7 research outputs found

    New Neutron Log for Small Scale Variations in Carbon/Oxygen Ratio

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    Kemijski profil sedimenata Plominskog zaljeva

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    Granulometric, chemical, and leaching properties of sediments dredged in the Plomin Bay (Northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia) were investigated in order to asses the risk of remobilisation of heavy metals into the water column. In total 65 samples from 65 sampling sites were taken from different sediment depths within the bay. Analysis of variance confirmed the homogeneity of granulometric and elemental composition of the investigated sediment throughout its volume. Granulometric analysis showed that all samples corresponded to a pelitic fraction (<0.063 mm). Bulk elemental mass fractions in the sediments were similar to literature data on relatively unpolluted areas of the Adriatic Sea. High sedimentation rate caused by constant infl ow of material from the Boljunčica River drainage may be responsible for low levels of heavy metals and negligible infl uence of fl y and bottom ash from a nearby disposal site on the chemical composition of the sediments. In contact with sea water only 0.29 mg kg-1 of V, 0.04 mg kg-1 of Cr, 0.07 mg kg-1 of Ni, 0.33 mg kg-1 of Cu, 0.67 mg kg-1 of Zn and 0.06 mg kg-1 of Pb could be remobilised from sediment material into the water column. However, these values increased three to ten times in case of leaching with organic acids.Granulometrijska i kemijska svojstva te mogućnost otpuštanja teških metala ispitivani su u sedimentima Plominskog zaljeva (Sjeverni Jadran, Hrvatska) u svrhu utvrđivanja rizika od remobilizacije teških metala iz sedimenta u stupac vode. Uzeto je 65 uzoraka s različitih točaka i dubina unutar zaljeva. Analizom varijance potvrđena je granulometrijska i kemijska homogenost cijelog volumena sedimenta, što upućuje na jedan prevladavajući izvor tijekom cijeloga sedimentacijskog razdoblja. Granulometrijskom analizom je utvrđeno da u svim uzorcima prevladava sitnozrnata frakcija (<0,063 mm). Koncentracije elemenata u ukupnim uzorcima sedimenata slične su literaturnim vrijednostima objavljenim za relativno onečišćena područja Jadranskog mora. Velika brzina sedimentacije uzrokovana konstantnim donosom materijala iz slijevnog područja Boljunčice vjerojatan je uzrok niskih koncentracija teških metala i slabo vidljivog utjecaja odlagališta šljake i pepela na sastav sedimenata. U kontaktu s morskom vodom moguća je remobilizacija samo 0,29 mg kg-1 V, 0,04 mg kg-1 Cr, 0,07 mg kg-1 Ni, 0,33 mg kg-1 Cu, 0,67 mg kg-1 Zn i 0,06 mg kg-1 Pb iz sedimenta u stupac morske vode. Ipak ove vrijednosti su tri do deset puta povećane u slučaju izluživanja s pomoću organskih kiselina

    Development of a new neutron probe for borehole research

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    Neutronska proba za ispitivanje naftnih bušotina razvijena je na Institutu Ruđer Bošković u okviru HRZZ projekta IP-2018-01-4060 \u27\u27Nove primjene 14 MeV neutrona\u27\u27. U ovom istraživanju ispitane su daljnje mogućnosti redukcije šuma u mjerenju C/O omjera metodom pridružene alfa čestice. Mješavina kvarcnog pijeska i grafitnog praha korištena je kao materijal od interesa , dok su plastične bočice ispunjene dizel gorivom korištene kao šum (smetnja) i predstavljaju tekućinu unutar naftne bušotine (npr. nafta). Podjela alfa detektora na četiri jednaka segmenta, omogućila je podjelu volumena oko osi neutronske probe na četiri kvadranta. Materijal od interesa i dizel smješteni su u različite kvadrante i pokazano je da su C/O vrijednosti u slučajevima kad je smetnja prisutna unutar statističke greške u odnosu na slučaj kada smetnje nema.The neutron probe for testing oil wells was developed at the Ruđer Bošković Institute within the HRZZ project IP-2018-01-4060 "New applications of 14 MeV neutrons". In this study, further possibilities of noise reduction in C/O ratio measurement by the associated alpha particle method were investigated. A mixture of quartz sand and graphite powder was used as the material of interest, while plastic bottles filled with diesel fuel were used as noise (interference) and represent the liquid inside the oil well (e.g. oil). Dividing the alpha detector into four equal segments, allowed portioning the volume around the neutron probe axis into four quadrants. The material of interest and diesel were located in different quadrants and it is shown that the C/O values in cases where interference is present are within statistical errors compared to the case where there is no interference

    Detection of hidden explosives in different scenarios with the use of nuclear probes

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    Abstract The detection of landmines by using available technologies is a time consuming, expensive and extremely dangerous job, so that there is a need for a technological breakthrough in this field. Atomic and nuclear physics based sensors might offer new possibilities in de-mining. Technology and methods derived from the studies applied to the detection of landmines can be successfully applied to the screening of cargo in customs inspections

    Sea container inspection with tagged neutrons

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    Neutron inspection of sea-going cargo containers has been widely studied in the past 20 yr to non-intrusively detect terrorist threats, like explosives or Special Nuclear Materials (SNM), and illicit goods, like narcotics or smuggling materials. Fast 14 MeV neutrons are produced by a portable generator with the t(d, n)α fusion reaction, and tagged in both direction and time thanks to the alpha particle detection. This Associated Particle Technique (APT) allows focusing inspection on specific areas of interest in the containers, previously identified as containing suspicious items with X-ray radiographic scanners or radiation portal monitors. We describe the principle of APT for non-nuclear material identification, and for nuclear material detection, then we provide illustrations of the performances for 10 min inspections with significant quantities (kilograms) of explosives, illicit drugs, or SNM, in different cargo cover loads (e.g. metallic, organic, or ceramic matrices)

    The EURITRACK project: development of a tagged neutron inspection system for cargo containers

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    International audienceThe EURopean Illicit TRAfficing Countermeasures Kit project is part of the 6th European Union Framework Program, and aims at developing a neutron inspection system for detecting threat materials (explosives, drugs, etc.) in cargo containers. Neutron interaction in the container produces specific gamma-rays used to determine the chemical composition of the inspected material. An associated particle sealed tube neutron generator is developed to allow precise location of the interaction point by direction and time-of-flight measurements of the neutrons tagged by alpha-particles. The EURITRACK project consists in developing: a transportable deuterium-tritium neutron generator including a position sensitive alpha detector (8×8 matrix of YAP:Ce crystals coupled to a multi-anode photomultiplier), fast neutron and gamma-ray detectors, front-end electronics to perform coincidence and spectroscopic measurements, and an integrated software which manages neutron generator and detectors positioning, data acquisition and analysis. Hardware components have been developed and tested by the consortium partners. Current status of this work and provisional performances of the system assessed by Monte Carlo calculations are presented