61 research outputs found

    Development and production of iceberg lettuce irrigated with magnetically treated water

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    Irrigated agriculture has become a concern, given the scarcity of freshwater. To reduce its water consumption, new techniques and technologies have been proposed. Based on this, the objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different soil water tensions at initiation of irrigation with magnetically treated water, on ‘iceberg’ lettuce Lucy Brown (Lactuca Sativa L.) development and production. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, using a completely randomized factorial design, to evaluate two water types (magnetically treated water – MW and ordinary water – OW) and four soil water tensions at initiation of irrigation (T1 – 15 kPa, T2 – 25 kPa, T3 – 40 kPa and T4 – 70 kPa), with three replicates. Tnsiometers were used to estimate soil water tension. The evaluated parameters were: aerial part fresh and dry total mass; commercial head fresh and dry mass, root fresh and dry mass; stem fresh and dry mass; stem length and diameter; percentage of leaves with tip burn, total and commercial yield; water use efficiency related to total and commercial yield; plant exposed area; and dry matter content. Despite achieving greater water use efficiency, the magnetic treatment may have hindered the removal of water from the soil by the crop, especially at increased soil water tension at initiation of irrigation

    Production of yellow passion fruit under different planting densities

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    O adensamento de plantas em cultivos do maracujazeiro-amarelo é importante por propiciar maior rentabilidade em menor área. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes densidades de plantio na produção, qualidade dos frutos e rentabilidade do maracujazeiro-amarelo. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido em pomar comercial da Fazenda Sant'ana, Município de São Tiago, MG. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de diferentes espaçamentos na linha de plantio: T1, 1,0 m (3.330 plantas/ha); T2, 1,5 m (2.220 plantas/ha); T3, 2,0 m (1.660 plantas/ha); T4, 3,0 m (1.100 plantas/ha) e T5, 4,0 m (830 plantas/ha). O espaçamento entre linhas foi de 3,0 m em todos os tratamentos. Cada parcela foi constituída de 12 m de comprimento por 3,0 m de largura (36 m2). O plantio foi realizado em outubro de 2001, e a colheita, a partir de abril, estendendo-se até agosto de 2002. A maior produtividade foi estimada em 11,9 t/ha na densidade de 1.841 plantas/ha. O adensamento não altera a qualidade do fruto. A máxima eficiência econômica foi alcançada na densidade de 1.340 plantas/ha, com rentabilidade de R1.321,92/ha.Thedensityofplantsincultivationsofyellowpassionfruitsisimportant,becauseitprovideslargerprofitabilityinsmallerareas.Theobjectiveofthisresearchwastoevaluatetheeffectofdifferentplantingdensitiesonproduction,qualityoffruitandprofitabilityofyellowpassionfruit.TheexperimentwasinstalledinacommercialorchardinSantanaFarm,districtofSa~oTiago,MG,Brazil.Theexperimentaldesignwasinrandomizedblockswithfivetreatmentsandfourreplications.Thetreatmentsweredifferentplantingdensities:T1,1.0m(3,330plants/ha);T2,1.5m(2,220plants/ha);T3,2.0m(1,660plants/ha);T4,3.0m(1,100plants/ha)andT5,4.0m(830plants/ha).Thedistancebetweenthelineswas3.0mtoallthetreatments.Eachplotwas12mlongand3.0mwide(36m2).TheplantingwasaccomplishedinOctoberof2001.TheharvestbeganinAprilextendingtoAugustof2002.Thelargestproductivitywas11.9ton/haatadensityof1,841plants/ha.Plantingdensitydidnotchangethequalityofthefruits.Thelargesteconomicalefficiencywasreachedunderthedensityof1,340plants/ha,withaprofitabilityofR 1.321,92/ha.The density of plants in cultivations of yellow passion fruits is important, because it provides larger profitability in smaller areas. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of different planting densities on production, quality of fruit and profitability of yellow passion fruit. The experiment was installed in a commercial orchard in Sant'ana Farm, district of São Tiago, MG, Brazil. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with five treatments and four replications. The treatments were different planting densities: T1, 1.0 m (3,330 plants/ha); T2, 1.5 m (2,220 plants/ha); T3, 2.0 m (1,660 plants/ha); T4, 3.0 m (1,100 plants/ha) and T5, 4.0 m (830 plants/ha). The distance between the lines was 3.0 m to all the treatments. Each plot was 12 m long and 3.0 m wide (36 m2). The planting was accomplished in October of 2001. The harvest began in April extending to August of 2002. The largest productivity was 11.9 ton/ha at a density of 1,841 plants/ha. Planting density did not change the quality of the fruits. The largest economical efficiency was reached under the density of 1,340 plants/ha, with a profitability of R 1,321.92/ha

    Longitudinal data assessment of global stability index in kale leaves

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    Kale plants are usually sold “in natura” in street markets and malls. Kale leaves can have their appearance compromised by dehydration and discoloration due to increased post-harvest time exposure. We aimed to analyze the Global Stability Index (GSI) in kale accessions by means of repeated measurement analysis and curve grouping as a complementary form of superior sample identification with regard to post-harvest preservation. Thirty kale accessions were evaluated using a randomized block design with four blocks and five plants per plot. Two commercial leaves per plant were collected, and kept on workbenches in the shade at a temperature of 18 ± 1 °C. Subsequently, the degrees of discoloration and dehydration, total chlorophyll content, and accumulated fresh mass loss were evaluated over a 15-day period. From these data, the GSI was calculated for each day of evaluation. In addition, using mixed models, thirteen co-variance structures were tested. For graphical analysis, thirteen linear and non-linear models were assessed followed by curve grouping using multivariate analysis. The GSI was efficient for differentiating accessions, which became an important tool in post-harvest studies. GSI values were not equally correlated, therefore the use of mixed models became an important approach. The unstructured matrix was the best fit to model the dependence of error. The Melow I model was the best fit for studying the GSI. The accessions UFVJM-10, UFLA-1, COM-1, UFVJM-32, COM-3, UFVJM-8, UFVJM-36 and UFVJM-24, belonging to 3 and 5 clusters, are recommended for crop cultivation and as parental material in breeding programs

    Produção e qualidade de frutos de tomateiros portadores de alelos mutantes de amadurecimento e coloração

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    Seven nearly isogenic tomato hybrids, except for their genotypic constitutions in loci norA/nor, rin, ogc and hp, were tested for fruit yield and quality traits along the parental background lines FloraDade and Mosporist and two commercial rin+/rin tomato hybrids (Carmen F1 and Chronos F1). The role of the different genotypic backgrounds on these fruit traits was also studied. The genotypes were tested using a randomized complete block design with four replicates and ten plants per plot. The genotypic constitutions nor+/nor or rin+/rin had no effect on yield related traits. The genotype nor+/norA decreased fruit mass mean. Genotypes nor+/norA, nor+/nor and rin+/rin delayed the loss of fruit firmness and the development of color. The relative size of the peduncular scar was not affected by these genotypes. The constitution ogc+/ogc hp+/hp contributed for higher yield and higher fruit mass in the nor+/norA hybrid. Fruit firmness and external color in ogc+/ogc hp+/hp remained unaffected by nor+/norA. In ogc+/ogc hp+/hp fruit, early yield was reduced and shelf life was improved by nor+/norA. Genotypic backgrounds and the interaction background x ripening mutant genes must be taken into consideration when developing new tomato long-shelf life hybrids.Sete híbridos de tomateiros quase-isogênicos, à exceção dos locos norA/nor, rin, ogc e hp, com as linhagens parentais FloraDade e Mospomorist, e dois híbridos comerciais heterozigotos no loco rin (Carmen F1 e Chronos F1) foram avaliados quanto às características de produção e qualidade de frutos e quanto aos possíveis efeitos do background genotípico empregado nas mesmas características. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e dez plantas por parcela. Os genótipos nor+/nor e rin+/rin não afetaram as características de produção. O genótipo nor+/norA atuou diminuindo a massa média por fruto. Os genótipos nor+/norA, nor+/nor e rin+/rin, isoladamente, atrasaram a perda de firmeza e a chegada da coloração vermelha nos frutos. O tamanho relativo da cicatriz peduncular não foi afetado significativamente por esses genótipos. A combinação ogc+/ogc hp+/hp proporcionou maior produção total e maior massa média por fruto no híbrido nor+/norA. A firmeza e a coloração dos frutos nor+/norA não foram afetadas pela combinação ogc+/ogc hp+/hp. O genótipo nor+/norA reduziu a produção precoce de frutos ogc+/ogc hp+/hp e aumentou a meia-vida da firmeza desses frutos. O background genotípico e a interação background x mutante de amadurecimento devem ser considerados na produção de híbridos F1 de tomateiro

    Uso potencial de folhas de batata-doce para consumo humano

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    The objective of this work was to select sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) genotypes with leaves with potential to be used for human consumption. Twenty-six experimental genotypes and four commercial cultivars were tested in a randomized complete block design with three replicates and ten plants per plot. The trial was carried out in the municipality of Lavras, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Leaf shape and lobe, aerial-part yield, edible-leaf yield, edible-leaf percentage, edible-leaf dry mass, and latex production, as well as leaf total chlorophyll, pH, soluble solids contents, titratable acidity, total phenolic compounds, and anthocyanin contents, were evaluated. Roots were characterized as to their pulp and peel colors. Fifteen genotypes presented the highest aerial-part (29.6 to 51.8 Mg ha-1) and edible‑leaf (7.8 to 12.7 Mg ha-1) yields. In the biochemical analysis, high contents of chlorophyll, total phenolics, and anthocyanins were observed. In addition, pH, soluble solids, and leaf titratable acidity did not differ significantly among the evaluated genotypes. Leaves of ten genotypes are recommended for human consumption.O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar genótipos de batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas) com folhas com potencial para serem usadas para consumo humano. Vinte e seis genótipos experimentais e quatro cultivares comerciais foram testados em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições e dez plantas por parcela. O ensaio foi realizado no município de Lavras, no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram avaliados formato e lóbulo da folha, produção da parte aérea, produção de folhas comestíveis, percentagem de folha comestível, massa seca de folha comestível e produção de látex, bem como clorofila total, pH, conteúdo de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, compostos fenólicos totais e teor de antocianinas das folhas. As raízes foram caracterizadas quanto às cores da sua polpa e casca. Quinze genótipos apresentaram as maiores produtividades de parte aérea (29,6 a 51,8 Mg ha-1) e de folhas comestíveis (7,8 a 12,7 Mg ha-1). Nas análises bioquímicas, foram observados altos teores de clorofila, compostos fenólicos totais e antocianinas. Além disso, pH, sólidos solúveis e acidez titulável foliar não diferiram significativamente entre os genótipos avaliados. As folhas de dez genótipos são recomendadas para alimentação humana

    Coeficiente de repetibilidade para a determinação do número ótimo de colheitas para seleção de abobrinha-italiana

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    The objective of this work was to estimate the optimal number of harvests for the reliable selection of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) hybrids through the repeatability coefficient. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with 33 treatments (31 experimental hybrids and 2 commercial ones) and four replicates, with six plants per plot. Fifteen harvests were carried out. Seven morphoagronomic fruit characteristics were evaluated, and repeatability coefficients were estimated using four statistical methods. The repeatability coefficients ranged from low to moderate, regardless of the studied characteristic. For a high-precision selection (R2≥90%), a high number of evaluated harvests was required, especially for traits related to fruit yield, as follows: 30 to 54 harvests for selection based on total yield; and 43 to 83 harvests for commercial yield, which varied according to the statistical estimation method. The principal component analysis based on the covariance matrix required the least number of harvests for a satisfactory selection precision. Fifteen harvests are sufficient for a satisfactory selection of all evaluated characteristics, with a precision above 70%.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o número ótimo de colheitas para a seleção confiável de híbridos de abobrinha-italiana (Cucurbita pepo) por meio do coeficiente de repetibilidade. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com 33 tratamentos (31 híbridos experimentais e 2 comerciais) e quatro repetições, com seis plantas por parcela. Realizaram-se 15 colheitas. Sete características morfoagronômicas dos frutos foram avaliadas, e os coeficientes de repetibilidade foram estimados por meio de quatro métodos estatísticos. Os coeficientes de repetibilidade variaram de baixos a moderados, independentemente da característica estudada. Para uma seleção de alta precisão (R2≥90%), um elevado número de colheitas avaliadas foi necessário, especialmente para as características relacionadas à produtividade de frutos, conforme a seguir: 30 a 54 colheitas para a seleção baseada na produtividade total; e 43 a 83 colheitas para a produtividade comercial, que variou conforme o método estatístico de estimação. A análise de componentes principais baseada na matriz de covariância demandou a menor quantidade de colheitas para uma precisão satisfatória da seleção. São suficientes 15 colheitas para a seleção satisfatória de todas as características avaliadas, com precisão superior a 70%

    Structure and properties of starch and flour of four Brazilian sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) cultivars

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    Starch is the most natural polymer used in the food and non-food industry. Sweet potato is among the world’s most important, versatile and underexploited food crops; its composition depends on the planting strategy, climatic conditions, cultivar, geographic region, soil quality, and other. The physical-chemical characteristic and functional properties depends also of the amylose, amylopectin ratio and the molecular components of amylose and amylopectin. In this study, the structural and physicochemical properties of starches from four sweet potato genotypes cultivated in Brazil were compared. Starch granules of roots of sweet potato all exhibited oval and irregular shapes with granule sizes ranging from 8 to 30 µm. Amylose contents of roots of sweet potato starches differed from 9.7 to 15.1%. Ratios of 1045/1022 and 1022/995 cm−1 of Fourier transform infrared spectra varied in the range of 0.8114–0.8558 and 0.9046–0.9347, respectively, which means that the genotypes present different structure ordering. Also, the digestibility, swelling power, and solubility showed some differences between the starches, probably due to the differences in amylose and amylopectin contents and granules sizes. The different genotypes showed similar thermal stability. Our study indicated the sweet potato genotypes are greatly influenced the amylose content, structure order, the degree of short-range order, granule size, digestibility, swelling power and solubility of sweet potato genotypes.Keywords:  Biopolymer; Carbohydrate; Ipomoea batatas; new starch qualit

    Covering crops straw production and common bean productivity in no-tillage system

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de palhada e o efeito de diferentes plantas de cobertura sobre características do feijão, em sistema de plantio direto, em Diamantina, MG. O experimento foi instalado num Neossolo Quartzarênico Órtico típico, utilizando-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso e três repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de: Brachiaria decumbens, B. brizantha, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, P. maximum cv. Mombaça, Mucuna aterrima, Calopogonio mucunoides cv. Calopogônio, Dolichos lab lab, Cajanus cajan, Crotalaria juncea, pousio e testemunha, sobre os quais foi cultivado feijão cv. Talismã. Avaliou-se a massa de matéria seca das plantas de cobertura e, no feijoeiro, estande de plantas, número de sementes, número de vagens, número de sementes por vagem, altura de plantas, peso de 100 sementes e produtividade. Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos para as variáveis número de sementes, número de vagens, número de sementes por vagem e altura das plantas. Os maiores valores de peso de 100 sementes e de produtividade de feijão foram obtidos nas parcelas com as gramíneas P. maximum cv. Mombaça, B. brizantha, B. decumbens e P. maximum cv. Tanzânia, que também produziram quantidade suficiente de matéria seca para viabilizar o sistema de plantio direto de feijão.The objective of this work was to evaluate the straw production and the effect of different covering plants on some common bean characteristics, in no-tillage system, in Diamantina, MG, Brazil. A radomized block was used as experimental design, with three replications. Treatments were constituted of: Brachiaria decumbens, B. brizantha, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania, P. maximum cv. Mombaça, Mucuna aterrima, Calopogonio mucunoides cv. Calopogônio, Dolichos lab lab, Cajanus cajan, Crotalaria juncea, fallow and control, on which common bean cultivar Talismã was planted. For covering, the weight of dry matter was evaluated and, for bean plants, the following data were analyzed: the final stand of plants, number of seeds, number of pods, number of seeds per bean, plants height, weight of 100 seeds and the yield of the culture. There was no significant difference among treatments for the variables number of seeds, number of beans, number of seeds per bean and plants height. The largest values of weight of 100 seeds and productivity of bean were obtained when cultivation was made in the no-tillage system on straw of P. maximum cv. Mombaça, B. brizantha, B. decumbens and P. maximum cv. Tanzania. These cover crops also produced sufficient amount of dry matter to make possible the no-tillage system

    Resistência varietal de morangueiro aos pulgões Cerosipha forbesi (Weed) e Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    Resumo. A identificação de picos populacionais de pragas e a seleção de genótipos resistentes ajudam a definir o momento do controle e reduzir a aplicação de inseticidas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar aresistência varietal de seis cultivares de morangueiro (Aromas, Campinas, Dover, Festival, Oso Grande e Toyonoka) ao ataque de Cerosipha forbesi (Weed)e Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). A presença dos pulgões nas plantas foi avaliada semanalmente por contagem direta em três folíolos por planta, durante cinco meses (Fevereiro a Junho de 2012). Março apresentou a maior densidade de ambas espécies de pulgões, com redução populacional nos meses próximos ao inverno. As cultivares Campinas, Toyonoka e Dover tiveram maior incidência de C. forbesi, e Campinas e Toyonoka foram também mais atacadas por C. fragaefolii. As cultivares Festival, Aromas e Oso Grande apresentaram menores infestações de ambas as espécies, tendo potencial para serem utilizadas em programas de melhoramento visando à resistência ao ataque de C. forbesi e C. fragaefolii. Varietal resistance of strawberry to aphids Cerosipha forbesi (Weed) and Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Abstract. The identification of peak populations of pests and the selection of resistant genotypes help to define the timing of control and to reduce the frequency of insecticide application. The objective of this study was to evaluate varietal resistance of six strawberry cultivars (Aromas, Campinas, Dover, Oso Grande and Toyonoka) to the attack of Cerosipha forbesi (Weed) and Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Attack of the aphids was evaluated on a weekly basis by direct counting in three leaflets per plant for five months (February to June 2012). March presented higher densities of both aphids species, with population reductions in months closer to the winter. The cultivars Campinas, Toyonoka, and Dover had higher incidence of C. forbesi, and Campinas and Toyonoka were also more attacked by C. fragaefolii. The cultivars Festival, Aromas, and Oso Grande presented lower infestation of both aphids species, and hold potential to be used in breeding programs aiming resistance to attack of C. forbesi and C. fragaefolli


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    Não há na literatura trabalhos que avaliem descritores importantes em batata-doce individualmente em ramas, raízes e em toda a planta (raízes + ramas). Esta informação detalhada é importante, pois permite a seleção dos melhores genótipos considerando a planta (raízes + ramas), tendo em vista as diferentes formas de utilização: consumo humano, animal, indústria e produção de etanol. Portanto, objetivou-se avaliar o potencial produtivo de matéria fresca, matéria seca, amido e proteína bruta em raízes, ramas e planta (ramas + raízes) de batata-doce, a fim de se identificar os genótipos superiores.  Para isso, foram avaliados 40 acessos de batata-doce do banco de germoplasma da UFVJM. A produção total da batata-doce (raízes + ramas) foi alta, o que aliado a sua rusticidade e múltiplos fins realça seu grande potencial e importância. Houve grande variabilidade genética entre os acessos. Os acessos Tomba Carro 1, UFVJM (01, 28 e 40) são os mais recomendados devido as maiores produtividades de  raízes, ramas e proteína bruta, sendo adequados à alimentação humana e animal. Os acessos Palmas e UFVJM (01, 04, 05, 07 e 53) podem ter maior potencial para a produção de etanol devido à maior produtividade de amido