1,637 research outputs found

    Rates of contraction of posterior distributions based on Gaussian process priors

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    We derive rates of contraction of posterior distributions on nonparametric or semiparametric models based on Gaussian processes. The rate of contraction is shown to depend on the position of the true parameter relative to the reproducing kernel Hilbert space of the Gaussian process and the small ball probabilities of the Gaussian process. We determine these quantities for a range of examples of Gaussian priors and in several statistical settings. For instance, we consider the rate of contraction of the posterior distribution based on sampling from a smooth density model when the prior models the log density as a (fractionally integrated) Brownian motion. We also consider regression with Gaussian errors and smooth classification under a logistic or probit link function combined with various priors.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053607000000613 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Adaptive Bayesian estimation using a Gaussian random field with inverse Gamma bandwidth

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    We consider nonparametric Bayesian estimation inference using a rescaled smooth Gaussian field as a prior for a multidimensional function. The rescaling is achieved using a Gamma variable and the procedure can be viewed as choosing an inverse Gamma bandwidth. The procedure is studied from a frequentist perspective in three statistical settings involving replicated observations (density estimation, regression and classification). We prove that the resulting posterior distribution shrinks to the distribution that generates the data at a speed which is minimax-optimal up to a logarithmic factor, whatever the regularity level of the data-generating distribution. Thus the hierachical Bayesian procedure, with a fixed prior, is shown to be fully adaptive.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOS678 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Rejoinder to discussions of "Frequentist coverage of adaptive nonparametric Bayesian credible sets"

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    Rejoinder of "Frequentist coverage of adaptive nonparametric Bayesian credible sets" by Szab\'o, van der Vaart and van Zanten [arXiv:1310.4489v5].Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOS1270REJ in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Frequentist coverage of adaptive nonparametric Bayesian credible sets

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    We investigate the frequentist coverage of Bayesian credible sets in a nonparametric setting. We consider a scale of priors of varying regularity and choose the regularity by an empirical Bayes method. Next we consider a central set of prescribed posterior probability in the posterior distribution of the chosen regularity. We show that such an adaptive Bayes credible set gives correct uncertainty quantification of "polished tail" parameters, in the sense of high probability of coverage of such parameters. On the negative side, we show by theory and example that adaptation of the prior necessarily leads to gross and haphazard uncertainty quantification for some true parameters that are still within the hyperrectangle regularity scale.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOS1270 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The Horseshoe Estimator: Posterior Concentration around Nearly Black Vectors

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    We consider the horseshoe estimator due to Carvalho, Polson and Scott (2010) for the multivariate normal mean model in the situation that the mean vector is sparse in the nearly black sense. We assume the frequentist framework where the data is generated according to a fixed mean vector. We show that if the number of nonzero parameters of the mean vector is known, the horseshoe estimator attains the minimax 2\ell_2 risk, possibly up to a multiplicative constant. We provide conditions under which the horseshoe estimator combined with an empirical Bayes estimate of the number of nonzero means still yields the minimax risk. We furthermore prove an upper bound on the rate of contraction of the posterior distribution around the horseshoe estimator, and a lower bound on the posterior variance. These bounds indicate that the posterior distribution of the horseshoe prior may be more informative than that of other one-component priors, including the Lasso.Comment: This version differs from the final published version in pagination and typographical detail; Available at http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ejs/141813426

    Bayesian inverse problems with Gaussian priors

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    The posterior distribution in a nonparametric inverse problem is shown to contract to the true parameter at a rate that depends on the smoothness of the parameter, and the smoothness and scale of the prior. Correct combinations of these characteristics lead to the minimax rate. The frequentist coverage of credible sets is shown to depend on the combination of prior and true parameter, with smoother priors leading to zero coverage and rougher priors to conservative coverage. In the latter case credible sets are of the correct order of magnitude. The results are numerically illustrated by the problem of recovering a function from observation of a noisy version of its primitive.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOS920 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Estimating a Survival Distribution with Current Status Data and High-Dimensional Covariates

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    We consider the inverse problem of estimating a survival distribution when the survival times are only observed to be in one of the intervals of a random bisection of the time axis. We are particularly interested in the case that high-dimensional and/or time-dependent covariates are available, and/or the survival events and censoring times are only conditionally independent given the covariate process. The method of estimation consists of regularizing the survival distribution by taking the primitive function or smoothing, estimating the regularized parameter by using estimating equations, and finally recovering an estimator for the parameter of interest

    The Cross-Validated Adaptive Epsilon-Net Estimator

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    Suppose that we observe a sample of independent and identically distributed realizations of a random variable. Assume that the parameter of interest can be defined as the minimizer, over a suitably defined parameter space, of the expectation (with respect to the distribution of the random variable) of a particular (loss) function of a candidate parameter value and the random variable. Examples of commonly used loss functions are the squared error loss function in regression and the negative log-density loss function in density estimation. Minimizing the empirical risk (i.e., the empirical mean of the loss function) over the entire parameter space typically results in ill-defined or too variable estimators of the parameter of interest (i.e., the risk minimizer for the true data generating distribution). In this article, we propose a cross-validated epsilon-net estimation methodology that covers a broad class of estimation problems, including multivariate outcome prediction and multivariate density estimation. An epsilon-net sieve of a subspace of the parameter space is defined as a collection of finite sets of points, the epsilon-nets indexed by epsilon, which approximate the subspace up till a resolution of epsilon. Given a collection of subspaces of the parameter space, one constructs an epsilon-net sieve for each of the subspaces. For each choice of subspace and each value of the resolution epsilon, one defines a candidate estimator as the minimizer of the empirical risk over the corresponding epsilon-net. The cross-validated epsilon-net estimator is then defined as the candidate estimator corresponding to the choice of subspace and epsilon-value minimizing the cross-validated empirical risk. We derive a finite sample inequality which proves that the proposed estimator achieves the adaptive optimal minimax rate of convergence, where the adaptivity is achieved by considering epsilon-net sieves for various subspaces. We also address the implementation of the cross-validated epsilon-net estimation procedure. In the context of a linear regression model, we present results of a preliminary simulation study comparing the cross-validated epsilon-net estimator to the cross-validated L^1-penalized least squares estimator (LASSO) and the least angle regression estimator (LARS). Finally, we discuss generalizations of the proposed estimation methodology to censored data structures

    Adverse effects of personalized automated feedback

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    In large classes with hundreds of students, it is rarely feasible to provide students with individual feedback on their performance. Automatically generated personalized feedback on students' performance might help to overcome this issue, but available empirical effect studies are inconclusive due to lack of methodological rigor. This study uses a repetitive randomized control experiment to explore whether automatically generated feedback is effective and for which students. Our results indicate that feedback does not have a positive effect on performance for all students. Some groups benefit from receiving personalized feedback, while others do not perform better than the control group. Students that perform average benefit most from receiving personalized feedback. However, lower-scoring students who received feedback tend to have lower attrition rates and if they participate at the final exam, their performance is not higher than the control group. Therefore, providing automated feedback is not something that should be undertaken mindlessly.</p

    Semiparametric minimax rates

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    We consider the minimax rate of testing (or estimation) of nonlinear functionals defined on semiparametric models. Existing methods appear not capable of determining a lower bound on the minimax rate of testing (or estimation) for certain functionals of interest. In particular, if the semiparametric model is indexed by several infinite-dimensional parameters. To cover these examples we extend the approach of [1], which is based on comparing a “true distribution” to a convex mixture of perturbed distributions to a comparison of two convex mixtures. The first mixture is obtained by perturbing a first parameter of the model, and the second by perturbing in addition a second parameter. We apply the new result to two examples of semiparametric functionals:the estimation of a mean response when response data are missing at random, and the estimation of an expected conditional covariance functional