208 research outputs found

    A Nonextensive Statistical Physics Analysis of the 1995 Kobe, Japan Earthquake

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    This paper presents an analysis of the distribution of earthquake magnitudes for the period 1990–1998 in a broad area surrounding the epicenter of the 1995 Kobe earthquake. The frequency–magnitude distribution analysis is performed in a nonextensive statistical physics context. The nonextensive parameter q M , which is related to the frequency-magnitude distribution, reflects the existence of long-range correlations and is used as an index of the physical state of the studied area. Examination of the possible variations of q M values is performed during the period 1990–1998. A significant increase of q M occurs some months before the strong earthquake on April 9, 1994 indicating the start of a preparation phase prior to the Kobe earthquake. It should be noted that this increase coincides with the occurrence of six seismic events. Each of these events had a magnitude M = 4.1. The evolution of seismicity along with the increase of q M indicate the system’s transition away from equilibrium and its preparation for energy release. It seems that the variations of q M values reflect rather well the physical evolution towards the 1995 Kobe earthquake

    A note on the topographic distortion of magnetotelluric impedance

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    Magnetotelluric surveys are prone to interpretation errors in the presence of rough topography, which may need to be compensated for. In the present work we assume that the surface of the Earth is simulated by a single-valued, twice differentiable function f(x,y). By appropriately expanding the surface magnetic field, we obtain the distorted magnetotelluric impedance tensor in terms of an expansion depending on the external radii of curvature of f(x,y) at the observation point and on skin depth. Based on first principles, an analytic estimation of the topographic corrections of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor is obtained

    On the nature, scaling and spectral properties of pre-seismic ULF signals

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    International audienceEarlier work by the authors (Vallianatos and Tzanis, 1999b), has proposed a model for the propagation and scaling of electric earthquake precursors, according to which the pre-seismic electric field emission is due to some time dependent polarisation appearing in an ensemble of electrified crustal volumes within the seismogenic source, which are distributed according to a fractal power law. Herein, we extend this formulation to the analysis of ULF magnetic precursors. We calculate the resulting transient magnetic field, which turns out to be mainly vertical and observable only if the seismogenic process generates a source with polarization rate perpendicular to the vertical plane through the source and the receiver. Furthermore, a scaling law between the vertical magnetic field and the magnitude of the associated earthquake is provided. We also investigate the spectral distribution law expected from such a set of emitters. To this effect, we assume that the evolution of the precursory polarisation process is quasi-incoherent over the exited ensemble, i.e. there is no unique relaxation time, but rather a spectrum of these with energy dependence expressed by an Arrhenius law with uniformly distributed energies. We show that the macroscopic ULF field resulting from the superposition of such an ensemble of sources has a power density spectrum distributed proportionally to 1/f . The above theoretical prediction appears to be consistent with independent observations by other investigators

    Distributed power-law seismicity changes and crustal deformation in the SW Hellenic ARC

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    A region of definite accelerating seismic release rates has been identified at the SW Hellenic Arc and Trench system, of Peloponnesus, and to the south-west of the island of Kythera (Greece). The identification was made after detailed, parametric time-to-failure modelling on a 0.1° square grid over the area 20° E – 27° E and 34° N–38° N. The observations are strongly suggestive of terminal-stage critical point behaviour (critical exponent of the order of 0.25), leading to a large earthquake with magnitude 7.1 ± 0.4, to occur at time 2003.6 ± 0.6. In addition to the region of accelerating seismic release rates, an adjacent region of decelerating seismicity was also observed. The acceleration/deceleration pattern appears in such a well structured and organised manner, which is strongly suggestive of a causal relationship. An explanation may be that the observed characteristics of distributed power-law seismicity changes may be produced by stress transfer from a fault, to a region already subjected to stress inhomogeneities, i.e. a region defined by the stress field required to rupture a fault with a specified size, orientation and rake. Around a fault that is going to rupture, there are bright spots (regions of increasing stress) and stress shadows (regions relaxing stress); whereas acceleration may be observed in bright spots, deceleration may be expected in the shadows. We concluded that the observed seismic release patterns can possibly be explained with a family of NE-SW oriented, left-lateral, strike-slip to oblique-slip faults, located to the SW of Kythera and Antikythera and capable of producing earthquakes with magnitudes MS ~ 7. Time-to-failure modelling and empirical analysis of earthquakes in the stress bright spots yield a critical exponent of the order 0.25 as expected from theory, and a predicted magnitude and critical time perfectly consistent with the figures given above. Although we have determined an approximate location, time and magnitude, it is as yet difficult to assert a prediction for reasons discussed in the text. However, our results, as well as similar independent observations by another research team, indicate that a strong earthquake may occur at the SW Hellenic Arc, in the next few years

    A thermodynamic approach of self- and hetero-diffusion in GaAs:Connecting point defect parameters with bulk properties

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    GaAs diffusion is investigated with respect to temperature and pressure using a model that interconnects point defect with bulk properties.</p

    The earthquake intervent time distribution along the Hellenic subduction Zone.

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    Η ελληνική ζώνη υποβύθισης είναι η πιο σεισμική περιοχή της Ευρώπης. Η κατανομή Weibullέχει χρησιμοποιηθεί σαν μοντέλο για την περιγραφή των χρονικών διαστημάτων μεταξύ διαδοχικών σεισμών σε συγκεκριμένες ρηξιγενείς ζώνες (Rikitake, 1976; Rikitake, 1991), καθώς και για την περιγραφή της σεισμικότητας μίας ευρύτερης περιοχής (Hasumietal., 2009). Taδεδομένα που αναλύουμε σε αυτή την εργασία αφορούν την ελληνική ζώνη υποβύθισης και καλύπτουν την περίοδο 1976-2009. Χρησιμοποιούμε τις σεισμικές πηγές επιφανειακών σεισμών όπως αυτές ορίζονται από τους PapaioannouandPapazachos(2000), καθώς και τονκατάλογο σεισμών των Makropoulosetal. (2012) για την Ελλάδα και τις παρακείμενες περιοχές. Η εφαρμογή της κατανομής Weibullστα χρονικά διαστήματα μεταξύ διαδοχικών σεισμών αναλύεται και περιγράφεται σε αυτή την εργασία.The Hellenic Subduction Zone (HSZ) is the most seismically active region in Europe (Becker and Meier, 2010). The evolution of such an active region is characterized by complex phenomenology and is expressed through seismicity. Seismicity temporal patterns remain as one of the most important topics in earth sciences. The Weibull distribution has been used as a recurrence time model for large earthquakes (Rikitake, 1976; Rikitake, 1991). Moreover,Hasumi et al. (2009) used the Weibulllog Weibull distribution for the study of the interoccurrence times of earthquakes in Japan.The dataset formed in this study concerns the seismic belt of the HSZ during the period 1976-2009. We use the external seismic sources of shallow earthquakes in the Aegean and the surrounding area (Papaioannou and Papazachos, 2000) along with the updated and extended earthquake catalogue for Greece and adjacent areas (Makropoulos et al., 2012).The application of the Weibull distribution to the interevent times of the formed dataset is analyzed and discussed