1,718 research outputs found

    How animacy and verbal information influence V2 sentence processing: Evidence from eye movements

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    There exists a clear association between animacy and the grammatical function of transitive subject. The grammar of some languages require the transitive subject to be high in animacy, or at least higher than the object. A similar animacy preference has been observed in processing studies in languages without such a categorical animacy effect. This animacy preference has been mainly established in structures in which either one or both arguments are provided before the verb. Our goal was to establish (i) whether this preference can already be observed before any argument is provided, and (ii) whether this preference is mediated by verbal information. To this end we exploited the V2 property of Dutch which allows the verb to precede its arguments. Using a visual-world eye-tracking paradigm we presented participants with V2 structures with either an auxiliary (e.g. Gisteren heeft X … ‘Yesterday, X has …’) or a lexical main verb (e.g. Gisteren motiveerde X … ‘Yesterday, X motivated …’) and we measured looks to the animate referent. The results indicate that the animacy preference can already be observed before arguments are presented and that the selectional restrictions of the verb mediate this bias, but do not override it completely

    Load-Balancing for Parallel Delaunay Triangulations

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    Computing the Delaunay triangulation (DT) of a given point set in RD\mathbb{R}^D is one of the fundamental operations in computational geometry. Recently, Funke and Sanders (2017) presented a divide-and-conquer DT algorithm that merges two partial triangulations by re-triangulating a small subset of their vertices - the border vertices - and combining the three triangulations efficiently via parallel hash table lookups. The input point division should therefore yield roughly equal-sized partitions for good load-balancing and also result in a small number of border vertices for fast merging. In this paper, we present a novel divide-step based on partitioning the triangulation of a small sample of the input points. In experiments on synthetic and real-world data sets, we achieve nearly perfectly balanced partitions and small border triangulations. This almost cuts running time in half compared to non-data-sensitive division schemes on inputs exhibiting an exploitable underlying structure.Comment: Short version submitted to EuroPar 201

    A cross-sectional study of psychological complaints and quality of life in severely injured patients

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the incidence of psychological complaints and the relationship of these complaints with the quality of life (QOL) and accident- and patient-related factors among severely injured patients after the rehabilitation phase. Methods: Patients of 18 years or older with an injury severity score above 15 were included 15-53 months after their accident. Accident and patient characteristics were obtained from questionnaires and the trauma registry. Several questionnaires (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Impact of Events Scale, and Cognitive Failure Questionnaire) were used to determine the symptoms of psychological problems (anxiety or depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or subjective cognitive complaints, respectively). The World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref was used to determine QOL. A reference group of the Dutch general population was used for comparison of QOL scores. Results: The participation rate was 62 % (n = 173). At the time of the study, 30.1 % (n = 52) of the investigated patients had psychological complaints. No relation between psychological complaints and somatic severity or type of injury was found. Patients who were employed before the accident or resumed working reported less psychological complaints. Use of any medication before the accident and treatment for pre-accidental psychological problems were positively related to psychological complaints afterwards. QOL of severely injured patients was impaired in comparison with the general Dutch population, but only for those with psychological complaints. Conclusions: Psychological complaints seem to be an important and underestimated factor for a decreased QOL among severely injured patients

    Quality of life in severely injured patients depends on psychosocial factors rather than on severity or type of injury

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    Background: Former studies have demonstrated that health-related quality of life is decreased in severely injured patients. However, in those studies patients were asked about their functioning and not about their (dis)contentment concerning their functioning. Little is known about how severely injured patients experience their quality of life (QOL). The objective of this cross-sectional study was to measure this subjective QOL of severely injured patients after their rehabilitation phase and to examine which accident- and patient-related factors affect the QOL of these patients. Methods: Patients of 18 years or older with an injury severity score (ISS) above 15 were included 15-53 months after their accident. Comorbidity before the accident, accident and sociodemographic characteristics, and QOL were obtained from the trauma registry and questionnaires. The WHOQOL-BREF was used to measure QOL. A reference group of the Dutch general population was used for comparison. Results: The participation rate was 61% (n = 173). Compared with the reference data, severely injured patients experienced a significantly worse QOL in all domains except social relations. The QOL scores were significantly decreased in all domains for patients with intracranial injury in combination with other injuries. Patients with a severe intracranial injury (AIS > 3) only reported significantly impaired QOL in the general and physical domains. Patients who resumed working or lived with others had significantly higher scores in all domains of QOL than patients who did not work anymore or were living alone. Significantly lower QOL scores were obtained from patients with comorbidity before the accident and from patients with longer durations of intensive care unit (ICU) treatment or hospitalisation. Gender, accident characteristics and time since the accident did not appear to be important for experienced QOL. Conclusions: The experience of impaired QOL appears to depend on living alone, inability to return to work and pre-accidental comorbidity rather than on the injured body area or the severity of the injury. Duration of hospital or ICU stay is important to subsequent QOL, even if ISS or body region is not

    Міжнародне співробітництво МВС України у сфері протидії корупції

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    У статті здійснено аналіз розвитку та сучасного стану міжнародної співпраці МВС України у сфері протидії корупції. Розглянуто формування нормативно-правової бази щодо боротьби з корупцією та пов’язаною з нею злочинністю, надано характеристику напрямів та шляхів співпраці органів внутрішніх справ нашої країни з іноземними державами, їх правоохоронними органами і спеціальними службами, а також із міжнародними організаціями, які здійснюють заходи із протидії корупції. Визначено перспективи подальшого розвитку міжнародного співробітництва МВС у протидії транснаціональним формам корупції.В статье осуществлен анализ развития и современного состояния международного сотрудничества МВД Украины в сфере противодействия коррупции. Рассмотрено формирование нормативно-правовой базы по борьбе с коррупцией и связанной с ней преступностью, дана характеристика направлений и путей сотрудничества органов внутренних дел Украины с зарубежными государствами, их правоохранительными органами и специальными службами, а также с международными организациями, которые осуществляют мероприятия по противодействию коррупции. Определены перспективные направления дальнейшего развития международного сотрудничества МВД Украины в сфере противодействия транснациональным формам коррупции.Development and modern state of the international cooperation of the Ukranian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the sphere of corruption counteraction is analyzed. It is considered the formation of normative and legal base concerning struggle against corruption and the criminality, it is given the characteristic of directions and ways of cooperation of law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine with the foreign states, their law enforcement bodies and special services, and also with the international organizations which carry out measures on counteraction of corruption. It is determined the perspective directions of the further development of the international cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine in the sphere of counteraction to transnational forms of corruption

    A small protein probe for correlated microscopy of endogenous proteins

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    Probes are essential to visualize proteins in their cellular environment, both using light microscopy as well as electron microscopy (EM). Correlated light microscopy and electron microscopy (CLEM) requires probes that can be imaged simultaneously by both optical and electron-dense signals. Existing combinatorial probes often have impaired efficiency, need ectopic expression as a fusion protein, or do not target endogenous proteins. Here, we present FLIPPER-bodies to label endogenous proteins for CLEM. Fluorescent Indicator and Peroxidase for Precipitation with EM Resolution (FLIPPER), the combination of a fluorescent protein and a peroxidase, is fused to a nanobody against a target of interest. The modular nature of these probes allows an easy exchange of components to change its target or color. A general FLIPPER-body targeting GFP highlights histone2B-GFP both in fluorescence and in EM. Similarly, endogenous EGF receptors and HER2 are visualized at nm-scale resolution in ultrastructural context. The small and flexible FLIPPER-body outperforms IgG-based immuno-labeling, likely by better reaching the epitopes. Given the modular domains and possibilities of nanobody generation for other targets, FLIPPER-bodies have high potential to become a universal tool to identify proteins in immuno-CLEM with increased sensitivity compared to current approaches

    Understanding the effect of an educational intervention to optimize HIV testing strategies in primary care in Amsterdam - results of a mixed-methods study.

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    BACKGROUND: In the Netherlands, general practitioners (GPs) play a key role in provider-initiated HIV testing, but opportunities for timely diagnosis are regularly missed. We implemented an educational intervention to improve HIV testing by GPs from 2015 to 2020, and observed a 7% increase in testing in an evaluation using laboratory data. The objective for the current study was to gain a deeper understanding of whether and how practices and perceptions of GPs' HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing behaviour changed following the intervention. METHODS: We performed a mixed-methods study using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to assess self-reported changes in HIV/STI testing by participating GPs. Questionnaires were completed by participants at the end of the final educational sessions from 2017 through 2020, and participating GPs were interviewed from January through March 2020. Questionnaire data were analysed descriptively, and open question responses were categorised thematically. Interview data were analysed following thematic analysis methods. RESULTS: In total, 101/103 participants completed questionnaires. Of 65 participants that were included in analyses on the self-reported effect of the programme, forty-seven (72%) reported it had changed their HIV/STI testing, including improved STI consultations, adherence to the STI consultation guideline, more proactive HIV testing, and more extragenital STI testing. Patients' risk factors, patients' requests and costs were most important in selecting STI tests ordered. Eight participants were interviewed and 15 themes on improved testing were identified, including improved HIV risk-assessment, more proactive testing for HIV/STI, more focus on HIV indicator conditions and extragenital STI testing, and tools to address HIV during consultations. However, several persistent barriers for optimal HIV/STI testing by GPs were identified, including HIV-related stigma and low perceived risk. CONCLUSIONS: Most GPs reported improved HIV/STI knowledge, attitude and testing, but there was a discrepancy between reported changes in HIV testing and observed increases using laboratory data. Our findings highlight challenges in implementation of effective interventions, and in their evaluation. Lessons learned from this intervention may inform follow-up initiatives to keep GPs actively engaged in HIV testing and care, on our way to zero new HIV infections

    Quality of patient- and proxy-reported outcomes for children with impairment of the lower extremity:A systematic review using the COnsensus-based Standards for selection of health Measurement INstruments methodology

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    Background: Patient-reported outcome measures have become crucial in the clinical evaluation of patients. Appropriate selection, in a young population, of the instrument is vital to providing evidence-based patient-centered healthcare. This systematic review applies the COnsensus-based Standards for selection of health Measurement INstruments methodology to provide a critically appraised overview of patient-reported outcome measures targeted at pediatric orthopedic patients with lower limb impairment.Method: A systematic search of electronic databases was performed to identify original studies reporting the development and/or validation of patient-reported outcome measures evaluating children with impairment of the lower extremity. Data extraction, quality assessment, and risk of bias evaluation were performed following the COnsensus-based Standards for selection of health Measurement INstruments guidelines and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses statement.Results: A total of 6919 articles were screened. Thirty-three studies were included, reporting evidence on the measurement properties of 13 different patient-reported outcome measures and 20 translations. Four studies reported on content validity and patient-reported outcome measure development. The methodological quality of studies on structural validity, content validity, or patient-reported outcome measure development was mostly rated as "doubtful" or "very good." The quality of evidence on measurement properties varied noticeably, with most studies needing to perform improve their methodological quality to justify their results.Conclusion: This review provides an extensive overview of all available patient-reported outcome measures for patients with lower extremity impairment within pediatric orthopedics. We cautiously advise the use of four patient-reported outcome measures. However, the scarce availability of research on content validity and patient-reported outcome measure development highlights an area for future research endeavors to improve our knowledge on the currently available patient-reported outcome measures.Level of evidence: Diagnostic level