235 research outputs found

    International migration and national development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Viewpoints and policy initiatives in the countries of origin

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    Zoomers A, van Naerssen T. International migration and national development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Viewpoints and policy initiatives in the countries of origin. COMCAD Arbeitspapiere - working papers, 32. Bielefeld: COMCAD - Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development; 2007

    International migration and national development in Sub-Saharan Africa: viewpoints and policy initiatives in the countries of origin ; paper presented at the conference on ‘Transnationalisation and Development(s): Towards a North-South Perspective’, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld, Germany, May 31 - June 01, 2007

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Ergebnisse eines Projektes vor, in dem es zum einen um die Beziehung zwischen Migration und Entwicklung aus EntwicklungslĂ€nderperspektive geht und zum anderen um die Minimierung der negativen Effekte dieser Beziehung. Dabei stehen die LĂ€nder Afrikas sĂŒdlich der Sahara im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. ZunĂ€chst erfolgt ein kurzer ĂŒberblick ĂŒber die Inhalte und Methoden des Projektes. Anschließend werden die Ergebnisse vorgestellt, wobei zunĂ€chst eine Typisierung der internationalen Arbeitsmigration nach ZiellĂ€ndern erfolgt. Im Anschluss daran werden die unterschiedlichen Migrationswege und -arten untersucht. Danach widmen sich die Autoren den Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden in den HerkunftslĂ€ndern. Abschließend erfolgt ein Überblick ĂŒber politische Initiativen in einzelnen LĂ€ndern sowie ĂŒber die Diasporagemeinden in den Niederlanden. (ICD)Contents: Acknowledgement; 0. Background; 1. Summary of project results; 1. Introduction; 2. The characteristics of international labour migration: towards a typology; 3. Migration routes from sub-Saharan Africa and recent trends; 4. Viewpoints in the areas of origin: common issues; 5. Issues on the policy agenda: a country overview; 6. A summary of concrete policy initiatives; 7. Intermezzo: African diaspora organisations in the Netherlands and development; 8. Final reflections, recommendations and suggestions for follow up; Appendix 1: Suggestions for follow-up research (in line with the policy recommendations); 1. Migration hubs and transit migration; 2. Migration as a booming business; 3. The image and reputation of various EU-countries as areas of destination; 4. Migrants as competitors and rivals; 5. Embassies, diplomatic relations and the institutionalisation of migration; 6. International migration, land speculation/ foreign-fundia and land titling; 7. Migrant and diaspora organisations (in relation to civil society); Appendix 2: Ideas for PhD projects; Project 1: International Migration and European Borders; Project 2: Migration and Home: settlement and removal in the EU; Project 3: Migration and Transnational Networks: diasporas within the EU, new networks and the impact for development

    Model Reduction on the Wnt Pathway Leads to Biological Adaptation

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    Complex systems are an unavoidable problem in the field of biology. One of the ways that scientists have tried to overcome this problem is by building mathematical models—manageable representations designed to look at specific physical phenomena. The Wnt Signaling Pathway is a complex system known to regulate cell-to-cell interactions, play a crucial role in Embryonic Development, and has been implicated in the study of cancer. Typically, the Wnt signal is observed through the behavior of a protein called beta-Catenin (ÎČ-Catenin). In 2003, Lee et al. built a model of the Wnt pathway which caused ÎČ-Catenin to increase over time. However, in 2010, Jensen et al. built a different model of the Wnt pathway which caused ÎČ-Catenin to oscillate over time. This project called for model reduction on the Jensen et al. model to identify the phenomenological parameter combinations that determined features of the Wnt oscillations. The method used to reduce the model is called the Manifold Boundary Approximation Method, which is a geometric, parameter-independent method of reducing the model one parameter at a time. Reduction of the model showed that there were 5 variables and 8 parameters which drove the oscillating behavior of the system. After comparing our results to the Lee et al. reduced model of the Wnt pathway done by student Dane Bjork, a minimal model was constructed which predicted a novel class behavior of the Wnt system: biological adaptation

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    There is a prevailing bias, even amongst the actors directly involved, to consider activities falling under the migration-development banner as bipolar engagements, i.e. activities linking a country of origin of migrants to their country of present residence. Such conceptualisations assume the nation-state as the default frame of reference. Whilst progress has certainly been made towards a necessary sophistication of migration related issues in policy thinking and related academic research, the migration-development nexus remains something still often considered as essentially something to approach within a singular or bipolar nation-state framework. This can be seen in studies of potential policy interventions related to transnational flows such as human capital transfers, remittance flows and community development projects initiatives. Taking the case of the Transnational Synergy for Cooperation and Development (TRANSCODE) Programme, and focusing on empirical insights gained with this programme in relation to its conceptual underpinnings, we explore alternative modes of incorporating migration and development. This article thus seeks to provide insights in opportunities for alternative initiatives resulting out of cross-fertilization of experiences and ideas between migrant organisations and other actors engaged in migration and development efforts

    Prepositional polysemy in Old Javanese? A semiotactic analysis of ri

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    Language Use in Past and Presen

    Cultuurcontacten en sociale conflicten in Indonesië

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    Inaugurele rede Wageninge

    A latent trait look at pretest-posttest validation of criterion-referenced test items

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    Since Cox and Vargas (1966) introduced their pretest-posttest validity index for criterion-referenced test items, a great number of additions and modifications have followed. All are based on the idea of gain scoring; that is, they are computed from the differences between proportions of pretest and posttest item responses. Although the method is simple and generally considered as the prototype of criterion-referenced item analysis, it has many and serious disadvantages. Some of these go back to the fact that it leads to indices based on a dual test administration- and population-dependent item p values. Others have to do with the global information about the discriminating power that these indices provide, the implicit weighting they suppose, and the meaningless maximization of posttest scores they lead to. Analyzing the pretest-posttest method from a latent trait point of view, it is proposed to replace indices like Cox and Vargas’ Dpp by an evaluation of the item information function for the mastery score. An empirical study was conducted to compare the differences in item selection between both methods

    Dams and Dynasty, and the Colonial Transformation of Balinese Irrigation Management

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    This article takes issue with Stephen Lansing’s bottom-up model of Balinese irrigation management. Based on archival research and extensive fieldwork in the former south Balinese kingdom of Mengwi, it is argued that in pre-colonial days large scale irrigation depended largely on dynastic involvement. During the colonial period (1906–1942) the Dutch took over the role of regional irrigation management while they strengthened the autonomy of local irrigation associations
