141 research outputs found

    Xenophobic practices against migrants

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    В статье описываются практики взаимодействия между представителями разных диаспор, проживающих на территории Свердловской области с принимающим сообществом и возникающие эффекты этого взаимодействия. Одним из таких взаимодействий является ксенофобия со стороны принимающего сообщества. Оценки уровня ксенофобии представлены исходя из мнений представителей диаспор. Исследование проводилось на территории Свердловской области в 2014 году.This article describes the practice of interaction between members of different diasporas with the host community and the resulting effects of this interaction. One of these interactions is the xenophobia of the host community. Assess the level of xenophobia are presented on the basis of the views of diasporas. The study was conducted in the Sverdlovsk region in 2014

    Identification of Information System Functional Problems Using the Model of Requirements and Cause-effect Relationships

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    The paper defines the models of the objective tree and the current reality tree. Such models allow to define problems on the basis of cause-effect relations. The paper provides general recommendations for the application of these models. It describes their application on the example of an information system, a compound program complex. The information is accompanied by visual images in the form of diagrams. The information system is used in the field of retail to solve many different problems. The paper explains the need to identify problems. Within the framework of the example, the system’s stakeholders are defined and their interaction with the objective tree is given. After that, a certain objective is considered and the reason for that is given. As a result of using the current reality tree, the paper compiles a list of root problems.  At the end, it proves the connection between the solution of low-level problems and the implementation of high-level objectives. Finally, it provides recommendations for further work related to the selected list of problems. Keywords: current reality tree, system, stakeholders, objective tree, retail, problems definitio

    The existential problems of management

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    The aim of the article is to describe the existential aspects of management, as the manager often deals with a situation of subordination of his/her internal (spiritual) world to external circumstances. The manager must first master the skills of control over his own state of mind, and then try to understand the spiritual world of managees. Managerial work involves stress, mental strain, and often unpredictable situations. Introspection, awareness of the selfhood, individuality and selfness – this is the path of the manager to himself. The aim of the article is also the study of the basic directions of the managers’ activity, that are not investigated in the current scientific literature on the theory of management, and the evaluation of the necessary and logical actions in his particular situation. Hence, it may be stated that the existential theory of management shows the way of successful managers, creating themselves through own existential choices and actions resulting from them. The existence and activities of managers are limited by situational nature, and success or failure, conflict and struggle, guilt and death, present in all of their actions are an unavoidable part of such a situation

    Экзистенциональные проблемы управления

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    Что такое управление? Это процесс, в котором субъектом выступает человек, или наделенный определенными полномочиями, или принявший их на себя сам. Объектом управления может быть или человек, или машина в ее многообразных проявлениях, или окружающая среда, или политический процесс. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3430

    История одного возвращения. Заметки по поводу выхода в свет трудов выдающегося европейского мыслителя (Юрий Дрогобыч. Годы и пророчества)

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    Автор знайомить із біографією та діяльністю видатного польського мислителя-астролога ХV ст. Юрія Дрогобича. Цікавим є наведений уривок і аналіз особистого астрологічного прогнозу життя папи Сикста ІV, зробленого Юрієм Дрогобичем. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7772Автор знакомит с биографией и деятельностью выдающегося польского мыслителя-астролога XV ст. Юрия Дрогобыча. Интересен и приведенный отрывок и анализ личного астрологического прогноза жизни папы Сикста IV, сделанного Юрием Дрогобычем. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7772The biography and activities of the outstanding Polish thinker and astrologer of the XV century Yuriy Drohobych is shown. The valuable extract of the personal astrological prognosis of Papa’s Sixt IV life is analyzed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/777

    Григорий Сковорода: на пути к духовному единению

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    Вандишев В.М. Григорій Сковорода: на шляху до духовного усамітнення У статті розглядаються світоглядні засади видатного українського філософа Григорія Сковороди При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6446Вандышев В.Н. Григорий Сковорода:на пути к духовному уединению В статье рассматриваются мировоззренческие взгляды выдающегося философа Григория Сковороды При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6446Vandyshev V.N. Grigoriy Skovoroda: on the way of spiritual solitude World outlook sights of outstanding philosopher Grigory Skovoroda are shown in this work When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/644

    Multimedia Practices in Corporate Museums: Tribute to Fashion or Canon Transformation

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    In the framework of the project “Scaling social memory of generations in ‘historically’ and ‘newly’ industrialized cities” we have studied various organizations associated with commemoration work. We have interviewed people and have had excursions in various museums: school museums, town museums, local history museums, and corporate museums. All in all, we have visited 11 corporate museums in several cities of Ural region. Certainly, now the best equipped museums are corporate museums of economically booming plants. They are supplied with state-of-the-art equipment that allows them to create fundamentally new expositions, change the traditional canon of the exhibition and storage of museum collections. Nevertheless, not all corporate museums follow this route, there are some which maintain traditional practices of housing exhibits. How do corporate museums of towns and cities of the Ural region work today? How would museum staff like to change their work with regard to use of multimedia technologies?The research project “Scaling social memory of generations in the cites of “old’ and “new” industriality” is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 18-011-00456. Years of implementation — 2018–2020

    Productivity, quality and economics of four spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars as affected by three cultivation technologies

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    ArticleManaging farming inputs in wheat production technologies is an issue of paramount importance to attain optimum profitable production. To examine how varying the farming inputs affects the nutrients uptake and productivity of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars and to determine the economic efficiency of various cultivation technologies, three-year field experiments were laid out at the Russian Research Institute of Agriculture, during the 2015–2017 growing seasons. Experiments were conducted once a year using randomized complete block arranged in a split plot experimental design with three replications, with the cultivation technology treatments (basic, intensive and high intensive technology) as the main plots, and spring wheat cultivars (Zelata, Lubova, Liza and Ester) as the sub-main plots. The highest grain yield (10.8 t ha-1), harvest index (42.9%), gluten content (39.45%) and gluten index (71.17%) observed for spring wheat cultivar Lubova with the moderate application of farming inputs as an intensive cultivation technology. Highest protein content (18.02%) was attained for both intensive and high intensive cultivation technology with the cultivar Lubova, and the highest 1,000 grains weight (46.32 g) was recorded by cultivar Lubova in basic cultivation technology. Applying moderate amount of inputs as an intensive cultivation technology resulted in highest wheat yield and net income