208 research outputs found

    Správa identit v aplikačních rámcích JAVA technologie

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    Import 22/07/2015Nowadays, it is very common to notice news about sensitive data leaks in media. This bachelor thesis is dedicated to a section of this issue - identity access management. The main aim of my thesis is to design and develop a modular system for managing user access from multiple applications. As a result, the thesis deals mainly with login into each application through a different identity provider (Facebook and Google). At the same time, the work is focused on the implementation of another login module (eg. Twitter). With regards to fact that field of this subject is very wide, this thesis is focused only on JavaEE, Spring, Eclipse Scout and Vaadin.V současné době se velmi často setkáváme s případy, kdy dochází k častým únikům citlivých dat. Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje právě části této problematiky, a to zabezpečení řízení přístupu užívatelů k informacím. Cílem mé práce je především návrh a tvorba modulárního systému pro řízení přístupu uživatelů z více aplikací, přičemž do každé aplikace se lze přihlásit skrze různé poskytovatele identit (Facebook a Google). Současně se v práci zabývám i tvorbou dalších přihlašovacích modulů (např. Twitter). Vzhledem k rozsáhlosti problematiky je však tato práce zaměřena pouze na JavaEE, Spring, Eclipse Scout a Vaadin.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Electronic control of servomechanism for drive-simulator

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    Cílem bakalářské práce bylo vytvořit elektronické řízení polohovacího servomechanismu u řidičského trenažéru. Jako řídící jednotka byl vybrán 8 bitový mikrokontrolér ATmega16 od firmy ATMEL® a pro snímání aktuálního úhlu natočení sedačky magnetický rotační enkodér AS5040 od firmy Austriamicrosystems®. Pro vytvoření akčního členu bylo zvoleno můstkové zapojení MOS tranzistorů. Pro jejich buzení byly použity dvě jednotky úrovňových převaděčů a budičů. Ty mají za úkol převést výstupní signál TTL úrovně z mikrokontroléru na napětí o potřebné úrovni pro kvalitní sepnutí tranzistorů. K přenosu dat z počítače trenažéru do mikrokontroléru lze požít rozhraní RS485 nebo RS232.The aim of this bachelor´s thesis was construct electronic driving unit of positioning servomechanism in driving simulator. As controlling unit was chosen 8-bit microcontroller ATmega16 produced by ATMEL® and for scan actual angle of displacement the seat magnetic rotation encoder AS5040 produced by Austriamicrosystems®. For construction of bridge circuit were chosen MOS transistors. This transistors are excited by two Power MOSFET Drivers. Their job is convert output signal TTL logic from microcontroller to voltage in needed norm for transistors circuit closing. Data from PC in drive simulator can be transfer by serial interface RS485 or RS232.

    Accountant-Lawyer Cooperation

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    Kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna przekaźników bezprzewodowych

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    The examination of electromagnetic susceptibility of electronic devices is an important part of the process of design, development and construction of the electronic device. Surge is one of the types of electromagnetic interference and all the electronic devices must be tested on this type of interference according to international standards. Surge often occurs at the atmospheric disturbances such as lightning or at disorders in the energy of the high voltage network. The surge can cause failure of devices or even its permanent damage or destruction, in case the electronic device has insufficient electromagnetic immunity. © 2016, Wydawnictwo SIGMA - N O T Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved

    Conditions for testing electromagnetic susceptibility of electronic devices

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    Electromagnetic compatibility is scientific and technological discipline which examines the compatibility conditions of operation the various systems and methods of leading to their optimization. Respect for the principles of electromagnetic compatibility closely related to the quality and reliability of products. Underestimation of these principles in the development, construction, design and testing of products and systems containing electronic circuitry have resulted in a large failure rate of products, their operational unreliability and consequently the inability to sell the product on the market. Moreover, lack of knowledge of the principles and conditions of electromagnetic compatibility may result in failure or irreparable damage to the devices or endanger the property, health or life of people in certain circumstances. © Research India Publications

    Visokofrekvencijski interferencijski signali generirani u sustavima s PWM izmjenjivačima, dugačkim kabelima i asinkronim motorima

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    The operation of inverter-fed asynchronous motor drives is inherently accompanied by high-frequency interferences caused particularly by parasitic currents of the common and differential modes. These emissions propagated by conduction and radiation may unfavourably affect the operation of nearby telecommunication and signal cables and various low-current devices. The paper deals with an analysis of these phenomena based on theoretical considerations and results of special measurements of the common and differential mode disturbances. Evaluated are mainly the frequency characteristics of selected parts of the system and their contributions to the resultant harmonic spectra.Pri radu asinkronih izmjeničnih motora napajanih iz statičkih izmjenivača pojavljuju se visokofrekvencijski interferencijski signali koji su posljedica parazitnih struja između faza i parazitnih struja prema zajedničkoj točki. Ovi interferencijski signali mogu nepoželjno utjecati na rad obližnjih telekomunikacijskih i signalnih kabela i raznih elektroničkih uređaja. Ove se pojave u članku analiziraju teoretskim razmatranjima, koja su potkrijepljena eksperimentalnim rezultatima specijalnih mjerenja smetnji izazvanih parazitnim strujama. Evaluirane su uglavnom frekvencijske karakteristike odabranih dijelova sustava i njihov doprinos ukupnom harmonijskom spektru

    Podatność elektromagnetyczna kamery IP

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    Electromagnetic susceptibility is an important ability of all electronic and electric devices which are located in the area with electromagnetic interference. The paper is focused on IP camera and it describes its levels of electromagnetic susceptibility against electromagnetic interference. The measurement must be performed according to standard EN 50130-4 ed. 2. © 2016, Wydawnictwo SIGMA - N O T Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved

    Możliwości zatrzymania ruchu pojazdu za pomocą impulsów elektromagnetycznych

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    Operation of electrical and electronic systems can be disturbed by the influence of natural or artificially generated electromagnetic pulses (EMP). In this connection for many years people successfully developed means for generating the power EMP also in the form of weapon systems. Potential targets can be the important elements of critical infrastructure, military systems or transport vehicles, for example if necessary stopping the moving vehicle, as well as vehicles, which penetrated to vicinity of the protected object or stopping of vehicles at control posts. © 2015, Wydawnictwo SIGMA - N O T Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved

    Immunity test of electronic device for electrostatic discharge

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    Due to the increasing susceptibility of electronic device, the importance of electromagnetic immunity to interference also increasing. The basic task of testing the electromagnetic susceptibility of electronic device on the harmful interference is comparison of the data obtained by testing with data which are required by the relevant standards for the device. When the electronic device does not have a sufficient immunity can occur a deterioration of its functionality, temporary failure or even a permanent damage to the device. The aim of this paper is perform the test of electromagnetic susceptibility for the electrostatic discharge at the keyboard of the alarm system. Immunity test will be performed according to instructions in the standards of electromagnetic compatibility.LO1303, Ministry of Educatio

    Wireless interface for digitally-controlled applications

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    Práce je zaměřena na praktickou realizaci bezdrátového rozhraní použitím infračerveného přenosu dat. Tento druh přenosu je použit k měření rychlosti jízdy na motocyklu značky Simson. V práci je uveden způsob realizace digitálního řízení motocyklu prostřednictvím mikrokontrolérů. Digitálním řízením lze snadno vylepšit a rozšířit funkce motocyklu pro lepší obsluhu a jízdu. To umožňuje sběr informací o stavu vybraných částí motocyklu. Potřebné informace mohou být: teplota motoru, stav nabití akumulátoru, ujetá vzdálenost, průměrná rychlost a jiné.The thesis aim is in practical realization of wireless interface, which is created by infrared relay in motorcycle Simson. Infrared relay is used for speed measuring. This work describes the realization of digital controlling by microcontrollers. Digital controlling can easily improve and upgrade functions for better driving comfort. It’s possible by getting information about condition of selected motorcycle parts. This information can be engine temperature, battery charge, total distance and etc.