30 research outputs found

    Sex-dependent relationship of C-reactive protein levels with HDL-cholesterol and HDL-phospholipid concentrations in children

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    Obesity has been consistently associated with inflammation but the influence of HDL on this association remains under study. Our study analyzes the influence of obesity-related parameters in the relationship of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) with HDL-cholesterol and HDL-phospholipid in male and female adolescents. The study sample population comprised 350 males and 401 females aged 12 to 16 years. Information regarding anthropometric parameters, HDL-cholesterol, HDL-phospholipid, adiponectin, leptin, insulin, and hs-CRP concentrations was available. hs-CRP levels were inversely related to HDL-cholesterol and HDL-phospholipid in males but not in females, and were positively related to leptin concentrations in both sexes but were not related to adiponectin levels. In regression analyses, HDL-phospholipid and leptin appeared significantly associated to hs-CRP in males in a model explaining 14.3% of hs-CRP variation. In females, only leptin appeared related to hs-CRP concentrations. After adjusting by leptin and adiponectin, males in the highest hs-CRP tertile showed significantly lower levels of HDL-cholesterol and HDL-phospholipid than those in tertiles 1 and 2, while no significant differences in HDL-cholesterol and HDL-phospholipid concentrations by hs-CRP tertile were observed in females. In summary, high hs-CRP levels were associated with lower plasma HDL-cholesterol and HDL-phospholipid concentrations in male adolescents irrespective of adipokines, while in females, HDL-related parameters are not associated with hs-CRP concentrationsTis research was funded by the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Grant Number PI 18/01016, and by Biobank Grant Number FEDERRD09/0076/00101. Claudia Vales-Villamarín is recipient of a research contract from Carlos III Institute of Health (pFIS).Te article is dedicated to the late Prof. Manuel de Oya as the warmest homage to his memor

    Description of multimorbidity clusters of admitted patients in medical departments of a general hospital

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    Review[Abstract] Objective: We aim to identify patterns of disease clusters among inpatients of a general hospital and to describe the characteristics and evolution of each group. Methods: We used two data sets from the CMBD (Conjunto mínimo básico de datos - Minimum Basic Hospital Data Set (MBDS)) of the Lucus Augusti Hospital (Spain), hospitalisations and patients, realising a retrospective cohort study among the 74 220 patients discharged from the Medic Area between 01 January 2000 and 31 December 2015. We created multimorbidity clusters using multiple correspondence analysis. Results: We identified five clusters for both gender and age. Cluster 1: alcoholic liver disease, alcoholic dependency syndrome, lung and digestive tract malignant neoplasms (age under 50 years). Cluster 2: large intestine, prostate, breast and other malignant neoplasms, lymphoma and myeloma (age over 70, mostly males). Cluster 3: malnutrition, Parkinson disease and other mobility disorders, dementia and other mental health conditions (age over 80 years and mostly women). Cluster 4: atrial fibrillation/flutter, cardiac failure, chronic kidney failure and heart valve disease (age between 70-80 and mostly women). Cluster 5: hypertension/hypertensive heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, ischaemic cardiomyopathy, dyslipidaemia, obesity and sleep apnea, including mostly men (age range 60-80). We assessed significant differences among the clusters when gender, age, number of chronic pathologies, number of rehospitalisations and mortality during the hospitalisation were assessed (p<0001 in all cases). Conclusions: We identify for the first time in a hospital environment five clusters of disease combinations among the inpatients. These clusters contain several high-incidence diseases related to both age and gender that express their own evolution and clinical characteristics over time

    Leptin concentration, obesity, and plasma non-esterified fatty acid levels in children

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    The association between obesity and higher non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) levels has been established in adults. In contrast, lower NEFA levels have been described in children with obesity although the reason behind this association remains unclear. Leptin, which regulates body weight and plays a role in lipolysis, could be involved in this relationship. We evaluated the influence of leptin in the association between obesity and NEFA concentrations in children, analyzing two cohorts including 684 6- to 8-year-olds and 836 12- to 16-year-old children, respectively. After adjusting by leptin, insulin levels remained significantly higher in adolescents with obesity as compared with levels in those without obesity. However, insulin levels showed no differences between prepubertal children with and without obesity. The significantly lower NEFA concentrations observed in 6- to 8-year-old girls with obesity disappeared when comparing NEFA levels between girls with and without obesity after adjusting by leptin. We report an influence of leptin levels on the association between obesity and insulin and NEFA in young children that is not observed in adolescents. Our findings add information about factors that may contribute to explain the lower NEFA levels described in prepubertal children with obesityThis work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grants number PI 18/01016 and FI 19/00180) and Biobank (grant number FEDER RD09/0076/00101). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    University teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning of B-Learning courses. A bibliographic review

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre los estudios de las creencias de los p rofesores acerca de la enseñanza y aprendizaje en la modalidad Blended Learning (B - Learning). A partir de su presencia en el contexto educativo, el B - Learning emerge como una modalidad con identidad propia. Con base a su evolución, circula por contextos co nfigurados de manera presencial y virtual, combinando métodos y estrategias de ambas modalidades. Esta modalidad ha adquirido diversas representaciones en su desarrollo, manifestando un acervo de conocimiento que debe ser compartido y sistematizado para re ferencia de otros contextos. Sin embargo, existe poca información en cuanto a las creencias que poseen los profesores sobre el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje que se sigue en esta modalidad. Entre las principales conclusiones que arrojó esta revisión, se encuentran que existe muy pocos estudios realizados a nivel mundial y menos aún localizado s en Latinoamérica, lo cual dificulta el emprendimiento de las innovaciones educativas, utilizando las modalidades emergentes.The present study aims to conduct a bibliographic review of studies of teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning in Blended Learning (B-Learning) mode. From its presence in the edu cational context, the Blended Learning emerges as a modality with its own identity. Based on its evolution, it circulates through contexts configured so face-to-face and virtual, combining methods and strategies of both modalities. This modality has acquired different representations in its development, manifesting a body of knowledge that must be shared and systematized for reference in other contexts. However, there is scarce information regarding the beliefs held by teachers on the teaching-learning process that is followed through this mode. Among the main conclusions of this review is that there are very few studies conducted worldwide and located in Latin America alone,which makes difficult the development of educational innovations using emerging modalities

    Creencias de profesores universitarios sobre la enseñanza-aprendizaje de cursos B-Learning. Revisión bibliográfica

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre los estudios de las creencias de los profesores acerca de la enseñanza y aprendizaje en la modalidad Blended Learning (B-Learning). A partir de su presencia en el contexto educativo, el B-Learning emerge como una modalidad con identidad propia. Con base a su evolución, circula por contextos configurados de manera presencial y virtual, combinando métodos y estrategias de ambas modalidades. Esta modalidad ha adquirido diversas representaciones en su desarrollo, manifestando un acervo de conocimiento que debe ser compartido y sistematizado para referencia de otros contextos. Sin embargo, existe poca información en cuanto a las creencias que poseen los profesores sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que se sigue en esta modalidad. Entre las principales conclusiones que arrojó esta revisión, se encuentran que existe muy pocos estudios realizados a nivel mundial y menos aún localizados en Latinoamérica, lo cual dificulta el emprendimiento de las innovaciones educativas, utilizando las modalidades emergentes

    Creencias de profesores universitarios sobre la enseñanza-aprendizaje de cursos B-Learning. Revisión bibliográfica

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre los estudios de las creencias de los profesores acerca de la enseñanza y aprendizaje en la modalidad Blended Learning (B-Learning). A partir de su presencia en el contexto educativo, el B-Learning emerge como una modalidad con identidad propia. Con base a su evolución, circula por contextos configurados de manera presencial y virtual, combinando métodos y estrategias de ambas modalidades. Esta modalidad ha adquirido diversas representaciones en su desarrollo, manifestando un acervo de conocimiento que debe ser compartido y sistematizado para referencia de otros contextos. Sin embargo, existe poca información en cuanto a las creencias que poseen los profesores sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que se sigue en esta modalidad. Entre las principales conclusiones que arrojó esta revisión, se encuentran que existe muy pocos estudios realizados a nivel mundial y menos aún localizados en Latinoamérica, lo cual dificulta el emprendimiento de las innovaciones educativas, utilizando las modalidades emergentes

    Children with type 1 diabetes have elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein compared with a control group

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    Introduction Our objective was to compare high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels in children with type 1 diabetes, healthy controls, and children with obesity. Additionally, we aimed to analyze the association between hsCRP levels and glycemic control measured by glycohemoglobin A (HbA1c) and anthropometric and biochemical variables. Research design and methods We conducted a non-randomized descriptive study of children with type 1 diabetes matched for sex and age with a control group and group with obesity. We recorded anthropometric parameters and studied variables related to diabetes, blood pressure, lipid profile, and HbA1c. hsCRP was measured by ELISA. Results We included 49 children with type 1 diabetes, 46 controls, and 40 children with obesity. hsCRP levels were significantly higher in the group with type 1 diabetes compared with controls and nearly significantly lower than in the group comprising children with obesity. We found no correlation between hsCRP and HbA1c and characteristics of type 1 diabetes with the exception of albumin to creatinine ratio. Statistically significant association was found between hsCRP and body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference Z-score. Conclusions The higher hsCRP levels observed in children with type 1 diabetes compared with a control group with a similar BMI suggest a basal inflammatory state that could increase cardiovascular risk. The main factors related to hsCRP are BMI and waist circumference, so obesity prevention should be a priority when performing follow-up in children with type 1 diabetes.This work was supported by Fundación Familia Alons

    Regulation of Lipid Biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Fumonisin B\u3csub\u3e1\u3c/sub\u3e

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    The regulation of lipid biosynthesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by fumonisin B1 was examined. Fumonisin B1 inhibited the growth of yeast cells. Cells supplemented with fumonisin B1 accumulated free sphinganine and phytosphingosine in a dose-dependent manner. The cellular concentration of ceramide was reduced in fumonisin B1-supplemented cells. Ceramide synthase activity was found in yeast cell membranes and was inhibited by fumonisin B1. Fumonisin B1 inhibited the synthesis of the inositol-containing sphingo-lipids inositol phosphorylceramide, mannosylinositol phosphorylceramide, and mannosyldiinositol phosphorylceramide. Fumonisin B1 also caused a decrease in the synthesis of the major phospholipids synthesized via the CDP-diacylglycerol-dependent pathway and the synthesis of neutral lipids. The effects of fumonisin B1 and sphingoid bases on the activities of enzymes in the pathways leading to the synthesis of sphingolipids, phospholipids, and neutral lipids were also examined. Other than ceramide synthase, fumonisin B1 did not affect the activities of any of the enzymes examined. However, sphinganine and phytosphingosine inhibited the activities of inositol phosphorylceramide synthase, phosphatidylserine synthase, and phosphatidate phosphatase. These are key enzymes responsible for the synthesis of lipids in yeast. The data reported here indicated that the biosynthesis of sphingolipids, phospholipids and neutral lipids was coordinately regulated by fumonisin B1 through the regulation of lipid biosynthetic enzymes by sphingoid bases

    Factores asociados a las prácticas de enseñanza docentes con apoyo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación

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    La integración de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) por parte de los docentes en el proceso de enseñanza es importante para mejorar la calidad de la educación. El presente estudio se propuso examinar las relaciones de la habilidad digital, la usabilidad, la utilidad y la gestión directiva con la frecuencia con que maestros de educación primaria utilizaban TIC en sus prácticas de enseñanza. Participaron en el estudio 252 docentes (M edad = 36,5 años, DE = 10,1) del Estado de Sonora (México). Se realizó un estudio transversal de alcance relacional. Se utilizaron escalas de autorreporte para medir las variables involucradas en el estudio. Se calculó un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple. Se encontró que tanto variables relativas al docente (habilidad digital y usabilidad) como al director (gestión directiva) se asociaban positivamente con las prácticas de enseñanza con apoyo en tecnología. Se concluyó que la integración de las TIC en la enseñanza por parte de los docentes se relacionaba con variables del docente y de los directores.La integració de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) per part dels docents en el procés d'ensenyament és important per millorar la qualitat de l'educació. Aquest estudi es va proposar d'examinar les relacions de l'habilitat digital, la usabilitat, la utilitat i la gestió directiva amb la freqüència amb què docents d'educació primària utilitzen TIC a les pràctiques d'ensenyament. Van participar a l'estudi 252 docents (M edat = 36,5 anys, DE = 10,1) de l'estat de Sonora, Mèxic. Es va fer un estudi transversal d'abast relacional. Es van utilitzar escales d'autoreport per mesurar les variables involucrades a l'estudi. Es va calcular un model de regressió lineal múltiple. Es va trobar que tant les variables relatives al docent (habilitat digital i usabilitat) com al director (gestió directiva) s'associen positivament amb les pràctiques d'ensenyament amb suport de tecnologia. Es va concloure que la integració de les TIC a l'ensenyament per part dels docents es relaciona amb variables del docent i dels directors.The integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) by teachers in the teaching process is essential for improving the quality of education. The present study examines the relationships of digital ability, usability, utility, and management with the frequency with which elementary school teachers use ICT in their teaching practices. The study sample comprises 252 teachers (M age = 36.5 years, SD = 10.1) of Sonora, Mexico. A cross-sectional relational design was used. Self-report scales were used to measure the variables. A multiple linear regression model has shown that variables related to both the teacher (digital ability and usability) and the principal (management) are positively associated with technology-supported teaching practices. We conclude that the integration of ICT in teaching by teachers is related to variables regarding the teacher and principals

    Identification and Characterization of Cell Type–Specific and Ubiquitous Chromatin Regulatory Structures in the Human Genome

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    The identification of regulatory elements from different cell types is necessary for understanding the mechanisms controlling cell type–specific and housekeeping gene expression. Mapping DNaseI hypersensitive (HS) sites is an accurate method for identifying the location of functional regulatory elements. We used a high throughput method called DNase-chip to identify 3,904 DNaseI HS sites from six cell types across 1% of the human genome. A significant number (22%) of DNaseI HS sites from each cell type are ubiquitously present among all cell types studied. Surprisingly, nearly all of these ubiquitous DNaseI HS sites correspond to either promoters or insulator elements: 86% of them are located near annotated transcription start sites and 10% are bound by CTCF, a protein with known enhancer-blocking insulator activity. We also identified a large number of DNaseI HS sites that are cell type specific (only present in one cell type); these regions are enriched for enhancer elements and correlate with cell type–specific gene expression as well as cell type–specific histone modifications. Finally, we found that approximately 8% of the genome overlaps a DNaseI HS site in at least one the six cell lines studied, indicating that a significant percentage of the genome is potentially functional