138 research outputs found

    Integration of ICT into the technology subject in secondary education

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    Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) están pasando por un momento especialmente interesante dentro del ámbito educativo de la Educación Secundaria, y por ello, es importante analizar el papel que otorgan los profesores a estas tecnologías dentro de la enseñanza, conocer su formación en TIC y la importancia que le atribuyen a dicha formación, qué dificultades se encuentran para integrarlas en su labor educativa y qué usos hacen de ellas en su propia práctica docente. La investigación se centra en el profesorado de Tecnología de los Centros TIC de Educación Secundaria de la provincia de Jaén.Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are living a period of great interest and relevance within the learning curriculum of Secondary Education and, in consequence, it is essential to carry out an analysis on the importance that teachers give to these technologies in the framework of education; to know their skills and attitudes related to ICT and the degree of significance with which ICT are considered by educators, the difficulties and obstacles they find to put them into practice in everyday classes and the uses they make of them in their teaching context. This research is focused on the Technology teachers of ICT Secondary Education Schools in the province of Jaén

    Psychometric properties of a dropout prediction tool for students in Andalusia

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    This article analyzes the psychometric properties of the scale used in the research corresponding to the topic “Stories of Abandonment. A Biographical-Narrative Approach to the Academic Dropout in Andalusian Universities. Multicausal Analysis and Proposals for Prevention.” The scale is composed of 71 items, with five Likert-type response alternatives. The participants forming the convenience sample were 970 from six Spanish universities. The study dimensions are: A.- Motivation, B.-Commitment, C.-Attitude and behavior, D.-Socioeconomic conditions, and finally E.-Permanence. The study begins by calculating the statistical power and the effect size, thus determining the type I and type II error. Similarly, reliability has been calculated based on the intercorrelation of items through Cronbach’s alpha (0.906). The construct validity was carried out through exploratory factor analysis, for which the correlation matrix was studied using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy (KMO coefficient), in this case the value is 0.886, the result of Bartlett’s test of sphericity is 0.000 and the Determinant 4.009E−12, so we continue with the analysis of the correlational structure, extracting the factors through the principal components method and determining in this way the communalities with the highest and lowest values. Next, we calculated the total variance explained, obtaining 16 factors and an accumulated variance of 57.315%. Finally, the model was determined by distributing the items according to the highest level of saturation by factors, obtaining a 30-item scale with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.893, which is reliable. In conclusion, the questionnaire used complies with the psychometric aspects necessary to be an optimal scaleB-SEJ-516-UGR1


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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are experiencing aperiod of great interest and relevance within the learning curriculum of Secondary Education. With this work, we aim to show some of the results obtained with the creation and implementation of an educational program based on the use of ICT’s for teaching the subject of Technology in Secondary Education.Some of the research objectives are to analyze the influence of ICT’s onacademic performance and student motivation, and to analyze the opinions of teachers and students on the use of ICT’s in the teaching of the subject. In the research process, a quasi-experimental method has been used, adopting the pre-test/post-test design with a control group. The experimental group has used ICT’s and the control group has not. In both cases, the syllabus and course contents have been the same. An intentional non-probability sampling has been used for the selection of the sample. The sample consists of 194 students.A questionnaire has been used as a research tool. The research results indicate that students who use ICT’s also achieve better grades and are more motivated.From the analysis of the results we conclude that the application of ICT’simproves the academic performance and motivation of students significantly.Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) están pasando por un momento especialmente importante dentro del ámbito educativo de la Educación Secundaria. Con este trabajo, se pretende mostrar algunos de los resultados obtenidos con la creación y aplicación de un programa educativo basado en el empleo de las TIC para la enseñanza de Tecnología de Educación Secundaria. Entre los objetivos de la investigación, se pretende analizar su influencia sobre el rendimiento académico y la motivación del alumnado, así como conocer la opinión de los profesores y alumnos sobre el uso de las TIC en la enseñanza de la asignatura. En el proceso de investigación se ha empleadoel método cuasiexperimental, adoptando el diseño pretest-postest con grupo de control. El grupo experimental ha empleado las TIC mientras que el de control no las ha utilizado. En ambos casos, la programación y los contenidos de la asignatura han sido los mismos. Para la selección de la muestrase ha empleado un muestreo no probabilístico intencional. La muestra está formada por un total de 194 alumnos. Como instrumento de investigación se ha utilizado el cuestionario. Los resultados de la investigación indican que los alumnos que emplean las TIC obtienen mejores calificaciones y están másmotivados. Se llega a la conclusión de que la aplicación del programa educativo basado en las TIC mejora el rendimiento escolar y la motivación del alumnado de forma significativa

    Procesos de orientación en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje

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    ABSTRACT The history of human civilization runs parallel to the expansion of the new technologies. Their use in education and counselling must facilitate the necessary conditions for personalized attention to students gaining access to digital systems developed for this purpose, such as Virtual Learning Environments (EVE, in Spanish). This paper discusses these issues from a counselling perspective, it assesses interactivity fostered by EVE, reviews counsellors characteristics and virtual tutors, and contributes to the field from a prospective point of view.RESUMENLa historia de la humanidad se desarrolla de forma paralela a la expansión de las nuevas tecnologías. Su uso en la educación y la orientación deberá permitir condiciones para la atención personalizada del alumnado que accede a los sistemas digitales desarrollados al efecto, como es el caso de los Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (EVA). En el presente artículo se analizan estas cuestiones desde una perspectiva orientadora, se valora la interactividad que favorece los EVA, se estudian las características que presentan el orientador y el tutor virtual y se realizan aportaciones desde un punto de vista prospectivo.ABSTRACTThe history of human civilization runs parallel to the expansion of the new technologies. Their use in education and counselling must facilitate the necessary conditions for personalized attention to students gaining access to digital systems developed for this purpose, such as Virtual Learning Environments (EVE, in Spanish). This paper discusses these issues from a counselling perspective, it assesses interactivity fostered by EVE, reviews counsellors characteristics and virtual tutors, and contributes to the field from a prospective point of view

    Multiple intelligences: Educational and cognitive development with a guiding focus

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    Development and dissemination of innovative pedagogies continues to be one of the challenges of the 21st century. The visible deficiencies in the educational field have highlighted the need for other types of pedagogies that promote complete student development. Gardner’s theory about multiple intelligences (MIs) has great potential that has not yet been realised in practice in school contexts. With this research we aimed to analyse the relationship between the intelligences that students develop in primary education and the increase in certain cognitive and academic capacities, and to demonstrate that a pedagogy based on Gardner’s theory does more to promote creativity, maturation and school performance than traditional teaching-learning pedagogies. A total of 420 participants from 2 state-funded schools participated in this study (experimental group = EG; control group = CG). The EG (n = 230) was taught using Gardner’s theory and the CG (n = 190) was taught according to traditional pedagogy. There was an association between the intelligences developed by the students and their academic, creative, and maturational levels. Finally, significant differences were found between the EG and CG, with the EG obtaining a higher mean in the variables analysed in favour of the EG. In conclusion, using MIs in classrooms allows for a more mature and creative development and greater academic performance. Keywords: creative development; intellectual maturity; multiple intelligences; school performanc

    La transición de inmigrantes con hijos en edad escolar

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    La perspectiva intercultural ante la diversidad en España coincide con la presencia cada vez más numerosa de inmigrantes. De esta manera los sistemas educativos tienen que hacer frente a la diversidad cultural y de ofrecer a todos los alumnos una educación capaz de promover la integración y mejorar la convivencia entre los diferentes sectores de la población. De aquí la necesidad de llevar a cabo estudios que sirvan de base para que la educación intercultural sea una realidad mediante actuaciones y diseños de programas que sirvan como guías de orientación para mejorar las prácticas educativas en los centros educativos. Esta investigación analiza las variables sociofamiliares, laborales y educativas de los inmigrantes, poniendo de relieve los puntos fuertes y las necesidades de mejora que se han de tener en cuenta para favorecer la integración de la población inmigrante.The intercultural perspective in the diversity in Spain coincides with the presence of more and more immigrants. Thus, the educative systems have to face the intercultural diversity and they have to offer all the students an education which is able to promote the integration and improve the coexistence of different sections of the society. For these reasons, it is neces- sary to conduct studies which allow the intercultural education to become a reality by means of programme designs. As a result, these programmes may be used as orientation guides to improve the educative practices in the educative institutions. This study analyses the immi- grants’ sociofamiliar, labour and educative variables, focusing on the strong points and weaknesses that have to be taken into account to favour the integration of immigrant

    Mejoras del conocimiento de la cultura propia y del otro tras la aplicación de un programa basado en las TIC

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    In this paper we present the results of research on an intercultural network to check its effects both at personal level and as regards the knowledge of one´s culture and that of other students in the third cycle of primary education. Part of the article goes over the theories and previous research on the subject. In these we can find that for the most part it dealt with the phenomenon of immigration in schools, but virtually none of them is related to telematic systems. The formulation of specific research goals opens the path to the presentation of qualitative methodology based on the portfolio as a tool for collecting data from students and teachers. The results show substantial improvements in the main categories of the study, especially in the knowledge of culture, democratic values and civic attitudes.En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigación en la que se aplica un programa intercultural en red para comprobar sus efectos, tanto a nivel personal como en el conocimiento de la cultura propia y la del otro, en alumnado del tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Parte del artículo hace una revisión de las teorías e investigaciones previas sobre la temática, en las que se constata que en su mayor parte tratan del fenómeno de la inmigración en centros, pero prácticamente ninguna de ellas se relaciona con sistemas telemáticos. La formulación de los objetivos específicos de la investigación dan paso a la presentación de la metodología cualitativa, basada en el portafolios como instrumento de recogida de datos en alumnado y profesorado. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto mejoras sustanciales en las principales categorías del estudio, de manera especial en el conocimiento de la cultura, valores democráticos y actitudes ciudadanas

    Los retos de la dirección escolar en los centros comunidades de aprendizaje de Andalucía

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    ABSTRACTThe management of the teaching centers has acquired new challenges with the current legislation, giving the director greater responsibility. For this reason, the proper functioning and organization of the centers depends on the idiosyncrasy of the management project, since it conditions their educational project. In this study we have analyzed 34 centers in Andalusia transformed into Learning Communities (CdA) by conducting personal interviews with each director. To this end, a qualitative methodology has been followed, which allows us to describe and understand the reality that is studied by adding social and cultural aspects of the context. The Nvivo 10 program has been used to describe the relationships between the different categories according to the references obtained by the interviewees. It has been shown that the role of management has a decisive influence on the pedagogical innovation processes of these centers and the main difficulties encountered by the director throughout the entire process have been identified. On the other hand, it has been observed that the satisfaction of the latter conditions the work of the teaching staff, as well as the improvement in the relationship of the members of the educational community and their own perception of the school. In conclusion, it can be assured that the directors of CdA centers need to carry out a pedagogical, democratic and distributed leadership among all the members of the educational community in order to get the project implemented efficiently, resulting in improvements in performance and coexistence of the center.RESUMEN La dirección de los centros docentes ha adquirido con la legislación actual nuevos retos, dotando de mayor responsabilidad al director. Por este motivo, el correcto funcionamiento y organización de los centros depende de la idiosincrasia del proyecto de dirección, ya que condiciona su proyecto educativo. En el presente estudio se han analizado 34 centros de Andalucía transformados en Comunidades de Aprendizaje (CdA) mediante la realización de entrevistas personales a cada director. Con tal fin, se ha seguido una metodología cualitativa, la cual, permite describir y comprender la realidad que estudia añadiendo aspectos sociales y culturales del contexto. Se ha utilizado el programa Nvivo 10 para describir las relaciones entre las distintas categorías según las referencias obtenidas por parte de los entrevistados. Se ha demostrado que el papel de la dirección influye decisivamente en los procesos de innovación pedagógica de estos centros y se han identificado las principales dificultades con las que se encuentra el director a lo largo de todo el proceso. Por otro lado, se ha observado que la satisfacción de éste condiciona el trabajo del profesorado, así como la mejora en la relación de los miembros de la comunidad educativa y de su propia percepción del centro escolar. Como conclusión, se puede asegurar que los directores de centros CdA necesitan llevar a cabo un liderazgo pedagógico, democrático y distribuido entre todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa para conseguir que el proyecto se implemente de forma eficaz, dando como resultado mejoras en el rendimiento y convivencia del centro.   ABSTRACTThe management of the teaching centers has acquired new challenges with the current legislation, giving the director greater responsibility. For this reason, the proper functioning and organization of the centers depends on the idiosyncrasy of the management project, since it conditions their educational project. In this study we have analyzed 34 centers in Andalusia transformed into Learning Communities (CdA) by conducting personal interviews with each director. To this end, a qualitative methodology has been followed, which allows us to describe and understand the reality that is studied by adding social and cultural aspects of the context. The Nvivo 10 program has been used to describe the relationships between the different categories according to the references obtained by the interviewees. It has been shown that the role of management has a decisive influence on the pedagogical innovation processes of these centers and the main difficulties encountered by the director throughout the entire process have been identified. On the other hand, it has been observed that the satisfaction of the latter conditions the work of the teaching staff, as well as the improvement in the relationship of the members of the educational community and their own perception of the school. In conclusion, it can be assured that the directors of CdA centers need to carry out a pedagogical, democratic and distributed leadership among all the members of the educational community in order to get the project implemented efficiently, resulting in improvements in performance and coexistence of the center.