2,113 research outputs found

    Etomidate and its Analogs:A Review of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

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    Etomidate is a hypnotic agent that is used for the induction of anesthesia. It produces its effect by acting as a positive allosteric modulator on the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor and thus enhancing the effect of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid. Etomidate stands out among other anesthetic agents by having a remarkably stable cardiorespiratory profile, producing no cardiovascular or respiratory depression. However, etomidate suppresses the adrenocortical axis by the inhibition of the enzyme 11 beta-hydroxylase. This makes the drug unsuitable for administration by a prolonged infusion. It also makes the drug unsuitable for administration to critically ill patients. Etomidate has relatively large volumes of distributions and is rapidly metabolized by hepatic esterases into an inactive carboxylic acid through hydrolyzation. Because of the decrease in popularity of etomidate, few modern extensive pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic studies exist. Over the last decade, several analogs of etomidate have been developed, with the aim of retaining its stable cardiorespiratory profile, whilst eliminating its suppressive effect on the adrenocortical axis. One of these molecules, ABP-700, was studied in extensive phase I clinical trials. These found that ABP-700 is characterized by small volumes of distribution and rapid clearance. ABP-700 is metabolized similarly to etomidate, by hydrolyzation into an inactive carboxylic acid. Furthermore, ABP-700 showed a rapid onset and offset of clinical effect. One side effect observed with both etomidate and ABP-700 is the occurrence of involuntary muscle movements. The origin of these movements is unclear and warrants further research

    Personality and local brain structure: Their shared genetic basis and reproducibility

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    Local cortical architecture is highly heritable and distinct genes are associated with specific cortical regions. Total surface area has been shown to be genetically correlated with complex cognitive capacities, suggesting cortical brain structure is a viable endophenotype linking genes to behavior. However, to what extend local brain structure has a genetic association with cognitive and emotional functioning is incompletely understood. Here, we study the genetic correlation between personality traits and local cortical structure in a large-scale twin sample (Human Connectome Project, n ​= ​1102, 22-37y) and we evaluated whether observed associations reflect generalizable relationships between personality and local brain structure two independent age-matched samples (Brain Genomics Superstructure Project: n ​= ​925, age ​= ​19-35y, enhanced Nathan Kline Institute dataset: n ​= ​209, age: 19-39y). We found a genetic overlap between personality traits and local cortical structure in 10 of 18 observed phenotypic associations in predominantly frontal cortices. However, we only observed evidence in favor of replication for the negative association between surface area in medial prefrontal cortex and Neuroticism in both replication samples. Quantitative functional decoding indicated this region is implicated in emotional and socio-cognitive functional processes. In sum, our observations suggest that associations between local brain structure and personality are, in part, under genetic control. However, associations are weak and only the relation between frontal surface area and Neuroticism was consistently observed across three independent samples of young adults

    Characterization of immune response to neurofilament light in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    PMCID: PMC3856490This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.PMCID: PMC385649

    Scalable, high power line focus diode laser for crystallizing of silicon thin films

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    We present the design and performance of a diode laser module producing a high intensity line focus at 808 nm for material processing. The design is based on a linear array of 7 laser bars and beam forming optics featuring a micro-optic homogenizer. The module delivers a total output power of 900 W at 140 A and peak intensity created in the focus area of 10.3 kW/cm2. Two systems with line length of 5 cm and 10 cm at a large working distance of 110 mm have been realized. The chosen concept allows scaling in length by joining multiple modules which is of interest for material processing in industrial applications. Application results from laser crystallization of amorphous silicon seed layers used in the fabrication of photovoltaic cells for solar panels are given

    What's New in Intravenous Anaesthesia?:New Hypnotics, New Models and New Applications

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    New anaesthetic drugs and new methods to administer anaesthetic drugs are continually becoming available, and the development of new PK-PD models furthers the possibilities of using arget controlled infusion (TCI) for anaesthesia. Additionally, new applications of existing anaesthetic drugs are being investigated. This review describes the current situation of anaesthetic drug development and methods of administration, and what can be expected in the near future

    Effect of prevention measures on incidence of human listeriosis, France, 1987-1997.

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    To assess the impact of preventive measures by the food industry, we analyzed food monitoring data as well as trends in the incidence of listeriosis estimated through three independent sources: the National Reference Center of Listeriosis; a laboratory-based active surveillance network; and two consecutive nationwide surveys of public hospital laboratories. From 1987 to 1997, the incidence of listeriosis decreased by an estimated 68%. A substantial reduction in the proportion of Listeria monocytogenes-contaminated products was observed at the retail level. The temporal relationship between prevention measures by the food industry, reduction in L. monocytogenes-contaminated foodstuffs, and reduction in listeriosis incidence suggests a causal relationship and indicates that a substantial part of the reduction in illness is related to prevention efforts

    Both raloxifene and estrogen reduce major cardiovascular risk factors in healthy postmenopausal women; A 2 year, placebo-controlled study

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    Currently raloxifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, is being investigated as a potential alternative for postmenopausal hormone replacement to prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. We compared the 2-year effects of raloxifene on a wide range of cardiovascular risk factors with those of placebo and conjugated equine estrogens (CEEs). Analyses were based on 56 hysterectomized but otherwise-healthy postmenopausal women aged 54.8±3.5 (mean±SD) years who entered this double- blind study and who were randomly assigned to raloxifene hydrochloride 60 mg/d (n = 15) or 150 mg/d (n= 13), placebo (n= 13), or CEEs 0.625 mg/d (n = 15). At baseline and after 6, 12, and 24 months of treatment, we assessed serum lipids, blood pressure, glucose metabolism, C-reactive protein, and various hemostatic parameters. Compared with placebo, both raloxifene and CEEs lowered the level of low density lipoprotein cholesterol by 0.53 to 0.79 mmol/L (all P<0.04) and lowered, at 24 months, the level of fibrinogen by 0.71 to 0.86 g/L (all P<0.05). The effects of raloxifene and CEEs did not differ significantly. In contrast to raloxifene, from 6 months on CEEs increased high density lipoprotein cholesterol by 0.25 to 0.29 mmol/L and reduced plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 antigen by 30.6 to 48.6 ng/mL (all P<0.02 versus both placebo and raloxifene). CEEs transiently increased C- reactive protein by 1.0 mg/L at 6 months (P<0.05 versus placebo) and- prothrombin-derived fragment F1 +2 by 0.79 nmol/L at 12 months (P<0.001 versus placebo). Finally, from 12 months on, CEEs increased triglycerides by 0.33 to 0.56 mmol/L (all P<0.05 versus both placebo and raloxifene). Our findings suggest that in healthy postmenopausal women, raloxifene and estrogen monotherapy have similar beneficial effects on low density lipoprotein cholesterol and fibrinogen levels. These treatments differ, however, in their effects on high density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and possibly in their effects on prothrombin fragment F1+2 and C-reactive protein