243 research outputs found


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    The second most abundant bacterium on the root surface of young sugar beet plants was identified as a Phyllobacterium sp. (Rhizobiaceae) based on a comparison of the results of 39 conventional identification tests, 167 API tests, 30 antibiotic susceptibility tests, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic fingerprints of total cellular proteins with type strains of Phyllobacterium myrsinacearum and Phyllobacterium rubiacearum. It was found on 198 of 1,100 investigated plants between the 2nd and 10th leaf stage on three different fields in Belgium and one field in Spain. Densities ranged from 2 × 10(4) to 2 × 10(8) CFU/g of root. Five isolates exerted a broad-spectrum in vitro antifungal activity. DNA-DNA hybridizations showed that Phyllobacterium sp. does not contain DNA sequences that are homologous with the attachment genes chvA, chvB, the transferred-DNA (T-DNA) hormone genes iaaH and ipt from Agrobacterium tumefaciens, iaaM from A. tumefaciens and Pseudomonas savastanoi, or the nitrogenase genes nifHDK from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Phyllobacterium sp. produces indolylacetic acid in in vitro cultures and induces auxinlike effects when cocultivated with callus tissue of tobacco. When Phyllobacterium sp. was transformed with a Ti plasmid derivative, it gained the capacity to induce tumors on Kalanchoe daigremontiana. The potential role of Phyllobacterium sp. in this newly recognized niche is discussed

    Optical energies of AllnN epilayers

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    Optical energy gaps are measured for high-quality Al1−xInxN-on-GaN epilayers with a range of compositions around the lattice match point using photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy. These data are combined with structural data to determine the compositional dependence of emission and absorption energies. The trend indicates a very large bowing parameter of 6 eV and differences with earlier reports are discussed. Very large Stokes' shifts of 0.4-0.8 eV are observed in the composition range 0.13<x<0.24, increasing approximately linearly with InN fraction despite the change of sign of the piezoelectric fiel

    A Thalamic Reticular Circuit for Head Direction Cell Tuning and Spatial Navigation.

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    As we navigate in space, external landmarks and internal information guide our movement. Circuit and synaptic mechanisms that integrate these cues with head-direction (HD) signals remain, however, unclear. We identify an excitatory synaptic projection from the presubiculum (PreS) and the multisensory-associative retrosplenial cortex (RSC) to the anterodorsal thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN), so far classically implied in gating sensory information flow. In vitro, projections to TRN involve AMPA/NMDA-type glutamate receptors that initiate TRN cell burst discharge and feedforward inhibition of anterior thalamic nuclei. In vivo, chemogenetic anterodorsal TRN inhibition modulates PreS/RSC-induced anterior thalamic firing dynamics, broadens the tuning of thalamic HD cells, and leads to preferential use of allo- over egocentric search strategies in the Morris water maze. TRN-dependent thalamic inhibition is thus an integral part of limbic navigational circuits wherein it coordinates external sensory and internal HD signals to regulate the choice of search strategies during spatial navigation

    Deposition and patterning of magnetic atom trap lattices in FePt films with periods down to 200nm

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    We report on the epitaxial growth and the characterization of thin FePt films and the subsequent patterning of magnetic lattice structures. These structures can be used to trap ultracold atoms for quantum simulation experiments. We use Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) to deposit monocrystalline FePt films with a thickness of 50 nm. The films are characterized with X-ray scattering and Mossbauer spectroscopy to determine the long range order parameter and the hard magnetic axes. A high monocrystalline fraction was measured as well as a strong remanent magnetization of M = 900 kA/m and coercivity of 0.4 T. Using Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) and argon ion milling we create lattice patterns with a period down to 200 nm, and a resolution of 30 nm. The resulting lattices are imaged in a Scanning Electron Microscope in cross-section created by a Focused Ion Beam. A lattice with continuously varying lattice constant ranging from 5 micrometer down to 250nm has been created to show the wide range of length scales that can now be created with this technique.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Quantifying Infra-slow Dynamics of Spectral Power and Heart Rate in Sleeping Mice.

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    Three vigilance states dominate mammalian life: wakefulness, non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep, and REM sleep. As more neural correlates of behavior are identified in freely moving animals, this three-fold subdivision becomes too simplistic. During wakefulness, ensembles of global and local cortical activities, together with peripheral parameters such as pupillary diameter and sympathovagal balance, define various degrees of arousal. It remains unclear the extent to which sleep also forms a continuum of brain states-within which the degree of resilience to sensory stimuli and arousability, and perhaps other sleep functions, vary gradually-and how peripheral physiological states co-vary. Research advancing the methods to monitor multiple parameters during sleep, as well as attributing to constellations of these functional attributes, is central to refining our understanding of sleep as a multifunctional process during which many beneficial effects must be executed. Identifying novel parameters characterizing sleep states will open opportunities for novel diagnostic avenues in sleep disorders. We present a procedure to describe dynamic variations of mouse non-REM sleep states via the combined monitoring and analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG)/electrocorticogram (ECoG), electromyogram (EMG), and electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using standard polysomnographic recording techniques. Using this approach, we found that mouse non-REM sleep is organized into cycles of coordinated neural and cardiac oscillations that generate successive 25-s intervals of high and low fragility to external stimuli. Therefore, central and autonomic nervous systems are coordinated to form behaviorally distinct sleep states during consolidated non-REM sleep. We present surgical manipulations for polysomnographic (i.e., EEG/EMG combined with ECG) monitoring to track these cycles in the freely sleeping mouse, the analysis to quantify their dynamics, and the acoustic stimulation protocols to assess their role in the likelihood of waking up. Our approach has already been extended to human sleep and promises to unravel common organizing principles of non-REM sleep states in mammals

    Thalamic reticular control of local sleep in mouse sensory cortex.

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    Sleep affects brain activity globally, but many cortical sleep waves are spatially confined. Local rhythms serve cortical area-specific sleep needs and functions; however, mechanisms controlling locality are unclear. We identify the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) as a source for local, sensory-cortex-specific non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) in mouse. Neurons in optogenetically identified sensory TRN sectors showed stronger repetitive burst discharge compared to non-sensory TRN cells due to higher activity of the low-threshold Ca &lt;sup&gt;2+&lt;/sup&gt; channel Ca &lt;sub&gt;V&lt;/sub&gt; 3.3. Major NREMS rhythms in sensory but not non-sensory cortical areas were regulated in a Ca &lt;sub&gt;V&lt;/sub&gt; 3.3-dependent manner. In particular, NREMS in somatosensory cortex was enriched in fast spindles, but switched to delta wave-dominated sleep when Ca &lt;sub&gt;V&lt;/sub&gt; 3.3 channels were genetically eliminated or somatosensory TRN cells chemogenetically hyperpolarized. Our data indicate a previously unrecognized heterogeneity in a powerful forebrain oscillator that contributes to sensory-cortex-specific and dually regulated NREMS, enabling local sleep regulation according to use- and experience-dependence

    Supramolecular copolymers: structure and composition revealed by theoretical modeling

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    Supramolecular copolymers, non-covalent analogues of synthetic copolymers, constitute a new and promising class of polymers. In contrast to their covalent counterparts, the details of their mechanism of formation, as well as the factors determining their composition and length, are still poorly understood. Here, the supramolecular copolymerization between two slightly structurally different benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide (BTA) monomers functionalized with either oligodimethylsiloxane (oDMSi) or alkyl side chains is unraveled by combining experimental and theoretical approaches. By applying the “sergeant-and-soldiers” approach using circular dichroism (CD) experiments, we are able to obtain detailed insights into the structure and composition of these supramolecular copolymers. Moreover, we observe an unexpected chiral induction upon mixing two independently CD-silent solutions of the achiral (soldier) and chiral (sergeant) monomers. We find that the subtle differences in the chemical structure of the two monomers impact their homopolymerization mechanism: whereas alkyl-BTAs cooperatively self-assemble, oDMSi-BTAs self-assemble in an isodesmic manner. The effect of these mechanistic differences in the supramolecular copolymerization process is investigated as a function of the composition of the two monomers and explicitly rationalized by mathematical modeling. The results show that, at low fractions of oDMSi-BTA sergeants (25 mol%), the isodesmic assembly of the increasing amounts of sergeant becomes more dominant, and different species start to coexist in the copolymerization process. The analysis of the experimental data with a newly developed theoretical model allows us to quantify the thermodynamic parameters, the distribution of different species, and the compositions and stack lengths of the formed supramolecular copolymers existing at various feed ratios of the two monomers.This work was financially supported by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO-TOP PUNT Grant 10018944) and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Gravity Program 024.001.035)

    Polymorphism in the Assembly of Phase-Segregated Block Molecules: Pathway Control to 1D and 2D Nanostructures

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    Nanomaterials with highly ordered, one- or two-dimensional molecular morphologies have promising properties for adaptive materials. Here, we present the synthesis and structural characterization of dinitrohydrazone (hydz) functionalized oligodimethylsiloxanes (oDMSs) of discrete length, which form both 1- and 2D nanostructures by precisely controlling composition and temperature. The morphologies are highly ordered due to the discrete nature of the siloxane oligomers. Columnar, 1D structures are formed from the melt within a few seconds as a result of phase segregation in combination with π-π stacking of the hydrazones. By tuning the length of the siloxane, the synergy between these interactions is observed which results in a highly temperature sensitive material. Macroscopically, this gives a material that switches reversibly and fast between an ordered, solid and a disordered, liquid state at almost equal temperatures. Ordered, 2D lamellar structures are formed under thermodynamic control by cold crystallization of the hydrazones in the amorphous siloxane bulk via a slow process. We elucidate the 1- and 2D morphologies from the nanometer to molecular level by the combined use of solid state NMR and X-ray scattering. The exact packing of the hydrazone rods within the cylinders and lamellae surrounded the liquid-like siloxane matrix is clarified. These results demonstrate that controlling the assembly pathway in the bulk and with that, tuning the nanostructure dimensions and domain spacings, material properties are altered for applications in nanotechnology or thermoresponsive materials