50 research outputs found

    Communications sourcebook

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    In yesteryear a Renaissance Man represented the pinnacle of learning. He was a person who knew something about everything. Society had great respect for his diversity. Today, in our society, the Renaissance Man has been replaced by the specialist. It is almost impossible to be proficient in a multiple of differing fields due to the massive amounts of in-depth information, yet it is possible to be a well-rounded individual by simply taking complete advantage of the American educational system. Unfortunately, society is constantly stressing a specialization within one\u27s own profession with a disregard for all other branches of learning. This constant pressure is presently forcing our schools to metamorphosis into vocational training grounds. This creates two problems: it produces a vast number of partially educated people who are poorly trained for much more beyond the limits of their jobs and it forces students to shun subjects which do not translate directly into a job in preference of those which lead to more financial gain

    Effect of watering regime and media components on the production of organic tomato transplants

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    In order to find appropriate methods to produce quality organic tomato transplants, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. WV \u2763) seedlings were grown in four growing media containing various ratios of composted animal manure and were compared to transplants grown in a conventional peat-lite mix receiving synthetic fertilizers. These five media were watered according to eight watering regimes, including five watering levels and three watering regimes containing compost tea. Composted horse and cow manure can be used in part or instead of peat in organic potting mixes. The ratio of compost used will depend on characteristics of the compost and will also determine the effect of the watering regime on the growth of tomato transplants. In this study, compost tea was not found to have a significant impact the growth of tomato transplants

    The Beach Zone: Using Local Land Use Authority to Preserve Barrier Islands

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    This article is an exploration of the barrier island\u27s unique landform and the solution to its protection. By using Fire Island, a critical barrier island off the coast of Long Island, New York, as a case study, this article attempts to offer a paramount solution, the beach zone. The authors begin by discussing the natural processes of the barrier islands, focusing on tidal cycles, sea level rising, and periodic storm surges, which threaten development on them. They illustrate the dynamic nature of the barrier islands that often make them unsuitable for permanent development. To date, the primary focus of both the private and public sectors has been on solutions that involve structural engineering. The authors show that many of these efforts have been futile and, in some cases, have led to more destruction than protection. The authors move on to discuss the recent focus on nonstructural solutions to alleviate the shortcomings of structural solutions. However, these nonstructural solutions have their own inherent problems that limit their scope and effect. There is a regulatory solution available that is both effective and practical. The authors propose a solution - a zoning ordinance to be adopted by municipal legislatures

    The effects of instruction and supervision in interaction analysis on the teaching behaviors of high-burnout secondary physical education teachers

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    The effects of instruction and supervision in Cheffers\u27 Adaptation of Flanders\u27 Interaction Analysis System (CAFIAS) on the teaching behaviors of high-burnout secondary physical education teachers were investigated. [This is an excerpt from the abstract. For the complete abstract, please see the document.

    Relationship of Seven Variables on College Women's Attitudes Toward Men

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    Applied Behavioral Studie

    TV Vanguarda e os desafios da migração do analógico ao digital

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    This work is a reflection on the convergence of media and also examines the current change of analog to digital systems, and seek to understand the transformations that have begun to dawn with the rollout of digital interactive TV. In this scenario, the digital culture and the recent generation that has reference to that reality are analyzed. The object of study is the TV Vanguarda – affiliate of Rede Globo in Vale do Paraiba, interior of Sao Paulo. The paper presents proposals for the broadcasting television to make the necessary adjustments in the digital age and also discusses on the future production of content in TV (and on its website), as viewers of the XXI Century want to interact.O presente artigo faz uma reflexão sobre a convergência das mídias e também analisa a atual mudança de sistemas analógicos para digitais, além de buscar entender as transformações que já começam a despontar com a implantação da TV Digital interativa. Nesse cenário, a cultura digital e a recente geração, que tem como referência essa realidade, são analisadas. O objeto de estudo é a TV Vanguarda – afiliada da Rede Globo no Vale do Paraíba, interior de São Paulo. O trabalho apresenta propostas para que a emissora faça as adequações necessárias à era digital e também discute sobre o futuro da produção de conteúdo na televisão (e em seu sítio na internet), já queos telespectadores do século XXI querem, cada vez mais, interagir