646 research outputs found

    Learning, inclusion and social justice in multicultural educational environments

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    Indexación: Scopus.In the current educational setting, marked by a systematic increase in minority groups in classrooms and inequalities that are reproduced and modernized in educational contexts, the development of educational proposals modeled on the principles of inclusion, multiculturalism and social justice garners ever greater prominence and academic interest. By way of an ethnographic observational study conducted in a public school in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, this research analyzes two educational activity systems in the same academic context: teaching-learning processes based on traditional approaches and teaching-learning processes modeled on the Fifth Dimension (5D). The results show that when activity systems allow participants to make a connection between curriculum content and their cultural references, when priority is given to collaborative interaction oriented toward shared goals, and when learning aids are adapted to participants' needs, all students' chances of academic success are substantially enhanced and obstacles to their learning and participation in school are erased.https://redie.uabc.mx/redie/article/view/830/155

    Immobilization And Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Of N-(2-pyridyl)acetamide Cation Complexes Bonded To Silica Gel

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    N-(2-Pyridyl)acetamide was covalently immobilized onto silica gel giving 1.57×10-4 mol of this molecule per gram of silica. This new bidentate chelate extracts MCl2 (M = Ni, Co, Cu) from ethanol and acetone solutions. The photoacoustic spectra of the solid complexed samples were obtained in the visible and near-infrared spectral regions and were analysed using ligand field theory. The calculated Racah parameters indicate a tetrahedral geometry for nickel and cobalt and a highly distorted octahedral geometry for the copper complex.3547948213SDG16840035; AHA; American Heart Associatio

    Conservation biogeography of ecologically interacting species: The case of the Iberian lynx and the European rabbit

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    Aim To relate the recent Iberian lynx decline to changes in the distribution of the European rabbit after the haemorrhagic disease outbreak of 1989. As Iberian rabbits evolved in two geographically separated lineages, being the recent lynx range practically restricted to the southwestern lineage, we also test if differential range dynamics exists for these lineages, with the consequent implications for lynx conservation and reintroduction planning

    Antioxidant activity of alkaloids from Bocconia arborea. A study on six testing methods

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    El fraccionamiento de la actividad antioxidante dirigida por actividad, junto con el análisis químico, llevaron al aislamiento de tres alcaloides de benzofenantridina del extracto de metanol de la corteza de Bocconia arborea. La identificación se basó en métodos espectroscópicos. Se analizó la actividad antioxidante de los alcaloides aislados 6- acetonildihidroqueleritrina, queleritrina y dihidroqueleritrina en ensayos de tiocianato, la actividad de barrido de los radicales libres, el método de decoloración del b-caroteno y el ensayo de la desoxirribosa. Todos los alcaloides mostraron actividad antioxidante significativa en ácido linoleico y b-caroteno. Además de conceder protección frente a la desoxirribosa, la peroxidación liposómica y los lípidos microsomiales de la peroxidación, también presentaron efectos de barrido en los radicales de 1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil.Antioxidative activity-guided fractionation together with chemical analysis led to the isolation of three benzophenanthridine alkaloids from methanol extract of the bark of Bocconia arborea. Identification was based on spectroscopic methods. The isolated alkaloids 6-acetonyldihydrochelerythrine, chelerythrine and dihydrochelerythrine were tested for antioxidative activity on thiocyanate assays, free radical scavenging activity, b-carotene bleaching method, and deoxyribose assay. All alkaloids exhibited significant antioxidant activities in linoleic acid and b-carotene. Although afforded protection against the damage of deoxyribose, liposome peroxidation and microsomial lipid from peroxidation, also exhibited scavenging effects on the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals

    Diseño y desarrollo de una aplicación de escritorio como soporte para la toma de decisiones de zonas de control en la asignación de las ayudas agrarias

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    El control de las ayudas agrarias es imprescindible dentro del contexto normativo de la agricultura europea. Los procesos de control que realizan las administraciones públicas se basan, en gran medida, en visitas de campo a zonas concretas que varían anualmente en función de factores definidos para cada campaña. Esta metodología origina una movilización importante de personal y equipos que redunda en altos costes económicos y temporales, lo que implica que las zonas elegidas para el control sean las más óptimas posibles para rentabilizar al máximo el trabajo. Esta necesidad de optimización pone de manifiesto la necesidad de automatizar la selección de las zonas, tal que los criterios que intervengan en el proceso sean valorados de forma objetiva e imparcial atendiendo a parámetros que aparecen regulados en la normativa vigente. Este marco planteado es idóneo para el desarrollo y empleo de un SIG que permita de manera automática, sistemática y objetiva la selección de dichas zonas mediante una evaluación multicriterio. El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de una aplicación de escritorio adaptada a unas necesidades particulares, empleando librerías de código libre para determinar las zonas de control mediante una evaluación multicriterio.The control of agricultural aid is essential in the context of European agricultural policy. The control processes carried out by the government are based on field visits to specific areas, such areas change annually depending on factors for each campaign. This methodology results in a significant mobilization of personnel and equipement causing high economic costs and time, which means that the areas chosen for the control must be the most optimal possible to maximize the job. The need for optimization emphasizes the need to automate the selection of areas, such that the criteria involved in the process must be evaluated objectively and impartially on the basis of parameters present in the regulations. The framework proposed is suitable for the development and use of a GIS to automatically enable, the systematic and objective selection of these areas through a multi-criteria evaluation. The aim of this study is to develop a desktop application adapted to some particular needs, using open source libraries to identify areas of control via a multicriteria evaluation

    Sex-specific behavioral and neurogenic responses to cocaine in mice lacking and blocking dopamine D1 or dopamine D2 receptors

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    Adult neurogenesis in rodents is modulated by dopaminergic signaling and inhibited by cocaine. However, the sex-specific role of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors (D1R, D2R) in the deleterious effect of cocaine on adult neurogenesis has not been described yet. Here, we explored sex differences in (a) cell proliferation (5′-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine [BrdU]), (b) neural precursor (nestin), (c) neuronal phenotype (BrdU/β3-tubulin), and (d) neuronal maturity (NeuN) in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles and striatum of mice with genetic deletion (D1, D2) or pharmacological blockage (SCH23390: 0.1 mg/kg/day/5 days; Raclopride: 0.3 mg/kg/day/5 days) of D1R and D2R, and treated (10 mg/kg/day/5 days) and then challenged (5 mg/kg, 48 hr later) with cocaine. Results indicated that hyperactivity responses to cocaine were absent in D1 mice and reduced in SCH23390-treated mice. Activity responses to cocaine were reduced in D2 males, but absent in D2 females and increased in Raclopride-treated females. D1R deletion blocked the deleterious effect of cocaine on SVZ cell proliferation in males. Cocaine-exposed D1 males also had reduced neuronal phenotype of SVZ newborn cells and increased striatal neuronal maturity. D2 mice had lower proliferative and neural precursor responses. Cocaine in D2 females or coadministered with Raclopride in wild-type females improved SVZ cell proliferation, an effect that positively correlated with plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) concentrations. In conclusion, the sex-specific D1R and D2R signaling on SVZ cell proliferation, neural progenitor and neuronal maturity is differentially perturbed by cocaine, and BDNF may be required to link D2R to neuroplasticity in cocaine addiction in females.Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía, Grant/Award Number: C1-0049-2019; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Numbers: CP19/00068, CPII17/00024, CPII19/00022, CPII19/00031, PI19/01577, PI19/00886, PI17/02026, RD16/0017/0001; Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Grant/Award Numbers: PND2017/043, PND2018/033, PND2018/044, PND2019/04

    Climatic drivers of the historical variations in cereal prices in the northeast of the Iberian peninsula in the 17th century

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    The 17th century knew in Spain several periods of agricultural crisis producing shortages in staple foods and a rising in grain prices. The fluctuations of the prices of wheat, barley and rye are relatively well documented in several areas of the country, however, the knowledge about the influence of climatic and environmental factors on these variations is still limited. In this work, we present the historical records of grain prices of four cities of different geographical areas in northeastern Iberian Peninsula during period 1630-1660, and they are compared with drought indices, reconstructed from documentary and dendroclimatic proxies. We observed that prices variations coincide with regional anomalies in spring-summer drought. Direct correlations between them are low (0.435), however, if analysis is focused on extreme values, the climatic influence is higher: prices are high during dry periods and lower during wet periods. This correspondence is higher in previous and following years to the Guerra dels Segadors, showing that the exchange of goods and the coherence of data were controlled by sociopolitical and environmental factors, being the latter more influential in peacetime. ©2021 José M. Cuadrat, Francisco J. Alfaro Pérez, Ernesto Tejedor Vargas, Mariano Barriendos, Roberto Serrano-Notivoli, Miguel Á. Saz Sánche