182 research outputs found

    What do IPAQ questions mean to older adults? Lessons from cognitive interviews

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    Most questionnaires used for physical activity (PA) surveillance have been developed for adults aged ≀65 years. Given the health benefits of PA for older adults and the aging of the population, it is important to include adults aged 65+ years in PA surveillance. However, few studies have examined how well older adults understand PA surveillance questionnaires. This study aimed to document older adults' understanding of questions from the International PA Questionnaire (IPAQ), which is used worldwide for PA surveillance

    Deep seafloor arrivals : an unexplained set of arrivals in long-range ocean acoustic propagation

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126 (2009): 599-606, doi:10.1121/1.3158826.Receptions, from a ship-suspended source (in the band 50–100 Hz) to an ocean bottom seismometer (about 5000 m depth) and the deepest element on a vertical hydrophone array (about 750 m above the seafloor) that were acquired on the 2004 Long-Range Ocean Acoustic Propagation Experiment in the North Pacific Ocean, are described. The ranges varied from 50 to 3200 km. In addition to predicted ocean acoustic arrivals and deep shadow zone arrivals (leaking below turning points), “deep seafloor arrivals,” that are dominant on the seafloor geophone but are absent or very weak on the hydrophone array, are observed. These deep seafloor arrivals are an unexplained set of arrivals in ocean acoustics possibly associated with seafloor interface waves.The LOAPEX source deployments, the moored DVLA receiver deployments, and some post-cruise data reduction and analysis were funded by the Office of Naval Research under Award Nos. N00014-1403-1-0181, N00014-03-1-0182, and N00014-06-1-0222. Additional post-cruise analysis support was provided to RAS through the Edward W. and Betty J. Scripps Chair for Excellence in Oceanography. The OBS/Hs used in the experiment were provided by Scripps Institution of Oceanography under the U.S. National Ocean Bottom Seismic Instrumentation Pool (SIO-OBSIP—http://www.obsip.org). To cover the costs of the OBS/H deployments funds were paid to SIO-OBSIP from the National Science Foundation and from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Deep Ocean Exploration Institute
