115 research outputs found

    Permian trace fossils attributed to tetrapods (Tierberg Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa)

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    The discovery of a paving slab with a number of prints suggestive of footprints of tetrapods led to a reinvestigation of a trace fossil, known from three localities, of which only two photographs had been published, each with only four prints. The slab was traced to a previously unrecorded site, De Puts, near Calvinia, located in the Tierberg Formation of the Ecca Group of the Karoo Supergroup. The prints from all the sites are referred to Broomichnium permianum Kuhn 1958, of which Quadrispinichna parvia of Anderson 1974 is a synonym.Palaeo-Anthropology Scientific Trust; French Embassy in South Africa; Co-operation and Cultural Servic

    Palaeozoic insects of southern Africa: a review

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    Although a substantial number of Triassic insect fossils have been discovered in southern Africa, relatively few insect fossils are known from the Permian deposits of this region. Fossil insects from the Permian period elsewhere, including the extensive entomological fauna from Eastern Europe (including Russia), Brazil and Australia is well-documented. The Irati Formation in the Parana Basin of Brazil, the temporal and lithological correlate of the Permian Whitehill Formation of South Africa, has yielded fossil insects belonging to Homoptera, N europtera, Coleoptera and Mecoptera. Fossil insects from the Whitehill Formation are usually poorly preserved and only seven specimens are mentioned in the literature. An overview is given of the more recent discoveries of Permian fossil insects in South Africa. This includes the discovery of the oldest beetle in Africa, the oldest longhorned grasshopper in the Southern Hemisphere and a survey of the Permian insects from the Beaufort Group of Natal. Reasons for the paucity of Permian insects are briefly discussed.Palaeo-Anthropology Scientific Trust; French Embassy in South Africa; Co-operation and Cultural Servic

    Developing a Patient-Specific Maxillary Implant Using Additive Manufacturing and Design

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    Published Conference ProceedingsMaxillectomy is the surgical removal or resection of the maxilla or upper jaw bone. A total or partial maxillectomy can be performed depending on how far the tumour has spread. This paper will discuss a patient diagnosed with an aggressive tumour in half of the top jaw who had to undergo an operation to remove the hemi-maxilla and orbital floor. Due to the extent and complexity of the defect, it was decided to manufacture an anatomical model of the hard tissues for planning a possible laser-sintered titanium implant using Additive Manufacturing (AM). The CRPM had only two weeks to design and manufacture the titanium implant, due to the severity of the tumour. The anatomical model was sent to the surgeon to cut the nylon model where the bone resection was planned. Furthermore, the prosthodontist made a wax model of the planned titanium frame that was reverse- engineered and used as reference geometry in the design software.Materialise® design suite was used to design the patient-specific maxilla and cutting jig. The EOS M280 Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) system was instrumental in achieving the direct manufacturing of the bio-compatible titanium implant. The EOS P385 system was used to manufacture the pre-operation planning model as well as the cutting jig.The process chain followed to complete this case study will be discussed showing how this intervention improved the quality of life of a SA patient. Furthermore, the proposed paper and presentation will discuss the post-operation review of the patient showing the impact AM had in accelerating patient-specific implant manufacturing. The authors seek to claim a progressed level of maturity in the proposed manufacturing value chain. The claim is based on the successful completion of the analysis and synthesis of the problem , the validated proof-of-concept of the manufacturing process and the in-vivo implementation of the final product

    COVID-19 vaccines – less obfuscation, more transparency and action

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    Letter by Venter et al. on editorial  by Schoub (Dial down the rhetoric over COVID-19 vaccines. S Afr Med J 2021;111(6):522-523. https://doi.org/10.7196/SAMJ.2021.v111i6.15740)

    Periodic variability of the mainline hydroxyl masers in G9.62+0.20E

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    We present the results of a monitoring campaign using the KAT-7 and HartRAO 26m telescopes, of hydroxyl, methanol and water vapour masers associated with the high-mass star forming region G9.62+0.20E. Periodic flaring of the main line hydroxyl masers were found, similar to that seen in the 6.7 and 12.2 GHz methanol masers. The 1667 MHz flares are characterized by a rapid decrease in flux density which is coincident with the start of the 12.2 GHz methanol maser flare. The decrease in the OH maser flux density is followed by a slow increase till a maximum is reached after which the maser decays to its pre-flare level. A possible interpretation of the rapid decrease in the maser flux density is presented. Considering the projected separation between the periodic methanol and OH masers, we conclude that the periodic 12.2 methanol masing region is located about 1600 AU deeper into the molecular envelope compared to the location of the periodic OH masers. A single water maser flare was also detected which seems not to be associated with the same event that gives rise to the periodic methanol and OH maser flares.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Retrospective outcome analysis of urethroplasties performed for various etiologies in a single South African centre

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication of the article: African Journal of Urology. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in African Journal of Urology, VOL 18, Issue 3, 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.afju.2012.03.001.Objectives: To compare the results of anastomotic versus augmentation urethroplasty (buccal mucosa graft (BMG) onlay), as well as dorsal versus ventral BMG techniques. Methods: A retrospective audit of 69 patients who underwent urethroplasty at Eersteriver Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa between October 2004 and July 2011 was undertaken. Analysis included stricture etiology, location and length, type of surgery performed as well as complication rates over the follow-up period. Results: The predominant stricture etiologies were traumatic and infective causes (55%), with a mean stricture length of 3 cm (0.5–15 cm). Forty two patients had bulbar urethra strictures (61%), with 8 (11%) located in the posterior, and penile & bulbar regions, respectively. The remaining strictures were located in the penile urethra (16%). Surgery performed included bulbar (12) and membranous anastomotic (8) urethroplasty, ventral (13) and dorsal (22) buccal mucosa onlay grafts (BMG), and 2-stage urethroplasty (14). Overall stricture recurrence was seen in 9 patients (13%), including 1 patient (8%) of the anterior end-to-end anastomotic group compared to 2 patients (6%) of the onlay BMG group (p = 0.77). The re-stricture rates were 5% and 8% in the dorsal (1/22) and ventral BMG onlay groups (1/13), respectively (p = 0.72)

    Ammonia masers toward G358.931-0.030

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    We report the detection of ammonia masers in the non-metastable (6, 3), (7, 5) and (6, 5) transitions, the latter is the first unambiguous maser detection of that transition ever made. Our observations include the first VLBI detection of ammonia maser emission, which allowed effective constrain of the (6, 5) maser brightness temperature. The masers were detected towards G358.931-0.030, a site of 6.7-GHz class~II methanol maser emission that was recently reported to be undergoing a period of flaring activity. These ammonia masers appear to be flaring contemporaneously with the class~II methanol masers during the accretion burst event of G358.931-0.030. This newly detected site of ammonia maser emission is only the twelfth such site discovered in the Milky Way. We also report the results of an investigation into the maser pumping conditions, for all three detected masing transitions, through radiative transfer calculations constrained by our observational data. These calculations support the hypothesis that the ammonia (6, 5) maser transition is excited through high colour temperature infrared emission, with the (6, 5) and (7, 5) transition line-ratio implying dust temperatures >400K. Additionally, we detect significant linearly polarised emission from the ammonia (6, 3) maser line. Alongside our observational and radiative transfer calculation results, we also report newly derived rest frequencies for the ammonia (6, 3) and (6, 5) transitions.Comment: Accepted into MNRAS 2023 April 24. 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    The evolution of the H2O maser emission in the accretion burst source G358.93-0.03

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    Context. The massive young stellar object (MYSO) G358.93-0.03-MM1 showed an extraordinary near-infrared- to (sub-)millimetredark and far-infrared-loud accretion burst, which is closely associated with flares of several class II methanol maser transitions, and, later, a 22 GHz water maser flare. Aims. Water maser flares provide an invaluable insight into ejection events associated with accretion bursts. Although the short timescale of the 22 GHz water maser flare made it impossible to carry out a very long baseline interferometry observation, we could track it with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). Methods. The evolution of the spatial structure of the 22 GHz water masers and their association with the continuum sources in the region is studied with the VLA during two epochs, pre- and post-H2O maser flare. Results. A drastic change in the distribution of the water masers is revealed: in contrast to the four maser groups detected during epoch I, only two newly formed clusters are detected during epoch II. The 22 GHz water masers associated with the bursting source MM1 changed in morphology and emission velocity extent. Conclusions. Clear evidence of the influence of the accretion burst on the ejection from G358.93-0.03-MM1 is presented. The accretion event has also potentially affected a region with a radius of ∼200 (∼13 500AU at 6.75 kpc), suppressing water masers associated with other point sources in this region. © O. S. Bayandina et al. 2022.Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, KAKEN: JP21H00032, JP21H01120, JP24340034; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2020-780; National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, NAOJAcknowledgements. The Ibaraki 6.7-GHz Methanol Maser Monitor (iMet) program is partially supported by the Inter-university collaborative project “Japanese VLBI Network (JVN)” of NAOJ and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP24340034, JP21H01120, and JP21H00032 (YY). The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. This paper makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2019.1.00768.S. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), MOST and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. In addition, publications from NA authors must include the standard NRAO acknowledgement: The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. A.M.S. acknowledges support by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation under the grant 075-15-2020-780. A.C.G. acknowledges support by PRIN-INAF-MAIN-STREAM 2017 “Protoplanetary disks seen through the eyes of new-generation instruments” and by PRIN-INAF 2019 “Spectroscopically tracing the disk dispersal evolution (STRADE)”