25 research outputs found

    Dried apple enriched with mandarin juice counteracts tamoxifen induced oxidative stress in rats

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    [EN] The effect of a product made of dehydrated apples enriched with mandarin juice by vacuum impregnation on markers of oxidative stress (plasma antioxidant capacity, carbonyl groups (CGs), 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8OHdG) and alpha-tocopherol) was tested in rats. Six groups of animals were studied: one group was fed a standard diet; two groups were supplemented with dehydrated apple either impregnated or not with mandarin juice throughout 28 days; and three groups (one unsupplemented and two supplemented) were additionally treated with tamoxifen (TAM) for 21 days used for induction of oxidative stress. The rats treated with TAM showed an increase in aminotransferases, CGs and 8OHdG. All of these effects were significantly decreased in the animals after apple snack consumption; the addition of mandarin juice into the apple mainly accounts for increased levels of alpha-tocopherol in plasma and liver. These findings suggest that the food product have a protective action against oxidative stress induced by TAM in rats.We appreciate the support of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain for its contribution through project PET2008_0015.Codoñer Franch, P.; Betoret Valls, ME.; López Jaén, AB.; Betoret Valls, N.; Fito Maupoey, P.; Valls Bellés, MV. (2013). Dried apple enriched with mandarin juice counteracts tamoxifen induced oxidative stress in rats. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 64(7):815-821. doi:10.3109/09637486.2013.798267S815821647Ainsworth, E. A., & Gillespie, K. M. (2007). Estimation of total phenolic content and other oxidation substrates in plant tissues using Folin–Ciocalteu reagent. Nature Protocols, 2(4), 875-877. doi:10.1038/nprot.2007.102Alvarez-Parrilla, E., De La Rosa, L. A., Legarreta, P., Saenz, L., Rodrigo-García, J., & González-Aguilar, G. A. (2010). 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    La ingestión de un producto derivado de manzana deshidratada enriquecido con zumo de mandarina mediante tecnología de impregnación al vacio mejora la capacidad antioxidante y disminuye la inflamación en los niños obesos

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    [EN] Background: A favorable effect over development of degenerative diseases is derived of an adecuate intake of fruit and vegetables, mainly due to their antioxidant compounds Objectives: The goal of this study was to test the effect in vivo over oxidant status and inflammation in obese children of a novel food product made of dried apples enriched with mandarin juice by vacuum impregnation. Methods: A four-week intervention study was conducted in 41 obese children (> 2 standard deviation score-body mass index). Participants were instructed to follow their usual diet supplemented with 40 g/day of the developed product. Anthropometric parameters were determined including body mass index, waist circumference and estimations of body fat percentage using bioelectrical impedance. Dietary intake was assessed by questionnaire. Metabolic risk factors (blood pressure, lipid profile, glucose and insulin resistance) were recorded. To determine oxidant status, plasma total antioxidant capacity and 8- hydroxydeoxyguanosine, as marker of oxidative damage to DNA, were investigated. High-sensitive C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukins 6 and 1-α were measured as inflammatory markers. Measurements were collected at baseline and at the end of the intervention period. Results: Significant improvement in systolic blood pressure and lipid profile after intervention period was noted. A significant increase in the antioxidant capacity of plasma (ABTS and FRAP assays) and reductions in DNA oxidative damage and inflammatory markers were also found. Conclusion: Overall, adding the product to the diet contributes to ameliorate oxidant and inflammatory status in obese children and several risk factors for athe - rosclerosis.[ES] Antecedentes: Una adecuada ingesta de vegetales previene el desarrollo de enfermedades degenerativas, principalmente debido a sus compuestos antioxidantes. Objetivo: Evaluamos el efecto in vivo en los niños obesos de un nuevo producto alimenticio hecho de manzanas deshidratadas enriquecidas con zumo de mandarina mediante impregnación a vacío. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo longitudinal de cuatro semanas de duración. Se estudiaron 41 niños obesos que suplementaron su dieta habitual con 40 g/día del producto desarrollado. Se determinaron parámetros antropométricos (índice de masa corporal, circunferencia de la cintura) y estimación de la de grasa corporal con impedancia bioeléctrica. La ingesta dietética se evaluó por cuestionario. Se registraron factores de riesgo metabólico (presión sanguínea, perfil lipídico, glucosa y resistencia insulínica). El estado oxidante se investigó mediante la capacidad antioxidante total del plasma y la 8-hydroxideoxiguanosina (marcador de daño oxidativo al ADN) y como marcadores de inflamación valoramos la proteína C-reactiva ultrasensible, el factor de necrosis tumoral-α y las interleukinas 6 y 1-α. Las mediciones se recogieron al inicio y al final del período de intervención. Resultados: Encontramos una mejoría significativa en la presión arterial sistólica y en el perfil lipídico después del período de intervención. Igualmente demostramos un aumento significativo de la capacidad antioxidante del plasma, una reducción del daño oxidativo del ADN y de los marcadores inflamatorios. Conclusión: La adición a la dieta del producto elaborado con manzana deshidratada, y enriquecido con zumo de mandarina mediante impregnación al vacío, contribuye a mejorar el estado oxidante e inflamatorio en los niños obesos, así como diversos factores de riesgo cardiometabólicoWe appreciate the support of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain for its contribution through project PET2008_0015.Codoñer Franch, P.; Betoret Valls, ME.; Betoret Valls, N.; López Jaén, AB.; Valls Bellés, MV.; Fito Maupoey, P. (2013). Dried apple snacks enriched with mandarin juice improves antioxidant capacity and decreases inflammation in obese children. Nutricion Hospitalaria. 28(4):1177-1183. https://doi.org/10.3305/nh.2013.28.4.6580S1177118328

    Human Milk Antioxidative Modifications in Mastitis: Further Beneficial Effects of Cranberry Supplementation

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    Mastitis is the inflammation of one or several mammal lobes which can be accompanied by a mammary gland infection, and is the leading cause of undesired early weaning in humans. However, little information exists regarding the changes that this disease may induce in the biochemical composition of human milk, especially in terms of oxidative status. Given that newborns are subject to a significant increase in total ROS burden in their transition to neonatal life and that their antioxidant defense system is not completely developed, the aim of this study was to evaluate antioxidant defense (glutathione peroxidase (GPx), reduced glutathione (GSH), total polyphenol content (TPP), and total antioxidant capacity (TAC)) in milk samples from mothers suffering from mastitis and controls. We also measured the oxidative damage to lipids (malondyaldehyde (MDA)) and proteins (carbonyl group content (CGC)) in these samples. Finally, we tested whether dietary supplementation with cranberries (a product rich in antioxidants) in these breastfeeding mothers during 21 days could improve the oxidative status of milk. GPx activity, TPP, and TAC were increased in milk samples from mastitis-affected women, providing a protective mechanism to the newborn drinking mastitis milk. MDA concentrations were diminished in the mastitis group, confirming this proposal. Some oxidative damage might occur in the mammary gland since the CGC was increased in mastitis milk. Cranberries supplementation seems to strengthen the antioxidant system, further improving the antioxidative state of milk

    Infusions of Portuguese medicinal plants: dependence of final antioxidant capacity and phenol content on extraction features

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    BACKGROUND: Aqueous extracts of most medicinal plants traditionally employed in Portugal (at the ratio of 1 g plant: 110mL water) have been assayed for total antioxidant capacity and phenol content, in order to elucidate their claimed medicinal features. RESULTS: The antioxidant activity was assessed by theABTS•+ method; the ascorbic acid equivalent values ranged from 1.4280 ± 0.1261 g L−1 for avocado (Persea americana (Lauraceae)) obtained by infusion of powder, down to 0.0027 ± 0.0012 g L−1 for olive (Olea europaea (Oleaceae)) obtained by infusion of leaves. Total phenol content was determined by the Folin–Ciocalteu procedure; the gallic acid equivalent values ranged from 0.5541 ± 0.0289 g L−1 for avocado obtained by infusion of powder, down to 0.0053 ± 0.0014 g L−1 for olive obtained by boiling leaves. A good correlation between total antioxidant capacity and total phenol content was found. CONCLUSION: The method of powder infusion should be chosen if high concentration of antioxidants are sought. On the other hand, a high antioxidant capacity and a high phenol content correlate well with the empirically established (and widely publicised) capacity to treat respiratory infections

    Impact of a Primary Care Antimicrobial Stewardship Program on Bacterial Resistance Control and Ecological Imprint in Urinary Tract Infections

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    Antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) are a central component in reducing the overprescription of unnecessary antibiotics, with multiple studies showing benefits in the reduction of bacterial resistance. Less commonly, ASPs have been performed in outpatient settings, but there is a lack of available data in these settings. We implemented an ASP in a large regional outpatient setting to assess its feasibility and effectiveness. Over a 5-year post-implementation period, compared to the pre-intervention period, a significant reduction in antibiotic prescription occurred, with a reduction in resistance in E. coli urinary isolates. ASP activities also were found to be cost-effective, with a reduction in medication prescription

    Antioxidant effect of melanoidins after induction of oxidative stress in isolated rat hepatocytes

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    Se estudia el efecto de las melanoidinas en el estrés oxidativo inducido por adriamicina en hepatocitos aislados de rata. Las melanoidinas presentan un efecto protector, incrementando la viabilidad celular y protegiendo a los lípidos y a las proteínas del estrés oxidativoMelanoidins have a protective effect over macromolecules. They increase cellular viability and protect lipids and proteins from oxidative stres