29 research outputs found
Soins maternels chez l'ours brun scandinave dans un contexte de chasse intensive
Les soins parentaux (principalement maternels) permettent dâamĂ©liorer la valeur adaptative des jeunes, mais ils sont coĂ»teux pour les parents. La durĂ©e de la pĂ©riode de soins maternels prĂ©sente toutefois une grande variabilitĂ© inter et intraspĂ©cifique, ce qui suggĂšre quâelle peut ĂȘtre ajustĂ©e. Comme la durĂ©e des soins maternels peut influencer les taux de reproduction individuels et populationnels, identifier les causes de la variation dans ce trait est pertinent dâun point de vue Ă©volutif, Ă©cologique et dĂ©mographique. Lâobjectif de cette thĂšse Ă©tait dâĂ©tudier les soins maternels chez lâours brun (Ursus arctos) et les causes de la variation dans leur durĂ©e. Cet objectif a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© en se basant sur les donnĂ©es issues du suivi Ă long-terme (>30 ans) de lâours brun en SuĂšde, oĂč la durĂ©e des soins maternels est variable (1,5 ou 2,5 ans) et le contexte de forte pression de chasse entraĂźne de nombreux effets indirects (p. ex. changements comportementaux) sur la population. PremiĂšrement, mes rĂ©sultats montrent que les soins maternels ne seraient pas distribuĂ©s de façon homogĂšne entre les jeunes dâune mĂȘme portĂ©e puisque seuls les plus petits oursons avaient une masse rĂ©duite dans les grandes portĂ©es. Les femelles transfĂ©reraient ainsi le coĂ»t de la reproduction Ă certains de leurs oursons et maintiendraient un investissement stable dans les plus gros oursons, selon une tactique de reproduction conservatrice. DeuxiĂšmement, mes rĂ©sultats montrent que les dĂ©terminants de la durĂ©e des soins maternels Ă©taient contexte-dĂ©pendants. En effet, Ă lâĂ©chelle de la SuĂšde, la durĂ©e des soins maternels Ă©tait causĂ©e directement par la taille de portĂ©e, la masse et lâĂąge de la mĂšre, mais pas par la masse des jeunes. Toutefois, la durĂ©e des soins maternels nâĂ©tait affectĂ©e directement que par la masse des jeunes dans le nord et par lâĂąge de la mĂšre dans le sud. La diffĂ©rence sâexpliquerait par les diffĂ©rentes pressions environnementales, dont la rudesse du climat et lâintensitĂ© de la chasse rĂ©glementĂ©e, sĂ©vissant dans les deux populations. TroisiĂšmement, mes rĂ©sultats montrent que les femelles fournissant de longs soins maternels (c.-Ă -d. 2,5 ans) avaient des comportements dâĂ©vitement des mĂąles, notamment en sĂ©lectionnant la proximitĂ© aux habitations humaines, durant la pĂ©riode de reproduction. Les mĂąles peuvent forcer la sĂ©paration de groupes familiaux, forcer le retour en Ćstrus des femelles et ainsi devenir, plus rapidement, les gĂ©niteurs de la prochaine portĂ©e. LâĂ©vitement des mĂąles durant la pĂ©riode Ă haut risque pourrait ĂȘtre une tactique maternelle pour minimiser les risques de rencontres agressives avec des mĂąles qui pourraient se solder par un sevrage hĂątif et ainsi continuer les soins maternels. QuatriĂšmement, mes rĂ©sultats montrent que la rĂ©glementation de la chasse interdisant de tuer des membres de groupes familiaux procurait artificiellement un bĂ©nĂ©fice en survie aux femelles prodiguant des soins maternels longs. La rĂ©glementation de la chasse sĂ©lectionnerait ainsi artificiellement pour de plus longs soins maternels dans la population. De façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, mes recherches apportent une importante contribution Ă notre comprĂ©hension jusquâalors trĂšs limitĂ©e des dĂ©terminants de la durĂ©e des soins maternels. Ma thĂšse souligne aussi lâimportance de considĂ©rer le contexte environnemental dans lâĂ©valuation des tactiques de reproduction maternelles
De la naissance au sevrage : influence des conditions environnementales et des caractéristiques individuelles chez le phoque commun (Phoca vitulina) du St-Laurent
Chez les mammifĂšres, la date de naissance et les soins maternels peuvent moduler les chances de survie de la progĂ©niture. Cette Ă©tude visait Ă Ă©valuer lâimpact des facteurs environnementaux (e.g. climat, ocĂ©anographie, disponibilitĂ© des ressources alimentaires) et individuels (e.g. sexe de la progĂ©niture) sur la phĂ©nologie des naissances, la croissance prĂ©-sevrage et lâapport alimentaire lactĂ© des chiots phoque commun du Saint-Laurent. Une mĂ©ta-analyse sur 7 cohortes a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© un impact positif de la tempĂ©rature de lâeau Ă lâhiver sur les dates de mise-bas et une corrĂ©lation positive entre le succĂšs dâĂ©levage et lâabondance de hareng. LâĂ©tude montre diffĂ©rents patrons dâutilisation de lâespace pour lâallaitement et des soins maternels biaisĂ©s en faveur des mĂąles que nous expliquons par leur dĂ©pense Ă©nergĂ©tique et leur sollicitation supĂ©rieures aux femelles. Ce mĂ©moire montre la sensibilitĂ© du phoque commun aux changements environnementaux et lâimportance des considĂ©rations comportementales dans lâĂ©tablissement du bilan Ă©nergĂ©tique des chiots allaitĂ©s.In mammals, birth date and maternal care can affect offspring survival probabilities. This project aimed to assess the impact of environmental (e.g. climate, oceanography and food availability) and individual (e.g. offspring sex) factors on birth phenology, pre-weaning growth and milk intake in the St. Lawrence harbour seal. A meta-analysis on 7 cohorts revealed a positive impact of water temperature during winter on birth dates and a positive correlation between rearing success and herring abundance. This study revealed different patterns of space utilisation for nursing and biased maternal cares towards males that we explain by their greater energy expenditure and solicitation compared to females. This study shows the harbour seal sensitivity to environmental change and the importance of behavioural considerations when assessing the energy budget of pups during lactation
Stomach temperature records reveal nursing behaviour and transition to solid food consumption in an unweaned mammal, the harbour seal pup (Phoca vitulina)
Knowledge of milk transfer from mother to offspring and early solid food ingestions in mammals allows for a greater understanding of the factors affecting transition to nutritional independence and pre-weaning growth and survival. Yet studies monitoring suckling behaviour have often relied on visual observations, which might not accurately represent milk intake. We assessed the use of stomach temperature telemetry to monitor suckling and foraging behaviour in free-ranging harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) pups during lactation. Stomach temperature declines were analysed using principal component and cluster analyses, as well as trials using simulated stomachs resulting in a precise classification of stomach temperature drops into milk, seawater and solid food ingestions. Seawater and solid food ingestions represented on average 15.361.6% [0-40.0%] and 0.760.2% [0-13.0%], respectively, of individual ingestions. Overall, 63.7% of milk ingestions occurred while the pups were in the water, of which 13.9% were preceded by seawater ingestion. The average time between subsequent ingestions was significantly less for seawater than for milk ingestions. These results suggest that seawater ingestion might represent collateral ingestion during aquatic suckling attempts. Alternatively, as solid food ingestions (n = 19) were observed among 7 pups, seawater ingestion could result from missed prey capture attempts. This study shows that some harbour seals start ingesting prey while still being nursed, indicating that weaning occurs more gradually than previously thought in this species. Stomach temperature telemetry represents a promising method to study suckling behaviour in wild mammals and transition to nutritional independence in various endotherm species
The interplay between hunting rate, hunting selectivity, and reproductive strategies shapes population dynamics of a large carnivore
© The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in van de Walle, J., Pelletier, F., Zedrosser, A., Swenson, J. E., Jenouvrier, S., & Bischof, R. The interplay between hunting rate, hunting selectivity, and reproductive strategies shapes population dynamics of a large carnivore. Evolutionary Applications, (2021): 1-19, https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.13253.Harvest, through its intensity and regulation, often results in selection on female reproductive traits. Changes in female traits can have demographic consequences, as they are fundamental in shaping population dynamics. It is thus imperative to understand and quantify the demographic consequences of changes in female reproductive traits to better understand and anticipate population trajectories under different harvest intensities and regulations. Here, using a dynamic, frequency-dependent, population model of the intensively hunted brown bear (Ursus arctos) population in Sweden, we quantify and compare population responses to changes in four reproductive traits susceptible to harvest-induced selection: litter size, weaning age, age at first reproduction, and annual probability to reproduce. We did so for different hunting quotas and under four possible hunting regulations: (i) no individuals are protected, (ii) mothers but not dependent offspring are protected, (iii) mothers and dependent offspring of the year (cubs) are protected, and (iv) entire family groups are protected (i.e., mothers and dependent offspring of any age). We found that population growth rate declines sharply with increasing hunting quotas. Increases in litter size and the probability to reproduce have the greatest potential to affect population growth rate. Population growth rate increases the most when mothers are protected. Adding protection on offspring (of any age), however, reduces the availability of bears for hunting, which feeds back to increase hunting pressure on the nonprotected categories of individuals, leading to reduced population growth. Finally, we found that changes in reproductive traits can dampen population declines at very high hunting quotas, but only when protecting mothers. Our results illustrate that changes in female reproductive traits may have context-dependent consequences for demography. Thus, to predict population consequences of harvest-induced selection in wild populations, it is critical to integrate both hunting intensity and regulation, especially if hunting selectivity targets female reproductive strategies.JVdW and FP were funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. JVdW was also funded by the Fonds de Recherche du QuĂ©becâNature et Technologies. This is scientific paper number 305 from the Scandinavian Brown Bear Research Project, which is funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management, and the Austrian Science Fund. This research was funded through the 2015-2016 BiodivERsA COFUND, with the national funders ANR (ANR-16-EBI3-0003), NCN (2016/22/Z/NZ8/00121), DLR-PT (01LC1614A), UEFISCDI (BiodivERsA3-2015-147-BearConnect (96/2016), and RCN (269863 and 286886). SJ acknowledges support of NSF OPP #1840058
Can hunting data be used to estimate unbiased population parameters? A case study on brown bears
Quantifying temporal changes in harvested populations is critical for applied and fundamental research. Unbiased data are required to detect true changes in phenotypic distribution or population size. Because of the difficulty of collecting detailed individual data from wild populations, data from hunting records are often used. Hunting records, however, may not represent a random sample of a population. We aimed to detect and quantify potential bias in hunting records. We compared data from a long-term monitoring project with hunting records of brown bears ( Ursus arctos ) in Sweden and investigated temporal trends (1996â2013) in the ratio of yearlings to adult females, yearling mass and adult female mass. Data from hunting records underestimated the decline in yearling and adult female mass over time, most likely owing to the legal protection of family groups from hunting, but reflected changes in the ratio of yearlings to adult females more reliably. Although hunting data can be reliable to approximate population abundance in some circumstances, hunting data can represent a biased sample of a population and should be used with caution in management and conservation decisions
Proximity to humans is associated with longer maternal care in brown bears
In the sexual conflict over the duration of maternal care, male mammals may improve their reproductive success by forcing early motherâoffspring separation in species where lactation supresses estrus. However, when individual females benefit from continuing to care for their current offspring, they should adopt counter-strategies to avoid separation from offspring. Here, we tested whether spatial segregation from adult males and proximity to humans during the mating season could be associated with longer maternal care in the Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos). Using resource selection functions (RSFs), we contrasted habitat selection patterns of adult males and those of adult females with yearlings that either provided 1.5 years of maternal care (âshort-care femalesâ) or continued care for an additional year (âlong-care femalesâ) during the mating season, the period when family break-ups typically occur. Males and short-care females had similar habitat selection patterns during the mating season. In contrast, habitat selection patterns differed between males and long-care females, suggesting spatial segregation between the two groups. In particular, long-care females used areas closer to human habitations compared with random locations (defined here as selection), whereas males used areas further to human habitations compared with random locations (defined here as avoidance). Our results show a correlation between habitat selection behavior and the duration of maternal care. We suggest that proximity to humans during the mating season may represent a female tactic to avoid adverse interactions with males that may lead to early weaning of offspring
The impact of boldness on demographic rates and life-history outcomes in the wandering albatross.
Differences among individuals within a population are ubiquitous. Those differences are known to affect the entire life cycle with important consequences for all demographic rates and outcomes. One source of among-individual phenotypic variation that has received little attention from a demographic perspective is animal personality, which is defined as consistent and heritable behavioural differences between individuals. While many studies have shown that individual variation in individual personality can generate individual differences in survival and reproductive rates, the impact of personality on all demographic rates and outcomes remains to be assessed empirically. Here, we used a unique, long-term, dataset coupling demography and personality of wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) in the Crozet Archipelago and a comprehensive analysis based on a suite of approaches (capture-mark-recapture statistical models, Markov chains models and structured matrix population models). We assessed the effect of boldness on annual demographic rates (survival, breeding probability, breeding success), life-history outcomes (life expectancy, lifetime reproductive outcome, occupancy times), and an integrative demographic outcome (population growth rate). We found that boldness had little impact on female demographic rates, but was very likely associated with lower breeding probabilities in males. By integrating the effects of boldness over the entire life cycle, we found that bolder males had slightly lower lifetime reproductive success compared to shyer males. Indeed, bolder males spent a greater proportion of their lifetime as non-breeders, which suggests longer inter-breeding intervals due to higher reproductive allocation. Our results reveal that the link between boldness and demography is more complex than anticipated by the pace-of-life literature and highlight the importance of considering the entire life cycle with a comprehensive approach when assessing the role of personality on individual performance and demography
Offspring mass variation in tree swallows : a case of betâhedging?
The evolution of reproductive strategies is affected by the ability of organisms to deal with future environmental conditions. When environments are temporally unpredictable, however, it is difficult to anticipate optimal offspring phenotype. Diversification of offspring phenotypes, a strategy called diversified betâhedging, may allow parents to maximize their fitness by reducing betweenâyear variation in reproductive success. The link between diversification of offspring phenotypes and individual reproductive success, however, has rarely been documented empirically. We used an eightâyear dataset (1215 broods, 870 females) on individually marked tree swallows ( Tachycineta bicolor ) to assess whether intraâbrood mass variation was compatible with a diversified betâhedging strategy. Intraâbrood mass variation was weakly, but significantly repeatable within females, suggesting consistent individual differences. Greater intraâbrood mass variation, however, was not associated with reduced betweenâyear variation in reproductive success or increased female reproductive success. Moreover, contrary to diversified betâhedging expectations, fledging success of large broods was greater when hatchlings had similar rather than variable masses. Our results suggest that intraâbrood mass variation may not result from diversified betâhedging, but rather from complex interactions between environmental, brood, and maternal characteristics
Indirect effects of bear hunting : a review from Scandinavia
Harvest by means of hunting is a commonly used tool in large carnivore management. To evaluate the effects of harvest on populations, managers usually focus on numerical or immediate direct demographic effects of harvest mortality on a population's size and growth. However, we suggest that managers should also give consideration to indirect and potential evolutionary effects of hunting (e.g., the consequences of a change in the age, sex, and social structure), and their effects on population growth rate. We define âindirect effectsâ as hunting-induced changes in a population, including human-induced selection, that result in an additive change to the population growth rate âlambdaâ beyond that due to the initial offtake from direct mortality. We considered 4 major sources of possible indirect effects from hunting of bears: (1) changes to a population's age and sex structure, (2) changes to a population's social structure, (3) changes in individual behavior, and (4) human-induced selection. We identified empirically supported, as well as expected, indirect effects of hunting based primarily on >30 years of research on the Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos) population. We stress that some indirect effects have been documented (e.g., habitat use and daily activity patterns of bears change when hunting seasons start, and changes in male social structure induce sexually selected infanticide and reduce population growth). Other effects may be more difficult to document and quantify in wild bear populations (e.g., how a younger age structure in males may lead to decreased offspring survival). We suggest that managers of bear and other large carnivore populations adopt a precautionary approach and assume that indirect effects do exist, have a potential impact on population structure, and, ultimately, may have an effect on population growth that differs from that predicted by harvest models based on direct effects alone