67 research outputs found

    A Remark on Silence and Listening

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    Why "remark"? Because I am still developing the theory, and also because this is a short presentation. Why "a" remark rather than "some" remarks? Because this is not a series of different lines of thought constellated around one leading theme (that is what we have in mind when we speak of "some remarks on. . . ."); it is rather a single thread of thinking which weaves its way through different places, acquires various colors when coming under different lights, and yet remains (no matter how thin, no matter how often exposed to the danger of breaking) that same single thread.--Before Beginnin


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    Poesía de lo religioso

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    Giovanni Luigi Valesio: Parere dell’Instabile Academico Incaminato intorno ad una Postilla del Conte Andrea dell’Arca contra una particella, che tratta della Pittura ... In difesa d’un Sonetto del Cavalier Marino (Bologna 1614) (FONTES 3)

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    Die kurze Streitschrift des Giovanni Luigi Valesio, Mitglied der Bologneser Academia de gl’Incaminati der Carracci, entstand im Zusammenhang mit einer Auseinandersetzung um ein Gedicht des Giambattista Marino. Es handelt sich bei dem unaufwendig gedruckten Pamphlet um einen von nur zwei gesichert zeitgenössischen kunsttheoretischen Traktaten aus dem Carracci-Umkreis – der andere ist Giovanni Battista Agucchis bis 1646 nur handschriftlich zirkulierender Trattato. Gewinnen lassen sich aus Valesios Text wichtige Aufschlüsse über Konzepte und Begriffe, wie sie die Carracci und ihr Umkreis im frühen 17. Jahrhundert benutzen

    Intersectional Feminism

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    Acoplamento neurovascular e neuroimagem funcional em epilepsia

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    INTRODUCTION: The neural regulation of the microcirculation is done by the functional neurovascular unit that is composed of vascular, astroglial and neuronal cells. The neurovascular unit represents the interface between the Central Nervous System and the Vascular System. OBJECTIVE: This paper reviews the literature on functional neuroimaging with a particular focus on the mechanisms of the neurovascular coupling. CONCLUSIONS: Functional neuroimaging techniques as functional MRI, SPECT and PET distinguish metabolic and physiological processes underlying normal and abnormal events, based on neurovascular coupling. Although these techniques still have limitations in temporal and spatial resolution, they have considerably reduced the need for intracranial electrodes or invasive functional tests in the presurgical evaluation for intractable epilepsy. Recently, new techniques as optical approaches (measurement of intrinsic optical signals and near infrared spectroscopy) have increased both temporal and spatial resolutions. The use of such techniques in animal models has yielded experimental evidence for a neurovascular coupling in normal and epileptic conditions.INTRODUÇÃO: A regulação da microcirculação cerebral é realizada pela unidade neurovascular, que é composta por vasos sangüíneos, células astrogliais e neuronais. A unidade neurovascular representa a interface funcional entre o Sistema Nervoso Central e o sistema vascular. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho revisa a literatura sobre técnicas de neuroimagem funcional com especial enfoque nos mecanismos do acoplamento neurovascular. CONCLUSÃO: Técnicas de neuroimagem como a Ressonância Magnética funcional, SPECT e PET baseiam-se no acoplamento neurovascular para explorarem os processos metabólicos e fisiológicos subjacentes a eventos cerebrais normais e anormais. Embora estas técnicas apresentem limitações de resolução temporal e espacial, sua aplicabilidade em epilepsia tem reduzido consideravelmente a necessidade de eletrodos intracranianos e de outros métodos funcionais invasivos na avaliação pré-cirúrgica de pacientes com epilepsia intratável. Recentemente, novos procedimentos ópticos (mensuração do sinal intrínseco óptico e espectroscopia por raio infravermelho) que possuem excelente resolução espacial e temporal têm fornecido evidências experimentais do acoplamento neurovascular no cérebro normal e epiléptico

    Wormwood Review Project

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    Antonio Barolini fra radicamento ed espatrio

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    This essay meditates on the poet Antonio Barolini’s movement “between two worlds” — Italy and America, yet also the sacred and the secular, as well as poetry and prose. For Valesio, Barolini teaches us to dwell in this liminal space with a certain lightness that he brings to bear on what is, increasingly, a dominant aspect of human experience