701 research outputs found

    MS/MS studies on the selective on-line detection of sesquiterpenes using a Flowing Afterglow-Tandem Mass Spectrometer (FA-TMS)

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    A Flowing Afterglow-Tandem Mass Spectrometer (FA-TMS) was used to investigate the feasibility of selective on-line detection of a series of seven sesquiterpenes (SQTs). These SQTs were chemically ionized by either H3O+ or NO+ reagent ions in the FA, resulting among others in protonated SQT and SQT molecular ions, respectively. These and other Chemical Ionization (CI) product ions were subsequently subjected to dissociation by collisions with Ar atoms in the collision cell of the tandem mass spectrometer. The fragmentation spectra show similarities with mass spectra obtained for these compounds with other instruments such as a Proton Transfer Reaction-Linear Ion Trap (PTR-LIT), a Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometer (PTR-MS), a Triple Quadrupole-Mass Spectrometer (QqQ-MS) and a Selected Ion Flow Tube-Mass Spectrometer (SIFT-MS). Fragmentation of protonated SQT is characterized by fragment ions at the same masses but with different intensities for the individual SQT. Distinction of SQTs is based on well-chosen intensity ratios and collision energies. The fragmentation patterns of SQT molecular ions show specific fragment ion tracers at m/z 119, m/z 162, m/z 137 and m/z 131 for alpha-cedrene, delta-neoclovene, isolongifolene and alpha-humulene, respectively. Consequently, chemical ionization of SQT by NO+, followed by MS/MS of SQT(+) seems to open a way for selective quantification of SQTs in mixtures

    Ionization of Rydberg atoms embedded in an ultracold plasma

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    We have studied the behavior of cold Rydberg atoms embedded in an ultracold plasma. We demonstrate that even deeply bound Rydberg atoms are completely ionized in such an environment, due to electron collisions. Using a fast pulse extraction of the electrons from the plasma we found that the number of excess positive charges, which is directly related to the electron temperature Te, is not strongly affected by the ionization of the Rydberg atoms. Assuming a Michie-King equilibrium distribution, in analogy with globular star cluster dynamics, we estimate Te. Without concluding on heating or cooling of the plasma by the Rydberg atoms, we discuss the range for changing the plasma temperature by adding Rydberg atoms.Comment: To be published in P.R.

    Loading Stark-decelerated molecules into electrostatic quadrupole traps

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    Beams of neutral polar molecules in a low-field seeking quantum state can be slowed down using a Stark decelerator, and can subsequently be loaded and confined in electrostatic quadrupole traps. The efficiency of the trap loading process is determined by the ability to couple the decelerated packet of molecules into the trap without loss of molecules and without heating. We discuss the inherent difficulties to obtain ideal trap loading, and describe and compare different trap loading strategies. A new "split-endcap" quadrupole trap design is presented that enables improved trap loading efficiencies. This is experimentally verified by comparing the trapping of OH radicals using the conventional and the new quadrupole trap designs

    Direct measurement of the radiative lifetime of vibrationally excited OH radicals

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    Neutral molecules, isolated in the gas-phase, can be prepared in a long-lived excited state and stored in a trap. The long observation time afforded by the trap can then be exploited to measure the radiative lifetime of this state by monitoring the temporal decay of the population in the trap. This method is demonstrated here and used to benchmark the Einstein AA-coefficients in the Meinel system of OH. A pulsed beam of vibrationally excited OH radicals is Stark decelerated and loaded into an electrostatic quadrupole trap. The radiative lifetime of the upper Λ\Lambda-doublet component of the X2Π3/2,v=1,J=3/2X ^2\Pi_{3/2}, v=1, J=3/2 level is determined as 59.0±2.059.0 \pm 2.0 ms, in good agreement with the calculated value of 57.7±1.057.7 \pm 1.0 ms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    A family of integrable maps associated with the Volterra lattice

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    Recently Gubbiotti, Joshi, Tran and Viallet classified birational maps in four dimensions admitting two invariants (first integrals) with a particular degree structure, by considering recurrences of fourth order with a certain symmetry. The last three of the maps so obtained were shown to be Liouville integrable, in the sense of admitting a non-degenerate Poisson bracket with two first integrals in involution. Here we show how the first of these three Liouville integrable maps corresponds to genus 2 solutions of the infinite Volterra lattice, being the g=2g=2 case of a family of maps associated with the Stieltjes continued fraction expansion of a certain function on a hyperelliptic curve of genus g1g\geqslant 1. The continued fraction method provides explicit Hankel determinant formulae for tau functions of the solutions, together with an algebro-geometric description via a Lax representation for each member of the family, associating it with an algebraic completely integrable system. In particular, in the elliptic case (g=1g=1), as a byproduct we obtain Hankel determinant expressions for the solutions of the Somos-5 recurrence, but different to those previously derived by Chang, Hu and Xin. By applying contraction to the Stieltjes fraction, we recover integrable maps associated with Jacobi continued fractions on hyperelliptic curves, that one of us considered previously, as well as the Miura-type transformation between the Volterra and Toda lattices

    Photoassociation inside an optical dipole trap: absolute rate coefficients and Franck-Condon factors

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    We present quantitative measurements of the photoassociation of cesium molecules inside a far-detuned optical dipole trap. A model of the trap depletion dynamics is derived which allows to extract absolute photoassociation rate coefficients for the initial single-photon photoassociation step from measured trap-loss spectra. The sensitivity of this approach is demonstrated by measuring the Franck-Condon modulation of the weak photoassociation transitions into the low vibrational levels of the outer well of the 0g- state that correlates to the 6s+6p3/2 asymptote. The measurements are compared to theoretical predictions. In a magneto-optical trap these transitions have previously only been observed indirectly through ionization of ground state molecules