7 research outputs found

    Sociocultural Factors That Influence Migrant Students’ Academic Performance in an English Language Teaching Program: Voices from Abroad

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    This qualitative research explains how sociocultural factors influence the academic performance of a group of migrant students enrolled in the English Language Teaching Program at Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. Three data collection techniques were implemented for the development of this project. First, a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions was conducted for each participant. Interviews were recorded and then transcribed for analysis purposes. Before the interview, participants were delivered a consent form and a biodata format to be filled. Second, six participants were invited to write a week-long narrative describing their experiences in the target cultural scenario. Third, a focus group was set up with five students selected at random out of the thirteen participants. Major results indicate that students who perceive a higher level of family support are more likely to achieve their academic goals. Besides, migrant students who report fewer difficulties to adjust to the host culture, have greater opportunities to succeed academically. In addition, migrant students’ previous academic experiences have an important impact on their adjustment process to the university context. This study concluded that migrant students’ academic performance is a dialogical and reciprocal relationship among different sociocultural factors

    El uso de energía en microempresas tradicionales. Eficiencia, innovación y gestión

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    Cualquiera que sepa que las microempresas en Medellín, actualmente suman cerca de 95.000 -algo así como el 96% del tejido empresarial-, y que generan alrededor del 50% del empleo de la ciudad, le interesará este libro. La razón es simple: en él se ofrecen modos muy concretos, no sólo de conservarlas sino de fortalecerlas. Haga el lector el siguiente ejercicio: cierre los ojos e imagine qué le ocurriría a la ciudad y a miles de sus familias si por algún albur, todas -o la mayoría- de las microempresas desaparecieran de repente. Seguramente lo que vería, no sería agradable, entonces abra los ojos y dispóngase a leer esta obra.El mensaje básico del presente libro es que usar eficientemente la energía, representa para todas las empresas, pero en particular para las micronegocios, beneficios no sólo en productividad y competitividad sino también en seguridad ocupacional y bienestar para sus dueños, sus familias y empleados, además de favorecer el medio ambiente. Alcanzar la eficiencia energética se logra tanto por disponer y adoptar buenas tecnologías energéticas, adecuadas instalaciones y espacios apropiados para su explotación, como gracias a las mejoras en los comportamientos y estilos de vida de los usuarios frente al consumo de las diversas fuentes de energía: hidroeléctrica, gas, carbón, leña, etc. En consecuencia, en esta obra se ofrecen a los microempresarios de estratos populares de la ciudad de Medellín, tanto alternativas tecnológicas y socioeconómicas que les permitan ser más eficientes y productivos, como un modelo de gestión energética que las haga viables y sostenibles en el tiempo.La conclusión del libro es clara: sin microempresas podrá haber crecimiento económico, pero nunca desarrollo humano incluyente y sostenible.  La novedad de la obra radica precisamente en que nunca antes las microempresas en el país habían sido conocidas y evaluadas desde el punto de vista de su eficiencia energética y menos aún, se habían hecho propuestas alcanzables para su mejoramiento y fortalecimiento.No sobra agregar que en su concepción y composición, en el libro participó un amplio grupo de académicos e investigadores de renombradas universidades de la ciudad, lo mismo que expertos y consultores tanto públicos como privados. Pero, sobre todo, este libro no hubiera sido posible sin la presencia constante y activa de los microempresarios que aportaron toda su buena voluntad para llevar a cabo el proyecto de investigación que le dio origen a la obra. A todos ellos se les hace un merecido reconocimiento a lo largo y ancho de sus páginas

    Cultura escolar em áreas de conflito armado: do âmbito individual ao trabalho colaborativo

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    Based on the implementation of lived experience narratives, this article intends to recognize the professional and pedagogical cultures of those teachers who live in distant regions affected by the armed conflict. For that reason, a qualitative research project was conducted following a biographical narrative perspective. As to reconstruct the information generated, an analysis matrix was designed to identify recurrent and relevant issues emerging from the participants’ voices. These issues became thematic axes and emergent categories. Concerning the findings, three major significant topics were identified, that is, the close relationships between teachers’ professional exercise and their school realities of fear and anxiety, the necessity to nurture the collaborative cultures, and the importance of transforming the school into a suitable scenario for resilient identities.El presente artículo pretende reconocer la cultura profesional pedagógica de los maestros que habitan zonas de conflicto armado, a partir de relatos de experiencia; particularmente hacemos alusión a los que desempeñan su labor en la subregión del Bajo Cauca antiqueño. Para lograr el objetivo propuesto, se diseñó una investigación de corte cualitativo, enmarcada en una perspectiva biográfica narrativa. A su vez, y en procura de reconstruir la información generada, se elaboró una matriz de análisis, en la cual se advirtieron aquellos asuntos que, por su presencia y relevancia en las voces de los participantes de la investigación, se configuraron en ejes temáticos y categorías emergentes. Entre los hallazgos más significativos se ubican tres asuntos, a saber: las estrechas relaciones que se tejen entre el ejercicio profesional del maestro, las realidades cercanas al miedo y la zozobra en las que se circunscribe la vida en la escuela misma; la necesidad de favorecer el tránsito de una cultura escolar individualista a una cultura escolar colaborativa; y finalmente, la importancia de hacer de la escuela un escenario que forme a todos los sujetos en ella inmersos, en posturas resilientes.Este artigo pretende reconhecer a cultura pedagógica profissional dos professores que vivem em áreas do conflito armado, a partir de relatos da sua experiência; em particular, referimo-nos àqueles que desenvolvem o seu trabalho na sub-região do Bajo Cauca antioqueño. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, foi elaborada uma pesquisa qualitativa, enquadrada em uma perspectiva biográfica narrativa. Por sua vez, e na tentativa de reconstruir as informações geradas, foi elaborada uma matriz de análise, na qual se constataram aquelas questões que, por sua presença e relevância nas vozes dos participantes da pesquisa, se configuraram em eixos temáticos e categorias emergentes. Entre os achados mais significativos estão três questões, a saber: as relações estreitas que se tecem entre a prática profissional do professor e as realidades próximas ao medo e à ansiedade em que a vida se circunscreve na própria escola, a necessidade de favorecer a transição de uma cultura escolar individualista para uma cultura escolar colaborativa; por fim, a importância de fazer da escola um ambiente que forme todos os sujeitos nela imersos, em posturas resilientes

    Research on Language Teaching and Learning: Advances and Projection

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    In 2010, teachers from the B.A. in English Teaching at Universidad Católica Luis Amigó formed CILEX (Construcciones Investigativas en Lenguas Extranjeras). Research and teaching in the program have grown synergistically ever since, but ten years down the road it was time to take stock of our research to project the direction in which we wanted to move forward. This book is the result of that effort to recognize our shared history and thus propel our upcoming academic endeavors. The book starts out by presenting the epistemological foundations of CILEX, which is based on the threefold notion of the language teacher as an intellectual, an academic, and an educator. It thereon explains the system that arranges our academic production within five thematic nodes: cultural studies, language policy, literacies, language teacher education, and language assessment. Each chapter reports on one or two studies in which the authors participated as leading researchers or advisors. Hence, the book also reflects the formative research tradition that characterizes most of our practice. Having language teacher education as a binding thread that cuts across the entire volume, authors present their particular perspective on topics as varied as college academic performance, early childhood literacy, language policy appropriation, teacher educators’ assessment literacy, student teachers’ practicum identity crisis, research training in teacher education, and critical reading instruction. This book condenses the work of a group of teacher educators who believe in the power of research to galvanize teaching and inspire positive educational change. As readers go through its pages, it is our hope they will be able to recognize not only the singular value of each individual chapter but also the richness of our collaboration, which constitutes the fabric of our identity as an academic community.illustratorIn 2010, teachers from the B.A. in English Teaching at Universidad Católica Luis Amigó formed CILEX (Construcciones Investigativas en Lenguas Extranjeras). Research and teaching in the program have grown synergistically ever since, but ten years down the road it was time to take stock of our research to project the direction in which we wanted to move forward. This book is the result of that effort to recognize our shared history and thus propel our upcoming academic endeavors. The book starts out by presenting the epistemological foundations of CILEX, which is based on the threefold notion of the language teacher as an intellectual, an academic, and an educator. It thereon explains the system that arranges our academic production within five thematic nodes: cultural studies, language policy, literacies, language teacher education, and language assessment. Each chapter reports on one or two studies in which the authors participated as leading researchers or advisors. Hence, the book also reflects the formative research tradition that characterizes most of our practice. Having language teacher education as a binding thread that cuts across the entire volume, authors present their particular perspective on topics as varied as college academic performance, early childhood literacy, language policy appropriation, teacher educators’ assessment literacy, student teachers’ practicum identity crisis, research training in teacher education, and critical reading instruction. This book condenses the work of a group of teacher educators who believe in the power of research to galvanize teaching and inspire positive educational change. As readers go through its pages, it is our hope they will be able to recognize not only the singular value of each individual chapter but also the richness of our collaboration, which constitutes the fabric of our identity as an academic community

    Design of an algorithm for the diagnostic approach of patients with joint pain

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    Background Rheumatic diseases are a reason for frequent consultation with primary care doctors. Unfortunately, there is a high percentage of misdiagnosis. Objective To design an algorithm to be used by primary care physicians to improve the diagnostic approach of the patient with joint pain, and thus improve the diagnostic capacity in four rheumatic diseases. Methods Based on the information obtained from a literature review, we identified the main symptoms, signs, and paraclinical tests related to the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis with peripheral involvement, systemic lupus erythematosus with joint involvement, and osteoarthritis. We conducted 3 consultations with a group of expert rheumatologists, using the Delphi technique, to design a diagnostic algorithm that has as a starting point “joint pain” as a common symptom for the four diseases. Results Thirty-nine rheumatologists from 18 countries of Ibero-America participated in the Delphi exercise. In the first consultation, we presented 94 items to the experts (35 symptoms, 31 signs, and 28 paraclinical tests) candidates to be part of the algorithm; 74 items (25 symptoms, 27 signs, and 22 paraclinical tests) were chosen. In the second consultation, the decision nodes of the algorithm were chosen, and in the third, its final structure was defined. The Delphi exercise lasted 8 months; 100% of the experts participated in the three consultations. Conclusion We present an algorithm designed through an international consensus of experts, in which Delphi methodology was used, to support primary care physicians in the clinical approach to patients with joint pain