33 research outputs found

    Синтез философии и искусства в "готическом" рассказе О. Уайльда "Кентервильское привидение"

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    The article analyzes O. Wilde's story The Canterville Ghost in the context of using the genre of the "Gothic" story to embody the writer's philosophical views. The article studies the causes of Wilde's appeal to the "Gothic" story, its interpretation by foreign and Russian researchers. The purpose of the article is to prove the synthesis of art and philosophy in the story. The multi-layers of the writer's works reflect his un­derstanding of the multi-layered nature of the world, and Wilde's text combines reflections on topical social, moral and philosophical problems with an individual author's vision of reality. In The Canterville Ghost Wilde begins to comprehend the „American theme", which highlights the problems of interaction between civiliza­tions, the victory of rationality over spirituality and the tragedy behind it. Wilde's negative attitude towards materialism, practicality of modern times is also manifested in depicting false messages based on logic.В статье проанализирован рассказ О. Уайльда "Кентервильское привидение" с точки зрения использования жанра "готического" рассказа для воплощения философских взглядов писателя

    Traditional and Modern Protective Media for the Low-Temperature Bacteria Preservation

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    Presented are the literature data on the efficiency of bacteria preservation at temperatures ranging from -20 to -196 °C in the protective media containing such cryoprotectors as glycerol, dimethyl sulfoxide, carbo-hydrates, substances of protein origin specified by regulatory guidelines. Most of the focus is on the publications reporting the results of the long-term bacteria preservation at sub-zero temperatures, optimization of the protective media for pathogenic bacteria, and usage of the compounds with potential cryoprotective activity. Noted is the necessity for approbation of the specified protective media for the conserved bacteria species at the applied preserving temperatures. One of the approaches to the enhancement of the low-temperature preservation techniques is a search for natural protectors, which can provide for surviving of bacteria in the unfavorable conditions, including low temperatures, and a search for possibility to integrate these natural protectors into the cryoprotective media. Displayed are the results of effective application of glycerol-betaine, and polysaccharides of Arctic microorganisms for the low-temperature bacteria preservation

    Application of Freeze-Dryers of Chamber Type in the Collections of Pathogenic Microorganisms

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    By the example of Martin Christ Epsilon 2-6D device carried out was assessment of the possibility to use freeze-dryers of the chamber type for conservation of pathogenic microorganisms collection strains. Elaborated was algorithm of lyophilisation of the III-IV pathogenicity groups bacteria, which incorporated conditions of freeze-drying and biological safety provision of this process. Indices of viability and survivability were defined for freeze-dried cells of pathogenic bacteria strains. Using thermostability test calculated were predicted timelines of storage of collection strains preparations freeze-dried in the flasks in Martin Christ Epsilon 2-6D. It was determined that in the collections of pathogenic microorganisms freeze-dryers of the chamber type could be used most prospectively for the III-IV pathogenicity groups bacteria conservation requiring mass reproduction and not intended for long storage. At the same time their application for freeze-drying of the strains of the I-II pathogenicity groups bacteria intended for a long storage, requires further adaptation of these devices as regards biological safety provision and prolongation of the shelf life

    Lyophilization of Pathogenic Microorganisms Strains on Freeze-Drying Modules of Different Type, and Quality Assessment of the Preparations Obtained

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    Objective of the study is to evaluate applicability of different freeze-driers for lyophilization of pathogenic microorganisms of bacterial origin, and to perform comparative analysis of the quality of the strain formulations obtained using these devices.Materials and methods. Four strains of pathogenic microorganisms, belonging to different species and applied as test ones for quality assessment of nutrient media, have been utilized as controls. Their lyophilization has been conducted on four different modules for sublimation, collector- and chamber-type. The quality of lyophilized strain formulations obtained has been evaluated via determination of their cell viability, as well as with the help of rapid survivability test on lyophilized bacterial cultures (thermo-stability assay).Results and conclusions. Specified are the conditions for lyophilization of collection test-strains of pathogenic bacteria, falling under the category of the III–IV groups of hazard, using collector devices of the new generation, Martin Christ Alpha 1-4 LDplus and Heto Power Dry. Carried out has been comparative analysis of viability, survivability and prognosticated terms of storage for the strain preparations obtained with the help of the mentioned above modules and the like, lyophilized on the instrument based on K.E. Dolin technology and programmable drier of the chamber type, Martin Christ Epsilon 2-6D. It is revealed that microorganism preparation lyophilized on different sublimation devices are characterized with high viability of the contained bacterial cells and have prognosticated storage terms of 4–105 years, depending upon the microorganism species and the type of freeze-drier utilized

    Development of the PCR Assay with Universal Primers for the Detection of Different <i>tcpA</i> Gene Variants

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    Developed is the PCR assay for the detection of the structural genes of toxin co-regulated adhesion piluses - tcpA of different types. Determined are the universal primers, the usage of which provides for the detection of the stated above genes in V. cholerae of various serogroups. With the help of this PCR assay identified is a new variant of tcpA gene in toxigenic cholera vibrio of non-O1/non-O139 serogroup

    Assessment of the cardiovascular system characteristics for preschool children (5-6 years old) following dif-ferent physical education programs

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    В статье проанализированы следующие показатели: процент изменения пульса и пульсового давления после физической нагрузки, показатель качества реакции (ПКР) на физическую нагрузку детей дошкольного возраста, занимающихся по разным программам физического воспитанияThe following characteristics are analyzed in the article: the pulse percentage change and pulse pressure after exercise load, reaction quality factor (RQF) on exercise load for preschool children following different physical education program

    Diagnostic Efficiency of Adsorbed Anthrax Vegetative Fluorescent Immunoglobulins Demonstrated in the Medical Trials

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    Studied is the diagnostic efficiency (specific activity, sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility) of anthrax vegetative fluorescent immunoglobulins. Based on the data, received in medical trials, this preparation is recommended for registration as a product for medical application in the Russian Federation

    Breast cancer risk genes: association analysis in more than 113,000 women

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    BACKGROUNDGenetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility is widely used, but for many genes, evidence of an association with breast cancer is weak, underlying risk estimates are imprecise, and reliable subtype-specific risk estimates are lacking.METHODSWe used a panel of 34 putative susceptibility genes to perform sequencing on samples from 60,466 women with breast cancer and 53,461 controls. In separate analyses for protein-truncating variants and rare missense variants in these genes, we estimated odds ratios for breast cancer overall and tumor subtypes. We evaluated missense-variant associations according to domain and classification of pathogenicity.RESULTSProtein-truncating variants in 5 genes (ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, and PALB2) were associated with a risk of breast cancer overall with a P value of less than 0.0001. Protein-truncating variants in 4 other genes (BARD1, RAD51C, RAD51D, and TP53) were associated with a risk of breast cancer overall with a P value of less than 0.05 and a Bayesian false-discovery probability of less than 0.05. For protein-truncating variants in 19 of the remaining 25 genes, the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of the odds ratio for breast cancer overall was less than 2.0. For protein-truncating variants in ATM and CHEK2, odds ratios were higher for estrogen receptor (ER)-positive disease than for ER-negative disease; for protein-truncating variants in BARD1, BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, RAD51C, and RAD51D, odds ratios were higher for ER-negative disease than for ER-positive disease. Rare missense variants (in aggregate) in ATM, CHEK2, and TP53 were associated with a risk of breast cancer overall with a P value of less than 0.001. For BRCA1, BRCA2, and TP53, missense variants (in aggregate) that would be classified as pathogenic according to standard criteria were associated with a risk of breast cancer overall, with the risk being similar to that of protein-truncating variants.CONCLUSIONSThe results of this study define the genes that are most clinically useful for inclusion on panels for the prediction of breast cancer risk, as well as provide estimates of the risks associated with protein-truncating variants, to guide genetic counseling. (Funded by European Union Horizon 2020 programs and others.)Molecular tumour pathology - and tumour geneticsMTG1 - Moleculaire genetica en pathologie van borstkanke


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    Aim. To study the association of polymorphic locus rs1138272 of GSTP1 gene with the risk of bronchial asthma and peculiarities of its course.Material and Methods.136 DNA samples of patients with bronchial asthma of varying severity and 147 healthy persons DNA sample were used for genotyping by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism.Results. We found the association of allele Val of polymorphic locus rs1138272 of GSTP1 gene with the severity of bronchial asthma and violation of external respiratory function, which is a prognostically unfavorable sign for the course of the disease. No significant skewing in the distribution of alleles and genotypes was seen between the patients and controls.Conclusion. In this study we revealed the association of polymorphic locus rs1138272 of GSTP1 gene with an increased risk of severe bronchial asthma