15 research outputs found

    Hyperelliptic integrals modulo pp and Cartier-Manin matrices

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    The hypergeometric solutions of the KZ equations were constructed almost 30 years ago. The polynomial solutions of the KZ equations over the finite field FpF_p with a prime number pp of elements were constructed recently. In this paper we consider the example of the KZ equations whose hypergeometric solutions are given by hyperelliptic integrals of genus gg. It is known that in this case the total 2g2g-dimensional space of holomorphic solutions is given by the hyperelliptic integrals. We show that the recent construction of the polynomial solutions over the field FpF_p in this case gives only a gg-dimensional space of solutions, that is, a "half" of what the complex analytic construction gives. We also show that all the constructed polynomial solutions over the field FpF_p can be obtained by reduction modulo pp of a single distinguished hypergeometric solution. The corresponding formulas involve the entries of the Cartier-Manin matrix of the hyperelliptic curve. That situation is analogous to the example of the elliptic integral considered in the classical Y.I. Manin's paper in 1961


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    In this paper we give an elementary proof of the local sum conjecture in two dimensions. In a remarkable paper [CMN, arXiv:1810.11340], this conjecture has been established in all dimensions using sophisticated, powerful techniques from a research area blending algebraic geometry with ideas from logic. The purpose of this paper is to give an elementary proof of this conjecture which will be accessbile to a broad readership.Comment: 32 Page

    On Classification of N=2 Supersymmetric Theories, (e-mail uncorrupted version)

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    We find a relation between the spectrum of solitons of massive N=2N=2 quantum field theories in d=2d=2 and the scaling dimensions of chiral fields at the conformal point. The condition that the scaling dimensions be real imposes restrictions on the soliton numbers and leads to a classification program for symmetric N=2N=2 conformal theories and their massive deformations in terms of a suitable generalization of Dynkin diagrams (which coincides with the A--D--E Dynkin diagrams for minimal models). The Landau-Ginzburg theories are a proper subset of this classification. In the particular case of LG theories we relate the soliton numbers with intersection of vanishing cycles of the corresponding singularity; the relation between soliton numbers and the scaling dimensions in this particular case is a well known application of Picard-Lefschetz theory.Comment: 116 pages, HUTP-92/A064 and SISSA-203/92/E