1,196 research outputs found
A sertéshústermelés szÃnvonala és jövedelmezÅ‘sége dunántúli gazdaságokban
Az országos adatok alapján a sertéságazat helyzete válságos, a 11 dunántúli gazdaságra kiterjedÅ‘, 2006–2008. évek közötti felmérésünkbÅ‘l viszont megállapÃtható, hogy megfelelÅ‘ szÃnvonalú, szervezettségű vágóalapanyag-termelés mellett tisztes jövedelmet lehet elérni. A vizsgálatba vont állomány (több mint 6 ezer koca és éves átlagban 100 ezer hÃzósertés) adatai alapján folyamatosan növekvÅ‘ termelési költségek mellett számottevÅ‘ különbség mutatkozott az integráción kÃvüli, illetve az iparszerű termelési rendszerhez (integrációhoz) tartozó gazdaságok eredményei között. A kocák reprodukciós teljesÃtménye és a takarmány értékesülés fajlagos mutatói közötti különbségek jelentÅ‘sen differenciálták a két csoporthoz tartozó gazdaságok jövedelmét, az iparszerű rendszerhez tartozók javára. -------------------------------------------------------- Nationwide data indicate that the pork industry is in crisis. Our survey of 11 farms in the Transdanubian region, done between 2006 and 2008, shows that reasonable revenues can be achieved by quality operations which are appropriately organised. The data of the animal stock covered by the research (over 6,000 sows and an average of 100,000 store-pigs a year) indicated that while production costs were continuously increasing, there was a significant difference between farms depending on whether they were part of the industrialised production system (integration). The specific indices measuring the reproductive performance of sows and the utilisation of feedstuff clearly showed the division between the two groups, and their revenues, revealing that farms belonging to the industrialised production system fared better in this regard.tartási és takarmányozási körülmények, termelési szÃnvonal, költség-ár-jövedelem viszonyok, standards of animal keeping and feeding, quality of production, costs, prices and revenues, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics,
Molecular mechanisms of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury in diabetic myocardium = Molecular mechanisms of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury in diabetic myocardium
A halálozási statisztikákat évek óta a szív- és érrendszeri megbetegedések vezetik. A minőségi élet megteremtéséhez szükséges a korai halálozás okainak visszaszorítása, a megelőzés szerepének növelése. A diabetes szövődményeként kialakuló kardiovaszkuláris betegségek egyre jelentősebb népegészségügyi problémát jelentenek világszerte. Éppen ezért nagyon fontos a cukorbetegség illetve a szív-, és érrendszeri betegségek közti kapcsolat felderítése. Kísérleteinkben az iszkémia/reperfúzió-indukálta károsodások molekuláris mechanizmusait és farmakológiai befolyásolási lehetőségeit vizsgáltuk diabeteses és nem diabeteses állatmodellekben. Megvizsgáltuk több természetes eredetű anyag hatásait illetve különböző jelátviteli útvonalak szerepét iszkémia/reperfúziónak kitett szívizomban. Eredményeinket több hazai és nemzetközi konferencián mutattuk be, valamint számos nemzetközi folyóiratban publikáltuk. Az eredmények alapján 1 db szabadalmi bejelentés jelenleg folyamatban van. Ennek tárgyát egy új funkcionális élelmiszerként piacra vezethető termék képezi, melynek kifejlesztése és OÉTI általi engedélyeztetése folyamatban van. | Cardiovascular disorders are the leading cause of death worldwide. It is very important to increase the role of prevention in order to decrease the early death. Cardiovascular diseases related to diabetes are major public health problem worldwide. Thus, it is very important to investigate the connections of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The overall aims of our studies were to investigate the molecular mechanisms of ischemia/reperfusion-induced cardiovascular damages in diabetic and non diabetic animal models and to develop new pharmacological approaches capable of reducing ischemia/reperfusion-induced damages. We studied the effects of different materials of natural origin and the role of various cell signaling pathways in hearts subjected to ischemia followed by reperfusion. The results of our experiments were introduced on national and international conferences, published in international journals and 1 Hungarian patent application is in progress now. Based on our results it is possible to develop a new functional food of natural origin which can be introduced into the market. The development and licensing by OÉTI are in progress now
The Effects of Exercise Training and High Triglyceride Diet in an Estrogen Depleted Rat Model
Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality of premenopausal women are significantly lower compared to men of similar age. However, this protective effect evidently decreases after the onset of menopause. We hypothesized that physical exercise could be a potential therapeutic strategy to improve inflammatory processes and cardiovascular antioxidant homeostasis, which can be affected by the loss of estrogen and the adverse environmental factors, such as overnutrition. Ovariectomized (OVX, n= 40) and sham-operated (SO, n= 40) female Wistar rats were randomized to exercising (R) and non-exercising (NR) groups. Feeding parameters were chosen to make a standard chow (CTRL) or a high triglyceride diet (HT) for 12 weeks. Aortic and cardiac heme oxygenase (HO) activity and HO-1 concentrations significantly decreased in all of the NR OVX and SO HT groups. However, the 12-week physical exercise was found to improve HO-1 values. Plasma IL-6 concentrations were higher in the NR OVX animals and rats fed HT diet compared to SO CTRL rats. TNF-α concentrations were significantly higher in the NR OVX groups. 12 weeks of exercise significantly reduced the concentrations of both TNF-α and IL-6 compared to the NR counterparts. The activity of myeloperoxidase enzyme (MPO) was significantly increased as a result of OVX and HT diet, however voluntary wheel-running exercise restored the elevated values. Our results show that estrogen deficiency and HT diet caused a significant decrease in the activity and concentration of HO enzyme, as well as the concentrations of TNF-α, IL-6, and the activity of MPO. However, 12 weeks of voluntary wheel-running exercise is a potential non-pharmacological therapy to ameliorate these disturbances, which determine the life expectancy of postmenopausal women
Acute interstitial nephritis of HIV-positive patients under atazanavir and tenofovir therapy in a retrospective analysis of kidney biopsies
We performed a retrospective analysis on kidney biopsies of 30 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients. Twenty-two of them received highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Tenofovir containing HAART together with atazanavir, a new protease inhibitor, was administered to three patients. All of them developed acute renal failure. The kidney biopsies of these patients showed an acute interstitial nephritis or a chronic interstitial nephritis with an acute component. Withdrawal of atazanavir and tenofovir resulted in recovery of renal function in all three patients. Acute interstitial nephritis was observed only in 1 of 19 patients without atazanavir or tenofovir treatment. We conclude that acute interstitial nephritis and consecutive acute renal failure is a relevant side effect of atazanavir and tenofovir therapy in HIV-positive patient
Biological characterization, mechanistic investigation and structure‐activity relationships of chemically stable TLR2 antagonists
Toll‐like receptors (TLRs) build the first barrier in the innate immune response and therefore represent promising targets for the modulation of inflammatory processes. Recently, the pyrogallol‐containing TLR2 antagonists CU‐CPT22 and MMG‐11 were reported; however, their 1,2,3‐triphenol motif renders them highly susceptible to oxidation and excludes them from use in extended experiments under aerobic conditions. Therefore, we have developed a set of novel TLR2 antagonists (1 –9 ) based on the systematic variation of substructures, linker elements, and the hydrogen‐bonding pattern of the pyrogallol precursors by using chemically robust building blocks. The novel series of chemically stable and synthetically accessible TLR2 antagonists (1 –9 ) was pharmacologically characterized, and the potential binding modes of the active compounds were evaluated structurally. Our results provide new insights into structure‐activity relationships and allow rationalization of structural binding characteristics. Moreover, they support the hypothesis that this class of TLR ligands bind solely to TLR2 and do not directly interact with TLR1 or TLR6 of the functional heterodimer. The most active compound from this series (6 ), is chemically stable, nontoxic, TLR2‐selective, and shows a similar activity with regard to the pyrogallol starting points, thus indicating the variability of the hydrogen bonding pattern
Principles of Formation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
The article presents points necessary for the production re-prophilation into the flexible one through the generation of so called flexible manufacturing cells. Mentioned are the reasons and effects which are brought by the flexible production. In general, the key to the generation of the flexible production is the group technology based on the principle of the material flow analysis. The variants of the possible solutions based on the material flows confirm that the problem of the flexible manufacturing cells generation is not an easy one and unambiguous either. But considering only this one criterion is not sufficient for the practice because it does not consider for example the number of the pieces. Therefore the present article in the principle points at the application of the multiplied criteria about the part or machine, based on which more specifically stated is the cell profile, as number of machines, type of machines, intercellular transfers and so on
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