79 research outputs found

    The spatial ecology of phytoplankton blooms in UK canals

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    Environmental change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of problems caused by harmful algal blooms. We investigated the ecology of phytoplankton blooms in UK canals to determine the environmental predictors and spatial structure of bloom communities. The results revealed a significant increase in bloom presence with increasing elevation. As predicted, higher temperatures were associated with a greater probability of blooms, but the relationship between temperature and bloom occurrence changed across landscapes. At the minimum level of agricultural land, the probability of bloom presence increased with increasing temperature. Conversely, at the maximum level, the probability decreased with increasing temperature. This pattern could be due to higher temperatures increasing phytoplankton growth rates despite lower nutrient concentrations at low levels of agricultural land, and nutrient depletion by rapidly growing blooms at high levels of agricultural land and temperatures. Community composition exhibited spatial autocorrelation; nearby blooms were more similar than distant blooms. Hydrological distances through the canal network showed a stronger association with community dissimilarity than Euclidean distances, suggesting a role for hydrological connectivity in driving bloom formation and composition. This new knowledge regarding canal phytoplankton bloom origin and ecology could help inform measures to inhibit bloom formation

    Optimization of Rear Point Contact Geometry by Means of 3-D Numerical Simulation

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    Abstract In this work three-dimensional (3-D) numerical simulations, validated by the experimental measurements of a reference cell, have been performed to optimize the rear contact geometry of a PERC-type solar cell, featuring a high sheet resistance (140 Ω/sq) phosphorus-doped emitter and a front-side metallization with narrow and highly-conductive electro-plated copper lines (40 μm wide) on lowly resistive Ti contacts. The simulation results show that an optimization of the rear point contact design potentially leads to an efficiency improvement of 0.68%abs compared to the reference cell

    Late Glacial and Holocene Palaeolake History of the Última Esperanza Region of Southern Patagonia

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    We undertook multi-proxy analyses on two sediment cores from Lago Pato, a small lake basin at 51°S topographically separated from Lago del Toro in Torres del Paine (TdP), to provide insights into glacier dynamics and lake-level change in the TdP and Última Esperanza region over the last ∼30,000 cal a BP (30 ka). Lago Pato is situated in a region overridden by the Southern Patagonian Ice Field during the Last Glacial and in a transitional climatic zone of Southern Patagonia sensitive to seasonal- to millennial-scale changes in the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds (SWW). Results show that a deep ice-dammed and enlarged palaeolake encompassed Lago del Toro and Lago Pato c. 30–20 ka after the ice had retreated from local-Last Glacial Maximum (l-LGM) limits at c. 48–34 ka and during the build-up to the global-Last Glacial Maximum (g-LGM), c. 26–19 ka. Gaps in both sediment records between c. 20–13.4 ka and c. 20–10 ka suggest hiatuses in sediment accumulation during the g-LGM and Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR) readvances and/or removal by lake lowering or flushing during the Late Glacial–early Holocene. The palaeolake level dropped from >100 m a.s.l. to ∼40–50 m a.s.l. towards the end of the ACR c. 13.4–13.0 ka, creating a shallower glaciolacustrine environment dammed by an ice tongue in the Estancia Puerto Consuelo–Última Esperanza fjord. Further lowering of the enlarged palaeolake level occurred when the ice thinned to <40 m a.s.l., eventually isolating Lago Pato from Lago del Toro and glaciogenic sediment input at c. 11.7 ka. After isolation, the ecology and water levels in Lago Pato became sensitive to regional climate shifts. The shallow, stable, and highly anoxic environment that developed after c. 11.7 ka is associated with weaker (or poleward shifted) SWW at 51°S and was replaced at c. 10 ka by an increasingly productive shallow-littoral lake with a variable lake-level and periodic shifts in anoxic-oxic bottom water conditions and ratios of benthic-planktonic diatoms. A more open Nothofagus forest, established at c. 8.6–7.5 ka, and more arid conditions c. 7.5–5.7 cal ka BP are linked to another phase of weaker (or poleward shifted) SWW at 51°S. More persistently wet conditions from c. 5.7 ka, with extensive closed Nothofagus forests and planktonic diatoms dominant, are associated with stronger (or equatorward shifted) SWW over 51°S. The abrupt return of benthic-to-tychoplanktonic diatoms after c. 3 ka reflects enhanced SWW at 51°S. Increasingly stable lacustrine and littoral wetland conditions established in the last ∼500 years reflect weaker SWW and lasted until recent decades

    Kan Vlaanderen het tij nog keren voor de Europese paling? Effecten van tien jaar Europese bescherming op het voortbestaan van de Paling in Vlaanderen

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    Despite the many restoration measures launched to prevent the Eelfrom further decline, glass eel recruitment and yellow eel density remain troublesome. Eel life is challenging in Flemish waters, where migration routes are blocked by barriers, where unnatural banks and toxic substances hamper growth and reproductive capacity and where pumping stations abruptly end many Eels’ lives. In spite of high levels of pollutants in its meat, Eels still end up on anglers plates (ca. 30 tons/year). Urgent actions are needed to increase the amount of easily accessible high-quality watercourses with more natural flow dynamics. As long as the tides are not turned, a more vigorous European policy on the restriction of the Eel fishery (including elvers) seems indispensable

    An evidence-based framework for predicting the impact of differing autotroph-heterotroph thermal sensitivities on consumer-prey dynamics

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    Increased temperature accelerates vital rates, influencing microbial population and wider ecosystem dynamics, for example, the predicted increases in cyanobacterial blooms associated with global warming. However, heterotrophic and mixotrophic protists, which are dominant grazers of microalgae, may be more thermally sensitive than autotrophs, and thus prey could be suppressed as temperature rises. Theoretical and meta-analyses have begun to address this issue, but an appropriate framework linking experimental data with theory is lacking. Using ecophysiological data to develop a novel model structure, we provide the first validation of this thermal sensitivity hypothesis: increased temperature improves the consumer’s ability to control the autotrophic prey. Specifically, the model accounts for temperature effects on auto- and mixotrophs and ingestion, growth and mortality rates, using an ecologically and economically important system (cyanobacteria grazed by a mixotrophic flagellate). Once established, we show the model to be a good predictor of temperature impacts on consumer–prey dynamics by comparing simulations with microcosm observations. Then, through simulations, we indicate our conclusions remain valid, even with large changes in bottom-up factors (prey growth and carrying capacity). In conclusion, we show that rising temperature could, counterintuitively, reduce the propensity for microalgal blooms to occur and, critically, provide a novel model framework for needed, continued assessment
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