59 research outputs found

    The legacy of the hippodrome at Constantinople

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    Ankara : The Department of Archaeology and History of Art and Institute of Economics and Social Sciences, Bilkent University, 1998.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1998.Includes bibliographical references leaves 190-197.Circuses were among the most popular Roman entertainment buildings from the early seventh century BC up to the sixth century AD. Although they were primarily designed for chanot races, circuses remained closely tied to the public life of a city by incorporating a number of religious, commercial and ceremonial functions. Their role in Roman daily and political life further increased in the late Empire and especially under the tetrarchy when the circus, which was by then physically connected to the imperial palace, has become the major arena for the visual and verbal contact between the emperor and the public, and a sine qua non component of tetrarchic centers. The Hippodrome of Constantinople believed to be started by Septimius Severus at the end of the second century and completed by Constantine in 330 AD, had a peculiar place among Roman circuses, because it was the circus par excellence of the Eastern Roman Empire. On the other hand, up to the twelfth century, it kept alive the tradition of chariot races which gradually became interwoven in imperial ceremonies. Furthermore, the Hippodrome adjunct to the Great Palace of the emperors, represented the fundamental public space of the city which was also a religious, administrative, commercial, ceremonial and entertainment center. Today, the Atmeydani (the place of horses), spanning almost half a kilometer from the Northwest to the Southeast between Sultan Ahmet Mosque and the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts (former Ibrahim Paşa Palace), still recalls the memory of chariot races through its name. The site bears the surviving remains of the structure, limited to two obelisks and a column, namely the Theodosian Obelisk, the Serpent Column and the Column of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, located on the longitudinal middle axis of the arena and the monumental brick and rubble substructures of the semicircular southern end (sphendone) of the Hippodrome. Although such an important building has been continuously mentioned and described by waters and travelers throughout the centunes, neither the constructional history nor the architectural charactenstics of the Hippodrome have been securely reconstructed. This paper encounters two broad questions about the Hippodrome at Constantinople: First, it investigates the role of the Hippodrome in the public life of the city and in the urban memory, from its inauguration up to the twentieth century. This first study is based on the interpretation of the secondary sources, the accounts of ancient authors and chroniclers as well as the pictorial matenal (miniatures, engravings, maps, photographs etc.) that was handed over throughout centuries. Second, it attempts to locate the Hippodrome in the tradition of circus building through a comparative analysis of the available data on a number of late Roman circuses. This second study consists of the evaluation of the archaeological excavations and surveys previously carried out on the site in comparison to the field survey and documentation work we have undertaken at the substructures of the sphendone in 1997, in order to discuss the earliest and subsequent building phases of the surviving remains and thus locate it in a building tradition. Reassessing the urban and constructional value of the Hippodrome in the past and its legacy in the present, we aim at drawing attention to the urgent need of preservation and presentation of the remains to the general public.Varinlioğlu, GünderM.S

    Recoding the nautical archaeology : virtual museum of underwater cultural heritage

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    Ankara : The Department of Interior Architecture and Environment Design and the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University , 2011.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2011.Includes bibliographical references leaves 173-187.The preservation of underwater cultural heritage requires the availability and access to data produced by nautical archaeology alongside tools for analysis, visualization and communication. Although numerous archaeological surveys and excavations have been carried out in the past decades in Turkey, there is no publicly available information system integrated to nautical archaeology. This dissertation proposes a framework of a virtual museum of underwater cultural heritage (VM). VM incorporates the practices of collection, preservation, research, visualization and exhibit, thus offers new approaches to the preservation of cultural heritage. In this dissertation, a web-based information system has been developed for a model of virtual museum using the data collected during underwater surveys conducted on the coastal region of Kaş, Turkey in 2007-2010. Divers from a variety of professional backgrounds followed the practice of in situ preservation, collecting visual, geographical and descriptive data using structured datasheets. Through the analysis of these nondestructive methods, an information system and a data collection methodology are developed aiming the contribution of all interested parties in a collaborative manner. The system currently contains information on c.600 finds in the form of sketches, measurements, drawings, photographs of finds. Combined with Google Maps, the database illustrates the initial technological steps towards the development of a virtual museum. Divers, archaeologists and other interested users of this information system participate in the musealization of information through separately applied analysis, visualization and communication tools by open software programs. These initial steps demonstrate the methods for the automation of data analysis and visual documentation, the visualization of information and the communication of this knowledge. Futuristic concepts of automated, immersive and interactive design redefine the virtual museum of underwater cultural heritage as well as offer different approaches to the discipline of nautical archaeology.Varinlioğlu, GüzdenPh.D

    The fluid experience of space : physical body in virtual spaces over an analysis of Osmose

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.By the naissance of virtual reality, the body is repressed and transformed into representation in technological virtuality, and the cyberspace has defined as the space experienced by the mind that is separated from the body. By this transformation to ‘simulacra’, this dystopian world of Neuromancer has become the model for future works. Whereas by the help of Char Davies’ Osmose using Virtual Reality technology, the boundaries of technological virtuality is expanded in such a way to include the de-technologized virtuality: the virtuality of nature. By the use of virtual reality technology, Davies’s interpretation to cyberspace is transgressive in terms of body and space notion. Starting from the definition virtuality of nature, my aim is to analyze the virtuality of water, that will help the thesis to criticize the technology per se and proposes ‘other’ space and body relation in this newly created environment: water space. By the direct ‘contact’ of the body, water space become united with the element, dissolving the boundaries of object/subject, inside/outside splits. Drawing parallel lines between water and imagination, virtuality and freedom, this thesis proposes a look at the cyberspace notion through water.Varinlioğlu, GüzdenM.S

    Agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean:Medieval intensification revealed by OSL profiling and dating

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    The history of agricultural terraces remains poorly understood due to problems in dating their construction and use. This has hampered broader research on their significance, limiting knowledge of past agricultural practices and the long-term investment choices of rural communities. The authors apply OSL profiling and dating to the sediments associated with agricultural terraces across the Mediterranean region to date their construction and use. Results from five widely dispersed case studies reveal that although many terraces were used in the first millennium AD, the most intensive episodes of terrace-building occurred during the later Middle Ages (c. AD 1100–1600). This innovative approach provides the first large-scale evidence for both the longevity and medieval intensification of Mediterranean terraces

    Licimetric Investigation Of Vertical Transportation Of Cs-137 In The Different Soil Types For The Different Raining Conditions; A New Solution Proposol And Application For The Chernobyl Accident

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Enerji Enstitüsü, 2000Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, 2000Bu doktora tez çalışması ile amaçlanan toprakta suyun düşey ilerleyişinin incelenmesi için izleyici olarak, sezyum-137 radyoizotopu kullanılarak radyoaktif izleme tekiği ile çalışılmıştır. Deneylerde; killi, tınlı ve kumlu olmak üzere üç farklı toprak cinsi ve ülkemiz ve özellikle Karadeniz bölgesi için söz konusu olan yüksek, orta ve az yağış rejimini temsil eden üç farklı yağış rejimi ile çalışılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalar, lizimetrik deney koşulları içinde yapılmıştır. Böylelikle, yapılan deneysel çalışmalar, uygulama biçimi ve uygulama kombinasyonu ile deneysel orijinalite içerecek şekilde gerçeklenmiştir. Ayrıca, nem izleme tekniğindende yararlanılmıştır Deneyler sonucunda, farklı toprak cinsleri ile elde edilen sonuçlar, her yağış rejiminde; daima kum, tın ve kil sıralamasında olduğu görülmüştür. Yağış rejimlerine göre deney sonuçlan incelendiğinde; her toprak cinsi için elde edilen bağıl aktivitenin daima yüksek yağış rejiminden düşük yağış rejimine doğru olduğu görülmektedir. Elde edilen bu sonuçlar beklenti doğrultusunda sonuçlar olup, önemli ölçüde su geçirgenliği ile ilgili olmaktadır. Deneylerimizde yüzey toprağı aktivitesi incelemesi de yapılmıştır. Yüzey aktivitesine ilişkin toprak cinsleri açısından durum, her yağış rejimi için killi toprak, tınlı toprak ve kumlu toprak sıralanması şeklindedir. Dolayısıyla, toprak cinsine bağlı olarak, toprak derinliklerine nüfuz edememe durumunda, yüzey akti vitesinin daha yüksek olduğu görülmektedir. Toprak derinliklerindeki bağıl aktivite değerleri ile yüzey aktivitesi sonuçları karşılaştırıldığında sıralamanın tersine olduğu görülmektedir. Bu durum, deneylerimizin uyumluluğunu gösteren bir olgudur. Farklı yağış rejimleri için yüzey aktivitesi incelendiğinde ise; bağıl aktivite değerlerinin her toprak cinsi için daima aynı sıralama ile yüksek yağış rejiminden düşük yağış rejimine doğru olduğu görülmektedir Burada da yine toprakta ilerleme olgusuna bağlı olarak sonuç alınmıştır. Böylelikle, deney sonuçlarımızın anlamlı ve kendi içinde uyumlu olduğu söylenebilir. Deney sonuçlan, klasik olarak nitelenebilen yan-sonlu yayınım - taşınım modeli kullanılarak karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Deney şartlarımız için klasik hesaplama ile elde edilen sonuçların hepsi, deney sonuçlarımız ile uyumlu olarak bulunmuştur. Deney sonuçlan ile klasik hesaplama sonuçlarının uyumu görülmekle beraber, klasik hesaplama sonuçlarının, deney sonuçlarına göre önemli farklılıklar gösterdiği gözlenmiştir. Toprakta düşey ilerleme, deneyde klasik hesaplamaya göre daha yavaş olmaktadır. Bu farklılığın ise, klasik hesaplamada Darcy hızı olarak alınan hızın ideal bir hız olduğu ve toprağın cinsine ve durumuna göre gerçek hız değerinin farklılaşabildiğinden kaynaklandığı söylenebilir. xiv Önemli olduğu düşünülen deney ile klasik hesaplama arasındaki farklılıkların giderilmesi amacıyla, bu doktora tezinin orijinalitesi içinde yan-sonlu yayınım - taşınım modeli için yeni bir çözüm önerisi getirilmiştir. Bu öngörüde, suyun toprak içinde düşey olarak gerçek ilerlemesi için Darcy hızı ile suyun toprağın içinde ideal şartlarda alacağı yoldan, göçme katsayısının Darcy hızına oranı kadar bir yavaşlatma etkisi göz önüne alınmaktadır. Yeni çözüm önerisi ile yapılan hesaplamalarla deney şartlarımıza uyan sonuçlar bulunmuştur. Farklı toprak çeşitleri için ve her yağış rejimi için yeni çözüm önerisiyle elde edilen sonuçların deneylerimizle uyumlu ve aynı sıralamayla olduğu görülmüştür. Keza, farklı yağış rejimleri için her toprak cinsi için yeni çözüm önerisiyle elde edilen sonuçların da deneylerimizle uyumlu ve aynı sıralamada olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Böylelikle, yeni çözüm önerisiyle elde edilen sonuçların klasik hesaplamayla elde edilenler gibi deneylere uyumlu olduğu görülmüştür. Deney sonuçlan, klasik hesaplama ve yeni çözüm önerisi ile elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırıldığında, yeni çözüm önerisi sonuçlarının deney sonuçlarına daha uyumlu olduğu görülmüştür. Bu bağlamda, bu doktora tezinin bir orijinalitesi olan yeni çözüm önerisinin, klasik hesaplamaya göre gerçeğe daha uyumlu olduğu söylenebilir. Bununla da yetinilmemiş ve bu konuda en bilinen gerçek hal için uygulama yoluna gidilmiştir. Bu hal de, 26 Nisan 1986 yılında Ukrayna'da meydana gelen Chernobyl nükleer reaktör kazası sonuçlandır. Chernobyl nükleer reaktör kazası sonrası ülkemizin Karadeniz bölgesi için alınan örnek sayımlarından hareketle Karadeniz bölgesinin farklı yöreleri için alınmış ölçüm değerleri, klasik hesaplama sonuçlan ve yeni çözüm önerisi ile elde edilen sonuçlarla karşılaştırmah olarak sınanmıştır. Yapılan karşılaştırmalar, yeni çözüm önerisinin, klasik hesaplamaya göre gerçeğe daha uyumlu olduğunu göstermiştir. Klasik hesaplama sonuçlarının hatası % 50 dolayında iken, yeni çözüm önerisi ile elde edilen sonuçlar genellikle gerçeğe % 15 'in altında bir hatayla yakınsamaktadır. Bu durum, Chernobyl nükleer reaktör kazası sonrası ölçümleri alınan, farklı yöreler için benzer şekilde görülmüştür. Bu durum, bu doktora tezi orijinalitesi olan yeni çözüm önerisinin güvenilirliğinin en iyi kanıtı olmuştur. Öz olarak söylemek gerekirse; seçilen toprak cinsleri ve yağış rejimleriyle orijinal olan ve lizimetrik uygulamasıyla da orijinallik içeren bu doktora tezi deneylerinin sonuçlarının, klasik hesaplamayla ulaşılan sonuçlara uyumu görülmekten ayn olarak, tümüyle bu doktora tezinin orijinalitesi olan toprakta düşey ilerleyişe ilişkin yan-sonlu yayınım - taşınım modeline getirilen yeni çözüm önerisinin deneylere olan uyumu gösterildikten sonra, gerçeğe uygulama olan Chernobyl nükleer kazası sonuçlarına da uygulanmış ve gerçeğe % 15 'in altında bir uyumla yakınsadığı gösterilerek, uygunluğu ve güvenilirliği kanıtlanmıştır.The aim of this Ph.D. thesis is to trace the vertical transportation of water in soil by using the Cs-137 as radiotracer. We have studied 3 different soil types clay, loamy and sandy and 3 different raining conditions. High, normal and low raining regimes that are typical especially for the Black Sea Region were selected for experimental parameters. These experiments have been realized in licimetric conditions. As a result, the type of applications for the combinations of soil type and raining regime contain experimental originality. Humidty observation technique was also used. The result of the experiments show that in every raining regime the activities of different types of soils can be classsssified as sand, loam and clay in descending activity order. When the results of the experiments were evaluated according to the raining regime it can be seen that the relative activity for every type of soil is always towards higher to lower raining conditions. These results are what we already have expected and are related to the water permeability of the soil. The surface soil activities have also been measured. The surface soil activities were arranged as clayey, loamy and sandy in descending activity order for every raining regime. The surface soil activities were found to be higher in the soil types in which water could not penetrate deeper. When the relative activity values were compared with the results of the surface soil activities it was recognized that the order of soils changes upside down. This is an evident of harmony for the experimental results. For the evaluation of surface activity it can be seen that the relative activity values for every kind of soil type is always in the same order from the highest to the lowest raining regimes. As a result, it can be said that the all results have significant and have harmonies with each other. Expermental results were comparatively examind by using the "semi infinite convection dispersion model". All the conclusions driven from experiments which were reached by classical model calculations harmonies well with the present results. XVI Although the present results and the conclusion reached by classical model calculations harmonies, it is observed that there are important differences between them. The vertical transportation in soil was slower in the present experiments than the classical model calculations. As a reason of this difference, it can be showed that the darcy speed which is an ideal speed for soil that is used in the classical model calculation, doesn't agree with the realistic speed that can be changing according to soil type and characteristics. In order to avoid the important differences between the classical model calculation and present experimental results, a new solution for the semi infinite convection diffusional model is proposed in the originality of this Ph.D. thesis. In this proposal of water which is taken by the darcy speed is decreased by a value of the ratio of the migration coefficient to the darcy speed. The result obtained by our new solution proposal agrees quite well with our experimental result. The results that are reached by new solution proposal for different soil types and every raining regimes are harmonies with the squence of our experiment. Meanwhile the conclusion that is reached for the different raining regime and every soil type also harmonies with the experimental results. As a result the conclusion that is reached in new solution proposal is suitable as ones in the classical model calculations to the experiment. If we compare the results with the experimental ones, we see that our new solution agrees better than the classical model results. Therefore new solution proposal that is the originallity of this Ph.D. thesis more realistic than the classical model. Moreover this proposed solution is used to examine a realistic applicational case, that is the of the nuclear reactor accident in Chernobyl in 26 April 1986 which was occured in Ukrania The activity results of soil samples which were taken from various areas of the Black Sea region of Turkey after the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor accident, they are compared with the results of the new solution proposal, and with the classical model calculation. The comparison result show that, the new solution proposal is more realistic than the classical model calculation. While the calculational error in the classical model is about %50, the error in the new solution proposal is less than % 15. Similar results were observed for all samples which were taken from different areas, after the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Accident. This is the best of evident of reliability for the new solution proposal that is the originality of this Ph.D. thesis. To resume the study, an original improved semi infinite convective diffusional model was used in this Ph.D. thesis for the vertical penetration in different soil types at different raining regimes, by using licimetric application. They have good agrement with the classical model calculational results. It has also confirmed with the results of Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Accident with a deviation of %15.DoktoraPh.D

    Le site fortifié du Karamandağ

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    Presentation of a previously unpublished site, west of Uranium, centre of a Carian community and later a city whose name is unknown.Présentation d'un site inédit à l'ouest d'Ouranion, siège d'une communauté carienne, devenue ensuite une cité dont le nom n'est pas encore connu.Varinlioğlu Ender. Le site fortifié du Karamandağ. In: Revue des Études Anciennes. Tome 96, 1994, n°1-2. Fortifications et défense du territoire en Asie Mineure occidentale et méridionale. Table ronde CNRS, Istanbul 20-27 mai 1993, sous la direction de Pierre Debord et Raymond Descat. pp. 185-188

    Nouvelles inscriptions de Stratonicée

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    Three inscriptions (1-2-4) discovered during the recent excavations at Stratonikeia bring new informations on the Flavianos' will and the use of his own legacies and those of his wife. The fourth (3) refers to a contemporary honoured for similar reasons.Trois inscriptions (1-2-4) mises au jour au cours des fouilles récentes de Stratonicée apportent des informations nouvelles sur le testament de Flavianos fils d'Hékatodôros et l'utilisation des legs faits sur lui-même et sa femme. La quatrième (3) se rapporte à un contemporain honoré pour des raisons similaires.Varinlioğlu Ender. Nouvelles inscriptions de Stratonicée. In: Revue des Études Anciennes. Tome 95, 1993, n°3-4. pp. 533-536

    La fortification hellénistique de Stratonicée, archéologie et épigraphie

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    A new inscription from Stratoniceia in Caria consolidates our knowledge on the defense system of the city walls by the military troops of citizens at each tower. This has been implemented in the Hellenistic times.Une nouvelle inscription de Stratonicée en Carie renforce notre connaissance du système défensif de la cité par les citoyens divisés en corps de troupes qui sont affectés à chaque tour depuis l'époque hellénistique.Varinlioğlu Ender. La fortification hellénistique de Stratonicée, archéologie et épigraphie. In: Revue des Études Anciennes. Tome 96, 1994, n°1-2. Fortifications et défense du territoire en Asie Mineure occidentale et méridionale. Table ronde CNRS, Istanbul 20-27 mai 1993, sous la direction de Pierre Debord et Raymond Descat. pp. 189-191