14 research outputs found

    Background of the copper and zinc requirement for dairy cattle, growing-finishing pigs and broilers

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    Re-evaluation of the current authorized levels of Cu and Zn in animal rations has been initiated by the European Union (EU). The physiological requirements should be the basis for the future maximum authorized dietary levels for minerals in the EU, resulting in lowering of these maximum levels. Based on an earlier study, the basis of the recommendations for Cu and Zn of dairy cattle, growing pigs, and broilers as used by different countries seemed to be questionable. These recommendations are based on research at relatively low animal production levels as compared with the current Dutch situation. Therefore, a survey of the scientific literature underlying the recommendations of ARC, NRC, DLG, COMV, and INRA was carried out, together with other reports on dietary Cu or Zn requirements of the animal categories mentione

    Background of the copper and zinc requirement for dairy cattle, growing-finishing pigs and broilers

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    Re-evaluation of the current authorized levels of Cu and Zn in animal rations has been initiated by the European Union (EU). The physiological requirements should be the basis for the future maximum authorized dietary levels for minerals in the EU, resulting in lowering of these maximum levels. Based on an earlier study, the basis of the recommendations for Cu and Zn of dairy cattle, growing pigs, and broilers as used by different countries seemed to be questionable. These recommendations are based on research at relatively low animal production levels as compared with the current Dutch situation. Therefore, a survey of the scientific literature underlying the recommendations of ARC, NRC, DLG, COMV, and INRA was carried out, together with other reports on dietary Cu or Zn requirements of the animal categories mentione

    Mineralen-, sporenelementen- en vitaminenbehoeften van paarden

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    In deze publicatie wordt beschreven hoe de in CVB verband tot stand gekomen voedernormen voor deze voedingsstoffen tot stand zijn gekomen. De publicatie is het resultaat van een deskstudie waarbij allereerst de Duitse DLG normen en de Amerikaanse NRC normen zijn geëvalueerd. Daar waar nodig is gericht gekeken of er nieuwe studies beschikbaar zijn, of is teruggegrepen op de oorspronkelijke publicaties. Voor de macromineralen (calcium, fosfor, magnesium, natrium, kalium, chloor) zijn de voedernormen gebaseerd op de zgn. factoriële methode. Voor sporenelementen en de vitamines bleek deze benadering niet mogelijk. Het rapport bevat een groot aantal tabellen waarin de voedernormen voor de genoemde nutriënten voor alle relevante fysiologische stadia

    Duplicaatvoedingsonderzoek bij kinderen 2014: opzet en uitvoering

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    Sinds 1976 wordt in Nederland periodiek gemeten in welke mate mensen via voeding schadelijke stoffen binnenkrijgen, zoals metalen en gewasbeschermingsmiddelen. Hiervoor verzamelt een representatieve groep deelnemers in een gekoelde box de equivalenten van alles wat zij gedurende een etmaal hebben gegeten en gedronken (duplicaatvoeding). Het RIVM en het RIKILT voeren dit zogeheten duplicaatvoedingsonderzoek uit in opdracht van de Nederlandse Voedsel-en Warenautoriteit (NVWA). In dit rapport is beschreven hoe het onderzoek in 2014 is opgezet en uitgevoerd

    Duplicaatvoedingsonderzoek bij kinderen 2014 : eerste resultaten

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    This report describes the consumption of children who participated in aduplicate diet study. Furthermore it provides additional information onthe collected duplicate diets, for example if a child had followed aspecific diet. Duplicate diet studies are conducted periodically since 1976in the Netherlands and provide the opportunity to monitor the quantitiesof certain substances people ingest daily over time (chemicals,mycotoxins). Moreover, it can be assessed if these quantities remainwithin the safety limits.This duplicate diet study was conducted during the spring and autumn of2014 by RIVM and RIKILT and was commissioned by the Dutch Food andConsumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). Parents/ carers of 126children aged 2 to 6 years in the region of Wageningen participated inthe study. They collected duplicate portions (duplicate diet) of all foodsand beverages their child consumed over a 24-hour period. They alsokept food diaries to record what the child had consumed during the day.The duplicate diets were processed into freeze-dried samples and storedat RIKILT.The results of this study showed that for many children less duplicatediet was collected than what they probably consumed. This should betaken into account when interpreting the results of dietary exposure toharmful substances