44 research outputs found

    Case report: Biliobronchial fistula after biliary tract stenosis

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    Biliobronchial fistula (BBF) is a rare abnormality resulting from congenital or acquired communication between the bile ducts and the bronchial tree. Patients often suffer from chronic cough, dyspnea, and bilioptysis, a pathognomonic symptom of this condition. Conservative methods such as less-invasive procedures are gradually consolidating. Nonetheless, surgery remains the primary treatment, especially in more complex cases. We present the case of a 44-year-old woman with a chronic cough, no verified periods of fever, cyclic jaundice, and episodes of yellowish sputum. She had undergone cholecystectomy in 2018 and had been hospitalized several times since for pneumonia treatment. All consequent investigations for mycobacteriosis were negative. When referred to our hospital, she had cyclic jaundice and parenchymal consolidation in the right lower lobe. Suspected bilioptysis motivated the search for a biliobronchial fistula. Magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) confirmed stenosis of the biliary tract and fistulous path, and sputum analysis indicated high bilirubin levels. External biliary bypass was performed as an initial conservative and definitive therapy due to the presence of liver cirrhosis. Although BBF is a rare condition when bilioptysis is suspected, a diagnostic investigation should be initiated. Our case study proposes two criteria for diagnosis: an imaging exam demonstrating the fistulous path and confirmation of bilirubin in the sputum or bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). When diagnosed, surgical correction should be performed

    Tratamento cirurgico de traumatismo cranioencefálico com afundamento no Brasil nos anos de 2014 a 2018 / Surgical treatment of cranioencephalic traumatism with sinking in Brazil from 2014 to 2018

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    O traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) é uma agressão traumática que gera uma lesão anatômica, como fratura de crânio ou lesão do couro cabeludo, podendo acarretar no comprometimento funcional das meninges, encéfalo ou seus vasos. Objetivou-se identificar  as possíveis causas de incidência de TCE e suas implicações no Brasil em suas respectivas regiões. Foi realizado levantamento de estudos descritivos dos casos do tratamento cirúrgico de fratura do crânio com afundamento registrados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN), datando de 1º de janeiro de 2014 a 31 de dezembro de 2018 com taxas de internação segundo as regiões do Brasil, taxa de internações por região segundo caráter de atendimento e internações por região segundo a complexidade de 2014 a 2018 com base nos registros do Sinan e Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Estima-se no Brasil que 150 mil mortes por ano são acarretados por causa do traumatismo crânio encefálico. As causas do TCE estão relacionadas com fatores externos, sendo os principais: acidentes automobilísticos (50%), quedas (30%), agressões físicas (20%) como ferimentos por arma de fogo e armas brancas. Os cuidados e reabilitação do TCE evoluíram substancialmente nos últimos 20 anos e a necessidade de reabilitação especializada é amplamente aceita. O procedimento cirúrgico está indicado para a remoção de hematomas que possua um abcesso de tamanho significativo podendo deslocar estruturas intracraniana, assim, elevando a pressão intracraniana (PIC). A craniotomia descompressiva (CD) é método cirúrgico utilizado para redução imediata da PIC, sendo indicada para o TCE. A prevenção continua sendo a medida mais eficaz para diminuir a incidência do trauma encefálico, isso inclui a utilização de cinto de segurança e airbags nos automóveis, assim como o uso de capacetes para os motociclistas


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    Pentavalent antimonials are the first drug of choice in the treatment of tegumentary leishmaniasis. Data on ototoxicity related with such drugs is scarcely available in literature, leading us to develop a study on cochleovestibular functions. Case Report: A case of a tegumentary leishmaniasis patient, a 78-year-old man who presented a substantial increase in auditory threshold with tinnitus and severe rotatory dizziness during the treatment with meglumine antimoniate, is reported. These symptoms worsened in two weeks after treatment was interrupted. Conclusion: Dizziness and tinnitus had already been related to meglumine antimoniate. However, this is the first well documented case of cochlear-vestibular toxicity related to meglumine antimoniate

    KCNV2-associated retinopathy: genotype–phenotype correlations – KCNV2 study group report 3

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: To investigate genotype–phenotype associations in patients withKCNV2retinopathy. METHODS: Review of clinical notes, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), molecular variants, electroretinography (ERG) and retinal imaging. Subjects were grouped according to the combination ofKCNV2variants—two loss-of-function (TLOF), two missense (TM) or one of each (MLOF)—and parameters were compared. RESULTS: Ninety-two patients were included. The mean age of onset (mean±SD) in TLOF (n=55), TM (n=23) and MLOF (n=14) groups was 3.51±0.58, 4.07±2.76 and 5.54±3.38 years, respectively. The mean LogMAR BCVA (±SD) at baseline in TLOF, TM and MLOF groups was 0.89±0.25, 0.67±0.38 and 0.81±0.35 for right, and 0.88±0.26, 0.69±0.33 and 0.78±0.33 for left eyes, respectively. The difference in BCVA between groups at baseline was significant in right (p=0.03) and left eyes (p=0.035). Mean outer nuclear layer thickness (±SD) at baseline in TLOF, MLOF and TM groups was 37.07±15.20 µm, 40.67±12.53 and 40.38±18.67, respectively, which was not significantly different (p=0.85). The mean ellipsoid zone width (EZW) loss (±SD) was 2051 µm (±1318) for patients in the TLOF, and 1314 µm (±965) for MLOF. Only one patient in the TM group had EZW loss at presentation. There was considerable overlap in ERG findings, although the largest DA 10 ERG b-waves were associated with TLOF and the smallest with TM variants. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with missense alterations had better BCVA and greater structural integrity. This is important for patient prognostication and counselling, as well as stratification for future gene therapy trials

    Influence of HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 Alleles on IgG Antibody Response to the P. vivax MSP-1, MSP-3α and MSP-9 in Individuals from Brazilian Endemic Area

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    Background: the antibody response generated during malaria infections is of particular interest, since the production of specific IgG antibodies is required for acquisition of clinical immunity. However, variations in antibody responses could result from genetic polymorphism of the HLA class II genes. Given the increasing focus on the development of subunit vaccines, studies of the influence of class II alleles on the immune response in ethnically diverse populations is important, prior to the implementation of vaccine trials.Methods and Findings: in this study, we evaluated the influence of HLA-DRB1* and -DQB1* allelic groups on the naturally acquired humoral response from Brazilian Amazon individuals (n = 276) against P. vivax Merozoite Surface Protein-1 (MSP-1), MSP-3 alpha and MSP-9 recombinant proteins. Our results provide information concerning these three P. vivax antigens, relevant for their role as immunogenic surface proteins and vaccine candidates. Firstly, the studied population was heterogeneous presenting 13 HLA-DRB1* and 5 DQB1* allelic groups with a higher frequency of HLA-DRB1*04 and HLA-DQB1*03. the proteins studied were broadly immunogenic in a naturally exposed population with high frequency of IgG antibodies against PvMSP1-19 (86.7%), PvMSP-3 (77%) and PvMSP-9 (76%). Moreover, HLA-DRB1*04 and HLA-DQB1*03 alleles were associated with a higher frequency of IgG immune responses against five out of nine antigens tested, while HLA-DRB1* 01 was associated with a high frequency of non-responders to repetitive regions of PvMSP-9, and the DRB1*16 allelic group with the low frequency of responders to PvMSP3 full length recombinant protein.Conclusions: HLA-DRB1*04 alleles were associated with high frequency of antibody responses to five out of nine recombinant proteins tested in Rondonia State, Brazil. These features could increase the success rate of future clinical trials based on these vaccine candidates.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Yerkes National Primate Research Center BaseNational Center for Research Resources of the National Institutes of HealthNIHCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Lab Immunoparasitol, BR-20001 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilOswaldo Cruz Fdn Fiocruz, Ctr Technol Dev Hlth CDTS, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilInst Oswaldo Cruz, Lab Simulideos & Oncocercose, BR-20001 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilEmory Univ, Emory Vaccine Ctr, Atlanta, GA 30322 USAUniv Estado Rio de Janeiro, Histocompatibil & Cryopreservat Lab, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Terapia Celular & Mol CTCMol, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilEmory Univ, Sch Med, Div Infect Dis, Atlanta, GA USACDC Natl Ctr Infect Dis, Div Parasit Dis, Atlanta, GA USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Terapia Celular & Mol CTCMol, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 2009/15132-4Yerkes National Primate Research Center Base: RR00165NIH: RO1 AI0555994Web of Scienc

    Development and reproductive performance of Hereford heifers of different frame sizes up to mating at 14-15 months of age

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    ABSTRACT Body development and reproductive performance of a hundred forty-two 14 to 15-month-old heifers, classified at weaning according to frame size as small, medium, and large, were evaluated. The parameters evaluated were: body weight, hip height, body condition score, weight gain, ovarian activity, and pregnancy rate. At weaning, body weight and hip height were significantly different among frame scores, (small – 133.0 kg, 92.2 cm; medium – 158.5 kg, 96.6 cm; and large – 185.2 kg; 100.2 cm). After weaning, heifers grazed together on natural pastures during the autumn and on ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum La.) during the winter and spring. Frame score differences remained until the beginning of the breeding season (BS), starting on average at 14 months of age. Weight gain between weaning and the beginning of BS was not different among frame scores (0.740 kg/day, on average). Body weights at the beginning of the BS were significantly different, of 255.7 kg (53.3% of the mature weight) for small heifers, 285.0 kg (59.4%) for medium heifers, and 307.6 kg (64.1%) for large heifers. Ovarian activity at the beginning of the BS was not different among the three groups. The average weight gain values during the BS of 0.492, 0.472, and 0.421 kg/day for small, medium, and large heifers, respectively, were significantly different. Pregnancy rates were not different among groups (small, 71.4%; medium, 76.4%; and large, 76.5%). Frame score did not influence the reproductive performance of heifers, but the small and medium heifers conceived 29 and 20 days earlier, respectively, than the large heifers