85 research outputs found

    BIM and 3D impression

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    This research is the result of work carried out by the PIE-DIBARQ Group of Educational Innovation ETSEM-UPM during the 2016-2017 courses in its effort to implement a methodology adapted to the new requirements of European Convergence in Higher Education through the use of new technologies and the introduction to them for the students. Nowadays we are not only teaching conventional techniques, but they´re trying, at least experimentally, to show each student more innovative ways in Architectural Representation. This is the case of the use of computers, and the new language BIM. We are not only referring to the computer-assisted instruction, where the teacher is developing several experimental units as fixing the theoretical concepts taught, but also to the use and knowledge of the computer as an element used by the professional as a graphic expression of their ideas, or studies. Although the concept of 3D printer has its origin in the 80’s it is now taking more and more strength, and it is already starting to be used in many industries. The future of 3D printers is promising and from 2014 we begun to be more familiar with them and for sure we will get better printer with a lower prices. The 3D printer is considered by the European Space Agency (ESA) as a pioneering invention of the Third Industrial Revolution, as the steam engine and the internal combustion engine were once. The ability to print anything we have in our computer modelling before is a real change in our conception of production, being classified by experts as disruptive technology more powerful than the Internet itself. If it was possible to print parts for spaceships, food and even human organs, the range of possibilities expands the conception of a giant 3D printer in 24 hours can build a house of more than 200 square meters. Although this is the future of printing the truth it is that when one starts to learn seriously about a 3D printer, discovers with some frustration that the information accessible is rather fanciful. Much is written about the potential of these machines, and we found images of beautiful sculptures of impossible shapes, jewellery or accessories that seem to be taken from a workshop of professional jewellery. In this paper we will see the problems and resolution of the 3D printing in Architecture

    ICD-11 Prolonged Grief Disorder. Prevalence, predictors, and co-occurrence in a large representative sample

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    The International Classification of Diseases has recently defined Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) with symptoms such as longing, worry, and intense emotional pain that exceed sociocultural norms more than 6 months after the loss. This study aims to (a) estimate the prevalence of this new diagnostic category, (b) identify its sociodemographic and loss-related predictors, and (c) assess the co-occurrence of PGD with other psychological disorders and substance abuse. A large representative sample of Spanish adults (N =1498) participated. Several multivariate binary logistic regression and multivariate logistic regression models were used. Results showed a 9.95% prevalence in the total sample. Catholic beliefs were a positive predictor, while higher income and more time since loss significantly decreased the odds of PGD. PGD significantly increased the likelihood of anxiety, depression, somatisation, post-traumatic stress disorder, loneliness and substance use. Our study contributes to assessing the multicultural PGD validity, as our results from a large representative sample are comparable to those in other countries with the PGDS. Our findings have direct implications for the assessment and treatment of bereavement, identifying for practitioners variables that make individuals more vulnerable to PGD. Results highlighted the high co-occurrence of PGD with other psychological illnesses and increased drug use.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness doctoral Fellowship (BES-2017082015) to Vanesa Peinado and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (COV20/00737-CM).Depto. de Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología ClínicaFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu

    Eosinophilic esophagitis: A relevant entity for the otolaryngologist

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Acta Otorrinolaringológica 67.3 (2016): 167-168, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.otorri.2015.06.002Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is a recently recognised pathologic entity whose prevalence has risen significantly since it was first described. Its diagnosis represents a challenge for different medical specialties, among which ENT specialists play an important role. Clinical suspicion in a patient with recurrent food impaction or a child with eating disorders and history of hypersensitivity constitutes the first warning sign of a possible EE.The purpose of this review is to highlight EE as a possible differential diagnosis in patients with deglutition disorders and describe the possible clinical symptoms that should alert the ENT specialist to perform appropriate diagnostic tests and procedures. The transnasal esophagoscopy, performed in-office by the ENT, is ideal for reducing possible underdiagnosed cases.Given the fact that an ENT specialist will evaluate a great many patients with deglutition disorders, it is paramount for possible EE cases to be suspected and recognised so that a correct multidisciplinary approach involving not only ENT specialists but also paediatricians, gastroenterologists, allergologists and pathologists can be established. Identifying the dietary component responsible for the esophageal inflammation and removing that food from the patient's diet is the key in the treatment of this immune-mediated disease.La esofagitis eosinofílica (EE) es una entidad clínico patológica reconocida recientemente y con una prevalencia que va en aumento desde su descripción inicial. Su diagnóstico representa un reto para diferentes especialistas, entre los que tiene un rol destacado el otorrinolaringólogo. La sospecha clínica ante un paciente que presenta episodios recidivantes de impactación de alimentos no punzantes o ante un niño con trastornos de la alimentación y antecedentes de atopia constituyen el primer signo de alerta de una posible EE. El objetivo de esta revisión persigue destacar el papel de la EE en el diagnóstico diferencial de los pacientes con trastornos de la deglución, así como dar a conocer las manifestaciones clínicas que deben alertar al otorrinolaringólogo para proseguir la realización de las pruebas encaminadas al diagnóstico de esta enfermedad. La esofagoscopia transnasal, realizada por el otorrinolaringólogo en consulta, ayudará a disminuir el número de casos infradiagnosticados. Dado que gran parte de los pacientes afectos de trastornos de la deglución van a ser evaluados por el otorrinolaringólogo, se hace imprescindible el reconocimiento de la EE, así como el manejo diagnóstico-terapéutico por un equipo multidisciplinar en el que se involucren, además del otorrinolaringólogo, pediatras, digestólogos, alergólogos y patólogos familiarizados con la enfermedad. La identificación del alimento responsable de la inflamación del esófago y su eliminación de la dieta es la clave del tratamiento de este desorden inmunomediad

    Evaluación de factores cognitivos positivos y negativos relacionadas con el trastorno de pánico: Validación del CATP

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    The aim of the study was to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Abbreviated Panic Disorder Questionnaire(CATP) and, in addition, the Panic Disorder Severity Scale–Self Report (PDSS-SR), in a sample of patients with a principal diagnosis of panic disorder (PD). The CATP comprises three separate short scales designed to assess cognitive constructs related to PD, being the Panic Catastrophic Misinterpretations Scale (PCMS), the Panic Self-efficacy Scale (PSES) and the Panic Severity Scale (PSS). Exploratory factor analyses showed a three-factor structure of the PCMS consistent with the three hypothesized dimensions of catastrophic misinterpretations, i.e., physical, mental and social. We also found a strong unidimensional structure for the remaining scales (PSES, PSS and PDSS). Data on reliability (internal consistency) and validity (convergent and discriminant) show that the scales have sound psychometric properties and could be useful instruments to assess positive and negative constructs related to PD.El objetivo del estudio fue investigar la estructura factorial y las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario Abreviado del Trastorno de Pánico (CATP) y, adicionalmente, de la Panic Disorder Severity Scale–Self Report (PDSS-SR), en una muestra de pacientes con diagnóstico principal de trastorno de pánico (TP). El CATP incluye tres escalas breves diseñadas para evaluar constructos cognitivos relacionados con el TP, i.e., Escala de Interpretaciones Catastrofistas al Pánico (EICP), Escala de Autoeficacia ante el Pánico (EAP) y Escala de Gravedad del Pánico (EGP). Los análisis factoriales exploratorios indicaron una estructura trifactorial de la escala EICP consistente con las tres dimensiones de interpretaciones catastrofistas (física, mental y social). Las restantes escalas (EAP, EGP y PDSS-SR) exhibieron una robusta estructura unidimensional. Los datos sobre fiabilidad (estructura interna) y validez (convergente y discriminante) muestran que las escalas poseen excelentes propiedades psicométricas y pueden resultar de utilidad para la evaluación de constructos positivos y negativos del TP

    Estructura factorial de la escala de ansiedad social para niños-revisada (SASC-R)

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    The present study was proposed as a revision about the burnout process. The incidence of the organizational factors in development of burnout was analyzed, as well as it relationship to perceived health reports. Assumption of sense of coherence (SC) as a mediator in the process was analyzed. Data were collected from 115 Primary School teachers using the CBP, the OLQ, and a symptomatology questionnaire which one collects information about physical and psychological symptoms. Regression analysis identified work environment stressors on the basis of the burnout syndrome. It was notable the relationship between role stress and teacher burnout, specifically by means of the emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout. Both (role stress and emotional exhaustion), were strong predictors of reported health problems. Moreover, sense of coherence (SC) was identified as an important mediator in the process, especially by means of it three composing dimensions.En el presente artículo presentamos los resultados de una investigación sobre la ansiedad social con una muestra de niños y adolescentes no clínicos (rango de edad entre 7 y 16 años). En la investigación estudiamos la estructura factorial de la versión española de la Anxiety Scale for Children-Revised (SASC-R; La Greca y Stone, 1993). Los resultados confirman una estructura tridimensional de la SASC-R (miedo a la evaluación negativa de los iguales, evitación/distress social sobre situaciones generalizadas, y evitación/distress social relativa a situaciones con nuevos compañeros). El análisis factorial de la escala SASC (versión inicial de la escala) dio como resultado dos factores (i.e., miedo a la evaluación negativa de los iguales, y evitación/distress social). Los resultados apoyan los datos referidos en Estados Unidos y porporcionan evidencia transcultural sobre la estructura de la ansiedad social infantojuvenil. Se comentan algunos aspectos relacionados con la utilidad de esta escala

    Cuestionario de pánico y agorafobia (CPA) : características de los ataques de pánico no clínicos

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    This study investigate the prevalence and phenomenology of nonclinical panic attacks by means of the Cuestionario de Pánico y Agorafobia (CPA) [Panic and Agoraphobia Questionnaire], a new self-report measure designed to assess and diagnose panic and agoraphobia. The CPA was administered to a sample of 537 college students, ranging in age from 20 to 61 years. A second sample of 37 anxiety disordered group also completed the questionnaire. Of the nonclinical sample, 3,5% were diagnosed as having a panic disorder and 16,6% reported one or more panic attacks in the past-year. The most commonly reported symptoms associated with the panic attacks were heart pounding, sweating, dyspnea, hot flashes/chills, dizziness/faintness and nausea. Factor analysis of panic symptoms revealed three significant factors: respiratory, autonomic and cognitive symptoms. The CPA is shown to have sound psychometric properties. En el presente estudio se investigan las características de los ataques de pánico no clínicos a partir del Cuestionario de Pánico y Agorafobia (CPA), una nueva medida de autoinforme para evaluar y diagnosticar el pánico y la agorafobia. El CPA fue administrado a una muestra de 537 estudiantes universitarios, con un rango de edad entre 20 y 61 años. Una segunda muestra de 37 pacientes con trastornos de ansiedad también cumplimentó el cuestionario. De la muestra no clínica, el 3,5% fue diagnosticado de trastorno de pánico y el 16,6% informó haber experimentado uno o más ataques de pánico en el pasado año. Los síntomas de pánico más comúnmente asociados a los ataques de pánico fueron la taquicardia o palpitaciones, los sudores, la disnea, los escalofríos o sofocos, los vértigos o mareos y las náuseas. El análisis factorial de los síntomas de pánico reveló tres factores significativos: síntomas respiratorios, autonómicos y cognitivos. Los datos apoyan la fiabilidad y validez del CPA

    Risk factors for metabolic syndrome in individuals with recent-onset psychosis at disease onset and after 1-year follow-up

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of parameters encompassing the most dangerous heart attack risk factors, associated with increased morbidity and mortality. It is highly prevalent in recent-onset psychosis (ROP) patients. In this pilot study, we evaluated MetS parameters (fasting glucose, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (HDL-c), fasting triglycerides, waist circumference, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure), clinical symptoms, pharmacological treatment, lifestyle, and inflammatory markers in 69 patients with ROP and 61 healthy controls (HCs). At baseline, waist circumference (p = 0.005) and fasting triglycerides (p = 0.007) were higher in patients with ROP than in HCs. At the 1-year follow-up, patients showed clinical improvement, with a reduction in the positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) score (p < 0.001), dietary intake (p = 0.001), and antipsychotic medication dose (p < 0.001); however, fasting glucose (p = 0.011), HDL-c (p = 0.013) and waist circumference worsened (p < 0.001). We identified sex, age, BMI, dietary intake, physical activity, daily tobacco use, daily cannabis use, and antipsychotic doses as risk factors contributing to baseline MetS parameters. After 1-year follow-up, those factors plus the PANSS and Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) scores were associated with MetS parameters. Further studies are needed to understand the contributions of the studied risk factors in patients with ROP at onset and during disease progression

    Altered brain responses to specific negative emotions in schizophrenia

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    Esquizofrènia; Estímuls escènics; fMRIEsquizofrenia; Estímulos escénicos; fMRISchizophrenia; Scenic stimuli; fMRIDeficits in emotion processing are a core feature of schizophrenia, but their neurobiological bases are poorly understood. Previous research, mainly focused on emotional face processing and emotion recognition deficits, has shown controverted results. Furthermore, the use of faces has been questioned for not entailing an appropriate stimulus to study emotional processing. This highlights the importance of investigating emotional processing abnormalities using evocative stimuli. For the first time, we have studied the brain responses to scenic stimuli in patients with schizophrenia. We selected scenes from the IAPS that elicit fear, disgust, happiness, and sadness. Twenty-six patients with schizophrenia and thirty age-, sex- and premorbid IQ-matched healthy controls were included. Behavioral task results show that patients tended to misclassify disgust and sadness as fear. Brain responses in patients were different from controls in images eliciting disgust and fear. In response to disgust images, patients hyperactivated the right temporal cortex, which was not activated by the controls. With fear images, hyperactivation was observed in brain regions involved in fear processing, including midline regions from the medial frontal cortex to the anterior cingulate cortex, the superior frontal gyrus, inferior and superior temporal cortex, and visual areas. These results suggest that schizophrenia is characterized by hyper-responsivity to stimuli evoking high-arousal, negative emotions, and a bias towards fear in emotion recognition

    The architectural drawing: a method of building analysis, a study of unique buildings

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    The aim of this educational innovation project is the study of the interesting building. In this case the exercises are focused in those similar tasks being currently performed by professionals. The detailed study of a building makes easier the understanding of it, as well as to analyze the building in all its dimensions. First of all, an initial assessment about knowledge and skills of the new students will be performed for the purpose of achieving an optimal adaptation. 1.-The Goals are: Study and analysis of interesting buildings ; Building as a study element for the future professionals in Building ; Analysis of the building elements like educational models, and documentation to be issued for educational purposes. 2. Description of the project and outcome phases Actions: An architectural survey (elevations and sections) of the Unique buildings will be produced ; - The selected buildings will be a nalyzed by producing the plans. Our plan is to use these types of activities to make the students perform similar works to those performed by professionals. In order to encourage the student s to participate in the educational process the following activities are proposed: a) With the aim students can get a better understanding on their achievements we address: - To do a self assessment; -To evaluate the exercises of other mates; -To comment corrections in public presentations; b) To motivate students for documenting the different topics of the subject program ; c) To identify practical exercises; d) To produce practical exercises; e) To increase the awareness of the students at the required exigency level as well as to be aware of their own failures; f) To gain a clear view of the objectives; g) To get a higher level of involvement and participation by the students; h) To acquire skills on finding and selecting, with valuable criteria the useful sources of information; i) To propose the elaboration of a monographic work to be realized in a team of students; j) To computerize the studied models for their publication in the existing educational platforms for the students. A subsequent application of them in the learning program of the Architectural Drawing I and II subjects ; k) To produce open information repositories to be available in the educational platforms. 3. Expected results: To improve and promote the team work in order to increase the exchange of knowledge’s and promote the integration of students in their future professional life. Incorporation of new t echnologies in the learning by: Applying new educational and assessment methodologies to be applied to the students and their works. We intend to continue progressing towards the convergence to the European Space of Higher Education. - The study of singular buildings and their realization on technical drawings by using learning systems with progressive difficulty level; This will allow extending the exercises in the program subject in the area of technical drawing systems and plans survey. This will help the student to know his city and is excellent way of helping us to bring students closer to the professional work, and thus making easier access to a job. What it is the fundamental objective of the university studies

    The architectural drawing: a method of building analysis, a study of unique buildings

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    The aim of this educational innovation project is the study of the interesting building. In this case the exercises are focused in those similar tasks being currently performed by professionals. The detailed study of a building makes easier the understanding of it, as well as to analyze the building in all its dimensions. First of all, an initial assessment about knowledge and skills of the new students will be performed for the purpose of achieving an optimal adaptation. 1.-The Goals are: Study and analysis of interesting buildings ; Building as a study element for the future professionals in Building ; Analysis of the building elements like educational models, and documentation to be issued for educational purposes. 2. Description of the project and outcome phases Actions: An architectural survey (elevations and sections) of the Unique buildings will be produced ; - The selected buildings will be a nalyzed by producing the plans. Our plan is to use these types of activities to make the students perform similar works to those performed by professionals. In order to encourage the student s to participate in the educational process the following activities are proposed: a) With the aim students can get a better understanding on their achievements we address: - To do a self assessment; -To evaluate the exercises of other mates; -To comment corrections in public presentations; b) To motivate students for documenting the different topics of the subject program ; c) To identify practical exercises; d) To produce practical exercises; e) To increase the awareness of the students at the required exigency level as well as to be aware of their own failures; f) To gain a clear view of the objectives; g) To get a higher level of involvement and participation by the students; h) To acquire skills on finding and selecting, with valuable criteria the useful sources of information; i) To propose the elaboration of a monographic work to be realized in a team of students; j) To computerize the studied models for their publication in the existing educational platforms for the students. A subsequent application of them in the learning program of the Architectural Drawing I and II subjects ; k) To produce open information repositories to be available in the educational platforms. 3. Expected results: To improve and promote the team work in order to increase the exchange of knowledge’s and promote the integration of students in their future professional life. Incorporation of new t echnologies in the learning by: Applying new educational and assessment methodologies to be applied to the students and their works. We intend to continue progressing towards the convergence to the European Space of Higher Education. - The study of singular buildings and their realization on technical drawings by using learning systems with progressive difficulty level; This will allow extending the exercises in the program subject in the area of technical drawing systems and plans survey. This will help the student to know his city and is excellent way of helping us to bring students closer to the professional work, and thus making easier access to a job. What it is the fundamental objective of the university studies