126 research outputs found

    Eduardo Enéas Gustavo Galvão

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    Farinha, casas de farinha e objetos familiares em Cruzeiro do Sul (Acre)

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    This paper refers to the material culture related with the agricultural systems at Cruzeiro do Sul town. The artifacts are felt as endowed with attributes of agency that go beyond their utilitarian use. They build interactions between them and individuals, and they share the same work organization in the production of manioc flour. They are products of an historical migration from the Brazilian Northeast to Amazonia and are now updated by the social system of exchange and information.O artigo enfoca a materialidade associada aos sistemas agrícolas no município de Cruzeiro do Sul. Os artefatos empregados extrapolam seu utilitarismo porque são dotados de atributos de agência. Geram, assim, interações entre si e com as pessoas, com as quais compartilham de uma mesma forma de organização de trabalho na produção de farinha. Constituem produtos de um histórico de migrações do Nordeste à Amazônia, atualizados por meio de sistemas sociais de troca de experiências e de informações

    Cestos, peneiras e outras coisas: a expressão material do sistema agrícola no rio Negro

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    Nas comunidades ameríndias, diversos artefatos são produzidos,e ao serem incorporados ao circuito social mediam relações e se integramtanto às práticas como aos discursos. No sistema agrícola praticado naregião do médio rio Negro (AM) os aspectos socioculturais de caráter materiale tecnológico, relacionados com o cultivo, o processamento e o consumoda mandioca brava possuem lugar de destaque. Esse artigo visa descrevere colocar em evidência os implementos empregados nestas atividades eem especial na “casa do forno”, tanto em sua constituição, como nas funçõesque exercem e nas relações que estabelecem

    Museus, coleções, exposições e povos indígenas

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    Anthropological studies, in their most current tendencies, began to focus on museological theory and the practices conducted in museum spaces, which are understood as sites that carry the marks of specific productions. Thus, in ethnographic museums, the custody or exhibition of their collections are carried out in territories that produce some of these marks, since they are characteristic of these institutions. This article discusses the links that the anthropological museums establish with their ethnographic collections, in the spaces of the technical reserve and the exhibition highlighting some of the meanings that mark them and define them. The methodology used was documentary and ethnographic research.Os estudos antropológicos, em suas tendências mais atuais, começaram a se debruçar sobre a teoria museológica e as práticas conduzidas nos espaços museais, os quais são compreendidos como locais que carregam as marcas de produções específicas.  Constata-se, assim, que nos museus etnográficos, a guarda ou exposição de suas coleções são efetivadas em territórios que produzem algumas dessas marcas, pois são características dessas instituições.  O presente artigo aborda os vínculos que os museus de antropologia estabelecem com suas coleções etnográficas, nos espaços da reserva técnica e da exposição destacando alguns dos sentidos que os marcam e os definem. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa documental e etnográfica

    Bibliographie de Dominique Buchillet

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    Thèse et livres édités Buchillet Dominique1983  Maladie et mémoire des origines chez les Desana du Uaupés (Brésil), thèse de doctorat en ethnologie, université Paris X, Nanterre. 2007  Bibliografia crítica da saúde indígena no Brasil 1844-2006, Abya Yala, Quito (http://horizon.documentation.ird.fr/exl-doc/pleins_textes/divers14-09/010041779.pdf, consulté le 10/12/19). Buchillet Dominique (dir.)1991  Medicinas tradicionais e medicina ocidental na Amazônia[contribuições científicas apresentadas..

    Produits de terroir ou système agricole ? Patrimonialisation de l’alimentation en Amazonie brésilienne

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    Les Amérindiens du nord-ouest de l’Amazonie brésilienne cultivent une très grande diversité de plantes, la principale étant le manioc amer, lui-même décliné en une centaine de variétés. Par des techniques complexes, ces plantes sont transformées en de savoureux plats. Dans un contexte d’urbanisation, en cours depuis une trentaine d’années, les aliments industriels viennent concurrencer les produits de l’abattis. Une première réflexion a été menée sur la valorisation des produits de terroir mais ce concept est-il pertinent dans un contexte multi-ethnique de savoirs partagés, de production d’auto-subsistance, sans tradition de commerce ? Les recherches participatives de notre équipe ont finalement mené, conjointement à la demande des associations amérindiennes locales, à la patrimonialisation par l’Institut brésilien du patrimoine historique et artistique national du système agricole régional, incluant le système alimentaire et la culture matérielle associée. Cet article entend décrire le processus qui a mené à cette patrimonialisation et les réflexions qui ont eu lieu autour de la définition du patrimoine alimentaire. Il entend montrer également, dans ce cas, la difficulté à isoler le manioc de l’ensemble du système agricole et alimentaire, d’où l’option qui a été choisie de patrimonialiser un système plutôt qu’un produit.The Amerindians of the northwestern Brazilian Amazon cultivate a large variety of plants. Bitter cassava is the key species, with over a hundred varieties. By complex processing, these plants are transformed into tasty dishes. In a context of urbanisation, progressing now for over thirty years, industrial food products are now competing with local agricultural products. We first thought of promoting local products of the terroir, but wondered after all whether this was relevant in a multi-ethnic context where people share their knowledge, practice subsistence agriculture and have no traditions of trade. Following the requests of the local Amerindian associations, our collaborative research finally led to the designation as heritage, by the Brazilian Institute of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage, of the regional agricultural system, including the food system and its associated material culture. The aim of this article is to describe the process that led to this recognition as heritage and the ideas around the definition of food heritage. Its objective is also to show the difficulty of isolating cassava from the agricultural and food system as a whole, hence the choice to see a system rather than a single product as heritage

    Territorial and environmental management in the indigenous lands of Paru de Leste river: a collective challenge in the northern Brazilian Amazon

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    The National Policy for Environmental and Territorial Management of Indigenous Reserves ”“ (PNGATI in Portuguese) aims to promote quality of life in a sustainable way for indigenous peoples in their lands, respecting socio-cultural autonomy and their own forms of territoriality. This text shows and discusses its socio-political reach and mobilization involved in the implementation of PNGATI with the indigenous peoples of the Paru de Leste River, northern Amazon. Data were collected during the construction stages and execution of the Territorial and Environmental Management Plan through 2014 to 2018. The data suggest that despite some permanent implementation challenges, the management plan was built in order to respect the constitutional precepts of autonomy and collective well-being, empowering, within the limits of this public policy, the indigenous peoples of the region.A Política Nacional de Gestão Ambiental e Territorial - PNGATI objetiva promover a qualidade de vida de forma sustentável aos povos indígenas em suas terras, respeitando a autonomia sociocultural e suas próprias formas de territorialidade. Discute-se nessas linhas seu alcance sociopolítico e mobilização envolvidas na implementação da PNGATI com os povos indígenas do rio Paru de Leste, norte da Amazônia. Dados foram levantados durante as etapas de construção execução do Plano de Gestão Territorial e Ambiental, de 2014 a 2018. Os resultados sugerem que, apesar de alguns desafios permanentes de implementação, o plano de gestão foi construído de forma a respeitar os preceitos constitucionais da autonomia e bem-estar coletivo, empoderando, dentro dos limites da política pública, os povos indígenas da região. &nbsp

    Memristive and tunneling effects in 3D interconnected silver nanowires

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    Due to their memristive properties nanowire networks are very promising for neuromorphic computing applications. Indeed, the resistance of such systems can evolve with the input voltage or current as it confers a synaptic behaviour to the device. Here, we propose a network of silver nanowires (Ag-NWs) which are grown in a nanopourous membrane with interconnected nanopores by electrodeposition. This bottom-up approach fabrication method gives a conducting network with a 3D architecture and a high density of Ag-NWs. The resulting 3D interconnected Ag-NW network exhibits a high initial resistance as well as a memristive behavior. It is expected to arise from the creation and the destruction of conducting silver filaments inside the Ag-NW network. Moreover, after several cycles of measurement, the resistance of the network switches from a high resistance regime, in the GOhm range, with a tunnel conduction to a low resistance regime, in the kOhm range.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Berta Gleizer Ribeiro e as artes das vidas amazônicas

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    O presente artigo homenageia Berta Ribeiro, próximo do centenário de seu nascimento, em 2024. O texto não apresenta uma análise aprofundada de sua contribuição para a etnologia de diferentes povos indígenas brasileiros em face das limitações impostas por um artigo de periódico. Constitui, antes, uma celebração de Berta Ribeiro e de sua obra que contribuíram para a consolidação da antropologia brasileira e da América-Latina. As reflexões que seguem enfocam as abordagens às quais a antropóloga dedicou especial atenção, como as que se conectam aos estudos de objetos de uso cotidiano, às estéticas amazônicas, à mitologia de povos indígenas do Alto Rio Negro e, ainda, às questões ecológicas. O trabalho de Berta Ribeiro propicia fecundas conexões e diálogos com a antropologia contemporânea, oferecendo reflexões e práticas inspiradoras que nos alcançam no presente.Cet article rend hommage à Berta Ribeiro, à l’approche du centenaire de sa naissance, en 2024. Le texte ne présente pas une analyse approfondie de sa contribution à l’ethnologie des peuples amérindiens du Brésil, compte tenu des limites imposées par un article de journal. Il constitue plutôt une célébration de Berta Ribeiro et de son travail qui a contribué à la consolidation de l’anthropologie brésilienne et latino-américaine. Les réflexions qui suivent portent sur les approches auxquelles cette anthropologue a porté une attention particulière, comme celles liées à l’étude des objets du quotidien, à l’esthétique amazonienne, à la mythologie des Amérindiens du haut Rio Negro, mais aussi aux enjeux écologiques. Par ses réflexions et des pratiques qui constituent encore aujourd’hui une source d’inspiration, le travail de Berta Ribeiro offre des connexions et des dialogues fructueux avec l’anthropologie contemporaine.This article honors Berta Ribeiro, close to the centenary of her birth, in 2024. The text does not present an in-depth analysis of her contribution to the ethnology of different Brazilian indigenous peoples, given the limitations imposed by a journal article. Rather, it constitutes a celebration of Berta Ribeiro and her work, which contributed to the consolidation of Brazilian and Latin American anthropology. The reflections that follow focus on the approaches to which the anthropologist paid special attention, such as those connected to the study of everyday objects, to Amazonian aesthetics, to the mythology of the indigenous peoples of the upper Rio Negro, and also to ecological issues. Berta Ribeiro’s work provides fruitful connections and dialogues with contemporary anthropology, offering inspiring reflections and practices that reach us in the present