219 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic control capability of a wing-flap in hypersonic, rarefied regime: Part II

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    The attitude control of an aircraft is usually fulfilled by means of thrusters at high altitudes. Therefore, the possibility of using also aerodynamic surfaces would produce the advantage of reducing the amount of fuel for the thrusters to be loaded on board. For this purpose, Zuppardi already considered some aerodynamic problems linked to the use of a wing flap in a previous paper. A NACA 0010 airfoil with a trailing edge flap of 35% of the chord, in the range of angle of attack 0-40 deg and flap deflections up to 30 deg was investigated. Computer tests were carried out in hypersonic, rarefied flow by a direct simulation Monte Carlo code at the altitudes of 65 and 85 km of Earth Atmosphere. The present work continues this subject, considering the same airfoil and free stream conditions but two flap extensions of 45% and 25% of the chord and two flap deflections of 15 and 30 deg. The main purpose is to compare the influence of the flap dimension with that of the flap deflection. The present analysis is carried out in terms of: 1) percentage variation of the global aerodynamic coefficients with respect to the no-flap configuration, 2) increment of pressure and heat flux on the airfoil lower surface due to the shock wave-shock wave interaction with respect to the same quantities in no-flap configuration, 3) flap hinge moment. Issues 2) and 3) are important for the design of the mechanical and thermal protection system and of the flap actuator. Even though the flap deflection is aerodynamically more effective than the flap extension, tests verify that using a smaller deflection angle involves the advantage of a smaller increment of pressure and heat flux on the airfoil lower surface as well as a smaller hinge moment

    Asymmetric Atlantic continental margins

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    We analyze the gross crustal structure of the Atlantic Ocean passive continental margins from north to the south, comparing eleven sections of the conjugate margins. As a general result, the western margins show a sharper continental-ocean transition with respect to the eastern margins that rather show a wider stretched and thinner margin. The Moho is in average about 5.7°±1° dipping toward the interior of the continent on the western side, whereas it is about 2.7°±1° in the eastern margins. Moreover, the stretched continental crust is on average 244 km wide on the western side, whereas it is up to about 439 km on the eastern side of the Atlantic. This systematic asymmetry reflects the early stages of the diachronous Mesozoic to Cenozoic continental rifting, which is inferred as the result of a polarized westward motion of both western and eastern plates, being Greenland, Northern and Southern Americas plates moving westward faster with respect to Scandinavia, Europe and Africa, relative to the underlying mantle

    In silico study of protein-protein interactions

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    2011 - 2012Protein-protein interactions are at the basis of many of the most important molecular processes in the cell, which explains the constantly growing interest within the scientific community for the structural characterization of protein complexes.1 However, experimental knowledge of the 3D structure of the great majority of such complexes is missing, and this spurred their accurate prediction through molecular docking simulations, one of the major challenges in the field of structural computational biology and bioinformatics.2,3 My PhD work aims to contribute to the field, by providing novel computational instruments and giving useful insight on specific case studies in the field. In particular, in the first part of my PhD thesis, I present novel methods I developed: i) for analysing and comparing the 3D structure of protein complexes, to immediately extract useful information on the interaction based on a contact map visualization (COCOMAPS4 web tool, Chapter 2), and ii) for analysing a set of multiple docking solutions, to single out the key inter-residue contacts and to distinguish native-like solutions from the incorrect ones (CONS-COCOMAPS5 web tool and CONS-RANK program, Chapter 3 and 4, respectively). In the second part of the thesis, these methods have been applied, in combination with classical state-of-art computational biology techniques, to predict and analyse the binding mode in real biological systems, related to particular diseases. This part of the work has been afforded in collaboration with experimental groups, to take advantage of specific biological information on the systems under study. In particular, the interaction between proteins involved in the autoimmune response in celiac disease6,7 (Chapters 5 and 6) has been studied in collaboration with the group directed by Prof. Sblattero, University of Piemonte Orientale (Italy) and the group directed by Prof. Esposito, University of Salerno (Italy). In addition, recognition properties of 3 the FXa enzymatic system8 has been studied through dynamic characterization of a FXa pathogenic mutant that causes problems in the blood coagulation cascade (Chapter 7). This study has been performed in collaboration with the group directed by Prof. De Cristofaro, Catholic University School of Medicine, Rome (Italy) and the group directed by Prof. Peyvandi, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico and UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Milano (Italy)... [edited by author]XI n.s

    Le ReTeHNor : un répertoire numérique de l’hagiographie latine de Normandie

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    Les humanités numériques accompagnent de plus en plus le travail des chercheurs en leur permettant de mieux mener à terme leurs recherches et de mieux en exploiter les résultats. Ces technologies ont ainsi favorisé la naissance de nombreuses bases de données en ligne. Le ReTeHNor (Repertorium Textuum Hagiographicorum in Normannia conscriptorum), rassemblant les textes hagiographiques en latin écrits sur le territoire du duché de Normandie pendant la période ducale (911-1204), est donc l’un de ces répertoires numériques. Basé sur le modèle de la BHL, il rassemble des fiches décrivant au niveau historico-littéraire ces textes hagiographiques et permettant d’avoir, grâce à différents modes d’interrogation, une vision critique et statistique de l’hagiographie de Normandie : combien de foyers hagiographiques ? Combien d’hagiographes ? Quels modèles de sainteté ? Quelles typologies d’écrits hagiographiques ? Etc.Researchers’ work is more and more accompanied by the practice of digital humanities which allow them to better accomplish their research and better exploit the results. Thus, these technologies have stimulated the emergence of many databases online. So, the ReTeHNor (Repertorium Textuum Hagiographicorum in Normannia conscriptorum), which collect the Latin hagiographical texts written in the area of the duchy of Normandy during the ducal period (911-1204), is one of these digital repertoire. Based on the BHL model, it collects files describing these hagiographical texts from a historical and a literary point of view and enable to have, thanks to different modes of inquiry, a critical and statistic view of the hagiography of Normandy: how many centers of hagiographic production? How many hagiographers? Which models of sanctity? Which types of hagiographic writing? Etc.L’informatica umanistica accompagna in misura sempre maggiore il lavoro dei ricercatori consentendo loro di meglio portare a termine le loro ricerche e di meglio impiegarne i risultati. Queste tecnologie hanno così favorito la nascita di numerose basi di dati. Il ReTeHNor (Repertorium Textuum Hagiographicorum in Normannia conscriptorum), che raccoglie i testi agiografici in latino scritti sul territorio del ducato di Normandia durante il periodo ducale (911-1204), è quindi uno di questi repertori digitali : basato sul modello della BHL, esso raccoglie un insieme di schede che descrivono accuratamente da un punto di vista storico-letterario questi testi agiografici e che consente di ottenere una visione critica e statistica dell’agiografia di Normandia : quanti centri di produzione agiografica ? Quanti agiografi ? Quali modelli di santità ? Quali tipologie di scritti agiografici ? Etc

    Particolare gruppo sociale: per la definizione di rifugiato.

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    Il presente lavoro contiene un'analisi dettagliata del concetto di "particolare gruppo sociale": dagli inizi con la Convenzione del 1951 sino ad una analisi della giurisprudenza europea, per poi far riferimento alle normative europee in merito e infine alla collocazione di detto concetto nel complesso quadro tematico dell'asilo italiano

    Structural Basis for the Recognition in an Idiotype-Anti-Idiotype Antibody Complex Related to Celiac Disease

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    Anti-idiotype antibodies have potential therapeutic applications in many fields, including autoimmune diseases. Herein we report the isolation and characterization of AIM2, an anti-idiotype antibody elicited in a mouse model upon expression of the celiac disease-specific autoantibody MB2.8 (directed against the main disease autoantigen type 2 transglutaminase, TG2). To characterize the interaction between the two antibodies, a 3D model of the MB2.8-AIM2 complex has been obtained by molecular docking. Analysis and selection of the different obtained docking solutions was based on the conservation within them of the inter-residue contacts. The selected model is very well representative of the different solutions found and its stability is confirmed by molecular dynamics simulations. Furthermore, the binding mode it adopts is very similar to that observed in most of the experimental structures available for idiotype-anti-idiotype antibody complexes. In the obtained model, AIM2 is directed against the MB2.8 CDR region, especially on its variable light chain. This makes the concurrent formation of the MB2.8-AIM2 complex and of the MB2.8-TG2 complex incompatible, thus explaining the experimentally observed inhibitory effect on the MB2.8 binding to TG2

    Central nervous system myeloma and unusual extramedullary localizations: real life practical guidance

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    Central nervous system localization of multiple myeloma (CNS-MM) accounts for about 1% of all MM during disease course or even rarer at diagnosis. A difference in the origin, i.e., osteodural or primary dural vs leptomeningeal/intraparenchymal, seems to define two distinct types of intracranial myeloma, with different clinical behavior. CNS-MM may occur also as a presentation of MM. Treatment is still unsatisfactory and many treatments have been reported: chemotherapy, intrathecal therapy, and radiotherapy, with dismal prognosis. Other sites of myeloma localization could be also of interest and deserve description. Because of the rarity and aggressiveness of the disease clinicians are often doubtful on how to treat it since there is no general agreement. Moreover, recent drugs such as the anti CD38 monoclonal antibody, immunomodulatory drugs, and proteasome inhibitors have changed the treatment of patients with MM with a significant improvement in overall response and survival. The role of novel agents in CNS MM management and unusual presentations will be discussed as well as the potential role of other new immunomodulatory drugs and proteasome inhibitors that seem to cross the blood-brain barrier. The purpose of this review is to increase awareness of the clinical unusual presentation and neuroradiological findings, give practical diagnostic advice and treatment options algorithm

    Climate Change and Reproductive Biocomplexity in Fishes: Innovative Management Approaches towards Sustainability of Fisheries and Aquaculture

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    The ongoing rapid climate change, combined with the disturbance of fish breeding grounds, may impact reproduction by endangering successful breeding and survival, and thus affect the viable sustainability in aquaculture systems as well as in the sea. In this study we focus on the biocomplexity of fish reproduction in response to climate change. Further, we propose adaptive strategies, including technological advancements, using a noninvasive and non-lethal approach, and we outline an assisted reproduction and nutrigenomics approach to mitigating fish reproductive risks posed by climate change. This was done in an effort to monitor fish aquaculture and ensure that, as a livelihood, it may provide a useful source of nutrition for our society

    Biodiversity Studies for Sustainable Lagoon: Thermophilic and Tropical Fish Species vs. Endemic Commercial Species at Mellah Lagoon (Mediterranean, Algeria)

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    Lagoons play an important socio-economic role and represent a precious natural heritage at risk from fishing pressure and chemical and biological pollution. Our research focused on better understanding the discrimination of fish biodiversity, the detection of non-indigenous species, and the valorization of commercial indigenous species at Mellah lagoon (Algeria). Taxonomic characterization and barcoding for all fish species and Inkscape schematic drawings for the most common species are provided. A total of 20 families and 37 species were recorded. The thermophilic species Coris julis, Thalassoma pavo, and Aphanius fasciatus and tropical species such as Gambusia holbrooki and Parablennius pilicornis were identified. Numerous Mediterranean species of socio-economic importance are highlighted, and detailed information is summarized for the lagoon’s sustainability. This short-term evaluation goes hand in hand with long-term programs documenting the interaction between indigenous and non-indigenous species in the lagoon and will allow the development of a provisional relationship model for future studies. Thermophilic and tropical species patterns in the Mellah lagoon are presented. Taken together, we provide useful data that can guide future investigations and may become a potential management tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and protecting species with large socio-economic roles from potential thermal stress impact
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