74 research outputs found

    Controlling opioid receptor functional selectivity by targeting distinct subpockets of the orthosteric site

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    Controlling receptor functional selectivity profiles for opioid receptors is a promising approach for discovering safer analgesics; however, the structural determinants conferring functional selectivity are not well understood. Here, we used crystal structures of opioid receptors, including the recently solved active state kappa opioid complex wit

    White plague among the “forgotten people” from the Barbaricum of the Carpathian Basin–Cases with tuberculosis from the Sarmatian-period (3rd–4th centuries CE) archaeological site of Hódmezővásárhely–Kenyere-ér, Bereczki-tanya (Hungary)

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that is well-known in the palaeopathological record because it can affect the skeleton and consequently leaves readily identifiable macroscopic alterations. Palaeopathological case studies provide invaluable information about the spatio-temporal distribution of TB in the past. This is true for those archaeological periods and geographical regions from when and where no or very few TB cases have been published until now–as in the Sarmatian period (1 st –5 th centuries CE) in the Barbaricum of the Carpathian Basin. The aim of our paper is to discuss five newly discovered TB cases ( HK199 , HK201 , HK225 , HK253 , and HK309 ) from the Sarmatian-period archaeological site of Hódmezővásárhely–Kenyere-ér, Bereczki-tanya (Csongrád-Csanád county, Hungary). Detailed macromorphological evaluation of the skeletons focused on the detection of bony changes likely associated with different forms of TB. In all five cases, the presence of endocranial alterations (especially TB-specific granular impressions) suggests that these individuals suffered from TB meningitis. Furthermore, the skeletal lesions observed in the spine and both hip joints of HK225 indicate that this juvenile also had multifocal osteoarticular TB. Thanks to the discovery of HK199 , HK201 , HK225 , HK253 , and HK309 , the number of TB cases known from the Sarmatian-period Carpathian Basin doubled, implying that the disease was likely more frequent in the Barbaricum than previously thought. Without the application of granular impressions, the diagnosis of TB could not have been established in these five cases. Thus, the identification of TB in these individuals highlights the importance of diagnostics development, especially the refinement of diagnostic criteria. Based on the above, the systematic macromorphological (re-)evaluation of osteoarchaeological series from the Sarmatian-period Carpathian Basin would be advantageous to provide a more accurate picture of how TB may have impacted the ancestral human communities of the Barbaricum

    Pattern Recognition Based Speed Forecasting Methodology for Urban Traffic Network

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    A full methodology of short-term traffic prediction is proposed for urban road traffic network via Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The goal of the forecasting is to provide speed estimation forward by 5, 15 and 30 min. Unlike similar research results in this field, the investigated method aims to predict traffic speed for signalized urban road links and not for highway or arterial roads. The methodology contains an efficient feature selection algorithm in order to determine the appropriate input parameters required for neural network training. As another contribution of the paper, a built-in incomplete data handling is provided as input data (originating from traffic sensors or Floating Car Data (FCD)) might be absent or biased in practice. Therefore, input data handling can assure a robust operation of speed forecasting also in case of missing data. The proposed algorithm is trained, tested and analysed in a test network built-up in a microscopic traffic simulator by using daily course of real-world traffic

    Unicentric mixed variant castleman disease associated with intrabronchial plasmacytoma.

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    Castleman disease (CD), described as a heterogeneous lymphoproliferative disorder, can be divided into different subtypes according to clinical appearance (unicentric and multicentric form) and histopathological features (hyaline vascular, plasma cell, mixed type, human herpesvirus 8-associated and multicentric not otherwise specified). Unicentric CD is known to be usually of the hyaline vascular variant, plasma cell and mixed type of this form are quite uncommon. Malignancies are mainly associated with the multicentric form. We report a rare case of unicentric mixed variant CD evolving into intrabronchial, extramedullary plasmacytoma.Intrabronchial mass with consequential obstruction of the left main bronchus, left lung atelectasis and mediastinal lymphadenomegaly was detected by chest CT in our patient suffering from cough and hemoptysis. Pulmonectomy was performed, histopathological and immunhistochemical analysis of lymph nodes revealed mixed type of CD with interfollicular monotypic plasma cell proliferation. The intrabronchial mass consisted of monotypic plasma cells confirming plasmacytoma. Systemic involvement was not confirmed by further tests.Although malignancies more often present in multicentric CD that usually belongs to the plasma cell subtype, this case confirms the neoplastic potential of the rarest, unicentric mixed variant of CD.Virtual slides: The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/2872096831190851