22 research outputs found

    An updated report on the distribution and conservation status of the endangered Cat’s Head Rockrose Helianthemum caput-felis (Magnoliopsida: Violales: Cistaceae) in Algeria

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    Helianthemum caput-felis is an Endangered plant species growing in the western Mediterranean basin. Its distribution is well known to the European and Moroccan regional populations, but no data from its distribution in Algeria have been reported since the middle 20th century. In this study, we provide an up-to-date report on the distribution of the species in Algeria. Fieldwork surveys in the classical locations were unsuccessful in finding the species, probably due to human habitat disturbances; however, a relict location was found in Ain-el-Kerma, near one of the historical known locations. As there is reduced distribution we point out the main causes that threaten the habitat of H. caput-felis according to IUCN threats classification scheme and we also propose to label it in the Algerian Red List as regionally Critically Endangered (CRreg B1ab(i,ii,iii, v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,v); C2a(i,ii); D).Helianthemum caput-felis es una planta amenazada del Mediterráneo occidental. Aunque la distribución de sus poblaciones regionales europeas y marroquís se conoce bien, no se ha publicado nada sobre su distribución en Argelia desde mediados del siglo XX. En este estudio presentamos una actualización de la distribución de la especie en Argelia. La visita a las localidades históricas no permitió encontrar la planta, seguramente debido a su extinción por el deterioro del hábitat. No obstante, encontramos una localidad en Ain-El-Kerma, cerca de una de las localidades históricas conocidas de esta especie. También indicamos las amenazas que afectan al hábitat y a la especie, y proponemos su inclusión en la Lista Roja de Argelia como “En Peligro Crítico” a nivel regional (CRreg B1ab(i,ii,iii,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,v); C2a(i,ii); D)

    Fieldtrip manual for Plant Biodiversity

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    Plant Biodiversity is a subject taught during the second year of the Undergraduate Degree in Biology at the University of Alicante. The main principles about the diversity and morphology of the plants are mostly given during the theoretical classes. This fieldtrip practical manual, together with the laboratory sessions, gives the students an opportunity to see our most common wild plant species. Their direct observations allow them to identify properly the main botanical families, genera and species of our wild flora. This Fieldtrip manual for Plant Biodiversity has been written to enhance the understanding of plant diversity and to identify the different ecological conditions for plant species. Students have to understand that “plants do not grow everywhere”. Most of our natural flora, and specially the endemic one, requires specific environmental conditions to grow. So, the objectives of these fieldtrips are to identify wild flora and to recognise the ecological habitats where many of the identified plant species live

    Una experiencia docente universitaria a través de la red social Facebook

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    La comunicación en las redes sociales es un fenómeno muy extendido, entre otras cosas, gracias a una mayor disponibilidad de internet, así como a la gran proliferación de dispositivos móviles. Entre los alumnos universitarios, este tipo de redes de comunicación desempeñan un papel muy importante. La necesidad de incorporar estas herramientas en la enseñanza universitaria, pasa por el hecho de no crear grandes abismos educativos entre la metodología docente y las generaciones que se etiquetan como nativos digitales. La experiencia de utilizar alguna de estas redes sociales como herramienta docente proviene de incorporar una nueva idea en el mundo de la tecnología educativa. Hasta el momento, se ha trabajado en el sentido de crear aulas virtuales e intentar acercar al alumno a este entorno. Estas aulas tienen carencias como la comunicación en grupo y la interactuación entre los alumnos. La idea de utilizar las redes sociales proviene de estas carencias. Se ha intentado irrumpir en su mundo de comunicación llevando el aula al alumno. De entre todas las redes sociales que son utilizadas por el alumnado, Facebook es la más popular. Esta comunicación expone los resultados que se han obtenido en el marco de la asignatura Biodiversidad vegetal

    Cuatro años de docencia ARA del área de Botánica (Grado en Biología, UA): valoración de resultados

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    El Programa de grupos de Alto Rendimiento Académico (ARA) es una experiencia innovadora de la Universidad de Alicante (UA), en la que solamente cuatro titulaciones lo han implantado, siendo el Grado en Biología pionero en dicho programa. Tras cuatro años de experiencia docente en grupos ARA de las asignaturas Botánica y Biodiversidad vegetal, respectivamente del tercer y cuarto semestres de la titulación, se ha realizado una revisión de los resultados obtenidos, sobre la base del porcentaje de alumnos internacionales en programas de movilidad, el número de alumnos por curso, las notas de evaluación continua, las notas globales respecto al resto de grupos donde se imparten dichas materias, así como la asistencia a las actividades no obligatorias, etc. En esta comunicación se hace una valoración crítica de los resultados obtenidos tras el análisis comparativo de las actividades anteriormente descritas, y se discuten los puntos fuertes y debilidades detectados en las asignaturas del área que se imparten íntegramente en inglés, en el marco del Grado de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UA

    El grupo ARA en las asignaturas Botánica y Biodiversidad vegetal (Grado en Biología): valoración y propuestas de mejora

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    Uno de los retos más destacables en materia de innovación universitaria es el Programa de grupos de Alto Rendimiento Académico (ARA) implementado en la Universidad de Alicante (UA). Éste constituye una experiencia novedosa solamente en cuatro titulaciones de dicha universidad, siendo el Grado en Biología pionero en dicho programa. En origen, el grupo ARA se establece no meramente como un grupo de docencia en inglés, sino para reforzar el potencial de los alumnos más destacados desde el inicio de sus estudios universitarios, por lo que el profesorado tiene que adecuar sus enseñanzas a los requerimientos del alumnado. Con la experiencia acumulada tras cuatro años de grupos ARA en las asignaturas Botánica y Biodiversidad vegetal, impartidas íntegramente en inglés en el tercer y cuarto semestres del Grado en Biología, se han revisado los resultados obtenidos para favorecer una renovación curricular, partiendo del porcentaje de alumnos internacionales en programas de movilidad, el número de alumnos por curso, las notas de evaluación continua y las globales respecto al resto de grupos donde se imparten dichas materias, así como la asistencia a las distintas actividades. El análisis estadístico de los resultados permite realizar una valoración crítica de las actividades desarrolladas, discutiéndose las fortalezas y debilidades detectadas en los grupos estudiados

    Adrenal function recovery after durable oral corticosteroid sparing with benralizumab in the PONENTE study

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    Background Oral corticosteroid (OCS) dependence among patients with severe eosinophilic asthma can cause adverse outcomes, including adrenal insufficiency. PONENTE's OCS reduction phase showed that, following benralizumab initiation, 91.5% of patients eliminated corticosteroids or achieved a final dosage ≤5 mg·day-1 (median (range) 0.0 (0.0-40.0) mg). Methods The maintenance phase assessed the durability of corticosteroid reduction and further adrenal function recovery. For ~6 months, patients continued benralizumab 30 mg every 8 weeks without corticosteroids or with the final dosage achieved during the reduction phase. Investigators could prescribe corticosteroids for asthma exacerbations or increase daily dosages for asthma control deteriorations. Outcomes included changes in daily OCS dosage, Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ)-6 and St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), as well as adrenal status, asthma exacerbations and adverse events. Results 598 patients entered PONENTE; 563 (94.1%) completed the reduction phase and entered the maintenance phase. From the end of reduction to the end of maintenance, the median (range) OCS dosage was unchanged (0.0 (0.0-40.0) mg), 3.2% (n=18/563) of patients experienced daily dosage increases, the mean ACQ-6 score decreased from 1.26 to 1.18 and 84.5% (n=476/563) of patients were exacerbation free. The mean SGRQ improvement (-19.65 points) from baseline to the end of maintenance indicated substantial quality-of-life improvements. Of patients entering the maintenance phase with adrenal insufficiency, 32.4% (n=104/321) demonstrated an improvement in adrenal function. Adverse events were consistent with previous reports. Conclusions Most patients successfully maintained maximal OCS reduction while achieving improved asthma control with few exacerbations and maintaining or recovering adrenal function

    An approach to quantitative plant–soil relationships of saltcedar woodlands throughout central and southeastern Iberian Peninsula (Spain)

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    Saltcedar woodlands are plant formations dominated by several species of the genus Tamarix (Tamaricaceae), representing the potential vegetation in saline, subsaline and wet environments under dry and semi-arid conditions. The broad ecological range of Tamarix communities leads to a heterogeneous floristic composition, with significant differences among habitats in terms of soil and vegetation. Some classification systems for Tamarix communities are only based on vegetation features and do not take any quantitative soil characteristics into account. Twelve Tamarix populations were selected under different ecological environments throughout central and southeastern Iberian Peninsula (Spain). Soil samples and vegetation inventories were collected over the course of 1 year to establish the plant–soil relationships based on constrained ordination analyses. The results showed that three different edaphic gradients were relevant to define the floristic composition of the Spanish saltcedar woodlands: a sodium–moisture gradient, a sulphate–magnesium gradient and a texture gradient. On the basis of these findings, we suggest a new classification system for Tamarix woodlands for the Mediterranean area based on plant–soil relationships. Three vegetation types have been proposed: hyperhalophilous, mesohalophilous and freshwater plant communities. Hyperhalophilous plant communities were characterised by soils with high E.C., high Na+ concentration, low soil moisture and high percentage of clay, being usually dominated by T. boveana and halophytes. Mesohalophilous plant communities had soils with high E.C., high Mg2+ and SO42− concentrations and high percentage of sand, being dominated by T. gallica with mesohalophilous and nitrophilous species. Finally, freshwater plant communities typically showed low E.C., low Na+ concentration and high soil moisture, being characterised by T. gallica with riparian and nitrophilous plants. Since the studied saltcedar woodland communities are notably dependent on soil salinity and moisture, the control of the human activities and hydrological alteration should be considered as a priority to contribute to the global preservation of the Tamarix woodlands.This research was supported by the Mº de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente of Spanish Government [Project OAPN 354/2011] and the Mº de Educación of Spanish Government [FPU Grant AP-2012-1954]

    Halophytic plant community patterns in Mediterranean saltmarshes: shedding light on the connection between abiotic factors and the distribution of halophytes

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    Aims Establishing a vegetation-soil model in Mediterranean saltmarshes based on the relationships between the plant communities and the abiotic factors, considering temporary variation. Methods Relationships between perennial plant species abundances and plant communities were analysed by DCAs. A CCA was performed to study the relationships between floristic composition and edaphic variables. Sixteen soil variables and Pearson correlations between them were considered. Marginal and conditional effects were supported by mixed ANOVA. Statistical analyses were performed to check temporary variation. Results DCAs results showed eight vegetation types. CCA showed E.C. as the main gradient, with the succulent halophyte communities growing in high E.C. soils. SAR and percentage of sand were considered as secondary gradients. Finally, the highest values of the edaphic variables were observed, in general, during the cold period. Conclusions The main gradient of salinity, together with sodicity and texture gradients, would markedly influence the plant distribution in Mediterranean saltmarshes. Two principal plant zones were observed: succulent zone vs. non-succulent zone, with a specific edaphic distribution for each plant community and for the proposed Limonium morphotypes treatment. A plant-soil model based on these three gradients is here proposed. Our results would complement the previous knowledge about plant-soil relationships in Mediterranean saltmarshes.This research was supported by project OAPN 354/2011 (M° de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Spanish Government) and FPU grant AP-2012-1954 (M° de Educación, Spanish Government). This research has been supported by the Languages Service (University of Alicante) for the elaboration of Ph.D. Theses in Valencian and foreign languages

    Taxonomic revision of the Limonium latebracteatum group (Plumbaginaceae), with the description of a new species

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    Limonium latebracteatum is a plant species from the central and northeastern Iberian Peninsula, characterised by an inner bract wider than long, glaucous leaves, and wide petioles, which belongs to the Limonium delicatulum group. The L. delicatulum group is a complex group formed by around fifteen Iberian and Balearic species, including endemisms with narrow distributions, which is highly diversified in the Mediterranean territories of the Iberian Peninsula. The species in that group are similar each other and occasionally they are not well-delimited morphologically. In this framework, a taxonomic revision of L. latebracteatum and close species in the Iberian Peninsula has been carried out to clarify the taxonomy of L. latebracteatum and L. carpetanicum. This revision has been based on morphological features and supported by ordination analyses such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). In addition, a classification tree was performed to support these analyses. As a result of this study, L. latebracteatum has been separated in two different species: L. latebracteatum and L. admirabile, a new species endemic to Albacete province which is described here. Finally, a diagnostic key is provided for the L. delicatulum group to allow identification of the species in this group.This research was supported by the project OAPN 354/2011 (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Spanish Government), “Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses Don Juan Manuel” (Albacete Council) and FPU grant AP-2012-1954 (Ministerio de Educación, Spanish Government)

    Taxonomic status of Ononis tridentata (Fabaceae) from Morocco, resolved by multivariate morphometric analyses

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    In this study, we present the results of morphological studies on the SW Mediterranean Ononis tridentata aggregate, in order to establish the identity and taxonomic status of the only known Moroccan population. By using multivariate morphometric techniques (principal component analysis and discriminant analysis), we examined the diagnostic potential of 14 morphological characters. Moroccan individuals of O. tridentata are well characterised by their long inflorescence axis and calyx lobes frequently toothed among other distinguishing characters. As the Moroccan population is distinct in multivariate morphometric space and occupies an isolated geographical distribution, we recommend the taxonomic status of subspecies: O. tridentata subsp. mauretanica (Maire) Agulló, Juan, M.A. Alonso, Terrones & M.B. Crespo stat. nov.J.C.A. benefited from a predoctoral scholarship from CAM-Obra Social (Caja Mediterráneo) and A.T. was supported by a collaboration fellowship from Ministry of Education (EDU/1799/2010). Funding to visit MPU was provided by University of Alicante (ACIE10-01)