73 research outputs found

    Intensity level for exercise training in fibromyalgia by using mathematical models

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    Background: It has not been assessed before whether mathematical models described in the literature for prescriptions of exercise can be used for fibromyalgia syndrome patients. the objective of this paper was to determine how age-predicted heart rate formulas can be used with fibromyalgia syndrome populations as well as to find out which mathematical models are more accurate to control exercise intensity.Methods: A total of 60 women aged 18-65 years with fibromyalgia syndrome were included; 32 were randomized to walking training at anaerobic threshold. Age-predicted formulas to maximum heart rate (220 minus age and 208 minus 0.7 x age) were correlated with achieved maximum heart rate (HRMax) obtained by spiroergometry. Subsequently, six mathematical models using heart rate reserve (HRR) and age-predicted HRMax formulas were studied to estimate the intensity level of exercise training corresponding to heart rate at anaerobic threshold (HRAT) obtained by spiroergometry. Linear and nonlinear regression models were used for correlations and residues analysis for the adequacy of the models.Results: Age-predicted HRMax and HRAT formulas had a good correlation with achieved heart rate obtained in spiroergometry (r = 0.642; p < 0.05). for exercise prescription in the anaerobic threshold intensity, the percentages were 52.2-60.6% HRR and 75.5-80.9% HRMax. Formulas using HRR and the achieved HRMax showed better correlation. Furthermore, the percentages of HRMax and HRR were significantly higher for the trained individuals (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Age-predicted formulas can be used for estimating HRMax and for exercise prescriptions in women with fibromyalgia syndrome. Karnoven's formula using heart rate achieved in ergometric test showed a better correlation. for the prescription of exercises in the threshold intensity, 52% to 60% HRR or 75% to 80% HRMax must be used in sedentary women with fibromyalgia syndrome and these values are higher and must be corrected for trained patients.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Espirito Santo, Vitoria, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Understanding fatigue in Sjögren’s Syndrome: Outcome measures, biomarkers and possible interventions

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    Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune disease affecting the salivary and lacrimal glands. Symptoms range from dryness to severe extra-glandular disease involving manifestations in the skin, lungs, nervous system, and kidney. Fatigue occurs in 70% of patients, characterizing primary SS (pSS) and significantly impacting the patient’s quality of life. There are some generic and specific instruments used to measure fatigue in SS. The mechanisms involved with fatigue in SS are still poorly understood, but it appears fatigue signaling pathways are more associated with cell protection and defense than with pro-inflammatory pathways. There are no established pharmacological treatment options for fatigue in pSS. So far, exercise and neuromodulation techniques have shown positive effects on fatigue in pSS. This study briefly reviews fatigue in pSS, with special attention to outcome measures, biomarkers, and possible treatment options.publishedVersio

    Transcultural adaptation of the EULAR Sjögren's Syndrome Disease Activity Index (ESSDAI) into Brazilian Portuguese

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    INTRODUCTION: The EULAR Sjögren's Syndrome Disease Activity Index (ESSDAI) is an index of primary Sjögren's syndrome (PSS) systemic activity. OBJECTIVE: To perform the ESSDAI transcultural adaptation into Brazilian Portuguese. METHOD: This was a cross-sectional study with 62 patients with PSS according to the criteria of the 2002 American-European Consensus. Six stages were conducted: conceptual, item, semantic, operational, functional, and measurement equivalences (interobserver reproducibility and construct validity). For the validity assessment, the ESSDAI was compared with the Physician's Global Assessment (PhGA), the Sjögren's Syndrome Disease Activity Index (SSDAI), and the Sjögren's Systemic Clinical Activity Index (SCAI). Patients were classified by a specialist physician into two groups according to disease activity (active and inactive), and according to the intention-to-treat (increase in therapy and no increase in therapy). The ESSDAI was tested in these groups. The following statistical tests were used: intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), Bland-Altman plot for reproducibility, and Spearman's correlation coefficient (r s) and Mann-Whitney's test for validity (P < 0.05 and 95% CI). RESULTS: The mean ESSDAI score was 4.95 ± 6.73. The reproducibility obtained a strong ICC of 0.89 and good agreement. When compared with other indices, it showed a strong r s with PhGA (0.83; P < 0.000), a moderate r s with SSDAI (0.658; P < 0.000) and a weak r s with the SCAI (0.411; P = 0.001). The group active and the groupincrease in therapy had higher ESSDAI values (P = 0.000). CONCLUSION: The Brazilian Portuguese version of ESSDAI was shown to be adaptable, reproducible, and valid for this language.INTRODUÇÃO: O EULAR Sjögren's Syndrome Disease Activity Index (ESSDAI) é um índice de atividade sistêmica da síndrome de Sjögren primária (SSP). OBJETIVO: Realizar a adaptação transcultural do ESSDAI para a língua portuguesa. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal com 62 pacientes com SSP de acordo com consenso europeu-americano de 2002. Foram realizadas seis etapas: equivalência conceitual, de item, semântica, operacional, funcional e de mensuração (reprodutibilidade interobservador e a validade de constructo). Para a validade, o ESSDAI foi comparado com a avaliação global do médico (PhGA), o Sjögren's Syndrome Disease Activity Index (SSDAI) e o Sjögren's Systemic Clinical Activity Index (SCAI). Os pacientes foram classificados por um médico especialista conforme a atividade da doença em dois grupos, ativo e inativo, e conforme a intenção de tratar nos grupos aumento de terapia e sem aumento de terapia. O ESSDAI foi testado nesses grupos. Utilizou-se os testes estatísticos: coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) e método de Bland Altman para a reprodutibilidade; e coeficiente de Spearman (r s) e teste de Mann-Whitney para a validade (P < 0,05 e IC 95%). RESULTADOS: A média do ESSDAI foi de 4,95 ± 6,73. A reprodutibilidade obteve um forte CCI de 0,89 e boa concordância. Na comparação com outros índices, apresentou forte coeficiente de Spearman com o PhGA (r s = 0,83; P < 0,000), moderado com o SSDAI (r s = 0,658 ; P < 0,000) e fraco com o SCAI (r s = 0,411; P = 0,001). O grupo ativo e o grupo com aumento de terapia obtiveram maiores valores de ESSDAI (P = 0,000). CONCLUSÃO: a versão em português do ESSDAI mostrou ser adaptável, reprodutível e válida para a língua portuguesa.Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde ColetivaSanta Casa de Misericórdia de Vitória Escola Superior de Ciências Departamento de Clínica MédicaHospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio de MoraesUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo Departamento de Clínica MédicaHospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio de Moraes Ambulatório de ReumatologiaUniversidade Federal do Espírito SantoUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo Programa de Mestrado Profissional de MedicinaUniversidade de Vila Velha Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências FarmacêuticasUniversidade de São Paulo Programa de Pós-Graduação em EnfermagemUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Impacto inicial da órtese para polegar em botoeira

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of a static positioning orthesis for boutonnière deformity on the thumb. METHODS: Twenty women aged between 25 and 74 years old were included in the study. They were distributed at random into a control group and a group using orthesis. Pinch and Jamar's dynamometers, Pain Visual Scale and O'Connor's Functional Evaluation were applied to all patients. Wilcoxon's, Mann Whitney's and Scheffe's tests were used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: After 30 days in the intra-group analysis, there was functional improvement, evaluated by O'Connor's test in 40% of the controls and 70% of these patients using orthesis. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in any of the evaluated parameters. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that orthesis is beneficial to the functional improvement; the tested model was comfortable and well accepted by patients. Nevertheless, subsequent studies of longer duration and including more subjects are needed.OBJETIVO: avaliar o uso de uma órtese estática de posicionamento para a deformidade em botoeira no polegar. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas mulheres com idade entre 25 e 74 anos e distribuídas de modo aleatório em grupo controle ou grupo usando órteses. Os instrumentos de avaliação utilizados foram os dinamômetros Pinch e Jamar, a escala visual de dor e o teste funcional de O'Connor. Na análise estatística foram utilizados os testes de Wilcoxon, de Mann Whitney e de Scheffe. RESULTADOS: após 30 dias, na análise intragrupo houve uma melhora funcional, como medido pelo teste de O'Connor, em 40% do controle e 70% dos pacientes que usaram órteses. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos em nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados. CONCLUSÕES: esses resultados sugerem que a órtese é benéfica na melhora funcional e o modelo testado foi confortável e bem tolerado pelos pacientes. Porém, é necessário um estudo subseqüente, mais extenso e incluindo maior número de pacientes.UNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP-EPM Rheumatology Rehabilitation SectionUNIFESP, EPM, Rheumatology Rehabilitation SectionSciEL

    Effects of physical exercise on serum levels of serotonin and its metabolite in fibromyalgia: a randomized pilot study

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    To evaluate the effects of aerobic training and stretching on serum levels of serotonin (5HT) and its main metabolite 5-hydroxindolacetic acid (5HIAA). Twenty-two women with FM were randomized into one of two exercise modalities (aerobic walking exercise or stretching exercise) to be accomplished three times a week for 20 weeks. The serum levels of 5HT and 5HIAA were evaluated before and after the exercise program by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with colorimetric detection. Within group analysis (pre-post) showed that serum levels of both 5HT and 5HIAA changed signifi cantly in the aerobic group during the 20-week course of therapy (5HT: P = 0,03; 5HIAA: P = 0,003). In the stretching group, however, no statistically signifi cant change was observed (5HT: P=0,491; 5HIAA: P=0,549). Between group statistical comparisons of laboratory measures disclosed that aerobic training was superior to stretching in that it signifi - cantly increased the levels of 5HIAA (F test = 6.61; P = 0.01), but the average difference between groups on the levels of 5HT did not meet signifi cance criteria (F test = 3.42; P = 0.08). Aerobic training increases the 5HIAA and 5HT levels and it could explain why aerobic exercise can improve symptoms in fi bromyalgia syndrome patient more than stretching exerciseAvaliar os efeitos do treinamento aeróbico e do alongamento sobre os níveis séricos de serotonina (5-HT) e seu principal metabólito ácido 5-hidroxiindolacético (5-HIAA). Foram randomizadas 22 mulheres com fibromialgia (FM) em uma de duas modalidades de exercício (exercício aeróbico de caminhada ou exercício de alongamento) a serem realizadas três vezes por semana, por 20 semanas. Os níveis séricos de 5-HT e 5-HIAA foram avaliados antes e após o programa de exercícios por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) com detecção colorimétrica. A análise de grupo (pré-pós) mostrou que os níveis séricos de 5-HT e 5-HIAA mudaram significativamente no grupo aeróbico durante o período de 20 semanas de terapia (5-HT: p = 0,03; 5-HIAA: p = 0,003). No grupo alongamento, contudo, não foi observada qualquer alteração estatisticamente significativa (5-HT: p = 0,491; 5-HIAA: p = 0,549). Comparações estatísticas das medidas de laboratório entre os grupos constataram que o treinamento aeróbico foi superior ao alongamento, aumentando significativamente os níveis de 5-HIAA (teste F - 6,61; p = 0,01); porém, a diferença média entre os grupos a respeito dos níveis de 5-HT não atendeu aos critérios de relevância (teste F = 3,42; p = 0,08). O treinamento aeróbico aumenta os níveis de 5-HIAA e 5-HT e poderia explicar porque o exercício aeróbico pode melhorar os sintomas de pacientes com síndrome de fibromialgia mais que o exercício de alongamento.Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Departamento de ReumatologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)University of Texas Health Science Center at San AntonioUFES Departamento de DermatologiaUFES Departamento de EstatísticaUNIFESPSciEL

    Post-COVID-19 syndrome in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    OBJECTIVES: To analyse the frequency and characteristics of post-COVID-19 syndrome in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) affected by acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: By the first week of April 2021, all centres included in the Big Data Sjögren Consortium were contacted asking for patients included in the Registry diagnosed with SARSCoV-2 infection according to the ECDC guidelines. According to the NICE definitions, symptoms related to COVID-19 were classified as acute COVID-19 (signs and symptoms for up to 4 weeks), ongoing symptomatic COVID-19 (presence of signs and symptoms from 4 to 12 weeks) and post-COVID-19 syndrome (signs and symptoms that continue for > 12 weeks not explained by an alternative diagnosis after a protocolized study). RESULTS: We identified 132 patients who were followed a mean follow-up of 137.8 days (ranging from 5 days to 388 days) after being diagnosed with COVID-19. In the last visit, 75 (57%) patients remained symptomatic: 68 (52%) remained symptomatic for more than 4 weeks fulfilling the NICE definition for ongoing symptomatic post-COVID-19, and 38 (29%) remained symptomatic for more than 12 weeks fulfilling the definition of post-COVID-19 syndrome. More than 40% of pSS patients reported the persistence of four symptoms or more, including anxiety/depression (59%), arthralgias (56%), sleep disorder (44%), fatigue (40%), anosmia (34%) and myalgias (32%). Age-sex adjusted multivariate analysis identified raised LDH levels (OR 10.36), raised CRP levels (OR 7.33), use of hydroxychloroquine (OR 3.51) and antiviral agents (OR 3.38), hospital admission (OR 8.29), mean length of hospital admission (OR 1.1) and requirement of supplemental oxygen (OR 6.94) as factors associated with a higher risk of developing post-COVID-19 syndrome. A sensitivity analysis including hospital admission in the adjusted model confirmed raised CRP levels (OR 8.6, 95% CI 1.33-104.44) and use of hydroxychloroquine (OR 2.52, 95% CI 1.00-6.47) as the key independent factors associated with an enhanced risk of developing post-COVID-19 syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study that analyses the frequency and characteristics of post-COVID-19 syndrome in patients affected by a systemic autoimmune disease. We found that 57% of patients with pSS affected by COVID-19 remain symptomatic after a mean follow-up of 5 months. The risk of developing post-COVID-19 syndrome in patients who required hospitalisation was 8-times higher than in non-hospitalised patients, with baseline raised CRP levels and the use of hydroxychloroquine being independent risk factors for post-COVID-19.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with primary Sjögren syndrome: characterization and outcomes of 51 patients

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyse the prognosis and outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with primary SS. METHODS: We searched for patients with primary SS presenting with SARS-CoV-2 infection (defined following and according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control guidelines) among those included in the Big Data Sjögren Registry, an international, multicentre registry of patients diagnosed according to the 2002/2016 classification criteria. RESULTS: A total of 51 patients were included in the study (46 women, mean age at diagnosis of infection of 60 years). According to the number of patients with primary SS evaluated in the Registry (n = 8211), the estimated frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infection was 0.62% (95% CI 0.44, 0.80). All but two presented with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, including fever (82%), cough (57%), dyspnoea (39%), fatigue/myalgias (27%) and diarrhoea (24%), and the most frequent abnormalities included raised lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (88%), CRP (81%) and D-dimer (82%) values, and lymphopenia (70%). Infection was managed at home in 26 (51%) cases and 25 (49%) required hospitalization (five required admission to ICU, four died). Compared with patients managed at home, those requiring hospitalization had higher odds of having lymphopenia as laboratory abnormality (adjusted OR 21.22, 95% CI 2.39, 524.09). Patients with comorbidities had an older age (adjusted OR 1.05, 95% CI 1.00, 1.11) and showed a risk for hospital admission six times higher than those without (adjusted OR 6.01, 95% CI 1.72, 23.51) in the multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: Baseline comorbidities were a key risk factor for a more complicated COVID-19 in patients with primary SS, with higher rates of hospitalization and poor outcomes in comparison with patients without comorbidities

    Low prevalence of renal, cardiac, pulmonary, and neurological extra-articular clinical manifestations in spondyloarthritis: analysis of the Brazilian Registry of Spondyloarthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the extra-articular manifestations (cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological), usually not related to spondyloarthritis (SpA), in a large cohort of Brazilian patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study analyzed 1,472 patients diagnosed with SpA and cared for at 29 health care centers distributed in the five major geographic regions in the country, participating in the Brazilian Registry of Spondyloarthritis (BRS). All patients were assessed for the prevalence of major extra-articular manifestations (cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological), classified according to the diagnosis [ankylosing spondylitis (AS), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), reactive arthritis (ReA), arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), undifferentiated spondyloarthritis (uSpA), and juvenile SpA], and according to the clinical presentation (axial, peripheral, mixed, and enthesitis). RESULTS: Of the patients with SpA assessed, 963 had AS, 271 PsA, 49 ReA, 48 arthritis associated with IBD, 98 uSpA, and 43 juvenile SpA. Cardiac involvement was reported in 44 patients (3.0%), pulmonary involvement in 19 (1.3%), renal involvement in 17 (1.2%), and neurological involvement in 13 patients (0.9%). Most patients with visceral involvement had AS or PsA, and the mixed (axial + peripheral) and/or predominantly axial clinical form. CONCLUSION: Cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological extra-articular manifestations are quite infrequent in SpA, ranging from 0.9% to 3% in this large Brazilian cohort, and affected predominantly patients with AS and PsA.OBJETIVO: Descrever as manifestações extra-articulares (cardíacas, renais, pulmonares e neurológicas) geralmente não relacionadas às espondiloartrites (EpA) em uma grande coorte de pacientes brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Este estudo retrospectivo analisou 1.472 pacientes com o diagnóstico de EpA atendidos em 29 centros distribuídos pelas cinco principais regiões geográficas do Brasil, integrantes do Registro Brasileiro de Espondiloartrites. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados para a prevalência das principais manifestações extra-articulares (cardíacas, renais, pulmonares e neurológicas), divididas por diagnóstico [espondilite anquilosante (EA), artrite psoriásica (AP), artrite reativa (ARe), artrite associada a doença inflamatória intestinal (DII), EpA indiferenciada (EI) e EpA juvenil] e por forma clínica (axial, periférica, mista e entesítica). RESULTADOS: Dentre os pacientes avaliados com EpA, 963 apresentavam EA, 271 AP, 49 ARe, 48 artrite associada a DII, 98 EI e 43 EpA juvenil. Acometimento cardíaco foi observado em 44 pacientes (3,0%), seguido por acometimento pulmonar em 19 (1,3%), renal em 17 (1,2%) e neurológico em 13 pacientes (0,9%). A maioria dos casos de acometimento visceral ocorreu nos pacientes com EA ou AP e naqueles com forma clínica mista (axial e periférica) e/ou predominantemente axial. CONCLUSÃO: As manifestações extra-articulares cardíacas, renais, pulmonares e neurológicas são muito pouco frequentes nas EpA, variando de 0,9%-3% nesta grande coorte brasileira, estando mais associadas a EA e AP.37938