, whereas in the fourth one (GSD + MA), matings were optimized by simulated annealing. The advantage of GSD over GSA ranges from 9 to 14% of the expected response and, in addition, using mate allocation (GSD + MA) provides an additional response ranging from 6% to 22%. However, mate selection can improve the expected genetic response over random mating only in the first generation of selection. Furthermore, the efficiency of genomic selection is eroded after a few generations of selection, thus, a continued collection of phenotypic data and re-evaluation will be required

    c.A2456C-substitution in Pck1 changes the enzyme kinetic and functional properties modifying fat distribution in pigs

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    Cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, PCK1, is one of the main regulatory enzymes of gluconeogenesis and glyceroneogenesis. The substitution of a single amino acid (Met139Leu) in PCK1 as a consequence of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), c.A2456C, is associated in the pig to a negative phenotype characterized by reduced intramuscular fat content, enhanced backfat thickness and lower meat quality. The p.139L enzyme shows reduced k(cat) values in the glyceroneogenic direction and enhanced ones in the anaplerotic direction. Accordingly, the expression of the p.139L isoform results in about 30% lower glucose and 9% lower lipid production in cell cultures. Moreover, the ability of this isoform to be acetylated is also compromised, what would increase its susceptibility to be degraded in vivo by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. The high frequency of the c.2456C allele in modern pig breeds implies that the benefits of including c.A2456C SNP in selection programs could be considerable

    A model study for causal relationships between voltage and calcium dynamics

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    From Twentieth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2011 Stockholm, Sweden. 23-28 July 2011This work was supported by grants MICINN BFU2009-08473 and TIN 2010-19607

    Use of Bayes factors to evaluate the effects of host genetics, litter and cage on the rabbit cecal microbiota

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    Background: The rabbit cecum hosts and interacts with a complex microbial ecosystem that contributes to the variation of traits of economic interest. Although the influence of host genetics on microbial diversity and specific microbial taxa has been studied in several species (e.g., humans, pigs, or cattle), it has not been investigated in rabbits. Using a Bayes factor approach, the aim of this study was to dissect the effects of host genetics, litter and cage on 984 microbial traits that are representative of the rabbit microbiota. Results: Analysis of 16S rDNA sequences of cecal microbiota from 425 rabbits resulted in the relative abundances of 29 genera, 951 operational taxonomic units (OTU), and four microbial alpha-diversity indices. Each of these microbial traits was adjusted with mixed linear and zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) models, which all included additive genetic, litter and cage effects, and body weight at weaning and batch as systematic factors. The marginal posterior distributions of the model parameters were estimated using MCMC Bayesian procedures. The deviance information criterion (DIC) was used for model comparison regarding the statistical distribution of the data (normal or ZIP), and the Bayes factor was computed as a measure of the strength of evidence in favor of the host genetics, litter, and cage effects on microbial traits. According to DIC, all microbial traits were better adjusted with the linear model except for the OTU present in less than 10% of the animals, and for 25 of the 43 OTU with a frequency between 10 and 25%. On a global scale, the Bayes factor revealed substantial evidence in favor of the genetic control of the number of observed OTU and Shannon indices. At the taxon-specific level, significant proportions of the OTU and relative abundances of genera were influenced by additive genetic, litter, and cage effects. Several members of the genera Bacteroides and Parabacteroides were strongly influenced by the host genetics and nursing environment, whereas the family S24-7 and the genus Ruminococcus were strongly influenced by cage effects. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that host genetics shapes the overall rabbit cecal microbial diversity and that a significant proportion of the taxa is influenced either by host genetics or environmental factors, such as litter and/or cage. © 2022, The Author(s)