388 research outputs found

    Risk based framework for critical decision making

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    Risk analysis is a science of understanding and quantifying the probability of the occurrence(s) of undesirable event(s). Traditionally, risk assessments have been concerned with the management of safety based incidents. Recent attacks on chemical facilities in the Middle East and Northern Africa illustrate the need to broaden the risk management mindset. This body of work proposes quantitative barrier-based methodologies to assist management of broad-based decision-making processes. This research began by exploiting concepts from security-based research accompanied with a barrier-based methodology from safety research through both fault and event trees. This work expands into mapping the trees onto Bayesian Networks to manipulate the conditional probability table of intermediate variables. This manipulation allows for the implementation of various relaxation assumptions. Case studies accompany each proposed approach to illustrate its execution. The goal of this work is to raise awareness of quantitative security based methodologies and to assist in critical decision-making

    Towards targeting overactive BMP signaling in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva

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    Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) is a rare monogenetic disorder in which patients develop heterotopic ossification (HO). A heterozygous mutation in BMP type I receptor ALK2 results in hyper-sensitized BMP signaling. The aim of this study is to identify small molecules which can selectively inhibit this overactive BMP pathway. Thirteen FDA-approved small molecules were tested on their effect on BMP6-induced target gene expression, alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralization in KS483 cells. We identified cryptotanshinone as a small molecule able to inhibit BMP signaling. In conclusion, cryptotanshinone could be a novel small molecule inhibitor of the overactive BMP signaling pathway in FOP

    Accurate Estimation of Particle Dynamics Bypassing Substrate Drift Bias: Application to Cell Nucleus Motion

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    In microscopic imaging, the movement of a living substrate can be caused by its own displacement (e.g., cell motion/migration) or other technical factors such as microscope stage drift. This drifting motion is one of the main biases resulting in poor estimation of particle dynamics since it seriously affects the estimation of the biophysical parameters (the diffusion constant D and anomalous exponent α), especially when performed on the basis of mean squared displacement (MSD) analysis. In this paper, we compare a few substrate drift correction/registration methods based on the use of additional fluorescent spots (landmarks). In the particular case of cell nucleus motion, we labeled telomeres spreading throughout the cell nucleus. We show that compared to the MSD analysis, the use of Gaussian processes is an effective and more accurate way to estimate the substrate drift, and major biophysical parameters of particle dynamics

    SEO-programmeringsstudie; Ontwerp agrosector 21ste eeuw

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    Здійснення колективного управління авторськими і суміжними правами

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    Стаття присвячена основним тенденціям розвитку національного законодавства про колективне управління майновими правами суб’єктів авторського права і суміжних прав. Виявлення суперечностей між національним та міжнародним законодавством, розробка пропозицій подолання цих суперечностей та внесення пропозицій щодо створення та діяльності в Україні єдиної організації, яка б опікувалась проблемами захисту авторських і суміжних прав, справедливо контролювала не тільки збір, а й розподіл відрахувань за авторськими і суміжними правами, що б і поліпшило захист прав її учас­ників.Статья посвящена основным тенденциям развития национального законодатель­ства о коллективном управлении имущественными правами субъектов авторского права и смежных прав. Выявлению противоречий между национальным и международ­ным законодательством, разработка предложений о преодолении этих противоречий и внесение предложений о создании и деятельности в Украине единой организации, которая бы опекалась проблемами защиты авторских и смежных прав, и которая бы справедливо контролировала не только сбор, но и распределение отчислений по авторским и смежным правам, в следствии чего и улучшилась бы защита прав ее участни­ков.The article is dedicated to the main national legislation trends which is regulated relations in the sphere of the collective management of copyrights and related rights of subjects’ copyrights and related rights. Detection of collision between national and international legislation, elaboration of suggestions for theirs overcoming. Also making a motion about creat­ing and working the single collective management of copyrights and related rights in Ukraine for monitoring not only collection but also distribute royalties. Thus the defence of subjects’ copyrights and related rights would be improved