605 research outputs found

    Proyecto artístico y proyecto asistencial, concurrencias y congruencias

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    The paper affirms that art does not recover but can be therapeutic, and suffering can be an opportunity to create instead of an obstacle to the creation. Opposite to a conception of art therapy in hospitable context as workshop of leisure or space of distraction and withdrawal of oneself, a vision of art therapy appears as learning of self, as contact with the unacceptable, asocial and darkly of the own singularity. The art therapy workshop is a place of meeting and clash with self, taking advantage of a context without risk that contributes the artistic activity, unlike other spaces socialized of the daily life

    Coupling system design and project planning: discussion on a bijective link between system and project structures

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    This article discuss the architecture of an integrated model able to support the coupling between a system design process and a project planning process. The project planning process is in charge of defining, planning and controlling the system design project. A benchmarking analysis carried out with fifteen companies belonging to the world competitiveness cluster, Aerospace Valley, has highlighted a lack of models, processes and tools for aiding the interactions between the two environments. We define the coupling as the establishment of links between entities of the two domains while preserving their original semantic, thus allowing information to be collected. The proposed coupling is recursive. It enables systems to be decomposed into subsystems when designers consider complexity to be too high, and can also decompose projects into sub-projects. The coupling enables systematically links to be drawn between project entities and system entities. In this paper, we discuss the different possibilities of linking system and project structures during the design and the planning processes. Firstly, after presenting the results of the industrial analysis, the different entities are defined and the various coupling modes are discussed

    La mobilisation des objets techniques dans les activités quotidiennes urbaines: Usages de dispositifs techniques d'économie d'énergie et autres dispositifs de la vie quotidienne dans l'habitat

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    National audienceDiverses recherches conduites par les deux auteurs sur les espaces publics urbains, sur la gestion des eaux urbaines et, plus récemment sur les écoquartiers montrent que les activités quotidiennes et tout particulièrement les activités quotidiennes urbaines ne peuvent se dérouler qu'en mobilisant une multitude d'objets techniques. Ces objets techniques peuvent être simples comme les trottoirs, les chaussées, les bancs, etc., ou compliqués comme des dispositifs techniques assurant la fourniture d'énergie, le transport ou l'information. Dans tous les cas, les activités, des plus triviales aux plus sublimes, des plus quotidiennes au plus extraordinaires, mobilisent des objets techniques. Ces objets et dispositifs techniques sont aussi " spatiaux " au sens où ils peuvent former des architectures (maisons, immeubles, bureaux, usines, rues, squares, jardins publics, etc.) ou faciliter l'implantation humaine, notamment l'urbanisation, et ainsi " produire " des espaces habitables (la voirie, les routes, l'assainissement ou les réseaux de chaleurs, etc.) Ils sont autant d'" outils ", d'" ustensiles " ou d'" instruments " de la vie quotidienne. En formant des systèmes techniques, des réseaux, les objets techniques forment des environnements. Les objets et dispositifs techniques rendent praticable le monde et ce faisant orientent les comportements individuels et collectifs. Un bon ou un mauvais outil n'ouvre pas les mêmes horizons d'activité et, l'" habileté " tout comme les comportements vertueux ou non vertueux peuvent considérablement dépendre des outils, instruments et ustensiles disponibles à la vie quotidienne. En ouvrant des horizons d'activité, des " licences " d'action, les objets et dispositifs techniques participent à l'orientation des comportements individuels et collectifs. Ainsi la dotation en objets et en dispositifs techniques, la conception, la réalisation et le fonctionnement de ces objets et dispositifs sont stratégiques dans l'orientation des changements, notamment, des changements que la pression environnementale et écologique rend nécessaires. La thermique, l'énergétique et le génie des procédés contribuent comme activités de recherche et comme pratiques productives à la dotation en objets de la vie quotidienne. Ces activités de recherche et ces pratiques sont particulièrement centrales dans les dispositions mises en œuvre pour assurer la transition et les changements en cours

    What do citizens make from the systems that we make for them ?

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    Urban planning and urban services : the essential alliance, introduction publication to the 92nd ASTEE CongressA city constitutes a vast artifact built by human to dispose of a more "livable" environment. This structure comprises many different systems that were designed and built by technicians to satisfy well-identified needs. But how do users use them? The original point of view developed in this article is that each time we build a new system to satisfy an identified need, this system will create a new offer and engender new practices that are potentially very different from those originally envisaged. May we conclude that it is therefore not possible to think out a city a priori by creating objects that seem necessary to its operation, since each new object will modify the demand for services

    How to take into account general and contextual knowledge for interactive aiding design: Towards the coupling of CSP and CBR approaches

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    The goal of this paper is to show how it is possible to support design decisions with two different tools relying on two kinds of knowledge: case-based reasoning operating with contextual knowledge embodied in past cases and constraint filtering that operates with general knowledge formalized using constraints. Our goals are, firstly to make an overview of existing works that analyses the various ways to associate these two kinds of aiding tools essentially in a sequential way. Secondly, we propose an approach that allows us to use them simultaneously in order to assist design decisions with these two kinds of knowledge. The paper is organized as follows. In the first section, we define the goal of the paper and recall the background of case-based reasoning and constraint filtering. In the second section, the industrial problem which led us to consider these two kinds of knowledge is presented. In the third section, an overview of the various possibilities of using these two aiding decision tools in a sequential way is drawn up. In the fourth section, we propose an approach that allows us to use both aiding decision tools in a simultaneous and iterative way according to the availability of knowledge. An example dealing with helicopter maintenance illustrates our proposals

    Deeply Set Roots: an Archaeobotanical Perspective on the Origins of Crop Husbandry in the Western Balkans

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    This doctoral thesis explores the origins and development of Neolithic crop agriculture in the western Balkans from c.6100 to 4500 cal. BC, through archaeobotanical data. The western Balkans is a geographical area comprising of Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia. The western Balkans is the first area in the westward spread of agriculture into Europe where different maritime and inland routes can be observed to progress simultaneously whilst retaining distinctive cultural signatures. The aim of this thesis is to identify and describe the crop packages, gathered edible plants and cultivation practices between the two streams of neolithisation, and to place them within their wider geographical and chronological contexts. As such, archaeobotanical records from Adriatic Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece were also used. Data for this thesis is thus composed of samples from ten sites analysed by the author, in addition to a dataset of 244 archaeobotanical records from published and unpublished Neolithic sites. The ten sites are analysed individually before being added to the larger dataset, allowing for site-specific interpretations to be made. This thesis demonstrates that the suite of crops cultivated by the first farmers to reach Europe was not as restricted as was previously suggested by other meta-analysis approaches. Through statistical methods, spatial and diachronic differences within the crop packages are illustrated, and ecological characteristics of the possible weed flora are used to define past agricultural systems. Both environmental and cultural explanatory frameworks are sought to explain the patterns in agricultural practices, which appear to have been variably influenced by both parameters. Although domesticated fauna are not the focus of this thesis, information on animal husbandry regimes is included wherever possible, with a view to present a more accurate image of the agricultural foundations that defined the Neolithic in the western Balkans

    Generic bill of functions, materials, and operations for SAP2 configuration

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    International audienceMost available studies on configuration focus on either sales configuration specifying functional features or production configuration addressing product components. It has been well recognised that automating most of the activities associated with specification, engineering, and process planning of customised products and their interactions is one key in achieving product customisation. Thus, treating sales configuration and product configuration separately may not contribute to product customisation from a systematic view although they may lead to the improvement of individual stages. Recognising this limitation of existing studies, in this paper, we propose integrated SAles, Product and Production (SAP2) configuration, which helps achieve product customisation from a holistic view. Its rationale lies in automating consistently sales, product and production configuration activities in one system. In view of the importance of configuration models, we focus on the model underpinning SAP2 configuration called generic bill of functions, materials and operations (GBoFMO) and discuss it in detail. As the core of SAP2 configuration, GBoFMO can provide companies with an insight into organising the large volumes of data and knowledge in the life cycle of product family development. We also report a case study of light passenger aircrafts to illustrate the GBoFMO

    : Initial considerations based on a study of the diffusion of stormwater drainage " alternatives techniques " and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems - 1970-2010. The Cases of the Lyon Conurbation and Wales

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    The PREPARED Programme considers climate changes through a lens of urbanisation processes and urban water management1. It supposes that today's cities, and especially cities in industrialised countries, are not ready to face events resulting from climate changes such as increases in weather hazards (flooding, droughts) and their potential consequences (population migrations, etc.)2. This multidisciplinary research programme -including engineering and social sciences- focuses on the answers to bring forward when faced with these changes in terms of urban water management: modification of technical devices, reorganisation of services, changes in modes of government and decision-making, etc. It seeks to define new technical, organisational, and social norms and to consider possible modes for their diffusion3. The contribution of the team to the PREPARED Programme and in particular to Work Area 6, "Towards an Adaptive Water Sensitive City Future", relates to the latter aspect. It aims at better understanding possible conditions for a change in norms and paradigms in activities relative to urban water management, and thus a better understanding of favourable or unfavourable factors for planned changes. For this, it relies on an analysis of the diffusion of technical devices considered as alternatives to urban sewer systems since the 1970

    Changements climatiques et résistances aux changements: Premières considérations à partir de l'étude de la diffusion des " techniques alternatives " d'assainissement - 1970-2010. Les cas de l'agglomération lyonnaise et du pays de Galles,

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    existe une version en anglais déposée dans HALLe programme PREPARED envisage les changements climatiques à l'aune des processus d'urbanisation et de la gestion des eaux urbaines1. Il suppose que les villes actuelles, en particulier les villes des pays industriels, ne sont pas en état de faire face aux évènements induits par les changements climatiques (multiplication des intempéries, inondations, sécheresses, déplacements de populations, etc.2). Ce programme de recherche pluridisciplinaire (sciences de l'ingénieur et SHS) porte sur les réponses à apporter à ces changements en matière de gestion des eaux urbaines : modification des dispositifs techniques, réorganisation des services, évolution des modes de gouvernement et de prises de décision, etc. Il s'attache à définir de nouvelles normes techniques, organisationnelles et sociales et à considérer les modalités possibles de leur diffusion3. La contribution de l'équipe au programme PREPARED et en particulier au Work Area 6 " Towards an Adaptative Water Sensitive City Future " intéresse ce dernier aspect. Elle vise à mieux connaître les conditions possibles d'un changement de normes et de paradigmes dans les activités relatives à la gestion des eaux urbaines et par là à mieux comprendre les facteurs favorables ou défavorables aux changements projetés. Pour cela, elle s'appuie sur l'analyse de la diffusion de techniques alternatives au réseau d'assainissement depuis les années 197