189 research outputs found
Novelty and diversity enhancement and evaluation in recommender systems
Máster en Ingeniería Informática y de Telecomunicació
La contribución de los partidos políticos en México o El misionero, el arquitecto y Robin Hood
This document has two objectives: first, to evaluate the
political parties’ contribution to Mexican democracy, second, to
evaluate the actual situation of Mexican political transition. We
intend to focus our analysis in the three most important political
parties in the country: Partido de Acción Nacional (PAN), Partido
Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), and Partido de la Revolución
Democrática (PRD). The role of political parties in the building of
Mexican democracy has been dissimilar. The PAN contributed to
disseminate and to build institutions and democratic values; the PRI
enhanced political stability and institutionality —two essential
elements in democracy’s life—, and the PRD embodied social policies
in Mexican democratic agenda. The methodology employed is more
theoretical than historical because the conceptual component that
impels the analysis is democratic theory. We’ll analyze only the last
25 years because Mexico has experimented the most important
political changes in that period
Rank and relevance in novelty and diversity metrics for recommender systems
This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in RecSys '11 Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2043932.2043955The Recommender Systems community is paying increasing attention to novelty and diversity as key qualities beyond accuracy in real recommendation scenarios. Despite the raise of interest and work on the topic in recent years, we find that a clear common methodological and conceptual ground for the evaluation of these dimensions is still to be consolidated. Different evaluation metrics have been reported in the literature but the precise relation, distinction or equivalence between them has not been explicitly studied. Furthermore, the metrics reported so far miss important properties such as taking into consideration the ranking of recommended items, or whether items are relevant or not, when assessing the novelty and diversity of recommendations.
We present a formal framework for the definition of novelty and diversity metrics that unifies and generalizes several state of the art metrics. We identify three essential ground concepts at the roots of novelty and diversity: choice, discovery and relevance, upon which the framework is built. Item rank and relevance are introduced through a probabilistic recommendation browsing model, building upon the same three basic concepts. Based on the combination of ground elements, and the assumptions of the browsing model, different metrics and variants unfold. We report experimental observations which validate and illustrate the properties of the proposed metrics.This work is supported by the Spanish Government (TIN2011-
28538-C02-01), and the Government of Madrid (S2009TIC-1542)
A literature review on the Pallet Loading Problem Una revisión literaria del Problema de Carga del Pallet
Actualmente, las empresas enfrentan una competencia agresiva, por lo que implementar estrategias para alcanzar la competitividad es elemental. En este sentido, en Logística, el uso adecuado de los recursos es imprescindible. El impacto en la ganancia que tienen el almacenaje y el transporte, conlleva la implementación de acciones para contrarrestarlo. Un paletizado efectivo puede contribuir a reducir costos. El Problema de Carga del Pallet (PLP) procura la optimización del espacio del pallet para lograr cargar máxima de producto debidamente empacado. El uso práctico y beneficios del PLP han dado pie a su estudio en la búsqueda su solución. Este artículo presenta una revisión literaria de 30 estudios para mostrar las características principales y los métodos de solución propuestos para proveer la base teórica y las maneras como se ha tratado el PLP. Con el entendimiento de estas propuestas de solución, se busca tener el sustento para elaborar un modelo nuevo.Nowadays, businesses face a fierce competition. Hence, the search for strategies to achieve competitiveness is elemental. For that purpose, in Logistics, the proper use of resources is a must. Storing and transportation cause impact the overall profit, making it necessary to take actions to lower their effect. An efficient palletizing can contribute to reduce costs. The Pallet Loading Problem (PLP) focuses on finding space optimization to load the maximum quantity of packed product onto the pallet. The PLP’s practical use and benefits have made it subject of study throughout time. This article presents a literature review of 30 approaches to show the main characteristics and the solution methods researchers have proposed. The objective of this revision consists of providing the theoretical basis and the way the PLP has been treated. Thus, the understanding of these solution approaches can help in the development of a new proposed model
Novelty and diversity metrics for recommender systems: Choice, discovery and relevance
This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the International Workshop on Diversity in Document Retrieval, held in Dublin on 2011There is an increasing realization in the Recommender Systems (RS)
field that novelty and diversity are fundamental qualities of recommendation effectiveness
and added-value. We identify however a gap in the formalization of novelty
and diversity metrics –and a consensus around them– comparable to the recent
proposals in IR diversity. We study a formal characterization of different angles
that RS novelty and diversity may take from the end-user viewpoint, aiming to contribute
to a formal definition and understanding of different views and meanings of
these magnitudes under common groundings. Building upon this, we derive metric
schemes that take item position and relevance into account, two aspects not generally
addressed in the novelty and diversity metrics reported in the RS literatureThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation (TIN2008-06566-C04-02) and the Government of Madrid (S2009/TIC-1542)
El diseño de envase como estrategia para el desarrollo integral sustentable
1 archivo PDF (38 páginas) : principalmente ilustracionesLa sociedad en la que actualmente nos
desarrollamos está considerada como una
sociedad consumista, esto es debido a que se
basa en la adquisición de diversos productos
bienes y servicios, mismos que utilizamos para
satisfacer nuestras necesidades cotidianas y
así poder vivir en una zona de confort que
cumpla los deseos (necesidades sicológicas)
creados por la interacción dentro de este
grupo. Ésta práctica es alentada por el
acelerado ritmo de vida que experimentamos
a diario así como la pretensión de pertenecer
a determinado grupo social, las aspiraciones y
el status deseado dentro del mismo
Comunidad tradicional, ejemplo de alternativa para la vida. San Jerónimo Tecóatl, una comunidad en busca de la modernidad
En la actualidad, recibimos tal cantidad de información que quizá nos haga percibir nuestro entorno como inseguro: desastres ambientales, calentamiento global, escases de recursos naturales, conflictos bélicos, delincuencia, son sólo algunos de los problemas que amenazan la existencia del hombre sobre el planeta. En el pasado existían prácticas o costumbres que eran parte de una cultura que podría considerarse tradicional y posiblemente el entorno que rodeaba a los grupos humanos no se percibía tan hostil. ¿Acaso las pautas culturales tradicionales podrían influir o modificar y mejorar la forma en que percibimos el hábitat? ¿Podría la adopción de la cultura tradicional, mejorar las condiciones de vida de los grupos humanos? Este artículo es una reflexión de cómo el poblado de San Jerónimo Tecóatl, una comunidad mazateca que conserva parte de sus tradiciones, podría servir como laboratorio viviente y definir como esta forma de vida ayuda a la preservación del ambiente y, a su vez, ejemplo para retomar algunas actividades y conservar un hábitat sano.Today, we receive a great deal of information that may make us perceive our environment as insecure; environmental disasters, global warming, shortages of natural resources, war conflict, crime are just some of the problems that threaten man’s existence on the planet. In the past there were practices or customs that were part of a culture that could be considered traditional and possibly the environment surrounding human groups was not so hostile. Could traditional cultural patterns influence or modify and improve the way we perceive habitat? Could the adoption of traditional culture improve the living conditions of human groups? This article is a reflection of how the village of San Jerónimo Tecóatl, a Mazatec community that preserves part of its traditions could serve as a living laboratory and define how this way of life helps the preservation of the environment and in turn, example for re-take some activities and conserve a healthy habitat.Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco
Intent-oriented diversity in recommender systems
This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information Retrieval, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2009916.2010124.Diversity as a relevant dimension of retrieval quality is receiving increasing attention in the Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems (RS) fields. The problem has nonetheless been approached under different views and formulations in IR and RS respectively, giving rise to different models, methodologies, and metrics, with little convergence between both fields. In this poster we explore the adaptation of diversity metrics, techniques, and principles from ad-hoc IR to the recommendation task, by introducing the notion of user profile aspect as an analogue of query intent. As a particular approach, user aspects are automatically extracted from latent item features. Empirical results support the proposed approach and provide further insights.This work is supported by the Spanish Government (TIN2008-
06566-C04-02), and the Government of Madrid (S2009TIC-1542)
On the suitability of intent spaces for IR diversification
This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the International Workshop on Diversity in Document Retrieval (DDR 2012), held in Seattle on 2012Recent developments in Information Retrieval diversity are based on the consideration of a space of information need aspects, a notion which takes different forms in the literature. The choice of a suitable aspect space for diversification is a critical issue when designing an IR diversification strategy, which has not been explicitly addressed to some depth in the literature. This paper aims to identify relevant properties of the aspect space which may help the system designer in making a suitable choice in selecting and configuring this space, and diagnosing malfunctions of the diversification algorithms. In particular, we identify the mutual information between aspects and documents as a meaningful magnitude, in terms of which anomalous cases can be characterized. We further seek to discern favorable cases through a combination of theoretic and empirical analysis.This work is supported by the Spanish Government (TIN2011-28538-C02-01), and the Government of Madrid (S2009TIC-1542)
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