92 research outputs found

    Status and perspectives of SARNET network

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    43 organisations (research, universities, industry, utilities, safety authorities and TSO) from 22 countries network their capabilities for R&D on Severe Accidents (SA) in SARNET (Severe Accident Research NETwork of excellence) in the EC FP7 for 4 years from April 2009. The overall work represents about 40 persons per year (230 researchers and 20 PhD students). A 43rd partner is currently joining the network: BARC (India). See www.sar-net.e

    Proposed relation between SARNET network on severe accidents and TWG Gen.II/III

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    SA Research Priorities defined in SARNET network should be the basis for proposing in the future relevant R&D programs to address them, when needed, and launch projects with the endorsement of TWG

    The European research on severe accidents in generation-II and III nuclear power plants.

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    Forty-three organisations from 22 countries network their capacities of research in SARNET (Severe Accident Research NETwork of excellence) to resolve the most important remaining uncertainties and safety issues on severe accidents in existing and future water-cooled nuclear power plants (NPP). After a first project in the 6th Framework Programme (FP6) of the European Commission, the SARNET2 project, coordinated by IRSN, started in April 2009 for 4 years in the FP7 frame. After 2,5 years, some main outcomes of joint research (modelling and experiments) by the network members on the highest priority issues are presented: in-vessel degraded core coolability, molten-corium-concrete-interaction, containment phenomena (water spray, hydrogen combustion…), source term issues (mainly iodine behaviour). The ASTEC integral computer code, jointly developed by IRSN and GRS to predict the NPP SA behaviour, capitalizes in terms of models the knowledge produced in the network: a few validation results are presented. For dissemination of knowledge, an educational 1-week course was organized for young researchers or students in January 2011, and a two-day course is planned mid-2012 for senior staff. Mobility of young researchers or students between the European partners is being promoted. The ERMSAR conference is becoming the major worldwide conference on SA research

    Education and Training in SARNET Network on Severe Accidents

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    In April 2004, many world-wide organizations involved in R&D on severe accidents decided to network together in SARNET, in the framework of the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission, linking their capacities of research in the SA area in a consolidated manner in a Network of Excellence. A second phase of the network (SARNET2) has started in April 2009, again supported by EC in FP7, for 4 years and again under the coordination of the French IRSN. The partners contribute to a Joint Programme of Activities including, for “Education and Training”, the following main actions: development of educational courses for students and researchers, and training courses for specialists; promotion of personnel mobility among various European organizations; - organization of large international conferences on SA research

    Status of Excellence Spreading SARNET activities in NUGENIA TA2

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    The status of the Excellence Spreading different activities inside SARNET is presented. SARNET is the Severe Accident Research NETwork of Excellence federating European research on severe accidents in nuclear power plants. The aim was to better coordinate the national efforts, optimising the use of experimental facilities and available expertise. SARNET was a success, with the sustainable integration of European SA research capacities and significant research achievements. Since mid-2013, SARNET continues as a network fully integrated in the NUGENIA Technical Area N°2 (TA2), named “Severe accidents” and still coordinated by IRSN. A reorientation from pure knowledge-based R&D towards R&D for prevention and mitigation of SA consequences has been confirmed
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