3 research outputs found

    Long-Term Exposure to Nitrate and Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water and Prostate Cancer: A Multicase–Control Study in Spain (MCC-Spain)

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    BACKGROUND: Nitrate and trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water are widespread and are potential human carcinogens.OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the association between drinking-water exposure to nitrate and THMs and prostate cancer.METHODS: During the period 2008-2013, 697 hospital-based incident prostate cancer cases (97 aggressive tumors) and 927 population-based controls were recruited in Spain, providing information on residential histories and type of water consumed. Average nitrate and THMs levels in drinking water were linked with lifetime water consumption to calculate waterborne ingestion. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were esti-mated using mixed models with recruitment area as random effect. Effect modification by tumor grade (Gleason score), age, education, lifestyle, and dietary factors was explored.RESULTS: Mean ( +/- standard deviation) adult lifetime waterborne ingested nitrate (milligrams per day), brominated (Br)-THMs (micrograms per day), and chloroform (micrograms per day) were 11.5 ( +/- 9.0), 20.7 ( +/- 32.4), and 15.1 ( +/- 14.7) in controls. Waterborne ingested nitrate >13.8 vs. = 8. Associations were higher in the youngest and those with lower intakes of fiber, fruit/vegetables, and vitamin C. Waterborne ingested THMs were not associated with prostate cancer. Residential tap water levels of Br-THMs and chloroform showed, respectively, inverse and positive associations with prostate cancer.CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest long-term waterborne ingested nitrate could be a risk factor of prostate cancer, particularly for aggressive tumors. High intakes of fiber, fruit/vegetables and vitamin C may lower this risk. Association with residential levels but not ingested chloroform/Br-THM may suggest inhalation and dermal routes could be relevant for prostate cancer. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP1139

    Interval Cancer in Population-Based Colorectal Screening Programmes: Incidence and Characteristics of Tumours

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate interval cancer (IC) in colorectal cancer (CRC) screening, which is CRC diagnosed in an individual after having received a negative faecal occult blood test and before the next invitation to participate in screening. A follow-up study was conducted on a cohort of participants in the first three screening rounds of four colorectal cancer screening programmes in Spain, n = 664,993. A total of 321 ICs and 2120 screen-detected cancers (SCs) were found. The IC and SC rates were calculated for each guaiac (gFOBT) or immunochemical (FIT) test. A Cox regression model was used to estimate the hazard ratios (HR) of IC risk factors. A nested case–control study was carried out to compare IC and SC tumour characteristics. The IC rate was 1.16‰ with the gFOBT and 0.35‰ with the FIT. Men and people aged 60–69 showed an increased probability of IC (HR = 1.81 and HR = 1.95, respectively). There was a decreased probability of IC in individuals who regularly participated in screening, HR = 0.62 (0.47–0.82). IC risk gradually rose as the amount of Hb detected in the FIT increased. IC tumours were in more advanced stages and of a larger size than SC tumours, and they were mostly located in the cecum. These results may play a key role in future strategies for screening programmes, reducing IC incidence

    Lesiones detectadas en seis programas poblacionales de cribado de cáncer colorrectal en España. Proyecto CRIBEA

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    ABSTRACT Background: In this study, the results of six Colorectal Cancer Screening Population Programmes are shown (Catalonia, Valence, Murcia, Cantabria, the Basque Country and the Canary Islands collected between 2005 and 2012. These programmes use the faeces occult blood test (FOBt) biennial. Objective: To determine and compare the results of lesions detected by the programmes, participation, sex, age and test used. Methods: Retrospective cohort study based on people invited, aged between 50-74 years, in at least a complete round. Lesions considered: Advanced Adenomas (AA), Colorectal Invasive Cancer (CRC) and both of them, known as Advanced Neoplasia (AN). Logistic Regression and time trends are used. Results: 1,995,719 of invitations registered, with an average participation-rate of 46.7%. 21,228 Advanced Neoplasias (2,813 CRC and 18,415 AA). Differences in detection rates observed between programmes (varying from 15.1‰ to 35.8‰ between participants). Participation rates were related to lesions’ detection rates (OR 1.25 in 40-60% of participation). . Inmunochemical qualitative test showed an OR of 4.79 and quantitative test an OR of 7.30 over the guaiac test. Men showed an OR of 2.73 with respect to women. In 2012 the Advanced Neoplasia rate for women and men was 33.1 and 14.2 by 1,000 participants. Conclusions: The test used was the most important factor for detecting lesions. Time trends showed an increase in detected lesions caused by the change of the type of test in 2010.RESUMEN Fundamentos: En este estudio se presentan los resultados de seis programas poblacionales de cribado de cáncer colorrectal desde 2005 a 2012 (Cataluña, Valencia, Murcia, Cantabria, País Vasco y Canarias) que utilizan diferentes tipos de test de cribado de sangre oculta en heces (SOH) bienal. El objetivo fue describir y comparar los resultados en cuanto a lesiones detectadas tanto por programa, participación, sexo, edad, tipo de test y comunidad autónoma. Metodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo de las personas participantes en al menos una ronda completa cuya edad estaba comprendida entre los 50 y los 74 años. Lesiones consideradas: adenomas avanzados (AA), cáncer aolorrectal invasivo (CCR) y la suma de ambos, neoplasia avanzada (NA). Se realizó un nálisis de regresión logística y estudio de tendencias temporales. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 1.995.719 participaciones, lo que supuso el 46,7% de las invitaciones a participar. Se detectaron 21.228 neoplasias avanzadas (2.813 CCR y 18.415 AA). Se observaron diferencias en la detección de neoplasia avanzada (NA) entre los programas variando entre 15,1‰ y 35,8‰ participantes. La participación se relacionó con las tasas de detección (OR: 1,25 en 40-60% de participación). El test inmunoquímico cualitativo obtuvo una OR de 4,79 y el cuantitativo de 7,30 sobre guayaco. Los hombres tuvieron una OR de 2,73 sobre las mujeres, observándose en el 2012 una tasa de detección de neoplasia avanzada en hombres y mujeres de 33,1 y 14,2 x 1.000 respectivamente. Conclusiones: El tipo de test resultó el factor más determinante en la detección de lesiones. Las tendencias temporales mostraron un aumento de la tasa de detección por el cambio de test a partir del 2010