165 research outputs found

    Postmodernist rereadings of Virginia Woolf's to the lighthouse

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    This thesis deals with those contemporary novels, known as biofictions, which not only rewrite the lives of historical, canonical authors in a fictional way, but also engage in a dialogue with their precursors’ texts. Biofictions have extended the tradition of life writing and, through the practice of rewriting, have made a significant contribution to reading the past in relation to the present. Since, in recent years, Virginia Woolf has been the protagonist of many biofictions and several of her novels and themes have been reworked in a variety of different ways, I chose to investigate the reason for her appeal to contemporary tastes. Thus, I focused on her most autobiographical novel, To the Lighthouse, in which Virginia Woolf openly drew inspiration from her own life experience, her memories and feelings, and transformed biographical facts into fiction, so much so that it is certainly a novel about her family, childhood and her struggles to become an artist. My choice was guided by the awareness that life writing has been reconfigured from a postmodernist perspective, and, since Woolf’s life and work are continuously being rewritten, I wanted to examine whether To the Lighthouse, a personal real life history rewritten as fiction, could be read as an antecedent of contemporary biofictions. Virginia Woolf herself, in fact, engaged with the question of life writing, extended its range and explored the relationship between auto/biography and fiction, a tradition that Postmodernism has further developed. To the Lighthouse uses auto/biography, but extends its limits and turns it into something between biography and fiction. Virginia Woolf borrows elements and events from her own life and “recycles” them to offer her own vision of the world, to the extent that To the Lighthouse can be read both as pure fiction and as fictional autobiography. The effects of Woolf’s experiments in life writing and of her blurring the rigid borders between fact and fiction are central to those postmodernist novels, which deal with the complex relationship between life and fiction. Her novel is definitely a work of fiction, but I argue that being so full of both life (bio) and personal history, it allows us to draw a connection between her form of life writing and contemporary biofictions. I hope to contribute to this field by discussing two postmodernist biofictions: Maggie Gee’s Virginia Woolf in Manhattan and Susan Sellers’ Vanessa and Virginia, which I read not only as an evident rewriting of Woolf’s life, but also as a dialogue, more or less obvious, with To the Lighthouse. In doing so, I adopt an intertextual approach, which places these biofictions in relation not only to Woolf’s life, but also to her novel. I follow two main routes of exploration: the first is to see how in To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf mixes real facts from her life with events and thoughts she only imagines, thus creating a work of fiction. The second is to see how the two postmodernist novels, the object of this thesis, bestride two fields: the bio-fictional, which engages with Woolf’s life, mixes real and imaginary experiences and recreates her thoughts, and the intertextual, which engages significantly with Woolf’s work, namely with To the Lighthouse. Virginia Woolf in Manhattan and Vanessa and Virginia, with their many references to To the Lighthouse illuminate Woolf’s continuous interest in life writing, which she revealed in many essays and her significant experiment in “using” life in her novel. Thus, they make a contribution to the refashioning of To the Lighthouse: both novels centre around such themes as family ties, personal losses, the effort that artistic creation requires and the value of fame, which are pivotal in To the Lighthouse and adopt Woolf’s pioneering technique of exploring the inner life of her characters. Their books are thought-provoking and raise serious questions about our relationship with Virginia Woolf and, more specifically, with To the Lighthouse

    The contribution of Innocent III to the construction of the occidental juridical culture: especially in relation with the famous principle "Rei Publicae Interest ne Crimina Remaneant Impunita"

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    Durante il cosiddetto periodo della renovatio, molti principi tratti dalle fonti del Diritto Romano sono stati compresi in una manieria nuova e innovativa, influenzando la storia del pensiero giuridico e contribuendo al progresso dell’esperienza giuridica europea. Infatti, il principio "Rei publice interest it crimina remaneant impunita" (del quale si fa menzione in due decretali di Innocenzo III: i.e. la Inauditum nel 1199 e la Ut famae nel 1203) ricopre un ruolo fondamentale nello sviluppo del sistema concettuale del moderno Diritto Criminale. Il contenuto di questo lavoro di ricerca sarà, da una parte, lo studio dettagliato dell’iter storico attraverso il quale questo principio si è consolidato ed è stato adottato dall’esperienza canonica e, più in generale, da quella occidentale; dall’altra, analizzerà da un punto di vista sia tecnico che metagiuridico l’origine di una tale formula ed il contributo che la Teologia cristiana deve aver dato chiarendo e specificando il suo significato. Peraltro, è chiara l’importanza di questo principio nello sviluppo del sistema giuridico europeo e, più in generale, nell’esperienza giuridica occidentale.Within the period so called renovatio, many principles contained in the Roman legal sources have been explained in a new and innovative way, influencing the history of juridical thought and contributing to the development of the European legal experience. In fact, the principle "Rei publice interest it crimina remaneant impunita" (mentioned in two decretals of Innocent III: i.e. the Inauditum in 1199 and i.e. the Ut famae in 1203) has an essential role in the development of the conceptual system of modern criminal law. The content of this study will be, on the one hand, the detailed study of historical iter by which this principle has been consolidated and has been embraced by canonical experience and, more generally, in the Western one; on the other hand, it will analyse both from a technical and a metagiuridico point of view the origin of such formula and on the contribution that Christian theology might have given by clarifying and specifying its meaning. Therefore, it’s clear the importance of this principle in the development of the European legal system and, broadly, in the Western legal experience.Ciencias ReligiosasDerech

    Il ruolo dell'attivitĂ  consultiva nell'avvio del pontificato di papa Francesco

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    Contributo sottoposto a valutazioneSOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. Le origini della funzione consultiva nella vita della Chiesa - 3. Il Concilio Vaticano II e il rinnovato vigore della funzione consultiva - 4. Concistoro cardinalizio e Sinodo dei vescovi: esempi istituzionali dell’incidenza della funzione consultiva nella vita della Chiesa - 5. La dimensione consultiva al servizio del Successore di Pietro - 6. Conclusioni: per un “ricupero” degli elementi originali della funzione consultiva nella vita della Chiesa. AbstractThe aim of this paper is to examine the role played by the consultation principle in the life of the Church. Indeed, Pope Francesco underlined the importance of this concept and – from the beginning of his pontificate – widely used this “decision-making model”. Moreover, he based the ecclesiastical reform on this principle, in particular with the creation of the new council of cardinals, with the task to assist the holy father in the government of the Universal Church and to study possible revision of the apostolic constitution “Pastor Bonus” on the Roman Curia.Through a reflection that moves from the origins of the principle and its renewed strength during the Second Vatican Council, the paper allows concluding that the consultative principle plays a central role in the life of the church, even greater than that assumed within the jurisdiction of the states. This belief opens up further studies, able to deepen the original elements of the ecclesiastical consultation practice, with the aim of developing this model of government.</div

    Prime indagini sulla tradizione manoscritta della versione climachea di Ambrogio Traversari

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    “Vino nuovo in otri nuovi”: alcune prime note circa le sfide del presente per il diritto canonico e la canonistica

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    “New wine into new wineskins”: some first notes on the current challenges for canon law&nbsp; ABSTRACT: Inspired by the Summary Document of the recent Synod of Bishops, which requests a revision of the Code of Canon Law and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, this study intends to reflect on the contribution that canonical doctrine can offer for this revision. Specifically, the study analyzes the current Code as a result of both the Second Vatican Council and the legal classifications specific to the positivist culture during the 19th and 20th centuries and, consequently, it observes the necessity, from a de iure condendo perspective, to approach the work articulated towards a mature acceptance of certain aspects of the Second Vatican Council not appropriately valued in the drafting of the Code, such as the pneumatological renewal of the theology and ecclesiology of communion. Given these remarks, it is possible to move in the direction indicated by the Synod, avoiding "pouring the new wine of the Synod into old wineskins" of the now outdated juridical categories. In this perspective, the study identifies four potential areas for renewal, both urgent and achievable. SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. Una pro-vocazione alla canonistica - 3. Un complesso lavoro di ricezione - 4. Alcune questioni sulle quali riflettere - 5. Considerazioni di sintesi

    Il ruolo dell’attività consultiva nell’avvio del pontificato di papa Francesco

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    Contributo sottoposto a valutazioneSOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. Le origini della funzione consultiva nella vita della Chiesa - 3. Il Concilio Vaticano II e il rinnovato vigore della funzione consultiva - 4. Concistoro cardinalizio e Sinodo dei vescovi: esempi istituzionali dell’incidenza della funzione consultiva nella vita della Chiesa - 5. La dimensione consultiva al servizio del Successore di Pietro - 6. Conclusioni: per un “ricupero” degli elementi originali della funzione consultiva nella vita della Chiesa. AbstractThe aim of this paper is to examine the role played by the consultation principle in the life of the Church. Indeed, Pope Francesco underlined the importance of this concept and – from the beginning of his pontificate – widely used this “decision-making model”. Moreover, he based the ecclesiastical reform on this principle, in particular with the creation of the new council of cardinals, with the task to assist the holy father in the government of the Universal Church and to study possible revision of the apostolic constitution “Pastor Bonus” on the Roman Curia.Through a reflection that moves from the origins of the principle and its renewed strength during the Second Vatican Council, the paper allows concluding that the consultative principle plays a central role in the life of the church, even greater than that assumed within the jurisdiction of the states. This belief opens up further studies, able to deepen the original elements of the ecclesiastical consultation practice, with the aim of developing this model of government
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