531 research outputs found

    Synthetic biology and microdevices : a powerful combination

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    Recent developments demonstrate that the combination of microbiology with micro-and nanoelectronics is a successful approach to develop new miniaturized sensing devices and other technologies. In the last decade, there has been a shift from the optimization of the abiotic components, for example, the chip, to the improvement of the processing capabilities of cells through genetic engineering. The synthetic biology approach will not only give rise to systems with new functionalities, but will also improve the robustness and speed of their response towards applied signals. To this end, the development of new genetic circuits has to be guided by computational design methods that enable to tune and optimize the circuit response. As the successful design of genetic circuits is highly dependent on the quality and reliability of its composing elements, intense characterization of standard biological parts will be crucial for an efficient rational design process in the development of new genetic circuits. Microengineered devices can thereby offer a new analytical approach for the study of complex biological parts and systems. By summarizing the recent techniques in creating new synthetic circuits and in integrating biology with microdevices, this review aims at emphasizing the power of combining synthetic biology with microfluidics and microelectronics

    Affinity study of novel gelatin cell carriers for fibronectin

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    In the present work, the gelatin/fibronectin affinity was evaluated using SPR, QCM and radiolabelling. The results indicate that type A gelatin films possess a higher affinity for Fn compared to type B gelatin. This is due to a combined hydrophobic and electrostatic interaction between gelatin type A and Fn. In a second part, the affinity of Fn for porous gelatin scaffolds was evaluated. The scaffolds were prepared by a cryogenic treatment and subsequent freeze-drying yielding type I and type II scaffolds which possess different pore geometries/sizes. The results indicate that the Fn density on the scaffolds can be fine-tuned by varying the Fn concentration, the gelatin type (A vs. 13), the pore size/geometry (type I vs. type II scaffolds)

    Physiological and Agronomical Aspects of Phytohormone Production by Model Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Belonging to the Genus Azospirillum

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    The functional analysis of phytohormone production, interaction, and regulation in higher plants has re-emerged in the past 10 years due to spectacular advances in integrative study models. However, plants are not axenic in natural conditions and are usually colonized or influenced directly by different microorganisms such as rhizobacteria of which many have the ability to produce phytohormones. This review summarizes information related to the biosynthesis, metabolism, regulation, physiological role, and agronomical impact of phytohormones produced by the model plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) belonging to the genus Azospirillum, considered to be one of the most representative PGPR. We include exhaustive information about the phytohormones auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, and abscisic acid, as well as the plant growth regulators polyamines and nitric oxide. We deal with their metabolism by Azospirillum sp. in chemically defined medium, in plant–microbe interactions, or in the context of the agronomical use of Azospirillum sp.Fil: Cassan, Fabricio Dario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Cs.exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Cs.naturales. Laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal y de la Interacción Planta-microorganismo; ArgentinaFil: Vanderleyden, Jos. Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics. Heverlee; BélgicaFil: Spaepen, Stijn. Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics. Heverlee; Bélgic

    Prediction and overview of the RpoN-regulon in closely related species of the Rhizobiales

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    BACKGROUND: In the rhizobia, a group of symbiotic Gram-negative soil bacteria, RpoN (σ(54), σ(N), NtrA) is best known as the sigma factor enabling transcription of the nitrogen fixation genes. Recent reports, however, demonstrate the involvement of RpoN in other symbiotic functions, although no large-scale effort has yet been undertaken to unravel the RpoN-regulon in rhizobia. We screened two complete rhizobial genomes (Mesorhizobium loti, Sinorhizobium meliloti) and four symbiotic regions (Rhizobium etli, Rhizobium sp. NGR234, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, M. loti) for the presence of the highly conserved RpoN-binding sites. A comparison was also made with two closely related non-symbiotic members of the Rhizobiales (Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Brucella melitensis). RESULTS: A highly specific weight-matrix-based screening method was applied to predict members of the RpoN-regulon, which were stored in a highly annotated and manually curated dataset. Possible enhancer-binding proteins (EBPs) controlling the expression of RpoN-dependent genes were predicted with a profile hidden Markov model. CONCLUSIONS: The methodology used to predict RpoN-binding sites proved highly effective as nearly all known RpoN-controlled genes were identified. In addition, many new RpoN-dependent functions were found. The dependency of several of these diverse functions on RpoN seems species-specific. Around 30% of the identified genes are hypothetical. Rhizobia appear to have recruited RpoN for symbiotic processes, whereas the role of RpoN in A. tumefaciens and B. melitensis remains largely to be elucidated. All species screened possess at least one uncharacterized EBP as well as the usual ones. Lastly, RpoN could significantly broaden its working range by direct interfering with the binding of regulatory proteins to the promoter DNA

    FabR regulates Salmonella biofilm formation via its direct target FabB

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    Background: Biofilm formation is an important survival strategy of Salmonella in all environments. By mutant screening, we showed a knock-out mutant of fabR, encoding a repressor of unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis (UFA), to have impaired biofilm formation. In order to unravel how this regulator impinges on Salmonella biofilm formation, we aimed at elucidating the S. Typhimurium FabR regulon. Hereto, we applied a combinatorial high-throughput approach, combining ChIP-chip with transcriptomics. Results: All the previously identified E. coli FabR transcriptional target genes (fabA, fabB and yqfA) were shown to be direct S. Typhimurium FabR targets as well. As we found a fabB overexpressing strain to partly mimic the biofilm defect of the fabR mutant, the effect of FabR on biofilms can be attributed at least partly to FabB, which plays a key role in UFA biosynthesis. Additionally, ChIP-chip identified a number of novel direct FabR targets (the intergenic regions between hpaR/hpaG and ddg/ydfZ) and yet putative direct targets (i.a. genes involved in tRNA metabolism, ribosome synthesis and translation). Next to UFA biosynthesis, a number of these direct targets and other indirect targets identified by transcriptomics (e.g. ribosomal genes, ompA, ompC, ompX, osmB, osmC, sseI), could possibly contribute to the effect of FabR on biofilm formation. Conclusion: Overall, our results point at the importance of FabR and UFA biosynthesis in Salmonella biofilm formation and their role as potential targets for biofilm inhibitory strategies